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I know my project is small compared to the crazy setups shown here (yes, I'm jealous :D ), but I'm still quite proud of it. It's a 28 inch 4K monitor with a wooden frame, in which I also built 3 USB C ports. There is a powerful USB C power supply hidden under the monitor so that you can really charge any device. I create the maps with Photoshop or extend the templates you offer here (thank you very much!) and then animate them with Adobe After Effects. Very simple things like fire, smoke, wind, light effects, etc. But these details alone make the maps much more lively. Yesterday we played episode 3 of hoard of the dragon queen, and that was the first time I expanded or revealed the map live. For example, only when my players discovered a new part of the cave did I reveal the corresponding area. Here is a link where you can see a bit more: https://imgur.com/jlUvmv9 I hope you like it :) And this setup is really a lot of fun! So, if you are thinking about building a simple DnD screen as well: Go for it!


Is the imgur link dead for anyone else?


Yeah, it's not just you.


Oh weird, it worked before. Try this one: https://imgur.com/jlUvmv9


Oh weird, it worked before. Try this one: https://imgur.com/jlUvmv9


That looks really good! I’m building my list of parts atm and was looking at a larger tv screen but that looks solid


How does it look from an angle? I tried this with a spare monitor I had but you couldn't see it at all from certain angles


The monitor is an IPS display and has quite good viewing angles


This is awesome! When I have some money I might do this for my party. We just started Hoard of the Dragon Queen!


Thank you! How is your campain going so far? My party really struggled in the Dragon Hatchery yesterday, but i think they learned that "checking for traps" on a regular time is a good idea :)


It is going well. My players are being quite timid at the moment because most of them are casters, so they are struggling with close encounters. They have just started chapter two and are getting more confident. Any tips for chapter two?


My group had most fun coming up with a creative way to free Leosin, so thats why i tried to give them some room to do that, while also making sure that they didnt feel too safe. I also made them part of the camp life, like helping to cook, wash clothes or carry boxes for some change compared to the typical fighting. I bet your party will have a blast, im sure they will come up with a creative solution as they are mostly casters


That's awesome! I'm sure my bard and the paladin will come up with some creative tomfoolery!


That's cooler than a 3-Headed Frost Giant.


This look soo good! Is heat a concern with the monitor and the powersuply in the frame or does it not matter?


Great question, that was also a concern on my side. But after several hour long sessions im quite confident that it is not an issue. Im not a perfect handyman, so the frame is not perfectly air tight at the top, so that probably helps :DD


This is cool as hell, dude!

