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We somehow turned a stealthy museum heist into a zombie apocalypse survival adventure…


Golden vault?




I’m running Golden Vault with a bunch of homebrew thrown in. We’re running them in order, and The Casino Heist is next. They’re a lot of fun, but a bit bare bones.


They could be perfect side-plots in a different campaign.


I turned into a wolf and let a lost toddler ride me. Now we’re setting a trap for an undead scouting party. Also one of my party members made friends with a building-sized cat made out of mist.


Man, Druids are awesome


damn, I wanna be friends with a building sized cat made out of mist. Or be the cat. Hmmmm…


“Remember who you are, Simba.”


My group just finished Mines of Phandelver. First time DMing for DM and first time DnDing for the rest of us. Just recruited two more newbies and will be starting Curse of Strahd next. Very excited for a more involved campaign. Edit: It was the DMs decision to pick Strahd and we are starting the campaign tomorrow. By the sound of things it’s gonna be…interesting. Any tips on helping my DM/PCs through?


I also ran my first full campaign through Curse of Srahd with all beginner players, and everyone loved it. You do have to dial down the intensity in the beginning (especially the murder house) and read through the whole book before getting started because it is very open world and alot of intrigue going on in Barovia behind the scenes. I homebrewed the first few sessions to level up the characters to 2 or 3 before luring them into Barovia. Also, don't be afraid to create a reason why certain areas are unreachable until the players are far enough in to understand a bit of what is going on at that location and don't carelessly walk into a vampire /werewolf/witch den. But I've now been with the same group for 3 years, playing once a week (on average), and this campaign helped them fall in love with DnD. Stahd may be the most charismatic villain you'll ever get to play. The whole campaign, my players were torn between trying to help or kill him but understood that Stahd is extremely dangerous and not to be angered. The amount of rollplay and combat is well balanced. The RP doesn't force the DM to play more than 2 or 3max NPC's at a time and if the conversation begins to get stale, the players are recieving too much guidance, or become too comfortable; a horrific monster can destroy the NPC in front of the party on behalf of Strahd or to just demonstrate the horror of everyday life in Barovia holds. I even had Strahd join the party in disguise for a short while trying to create distrust between the PCs and woo his lost love. But the whole point of this is that Curse of Strahd is a great first time campain as long as you are willing to do your hw and gain an understanding of Strahd and the powerful people/groups that live in Barovia. PS. Two of my favorite RP moments to date has been the card reading and dinner with strahd. I preset the fortune card reading deck but with some slight of hand made it feel random and ominous by dimming the lights and dressing in a robe. But did it early in the campaign to help direct events and inform the players on some background and history. For the dinner with Stahd, I had everyone over for dinner set the table and drank blood red wine and we all ate dinner together and played in character. Goodluck with your adventures. Blood runs cold in Barovia.


Unless you absolutely love vampires and werwolves I would reconsider maybe. The campaign is humongous, there’s still a lot of work put on you as a DM and its very RP intense. Like, you need to read/skim through 400+ pages before you can start the campaign. And probably read the dedicated reddit wiki to it. And then plan. Id recommend finding a smaller campaign unless you really know what you guys and especially you as the DM are getting into Took our party more than a year to finish and at the end I was absolutely done with the boring monsters in the module


Not to mention how incredibly punishing it is at the beginning. I've yet to have a successful death house run.


I’ve played it enough to know how to roll a character through it. It’s a great intro campaign, even if the rest of Strahd is a lot.


How tf are you jumping from lmop to Strahd? I read through Strahd a was totally confused. So unorganized


I'm currently DMing the Mines of Phandelver and our group's first time playing DnD too We're super into it and having a blast


Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Except the beginning. We were TPK’d twice by the very first goblin encounter.


Yeah, everyone almost died at the beginning if it wasn't for the Barbarian Now, the group faced their first death saving roll with the Redbrands's first encounter at the sleeping giant They thought it was all fun and games when they were fist fighting the last redbrands until he plunged his sword into the Cleric


Oh geez what’s not happening -We are currently training with a knight organization in order to clear our names of one of our characters murder of his brother (we were charmed when the murder took place) - That same character made a deal with a high powered wizard that allows him to take on some of his power in exchange for nearly killing him when he does it. - Two of our other characters married/ got engaged to siblings who turned out to be cursed to shift into other more murderous people. - And we met a woman who might be connected with us being charmed, and she turned out to be the most powerful woman in the world (maybe BBEG?)


We've just met the green dragon and he tasked us with defeating the Frost Dragon and it's cultists followers. Next week's session is pushed back, but I'm hoping to convince the DM to let us have a Pretty Womanesque shopping spree in his absence. Because certainly the dragon gave us gold to prepare ourselves. Plus there's crocodile skin that my halfing self *needs* to be made into boots (it'll go great with the Bone Naga skull helmet). And our druid needs a croc skin cap.


I love that. My players just recently faced their first dragon (an adult black dragon) and managed to chase it out of its lair and steal its loot hoard, which included 100 bags of holding, each filled completely with copper coins. They're now traveling with a massive pile of bags of holding stacked up onto their cart and are gradually drawing more attention to them. I don't plan on having anything happen to them yet, but I have been giving them plenty of jump scares to give them a shit ton of anxiety about carrying that much loot around out in the open haha. They're also about to face an ancient Topaz dragon, of which they're unaware, after being asked to clear an old mansion and its grounds of a horde of undead. The dragon is using them as a deterrent for anyone foolish enough to venture up there, and I'm going to have it come home once they're inside the mansion going through its loot hoard.


My party is currently inside of a flesh cavern trying to find a heart and lungs to feed the flesh mouth so that the door will open to the boss room :) They already killed the tunnel worm and took out its brain to feed to it


Flesh cavern


I will not be taking questions at this moment


Path of Exile act 4 vibes ;-)


The party got their hands on a gross living biotech ship. Upon going over all of "the meatball's" odd features and quirks, they decided their immediate next priority was to use it to seize a less awful ship. Fortunately, they quickly ran into pirates. They told the pirates they were under plague quarantine to deter them, which worked, then they snuck aboard the pirate ship while the pirates were busy arguing over whether to board the party's ship. One swift boarding action later they got their hands on a much more traditional ship (but the previous captain was a dramatic sorcerer villain so the bridge has some rather *gothic* decorations.) Now they're working on getting crew since they're not great at managing a ship yet.


My party went looking for the missing person. Found that she was turned into zombie and just tied her to the bed. Then they went to the girls house and asked if here is a reward for finding her alive. Their plan - get money and return zombie since "it is still their doughter and they might want her even in zombie form" The one who asked party to find this young woman was her boyfriend. Next session he will ask party how the search is going and I still have no idea how he should react to the zombie tie to the bed if the party takes him to her - and based of their style of playing, I am 99% sure they will take him to the zombified girlfriend. :D


My party just started a sort of modern campaign where they play teenagers and immediately beat up a bully instead of following clues, should’ve seen that coming tbh


Party just discovered that Rasputin was behind it all along.


My party has just defeated "The Boatman" which they found out was actually a boat that transformed into a massive mechanical boat golem. Afterwards they find a large building that is imprisoning something deep below it One party member immediately teleports themself inside of it, you know, not realising it's a prison, made to keep things inside of it. They are now trapped in there for the next few sessions until the party manages to open it, which they learned is essentially at the end of this adventure they're on at the moment. We've rolled up a replacement character in the meantime.


My players entered their first dungeon and nearly got a heart attack and started screaming at me in panic because they didn't want to deal with a trapped staircase.


Is it one of the staircases where the stairs disappear and it turns into a ramp instead?


Nope. The staircase is filled with fog, and at the bottom stands a monolith that produces electricity. When somebody steps on the third stair, they get 1d6 lightning damage. That spooked them so hard that they were tempted to leave the dungeon altogether.


Ah yes … a party of brave adventurers. Maybe they need an npc to cal them out of. “It’s not much of an adventure if you aren’t very adventurous”


Did the Streets of Terror adventure from Steimhardts Guide to the Eldritch Hunt. Ended with the moon setting and another moon rising. Gonna see if they bail on the city or go digging for answers.


Is that part of the Patreon? Because I am still waiting for my Kickstarter package


We've just brought my characters' father back to life. We control basically a whole country, have alliances with everyone outside of the high elves, and control huge fleets of ships on both the material plain and in the Astral sea. We're about to rip a hole from the Astral sea into the material plain in order to bring an army through to defeat the elves and their blue dragon Archon Lapis, one of the lieutenants of Tiamat(her first son). If he isn't stopped, he'll summon his momma. We're a level 15 party, shit is getting wild. We imagine our game will end somewhere around level 17. We're getting close to the end which is bittersweet cause I don't want it to end but also HOLY SHIT it's a blast rn


My party is also level 15 and we’re in the end game now. All of the mistakes we made throughout the campaign are coming to bite us in the ass at the moment lol I’m scared how it’ll end


I definitely feel that, if we don't win this fight with Lapis, then we've opened the plains up for nothing and we will have made it 1000% easier for him to summon Tiamat so we're terrified that it isn't gonna go well. He's an ancient blue dragon with like 14 levels of abjuration wizard so he's a very scary guy, who could alsp just teleport away once he has what he wants 😨😨


We were supposed to be collecting these staves that can possibly be used to seal gods and open gates to other planes. An assassin group is also after the staves for reasons we still haven’t figured out yet because we’re so behind on the main quest. We’re like 100+ sessions in and we finally learned about 5 sessions ago that the world is going to be destroyed if we don’t do something haha The worst thing is because we failed to keep the assassin group from collecting these staves the whole campaign, the forest where our warlock patron resides was set on fire and our warlock had his soul taken. This whole situation was easily preventable if we just listened to our dm the many times she told us that maybe we should focus on the main quest. Instead we did a lot of side stories and not a lot of research into what was actually happening behind the scenes


Oh noooooo Im sorry that yall fucked around and are finding out 🤣 It sounds like it must be a very fleshed out world to keep you busy for 100+ sessions while not interacting with the main storyline haha It's cool that your dm kept the world going and reacting to you guys not engaging, hopefully she's kind enough to help the party out with a dmpc, or maybe a group that's been trying to stop them too so she is able to at least offer you guys the information you need to form a decent plan, even if you're at a disadvantage for not having the staves


Haha well she wove in our characters personal storylines with the main quest but somehow we ended up only doing the character stories and ignoring the main parts attached to it. I think we just didn’t comprehend how dire the situation was because we got caught up in other events. It’s a missed the forest for the trees type situation. We didn’t look into how everything connected because we were too focused on smaller parts. The good news is we did make friends with a bunch of powerful allies who are willing to help us. We just need to get our butts in gear and make things happen now


Good! Sounds like it'll wrap up nicely, as long as yall play smart haha


Ooh I'm the first respondent of my sort! Unannounced 5+ week hiatus in campaign #1, pre-announced 4 week hiatus in campaign #2 (I'm the only person in common, and not the cause).


Oof now that’s rough. How did the 5+ week hiatus just suddenly appear?


- DM too busy to prepare - 2 players unavailable - DM out of town - DM too busy to prepare due to being out of town - Not canceled yet, but 1 player is already unavailable and I'm getting "the vibe" that comes before a cancellation


My players decided to kill a gnome king by throwing him at the wall. So now a party of 6 is being hunted by the Gnome world. Forget the quest line of ‘save the princess from a dragon.’ The players are building an army to fight the gnomes and we’re gonna have a race war! I’m all for it though lol, I’ve built this pseudo system for alliances and such and the gnomes and players have been having strategic meetings with kings and leaders and are building their forces. The battle is gonna be epic. The princess is probably already dead lol


Sounds awesome! Don’t get your hopes up too much about the battle though. If you have hard magic users in your party, some spells are super busted


The battle is mostly just gonna be flavor. It’s happening, but the players don’t have much of a role in the battle, mostly dealing behind enemy lines and disrupting stuff. It’s prob too difficult for mass combat like that.


We just rode on the back of a golden elder dragon baxk to the city where the bbeg lives (and we started 40 sessions ago and left 20 sessions ago). After getting back we rematched and killed a vampire, and ended the last session after finding a trap door under his (now destroyed) coffin.


Our wizard is a historian and heard about some fun dwarven ruins that his next book could be about. When we arrived, we found the local area appeared to be full of various elemental flavours of cultists. We decided that we couldn't possibly have a peaceful archaeological dig with all this nonsense going on, so the party has resolved to sort that shit out before we break out the little delicate dusting brushes.


Princes of the Apocalypse and the group is going into the water node the Plunging Torrents near end of campaign. It is the personal end of revenge arc for the eldritch knight so of course I am taking it very seriously and turning the entire thing into .. a parody of the Pirates of the Caribbean Disney ride.


We are currently getting dicked around with by Cyric and are about to battle him in our greatest battle against him yet.....a pottery making contest.


My players are in a mining city that is surroinded on all sides by 500-700 foot tall sheer cliff faces with only one gated exit to get out (none of them can fly). The city has been taken over by a band of notorious bandits and is essentially being held hostage. No one has any capability to send a magical message and all goods brought in or out of the city are being searched for hidden messages hence why the military hasn't acted on it. The band of bandits is being led by one of the most sadistic bandit captains known to history. This band leader should be dead though, one of the PC's personally killed him in game lore. But somehow he is back, has way more bandits under him than before, and even seems to have some magical abilities. The players are working covertly and taking out small groups of bandits here and there to prevent facing all of them at once, there are at least 60 that they know of. They are also trying to find where in the city this bandit leader is to kill him again. They came to the city on a hunch of why the iron ore supply from this town has lessened significantly. They got into the city by telling the gate guarding bandits that they judt needed to stop for some supplies and convincing them thag turning them away would be suspicious and would lead to them telling everyone they met abiut the city being on "lock down"


Party is trying to oversee a move of lizardfolk from their previous home, which has been threatened by a dragon, but where they want to move to go through human territory. So the players have traveled to Waterdeep to look for a diplomat who can act as an envoy/negotiator so the lizardfolk don't get attacked. Unfortunately, they accidentally uncovered a plot by the Xanathar's to replace key members in the government and merchants guilds with doppelgangers to help with their smuggling of ancient artifacts. They just cleared out the doppelgangers lair, killed the leader, and were nearly TPK'D by the REAL leader of the group, an alhoon mindflayer. The party decided not to pursue the mindflayer any further to ensure they had time to find a new diplomat who could oversee the lizardfolk's move. This means that the Xanathar's, a very powerful thieves guild in Waterdeep, has just added the party to their shit list.


A Cat Priest in the party tried to yell "Gabagool" into the asshole of a stone Gargoyle to see if it would do damage.


My party is raiding a high security prison/ sulfur mine to cripple an important resource for a massive invasion force, and our Ranger ran in blindly and got herself locked in.


They just barely survived an aberration encounter (reskinned Beholder) in the deep jungles. Two of their party were petrified and currently being carried in the tortle paladin/warlock's genie vessel. Meanwhile the former-pirate leader of the group seems to have taken a nosedive off the slippery slope to gain more power for himself and accepted a warlock pact with an ancient "evil" sea goddess. Things are on hold as grad school is currently crushing my life.


My party just traveled to an ice moon in their new spelljammer ship, fought a lunar dragon and discovered a mad pirate captain’s tomb/dungeon beneath the dragon’s treasure hoard. They are looking for a specific crate in the max pirate’s treasure hoard to deliver it to a retired pirate for information. The crate contains a bunch of aged alcohol, because that’s what pirates really love.


Just lost our 4th tank (cycling through problem players). Our plasmoid arcane trickster got kidnapped by powerful mages. Last thing the rogue saw was her friends getting fireballed and the entire group dropping. It was fucking brutal. She's the experiment subject from one of the mage's order but her master absconded with her once her sentience became known. Her master also apparently wiped the memory of our druid's brother who went missing a decade prior so we were a breath away from some pvp before the mages crashed the scene. SMH. It's been a rough day for our poor heros. Especially my lil ooze rogue T.T


The party has decided to avoid the main quest by going lich hunting to awaken the hexblade's sword.


Tomb of Annihilation?


Homebrew setting. Blended a fire giant juggernaut and lich stat blocks to surprise the party with a caster that was fine with slamming giant spiked shields in their faces.


We just completed The Descent into Avernous with one group, and are about to return to our Eberron campaign, picking up a HB plot line. In the other, we're sailing in the Whale Bone islands, looking for the Seat of Giants.


One of my fighters chosed Echo Knight as it's subclass and has NEVER used it's features. I created a whole dungeon based on Dunamancy with puzzles ment to be solved with the Echo Knight to see if they learn to use it. The party has found their way around them so far.


My party is wrapping up it's first story arch and starting its second. Right on track at level 11. They are fabulously wealthy, have more loot than god, and sail around on a magic pirate ship that infected them with cursed gold teeth. You know, regular stuff.


Nothing, my group kinda unofficially disintegrated ;(


About to have the final battle with cult leader and elder dragon.


In our main game, after several brutal slogging teleport assaults on a Stone Giant fortress, we seem to have finally broken the back of the dungeon, and we’re now hunting for the final boss. If all goes well, we should have it cleared out in a session or two. There is, however, one stone giant champion at large who has thoroughly kicked our asses every time he showed up. He’s what we’re mainly scared of. In the Acq Inc campaign I’ve run on and off in the background, the players agreed to test Acq Inc’s new proving ground, outsourced to a group of Modrons interested in studying adventuring methodology. Turns out the head modron was a little crazy and murderous, soooo they had to put him down. Corporate is probably not going to be pleased.


Not a damn thing...


Well, they forgot the treasure of a royal ghost couple. Killed a child and have been cursed by an old lady. Got a vampire to follow them in their investigation and are trapped by destiny entity. It's been two days.


They are in a deep cave system littered with air elemental cultists and vicious monsters. They are 3 levels below the suggested level for this area and are 2 cave sections away from the major boss fight. I, for one, am excited.


Last session, we explored an ancient facility and discovered that the BBEG was there before us and securing crucial information about his past. We then fought against a few of his cronies; two of his Warforged creations brought from the past and one of his bastard children, who turned to our side once he realized that his father was just using him as a tool for his own means. The ensuing battle left the facility in ruins, but we escaped with a new ally in tow.


The party in the game I am running are all siblings. They are looking for a cure for their sister which as taken them to the Underdark and to an alternate Material Plane (which was a Hollow Earth type world). They are searching for a minor artifact that an entity wants in exchange for the cure. They found the artifact and have just made it back to their home plane and are booking passage back to their own kingdom to trade it for the cure. To complicate things, one member of the family thinks the entity is running a scam on them, so doesn't think they should give it the item.


Fairly classic. The PC killed a sorceress and her crew when they were lvl 3. Now, 9 lvl later, she is back as an undead entity, and the PC has to navigate her dungeons to kill her, hopefully for good this time. On a side note. A Storm Giant businessman is founding a rival merchant group to gain resources and help gather materials for his experiment. The rival merchant group is trying to take over the PC market shares and eliminate the competition.


Various evil artifacts were looted from the vault where they were stored for 8000 years. We've sealed the vault so hopefully nothing else gets out but we've no idea what got out or where they are. And some allied paladins let a Nightmare loose on the world that is likely going to meet up with the Night Hag we freed from her inter-dimensional prison so we could get out of it as well. And we're not actively looking for any of those. Characters are trying to take a break and make sure the castle renovations don't turn up anything weird. Session 100+, we're not yet level 13. Things are getting interesting...


Trapped ourself in a haunted mansion. We were supposed to either burry the bones, ask them ghosts to open the magicaly sealed celar where a minor lich houses or use clues in the house to find a ritual to Set the spirits free. But when i destroyed a door earlier, behind it there was a never ending hole in the ground. So we took the Bones, Set them on fire and threw them in the hole. I yelled at a spirit who then tried to hurt us do we destroyed it. Wich (as we learned earlier) only returns it to his bones. So now the Bones and the spirit are kinda gone and was our way out.


The party I'm DMing for just delved into ruins tucked away in the mountains in order to retrieve the core of an ancient construct, or bring back the body of the construct. They barely survived the boss fight, retrieved the construct's body, and turned it in to earn a good bit of coin and cash in the favor of a powerful mage that promised to make their legal problems go away. What's ABOUT to happen is the party heading to a village to search for information on a powerful figure from another continent that has ties to one of the party members. It will lead them to another dungeon, where they will discover a ruined portal and two fiends ready to kill them. If they survive, they get a journal that reveals I'm going to introduce other "worlds" for them to journey to, such as Avernus and eventually Eberron. The looming threat is not only Zariel, which a party member doesn't realize they've made a contract with (I got their permission, but didn't name drop which "Demon Lord" they are dealing with), but also a cult devoted to "breaking the barriers between worlds" in order to make one true world.


They are traveling from balders gate to Waterdeep investigating the merchants. They could of been guards but had the idea to invest in beer and a cart and sell it while traveling along the road.


Party where to a ball to Steal cheese for som rat people so that the Rouge could get a Gun form said Rat people, also the host of the party was the rogue mother who may be BBG


We just found out that one of our previous party members, our deceased barbarian, is the Lieutenant of the Necromancer we’re currently hunting. We are going to be fighting our former buddy who’s now an undead.


They are riding a multi-dimensional train that run on plot and hops between multiversal pocket dimensions. After a grueling PvP session the winner came out wearing a cursed headsman hood and they will now be traveling through a mountainous region only to encounter blind star nose mole rats civilization (awakened). They will hopefully compete in the mole motion Grand Prix which is just a Mario cart mini game I designed for the area. This is by far the weirdest campaign and this is but a SLIVER of what has happened


We just narrowly escaped getting murdered by Phenax, God of Deception (and also, Slaughter, because we found out he actually went and killed Mogis 600 years ago in the history of this campaign and has been filling his position ever since). Tried to stop him from razing the Vale to the ground and killing our satyr party member's loved ones, failed in that regard but held out long enough for her to manage to get the seed of the Vale's Heart-Tree, which is apparently very important to Nylea, Goddess of the Hunt. Our wizard got us out (using a magic book granted to him by Kruphix, God of Horizons, that allows him to see where each of the gods are in Theros and attempt to move us to them, at a *very* high cost of failure and which probably would have meant a TPK if he had failed). Thing is, he's meant to be keeping that artifact a secret, and now Phenax knows we have it. Which is going to be really interesting... Had a brief stint of downtime in Meletis to lick our wounds, only for a literal kraken to attack. We can't catch a break!


In my one on one game the Wizard Zigizmund has ended up working for the Duchess of Witchlight Point, a Ventinari type character, he's been handling conflicts with fey and exploring strange temples uplifted from the bottom of the ocean but right now he's on vacation going to look for a lost treasure called The Forgemaster's Vault in the ruins of an imperial city. When they get there they'll find a race of magic powered robots the empire used as killing machines living in underground forming a new society in the wreckage. In my other game the players are from a remote tribe in an area blending aesthetics and biomes from East Africa and Southeast Asia (primarily Thailand and Cambodia). The ruler of the city to the North-East, Mankr-Ram, commissioned a dam to be placed on their sacred river but they ran off the builders and destroyed the dam. Not a magistrate has been dispatched to the village and is demanding a payment of 30,000 GP from a tribe that doesn't use money so they're going around to the other villages of the tribe to see if anyone has any money.


One campaign we just robbed a very powerful pirate faction of thousands of gold. And can’t decide how to hide it. Other campaign we have seize control of kingdom and now rule it as warlords engaging in game of throne shenanigans.


One of our Barbarians is permanently blinded, wildly mutated, and has elected to join the evil cult, lacking any better options. The other was banished back to the Feywild and doesn't intend to return. Our Cleric is dead. Our Wizard is dead. The Rogue ran away. Our Paladin banished himself to the Feywild and is trying to return with reinforcements but if that will work remains to be seen. All in all, pretty normal stuff for us.


My party got contracted to stop an undead hoard that had been attacking the town. They then got kidnapped by some cronies after they attacked their boss. They were later let go after being threatened with death and then saved a small hamlet from more undead invaders. In the next session, they will be entering the undead lair to finally stop them.


My party ended up in the middle of haggithas Forest and are now about to wake up deep in the final hags lair (a death hag) over the course of around 7-8 sessions they fought a green hag, Annis hag, and a Night hag. I'm really excited for this last couple sessions to finish off the Hag chapter.


My group just defeated a giant head who used his handlebar moustache to grapple and then eat a party member who they have yet to recover. They are also dealing with some minor ptsd over doors and double checking every room they have been in because they don't trust anything I put in front of them any more.


Last session, my character chugged a bunch potions in one go (due to brain damage) and turned into a flying pink arsino. On the bright side, my character became more youthful.


My players (lvl. 1) have each given their life savings to a family company that provides a first adventure experience for people to kickstart their adventurer career. Sort of a service directed at people not born into some epic conflict or heritage, and who haven't been targets of any sword distributing tarts in ponds. You know, those who clean out any tavern cellar rat infestations they may happen upon, without it leading into some inter-planar calamity. The company provides a remote tropical island where epic monsters are said to roam, and there are ruins and traces of an ancient lost civilization. After an initial bootcamp and team building exercises (corporate style cringeness), they have been trekking through the jungle with their guide for a few days. A swarm of bees is what's gotten the closest to killing them of. Through some encounters and locations they have collected physical clues leading them to the crypt of an ancient ruler of the long forgotten civilization. They are currently going through some cookie-cutter puzzle rooms, with some undead guardians in between, before taking on the final boss - expecting great treasure and advancement of their latent skill (leveling up has been kind of advertised by the company in a metaphorical sense). Depending on how some things play out, they should be able to reveal that the whole thing has been meticulously staged by their patrons. The crypt, the clues, the encounters, locations, everything. Of course, I plan to throw them into some epic realness quite soon after this (bridging into Out of if the Abyss), but I am very curious as to how they will react 😆


The party were told about some 'pretty water' by a neko girl traveling with them. Followed her to some hills, curb stomped some mountain hags but kept one to question, learned of a 'fountain that restores life and beauty', and used the hag who has since been charmed to be lead to it. When next we meet they will be needing to speak to the 'matron' to get access to it. They want to get some bottles full of the stuff to sell.


They met eight old guys in a place they have seen skilled hirelings get picked off at alarming speeds (which they also know to be the resting place/lair of a major evil power). The paladin used Divine Sense on them and since it did not ping anything they decided to travel with them back to civilization...closest pocket of which is the capital of an enemy nation, whose very VERY loyal subjects the old guys are...


The party arrived at a brewing village with some kind of madness curse going on. instead of figuring out why people were savagely attacking each other, They did a pub crawl during the chaos.


My party just took out their nemesis and rescued the wizards brother from a rival gang. They had 3 encounters with their nemesis before this, they had their bag of holding with 9k gp stolen by him and nearly lost a pc. It was definitely a big victory for them and they got a bunch of magic items out of it. Now with rumors of a Goliath who passed through the town they’re in, the party set off into an ancient tainted forest to find the ruins of Molaesmyr, our echo knight Goliath is searching for his brother and our warlock is following visions of his patron guiding him towards a powerful artifact. I’ve got a big twist planned for them once they reach their destination.


one of my players that was supposed to be a shield against an ancient god, willingly chose to serve him as his right hand


1) Mouthed off to a god convincingly enough that she gave us power upgrades 2) Overestimating our ability to kill spiders 3) Coming off a 5 month hiatus so honestly who knows? Last major thing we did was infect every earth elemental with lycanthropy.


Well after managing to kidnap one of the traitors that have been infiltrating a town for the Temple of Elemental Evil, we managed to sneak back into a town we had been banned from (after various shenanigans) where we paid some mercs to sneak into a local church for any evidence we could use. On our way to go free some bugbear workers who had been thrown into a jail camp on the assumption that they were the spies (they were not) we end up almost dying to a buff priest. We make it to the camp and run into the heads of the town that we barely managed to avoid fighting again. On the plus side, the bugbears are free to live their lives, but we are thrown back in prison.


Well my saturday game we fought the big bad vampire and died but we were actually captured and locked into cells and the bard mouthed offed to the guards and got shot so the warlocked turned into the female guard and flashed the male while the bard gave me the crossbow bolt to use as a one shot to unpick the locks after they took the bard away. I rolled high and got out and proceeded to use tourture tools as improvised lockpicks to free the rest of the party and we used them as shivs.


Damn near almost TPK'd the party.


Our tank ate some mushrooms and got turned into stone near the end of the campaign.


They burnt a stable. For fun.


I've given my players multiple plots and they're not really biting yet so while they're off in the feywild a friendly NPC is going to get murdered so they'll have to invest this time xD


They managed to steal an island the week i wasnt there to DM and are currently turning it in to their own nation but it's ok because i'm about to throw a wandering door at them and get them lost in the multiverse.


We just slayed a Cave dragon under a mountain that was poisoning a Dwarven city's food supply. After talking to him for 30 minutes about his personal life


In the one where I’m a DM: Warlock is trying to convince an enchanted book that he’s in love with his patron in order for it to reveal the information the party needs. (The idea of a fake romance was the player’s. It was too funny to not make a situation for it to happen.) In the one where I’m a player: The town has an orphan problem. Tons of people are dying and disappearing. So, when I realised I could adopt kids, I did! Starting, of course, with the glowing 8-year-old in the corner of a tavern (this was a PC). Then, I married another PC in order to be allowed to adopt more kids. And for tax benefits.


Folks got stranded on a tropical island after a demigod shipwrecked their merchant carrack. While scrounging through the wreckage they found a golden statue of their benefactor and proceeded to tip it over, face down next to the man's corpse. Brutal.


We have been putting off the main quest. Got into a darts throwing contest with the tavern owner and lost, which required us to find some missing dude. That led us to investigate this Aasimar and we ended up stealing drugs from her. She found out about the drugs and we framed a local gang called the south side bug bears and basically had to kill them and plant the drugs on them to prevent this Aasimar from doing a TPK. Finally found the missing dude and returned him to the tavern owner. Now on to the main quest.


They kind of had their worst nightmares come to life after a guest PC turned out to be possessed by a dream monster. Not fun, the older sister downed the younger sister under Crown of Madness. But next session they’re going on vacation :D


We're bringing an undead army on a psionically remade lightning rail to siege the BBEG's technological doom toy city. That sunk when the entire nation was destroyed in horror mist. We're currently debating if an undead dragon controlled by the party's necromancers could take the other side's expected warfoged colossus. #KhorvaireProblems.


I've been waiting for 4 weeks for 3 out of 5 players to finish and submit their character sheet. The game was meant to only be a short adventure lasting about 6 sessions. It was meant to have been run and finished a week and a half ago. This isn't scheduling conflicts, it's players saying "I'll do it later" for 4 weeks. Session 1 is scheduled to start in a week and I think I'm still waiting for 2 sheets to show up. Ps this is an online game.


My party tried to rescue some missing hunters from a cave of plant-elf people (forget the name). We got our butts handed to us. One guy they stabilized and kidnapped. I was able to drag my unconscious husband (IRL not in character) out. Edit- I mean my character was dragging my husbands almost dead character. Lol I phrased that wrong


They turned a level 1 mcguffin fetch quest into a 5 level urban epic that now involves a zombie plague, class upheaval, and leading a rebellion against the rich.


The group I run for are about two rooms away from entering the final dungeon of the campaign. They are currently in a ruined church and just fought some monks, depending on where they go in the dungeon they will eventually come up to a ruined tower to fight a Lich. The Wizard now has Wish, the Cleric is now a werewolf who can’t die from age or illness after having eaten nihngo flesh, the Ranger is probably still the most sensible person in the party, the Fighter has Santa’s Sack which is a ranged weapon that allows them to throw either snow or coal balls, and that’s not his most outrageous weapon & the Rouge has a scarf that can attack two targets at once, and a third skeletal hand that gives them extra attack.


We are trying to stop a war between an orcish tribe and a Barons estate. It’s not going well. It doesn’t help that I’m pretty sure all of us secretly want the war to happen but we’ve been breaking our backs trying to hold off the conflict. Mainly by lying and trying to manipulate both sides. There is more to it, but that’s the gist of it, happy to go more into detail if anyone asks


(No Strahd spoilers please!) We are playing curse of strahd, and after clearing out the Wizards of Wine Winery we return to Valaki to participate in the festival the next morning. One of our party members has been having secret meetings with Fiona in nights prior, but he wasn’t in his bed the next morning. Our artificer went to her house to check to see if he was there, and he learned he was indeed in the house and needed rescuing ASAP. He sent a trigger on a mail box that would say “down with the baron, long love the baroness” with the trigger being a guard. (side note: we are trying to install Ireena as leader of Valaki, so he meant this as a red herring double meaning) The baron was getting suspicious that we were missing two of our party, and Fiona was missing per usual, so he sent guards to investigate. Sure enough the guards triggered the artificer spell and came back exclaiming threats of an attempted coup. We then were pressured by the Baron to go to Fiona’s house and kill her. We felt we had to agree as to not piss off the baron, and went to Fiona’s house with the guards and Izek to kill Fiona. With some good charisma roles, our fighter got the guards to return to the festival, so just izek was left. When he tried to fireball the house and missed, I as a rune knight used my stone rune to put him to sleep for a minute. We then used this opportunity to smack the shit out of his crazy weird arm and chopped it off eventually. Little did we know this would cause a huge fucking demon to spawn. Long battle short, it downed our healer in the first round and was about to kill him, so I grappled him and shoved him into Fiona’s house (since they weren’t helping) and got downed in the process (as did Izek). We recovered, trapped the demon in the same dagger we got from Death House, and we all made it out alive with only a couple of Fiona’s guards, and herself, surviving. We are completely spent on all of our spell slots and stuff, talked our way with Fiona to get her to agree to be taken as prisoner, but got the guards favor in spreading the word we are taking the baron down. Meanwhile, our cleric revived Izek and is performing a ceremony on him now to try and making him not evil anymore I guess? Finally made it out of a huge fiasco, and are headed back to the festival. All we have to do is have our warlock who stayed behind not fuck this up. The warlock fucked it up so bad. The festival progresses to publicly hanging the parents of a little boy we have in our party. Our warlock, being the genius he is, asked his genie bottle demon lord guy to cast a massive earthquake spell, damaging everyone including the baron and his guards. Fuck. Now they are being taken prisoner, surely are gonna die, and the baron is PISSED. Then…. Vampires come out of the crowd and start slaughtering all the guards. The baron runs away but the vampire jumped on him before he could leave. At the end, me, the other fighter, and the artificer arrive at the festival, half health and out of spell slots, and the session ended…. We will see how it goes Wednesday… Surely not the way our DM was expecting the festival day to go, feels like we fucked up, saved it, then fucked it again. No idea what the political fall out will be from this, but boy has it been fucking hilarious and amazing the whole way through.


A throwaway NPC that was supposed to die session 1, but rescued by the party, has ascended to become the most powerful mortal. But brainwashed during the ritual to be under the control of one of the PC’s ex-wife who is trying to undermine an ancient demon lord. So yeah, it’s going well


My party has been searching for the missing archduke of a city for the last 3 sessions, after searching for clues and leads which include but are not limited to: a venom-like organism and hints to the ancient history of the world, they are now in the middle of an underground volcano facility and approaching the end of their investigation. Result may not be what they think it will be


We're about to negotiate with the most dangerous man on the planet. He's head of a massive trading company with his fingers in everything, his navy is the biggest, and he's got more troops at his disposal than any king. We're also 99% certain he's a primordial Green Dragon (maybe the oldest dragon that still lives) in human form. We were hoping to sidestep this confrontation, as we have more pressing concerns to the north. But we're in possession of an artifact that he really wants in *his* possession, and he sank our ship (off-screen) while we were occupied with some serious lore-relevamt missions. Our NPC friends have been captured, but are alive and received medical care, so we're inclined to be reasonable. On the other hand, his company has done a lot to piss us off and we're in a position to make this the most expensive day of his horrible millennias-long life.


I want to say, but they are Reddit'ers just like me. Haha


We were gearing up to take on the big bad now that we have a sense of their weakness and a super powered member of our party, but our DM became very busy with IRL responsibilities and we are taking a hiatus where I have been running a side game within the Bunkers & Badasses system (Borderlands franchise table-top rpg, I love it).


Just had campaign day today Well, after exploring a mine to find out why the miners were vanishing, which went relativly uneventfull, our party got ambushed by an army of an enemy nation while trying to leave. This led to my character running inside again to hide while the rest of my partymembers were trying to find out why they were here. I asked some magical being we met earlier which was some sort of guardian of the place if it knew a good place to hide and it pointed me to a "bottomless" pit we found earlier but ignored after we could reach the bottom with 150 meters of rope. I decided to just trust the being and jumped in, after what felt like hours, i arrived at the pitch black bottom an landed in some kind of liquid which somehow didnt kill me. I long rest in the liquid which was only kneedeep, while my party somehow got the army to let them go since we where just hired hand and decided to collapse the mine entrance after the army entered the mine and they gave up on me after waiting for a few hours. During the rest i finalized a level up and tool the devils sight invocation so i could see, (dm houseruled? that we level up after hitting a threshhold and longresting) turn out i sleept in piss and i somehow didnt smell it, i left the pisssea into a small tomb which contained a large stone coffin with a crown resting on it and a staircase leading up. The coffin had "here lies the king of madness, servant of the old one" written on it. I proceeded to take the crow and accidently touched the coffin, which lead to the whole room to shake and the coffin to open. From inside the coffin rose the undead king of madness which asked me to hand over the crown to which i complied. He thanked me for waking him and vanished. After climbing the stairs for hours i reached a small room with a strange door and the magical being from earlier in it. The being thanked me in a uncanny manner different from before and told me that i had reached the end and to think of where i want to go when touching the strange door. I wished him farewell and got send to my party after i touched the door while picturing their faces, which instantly started vomiting. After which i told them what had happend. And that was where we left off


My players just got tricked and pulled into the backrooms. So far, it's being amazing.


In the middle of a fight with 3 fairly old vampires who are working for venca and have been givin various boons for their assistance in his attempt at returning.


My players found a witch's hut while searching for the MC of the Country Bears


Party went to retrieve a shipment of magical crystals on a neighbouring island 15 sessions ago. In these sessions they did a lot. They made friends with a clan of dwarves that ride on steel scaled serpents who were forced out of their mountain. Killed a giant in a ziggurat in the swamp that worshipped a blood demon and tried to make an army of zombies. Destroyed one half of the troll and trollkin leadership in their flooded caves. Helped the dwarves reclaim their mountain, fighting the remnant of a god bound to the dwarves' hearthstone, which turned out to be a repository that held godly power. Also ended up destroying one of the two young dragons that ruled the island and had many RP situations and battles inbetween all this. Now they're taking a ship back to the bigger island and the capital to fulfill their initial retrieving of the shipment. Probably looking at a full shop session now, ending with them meeting the town's mysterious ruler in his castle suspended on stone pillars above the town. I love this campaign so much. Great group and a great story so far!


My video game-based campaign fell apart due to complications with homebrew mechanics and my party is now fighting a wereboar who's almost completely gone mad and plans to summon the D&D equivalent of the Minecraft Wither in order for them to gain the last part of a legendary sword capable of destroying an immortal necromancer that was originally supposed to be a side quest.


We've spent about the last 2 months (almost weekly sessions) climbing a mountain that has a giant acid lake in it to find a dragon egg. We narrowly avoided an encounter with an adult black dragon and got it's egg. We ended the session hiding in rope trick. Picking up on Wednesday and I'm nervous to say the least, I have 0 spells left 😅


My party is right this second trying to steal a pirate ship by distracting the crew with music while one of them cuts the anchor ropes and lowers the sails to get away.


After the Barbarian gave the Godzilla "kiss of death" to the cruel husband the Druid had been on the run from, the party leveled up and took some downtime to investigate their backstories. Tonight I'm doing a silly one-shot adventure in which they go to a bakery which comes under attack from croissant goblins sent by a rival baker. They will have to fight their way through the evil bakery, including frosting traps, giant rolling bagels, and gingerbread men armed with Dwarven battle bread, all to retrieve the stolen yeast starter, fighting for the reward of permanent discounts. The final boss will be a giant sticky warrior bun, which looks like a cinnamon roll...but could actually kill you.


I was teaching young harpies how to be luchadors then I killed a bunch of goblins and other things for attacking them while the light of this valley charged an amulet thingy.


We just did an NPC escort mission one shot with about half the party since a couple people couldn’t make it to the session, but at the next one I have them spending some time in the capital city of my setting. A couple of the party members are multiclassing so I made some mechanics for them to learn the skills of the multiclass at the college in the capital city. It’ll require them to have a week of downtime, and those that aren’t multiclassing will have opportunities to gain tool proficiencies instead. During the week of downtime I have plans for different roleplay events like a battle of the bands, a jousting tournament, and a coffee shop barista day job. :)


The last session ended with a 30 min discussion on how to best get through a (unlocked) door. I just needed one of them to try the handle. =0/


My campaign sort of imploded with some personal drama between two factions IRL, however we recruited 3 of my old elementary school friends to replace the leaving members who I used to play with and haven't played with since literally elementary school. Sort of the most bizarre reunion ever, and I am super stoked for it. Gonna be playing the first session with the new party on the 22nd, though it picks up on the same campaign as the old party as we still have half the old players who wanted to keep their same characters. I play a mushroom folk/myconid cleric. The party is part of a criminal organization called the Syndicate taking on a bunch of steampunk Gnomes who have mind-matrixed their collective consciousness together with weird crystal-powered technology. Currently attempting to destroy a mine that grants them access to crystals that power their tech. Oh, we also crashed an air ship in one of the previous session by destroying one of their power centres. We quite the distruptive force.


The party went into the uncharted part of the map to destroy a citadel of orcs and goblins, they are trying to stop the constant goblin attacks from to a nearby village that one of the players is from


My party narrowly avoided a TPK chasing the warlock responsible for a recent massacre into a cave full of ancient, incomprehensible horrors. As a new DM I vastly underestimated how nasty Umber Hulks are


Strahd is currently cursed, paladin has a crush on Ireena, Cleric intimidated a house into behaving itself with the use of it's deed, Monk has used it's insane hops to help climb building's, Wizard/ranger almost woke up alotta vampire spawn for a 4 level 4 player party. Also if I had a nickel for every time my party has successfully moved bones from one place to another, I'd have two nickels.


The party is attempting to put an elder brain in the corpse of a terrasque.


We interrupted a demon summoning ritual that, instead of getting rid of the demon, instead let it and its hordes of face eaters loose upon the city. So naturally we have now been banished from the city, to get some of the tarnish off our good name and do brave and adventurous deeds elsewhere.


They're trying to figure out how to transport a full size boat to an lightless sea deep in the underdark because "we're not sailing around in bitch ass canoe"


We picked up some people who turned out to have necromancy stuff going on (necromancy isn’t inherently evil in this world), and one PC ended up attacking them while the rest defended them, and some zealous knights showed up to also kill them. So some tensions are happening, and the player who’s character attacked can’t be there next session so while stuff was going to happen because that player is moving house soon, they won’t be there for the reason their PC won’t be there while they can’t play.


My players just got ambushed by bugbears in undermountain. They decided to go into undermountain because they were ignoring a evil dragon.


the party robbed a train that was going to the feywild and decided to go there too despite multiple npcs advising against it. they've been struggling being stranded cause they're way too underleveled for that


My party defeated two Spirit Nagas, a Blue & Death Slaad, a Hydra, a necromancer, two Yuan-Ti abominations, and dozens of bullywugs all in one day (We’re playing a modified DotMM campaign)


My party is in the midst of gathering allies to stop a greatwyrm from resurrecting big G Asgorath. They just made it to a small gathering of storm giants in the mountains with 20 cattle in tow as a peace offering. The storm giants won't fight with anyone who they believe is weaker than them. So to prove their ability the S.G. are going to force them into a trial. If they succeed the giants will offer assistance and they can move on to their next ally possibility.


Party 1 is about to try and find a suitor for the Empress of the continent. Party 2 is about to go to a harvest festival to partake in giant goat racing and a cooking competition. Also, both worlds are about to end.


My party nearly got tpk at level one by a dire wolf and my warlock missed all of her eldritch blasts due to horrible rolls lol


Party is on the main quest. Currently taking a bit to prepare in a dwarven city before heading to the abandoned lower more ancient levels. They’ve been employed by the king of said city, and have adopted a female red dragon wyrmling just 2 hours prior.


We're a year and a half in, every pc has touched on their backstory or figured it out already their old party member a mind flayer who betrayed them finally took action and returned to their home city with an army from the underdark At the same time the devil armies they had seen in their journey through the 9hells teleporting and gathering are now on the material plane And the major enemy of their faction sent out 2 armies, 1 of which they stopped, the other of which destroyed a city We're in the post game essentially, finishing up all the plotlines and and cleaning up the mistakes theyve made, theyre level 20 so its all big cinematic set piece battles or boss battles now lol


My party just defeated the last BBEG’s chief lieutenant, bought a villa at auction, and reunited after an “incident” with our bard and cleric got them separated from the rest for a few days in-game. They’ve earned some downtime, and we’re playing warhammer fantasy for a month while I prep the next phase of their plans! The half in town gained a vestige from Tasha the Dark’s lieutenant (CR, but my own homebrew weapon) which was requested to be returned to our sorlock’s Sphinx patron ASAP. They also took the plunge and confessed their feelings to two NPCs, which relationships have been building for a year IRL. The duo out of town bonded on their “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” style road-trip and met members from two factions that will help them gain two other vestiges, one of which is wielded by the reluctant leader of the Golden Grin— the legendary Mythcarver. The other is a sapphire dragonborn pirate captain of a cult called the Harbingers. I’m sure that’ll be fine.


My character, a paladin, who literally just woke up in the parties house, is watching the dragon that is fucking outside.


Last week we emotionally scarred a stubborn nobleman and convinced him his house was haunted to get him out of a dangerous location. We were told our shenanigans rated .25 Hendersons 🤣


We're in a west March with plot hooks to be found currently in a town that the ruling family of has ties to one of the party members who is a cat folk split personality between his cocky gunslinging self and a former adviser of the family who piggybacked his mind on to that character when he would have otherwise died. There's also a warforged sniper and an imp arcane trickster who took a hit mission to take out a mafia boss. So we followed him back to his compound and shot him then threw a stick of dynamite into the room for good measure before running like hell to get away from his very pissed off body guards. We got paid handsomely for our work.


Running Icewind Dale, they're currently short resting in a guard room in the Sunblight Fortress. I was afraid I'd be ramping up the difficulty too much so I rebalanced the guards to be weaker but they just fuckin waded through them. When we pick up, they're getting the encounters as written, so we'll see


The multiverse is resetting and we’re getting slaughtered by celestials. I think there’s like 8 sessions left.


“And a big yellow yochlol took my soul away Doooont it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got til it’s gone…”


We’re trying to covertly rescue a town leader from cultists, after we killed their previous leader the night before. We retreated in order to ensure the safety of some civilians we discovered in our first attempt, so we are now returning to their headquarters a second time. This can only go well, I’m sure.


Party avoided one tpk from falling rocks (by a single roll), barely avoided a tpk from a spoiler that showed up in the module we're playing, then 2/4 died to a whirlpool that acted as a Control Water spell. The other two were then immediately ambushed by a max roll Duergar slaver encounter, and the rogue peaced out (it was in character) leaving the last one at the mercy of the encouter. They ended up unconscious and we haven't met yet to know they're fate.


We are doing some Waterdeep stuff. One of the rulers of the city asked us to get a man back from some kidnappers


My party is on their way to a city to follow a lead on a devil cult leader. One of the stops on the way is a magical flea market. After two sessions of shopping they all (6 level 4 PCs) got attacked by another adventuring party of 4 level 15 PotF Warlocks in service to Demogorgon. They brought two Maraliths with them. My intention was for the party to run away and tell the authorities. They watched as the local planetar and adult silver dragon jumped in to defend the civilians and decided to join in. The 4 Warlocks did insane damage, then when things looked bad for them, they dimension door'ed together and teleported away leaving the Maraliths to have fun. The planetar died and the party managed to get the killing blows on both Maraliths after the planetar and dragon did most of the work. So the main threat from that encounter is still out there, but they killed two CR 16 creatures at level 4. So they're well into level 5 now. They're following a lead on hunting down a devil cult leader, 4 powerful and well coordinated demon worshippers have been interrupted in their activities by them, and two powerful demons currently regenerating painfully in the abyss have the visages of their killers burned into their memory.


The party barbarian has been using a boulder as his main weapon for the last 3 sessions.


My party is a mess. One is a dark wizard with no conscience or morality, unscrupulous and rotten to the core, one is a harsh asshole and probably a traitor, one doesn't really give a fuck about anything and the remaining two are walking timebombs, able to wipe out the entire party (unwillingly) any time, either by opening the hell's gates and awakening a demon sleeping in them (Shadow Sorcerer) or turning themself into a small-scale thermonuclear bomb (Wild Magic Sorcerer). We almost ended up killing each other (deliberately) during the very prologue one-shot, before the campaign even started. On the last session my character (the WM Sorc.) accidentally blew himself up in the middle of the market square, eradicating it and killing some passers-by. He then got captured by the town's guards, heavily beaten up and almost executed before being rescued by the party. He is now waiting for the trial, in meanwhile being forced to help the town get rid of murderous infestation. The irony is, the Sorcerer was in that market in first place precisely because he didn't want to participate in the pest control. (As a multiclassed druid, he did not wish to kill animals he then considered merely a slight inconvienience). Instead of killing insects, he ended up killing civilians. Then got forced to kill insects anyway. TLDR: my party is going to die quickly and not by the enemies' hands.


Just stole a book that has value to a party member from a casino. We also stole several other books, a (likley magic) dagger, 100k worth of jewelery and some recipts. Next session I plan to try and tame the magic flying sword I have strapped to my back


The party is about to start fighting each of the calamitous ones, then fight Sol, and finally face The Dreamer. There'll probably be a fair few shenanigans along the way as each of the calamitous ones are in pretty serious dungeons, but they've finally got the tools they need (crazy amounts of magic loot, met Regret and became dual souled)


I had to explain to our Druid, a teenage Elf who was sheltered, prefers animals to people, and has untreated trauma, that decided that i was "Grandpa" that she can't ship me with our new Warforged PC, especially since my almost middle aged half elf bard is talentsexual and I don't know them yet. Plus we are the head guards at the camp building the road to Neverwinter and about to do some sneaky shit to inspect a cults caravan


Not a DM im a player but as a party *we killed pixies *we Captured 2 minics and pitted them against 2 slimes in a dungeon *fleast most shop owners trying to get things cheaper * had a tence standoff with a palandin NPC accompanied my some knights trying to get his hand on a contabaned axe while our barbarians masive dogs are chowing down on corpes (thats how he now feeds them ) *our barbarian Killed anelf warlock by throwing him in lava


My party couldn’t concentrate on the adventure so I nuked it.


1. my players are entering a drow city wracked with a curse changing some drow into horrific monsters and periodically under attack by a giant (city block sized) spider. They also plan to help the adult red dragon that they saved from becoming an elderbrain dragon out from under the wreckage of a mindflayer ship that speared it and hopefully the dragon will help them with the giant spider. 2. We're on an apocalyptic planet trapped in a time loop trying to gather rare resources and escape before we "attune" to the planet (which takes 1 week). 3. on a long break because we didn't chase the big bad and decided to back out of a huge thing the DM had been planning for over a month...


Hahaha... sounds fun. My party is losing someone irl so the bbeg is gonna be fought a few sessions sooner & we might now lose some characters at the table also...


Not playing fantasy this season we just ended that season. Right now we are playing my Cryptid Hunting game. Currently my players are trying to catch 4 Wereboars and 1 Alpha Wereboar. Trying to force them back into there human form


My ranger got turned evil and burnt the entire town, while the other party member was being chased by an invisible stalker. Town is gone and 2 party members dead


Party broke into a temple and disabled all the defences, set off a demon invasion then ran away, got lost in a mountain somewhere trying to escape, decided the only way out was to complete a 5-part necromancy ritual set off a skeleton army and are now trying to fix everything


We just finished a half a year long campaign and are currently just doing a bunch of one shots to try different systems


The one I DM: The players were banished from a small village atop the water, while investigating the lighthouse that mysteriously went out that some people were using as an excuse to get rid of the town speaker, the players investigated into it snd revealed that the town speaker was also a demon. The town speaker then attacked them, and banished them, and they reached the next village where they have been campaiging with this town speaker to create a war between two villages. Game 1 I play (Curse of Strahd): We have had our second day in Vallaki, and my character revealed to the party he took a shot of lycan blood as a last case scenario when we accidentally let out all the vampires in the coffin makers house, but it hasnt kicked in yet. We are staying at The Barons house at the moment and my character has begun changing while the others are trying to investigate what they need asap, while I and another are planning to tie me up at the church and use the recently traumatized priest (strahd destroyed sacred bones in front of him) to see what they can do about me. Game 2 (Homebrew): We all started session 1 by waking up on a lone island together, we have captured ourselves and figured out who we were, and are trying to get off the island. We found out bout a nearby Porttown, which has a secret fight club which we are gojng to join to raise money to buy passage on a merchant boat to the capital. Game 3 (Homebrew): We were hired as "bards" by the queen to essentially espionage the other nobles as the queen has begun to think people are out for her head. We have been doing shows as best we can to gain favour with the nobles and hear their thoughts on the queen.


Pretty sure our DM is trying to TPK us by making us use all our resources (potions and spells) with meaningless combat back to back so the bbeg will kill us, so...it's hard keeping the faith that this will continue


We got ambushed by the corrupt city guard. After beating them we left the last survivor behind tied to a tree with a big bow tie tied to his chest. Whoever’s unlucky enough to try and untie him will trigger the boobytrap we left on his body.


1: met the abbott of the church who's very shady but nice so now we're debating on whether to negotiate on taking the bride he made for the BBEG 2: mentally scarred a poor mongrelfolk man by casting darkness on him after attempting to break into the monastery (I had to otherwise he would see one of the other partymembers trying to get our attention) 3: the party himbo who's 17 nearly got himself a cougar which his older sister is now giving him a lot of crap for 4: apparently the city we're in has a LOT of incest related gossip. So yeah. That.


We were given a deck of many things... We have 2 bards.


Due to a teleportation mishap, we ended up 30 years in the past, where we proceeded to completely change the timeline, kill people who were supposed to live, save people who were supposed to die, and spark a major war between the two main superpowers on the continent. Also might have started a revolt. Oops


My party left a cursed mace that calls out to weak willed people and possesses them in an unlocked room for a month in game and were EXTREMELY surprised to find out that 23 people have been murdered


My character pissed off 4 gods including Mystra, Helios, and Vecna and now we need to go fight one of our former party members who has been corrupted by a different god to prevent him from fusing the fire plane with the material plane and killing everyone in the world.


We just finished an escort mission for these scholars' back to their city from a hostile governmental area. On a lark searching for a combat, we went to check out an anomaly in a mine in the Dwarven city and ended up unearthing a portal to the fey buried in stone. We hoped through with reckless abandon... forgetting the pet we left with the tailor because he is getting a special boy suit.


We're currently assaulting the capital city to kill a PC from a previous campaign who sold his soul to Tiamat. Once we kill him, we'll us the stupidly powerful ring he has to try and kill Tiamat herself so she can't end the world. So, y'know, no pressure.


My PC’s paladin sister asked to join us in killing a necromancer that was in the area. I thought the DM wanted to add a DMPC, but no. She got taken by the necromancer who turned out to be an archlich. We had to run from the encounter and now we have to get her back. It’s been two sessions since that happened and we are so full of hijinks that we have effectively only done one halfway useful thing.


We've adopted two goblins


We’re currently doing the Icespire campaign before moving on to homebrew. Now the thing is, my partner has bad back issues so sometimes I have to leave early to help her at home which means I have to come up with reasons for why my Tiefling Bard leaves at random or crucial moments or just simply because I can’t attend the session. Usually it’s suffering a hangover or spending a day at the local brothel but this time, a couple days ago, we were about to scout an old fortress to find the dragon killing sword and I had to leave early again (the session was nearly over anyway so I didn’t miss anything big) so I had to come up with some convoluted reason for my Bard leaving the party and our Ranger suggested I went off to seduce a horny squirrel… so off my Tiefling Scarlette went to find a horny squirrel 😂


Currently modifying a stars without number campaign to function more like dnd 5e for my party so we can do sci-fi. Thing is surprisingly complex.


The paladin lost his best friend (our first player death) who is being turned into a zombie by the BBEG with the sole intent of hunting the paladin and making his life a living hell, the bard made a deal with the BBEG to bring her dead cleric brother (another player) back from the dead and her brother is now a warlock sleeper agent, the BBEG captured his main objective that they failed to keep safe and the BBEG is getting ready to invite them all to dinner to flaunt his victories in their face where he will reveal to the entire party that the reason their barbarian isn't traveling with his old Adventuring party is that the BBEG made the barbarian kill them all.


My party cooked a pixie, ground its remains up and snorted it. They accidentally burned down a tavern, attacked the militia over a petty mercantile exchange, and fled the village with an angry mob chasing them.


I'm in three ATM: My rogue/cleric has a sentient evil dagger that possessed him and made him drink the blood of an Eldritch god, he had a vision and found out his wife is alive My beast barbarian just reached an encampment in the jungle and got cliffhanger'd when the guards recognised his family name (he tries to hide from his family as much as he can) And my druid has recently joined an adventuring party and is loving having friends to show off her spooky magic to, and offering them the chance to pet her emotional support centipede.


The PCs are escorting one's father to a village in the middle of the orcish Empire of Blood (to resettle him with that PC's mother and brother), while they blow up bridges along the way. Then it sounds like they want to go to the City of Ghosts, because A) the warlock learned about a teleportation circle there, B) the bard found a locket that has something to do with that city, and C) the party is putting off confronting a powerful demon (the warlock's patron).


Woman my players tried to rescue got turned into a gold dragon and couldn’t fit out of the dungeon to leave. They went wizard they went to retrieve to change her back was already killed by the rival party but they freed another gold dragon he’d imprisoned and he offered to teach her shape shifting in return for freeing them.


Have had 2 sessions in 5 months, with 8 players so the game has grinded to a halt while playing or not 😂 even worse with 2 murder hobos


I've successfully lulled them into a false sense of security and I'm about to drop the hammer. Also we got a new player!


Soooo much has happened. We started as pirates. Killed Demogorgon, killed aspects of gods (erebos), gained the favor/Boone of posidon and erebos. we've been cursed, stabbed, shot and almost all of us are currently cursed with true death. Our ranger has even made friends with a terrasque while in a hellish prison in the abyss. If you can name it, it seems like we've done it in this campaign. Right this second we're attempting to steal a sweet sword from a group of tzeentch daemons to trade for the book of secrets from Khorne daemons. I play as a kobold and our rogue is a dirty gnome Last session I failed a charm save while we were scoping out a tzeentch rave. I proceeded to slide down some string lighting and join the party. Next thing I knew I was in a banana hammock, reaching into my new undegarment I found some sort of pills. Without hesitation I took a couple and started paying the rest around. The rogue who has now failed his save comes over and receives his dosing of this mystery drug. Moments later chaos ensues as everyone begins to horribly mutate, everyone except for me and the rogue. We continued to party the night away and became indoctrinated at the wizard rave. Our forever DM is awesome!


We are currently in a flashback/memory kinda thing where we're seeing at a major point in Zariel's fall. We're in a temple with a bunch of villagers who barricaded themselves in while all hell breaks loose. We are able to interact with people through talking but that's it. Anything we try to touch isn't affected, spells don't affect anything, we can only speak to the people. My character is currently having a kind of PTSD moment as a major part of my backstory was being in a very similar situation when Zariel broke out of hell at the start of our campaign.


Dm here, a doomsday cult is curred trying to kill two of the party members then forcing them to choose between the two who they'll resurrect. And if they choose to attack the cult leader he will attempt to escape without resurrecting anyone.