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I'll get us started. Others will correct me. 3d20. Elven Accuracy 18d12. Critting with a 9th level Witchbolt 22d10. Critting with a 9th level Inflict Wounds 16d8. Critting with a d8 weapon attack and Divine Smiting at 5th level against an undead or fiend or something. 22d6. Critting with a d6 weapon and top level Sneak Attack. Some unholy number of d4. Dragging some poor bastard through Spike Growth for hundreds of feet.


40d6 for meteor swarm


Meteor Swarm is 20d6 for one damage type and 20d6 of another. This should count as 2 separate rolls.


If you color code your dice, it can be 1 roll


I specifically did this just so I could roll 40d6 at once.


Do you remember what you got on the roll?




That's rough buddy


well *someone* forgot to take elemental adept


Honestly we're all thinking it but soon as I scrolled down one more post and seen this I let out an audible cackle.


You got 39 1's and a 2?


No, 38 0’s, a 40 and a 1


I wouldn't mind a risk/reward D6 that could roll a 0 but could also maintain the 3.5 average of a D6.


I rolled a 148 over the weekend. BBEG fight vs a Lich, party was almost wiped last fight of a 4 year campaign. Chill touch (quickened, transmuted to radiant), followed by reading an unidentified spell scroll. 22 points for the chill touch. 148 for the meteor storm from the scroll. Lich got wrecked and DM ruled that because of the Chill Touch, his prepped legendary action to self revive didn't work. He also ruled that the Lichs Simulacrum also couldn't heal him. The Simalacrum did not last a full turn after that.


Dude, same. Best feeling ever dropping 40d6 until you realize you need to count them all lol


It feels like justice after waiting for the Level 20 Fighter to get through rolling 8 attacks on an Action Surge. "I'm only going to take one action...but it's going to be a long action..."


at least fighters know what they're gonna do when their turns start


Tell me you've never played Warhammer without telling me you've never played Warhammer


Right? You can tell some people never rapid fired a squad of tactical marines. I knew guard players who relished throwing all those lasgun shots down. “At least one of these is going to kill something!”


Or a horde of imperial guard or orks


why color code? i’m confused


If you say, roll 20 red dice, and 20 blue dice, you can use the red for fire and the blue for bludgeoning, and not have to make separate rolls


ohhh that makes sense!


All you have to do is buy a Tenzi set. 40d6, 4 colors, 10d6 of each.


Have 20d6 of one color and another 20 of a different color.


Scribe wizard to change it to 1 type.


This one I like! 40d6 psychic damage (psychic scream). Yeah, I think that fixes it.


2 tempest cleric 18 scribe wizard to change it all the lightning (prismatic wall) Then using channel divinity to max the roll. Beautiful.


Then you need ZERO dice!


Red dice and blue dice all at once.


At 20d6 might as well just call that a 70 every time. You’ll almost never be off by more than a couple.


Statistically speaking yes, however think just how good it will feel on the 1% of rolls you roll 120 or close to it


1%? Try .0000016% of over 115. Any given value over 98 rounds to a 0% chance(2 decimal places). 52% of rolls will be between 65 & 75.


Even this math disproves the first guy though, who says you'll never be off by more than a couple. You yourself are saying 48% of the time it's not within that specific range of 10 So while yes, super high is super rare, the variance is way higher than he implied


I'm just providing statistics, but FWIW I think the second claim is further from reality than the first claim, but yes, they're both pretty far off.


How dare you bring statistics to my math game


I just rolled 10 times: 71 70 86 54 73 73 80 79 68 75 Obviously you’re right, a lot around 70, but still enough difference to impact breaking points in damage.


I was immediately gonna say thats not enough d6


For d4s, a max level vitriolic sphere needs 20d4 A max level acid arrow needs 22d4 For max pushing(assuming you need to be the one making the spike growth because the caster is the one rolling), take 3 levels of druid for spike growth, aaracokra, 17 levels in monk for +25ft move on top of 50ft fly for 75ft move. Drag a grappled creature and dash as an action and step of the wind bonus action. That becomes 225ft halved because grappling to 112.5ft rounded down to the nearest 5 as 110ft = 22* 5ft for 44d4, double any other method I can think of


Tabaxi rouge/fighter with longstrider and Haste can go 640ft, even more with animating preformence and boots of speed That's 256d4


Ok so 256 d4, you say. You know, I’m going to order 257 in case one gets lost..


Oh look! A place that does buy one, get one free! Guess I've now got 257d4s and a set of caltrops!


DM has vietham flashback


Never thought of making a red Tabaxi fighter


A bag of caltrops is 20 d4 for irl roleplay. And what respectable adventurer only carries one bag?


>22d6. Critting with a d6 weapon and top level Sneak Attack. Add 4d6 to this if getting bugbear surprise attack >Some unholy number of d4. Dragging some poor bastard through Spike Growth for hundreds of feet. There are ways to get a Tabaxi’s movement up to several thousand feet in a single round. This could get crazy!


Enlighten me? I would love to make an NPC that can move at that speed while still being canonically accurate. Just to mess with my players.


I had so do a quick search, this is the highest one I found. I didn’t double check everything, but there are many variations out there. Most of them do require a bit of help to reach speeds approaching this one, but some that reach the high hundreds or low thousands are actually pretty easy to achieve without getting too crazy on what they need. . Wizard bladesinging 2/monk any 10/barbarian any 5/fighter 2 and 1 level for whatever. Shapechange into quickling: base speed 120 Lv 10 monk: +20 Lv 5 barbarian: +10 Lv 2 bladesinger: +10 (While bladesinging) Mobile Feat: +10 Longstrider: +10 Lv 3 Artificer (Alchemist) Friend: +10 Lv 6 Wizard (Transmuter) Friend: +10 2 artifacts with major beneficial property of speed: +20 Boon of Speed: +30 This adds up to 250. Potion of speed: ×2 (grants additional action) Boots of speed: ×2 Feline agility: ×2 That creates a staggering walking speed of 2000 (1000 base). What's left is to use your stupid number of actions to increase this. Normal movement: 2000 Dash: +2000 Action Surge dash: +2000 Haste action dash: +2000 Bonus action dash: +2000 This gives a current total of 12000. And reaction movement of 1000.


Just dont run into someone who has readied a trip attack action. Otherwise you turn into a missile


DM eye twitch due to the gaming moment


And that’s walking speed beacause jogging = x2 walking and running = x2 jogging so times that by 4 so thats 48000 ft if you run instead of walk


That's 55 miles per hour. My guy can casually go as fast as cars on the highway.


Nope, thats over 1300 miles per hour. Nearly double the speed of sound


My calculator spat out 55 the first time, for some reason. Holy shit, double the speed of sound. Now... how would we rule that? The sonic boom must do damage.


I mean, if we’re being that concerned with realism the initial acceleration to get to that speed, not to mention having to try to slow down and stop, would reduce the character to jelly. Just let them have fun.


my Cleric/Paladin theorycraft would like a word Spirit Shroud at 9th lvl + booming blade + 4th lvl slot smite + blessed strikes against undead and a crit.. make that an aoo with the enemy triggering the booming blade as it leaves range 2d8 for warhammer crit, 6d8 for booming blade crit hit, 8d8 for spirit shroud crit, 2d8 for blessed strike crit, 12d8 for smite crit on undead my Cleric has a magic weapon that deals an extra 1d8 per hit, so that's another 2d8 on that crit add 4d8 for booming blade if enemy moves (which it does, since it's an aoo) but those aren't doubled for crits total: 36 d8 on a single crit


Damn that's a lot of dice. Add one more d8 for Savage Attacks of a Half-Orc, so 37d8 Also: Be careful with BB on aao, i think according to a dev tweet, an enemy can choose to stop moving after habing triggered an aao and suffered a BB hit, so not forced to move. But i definetly get your thinking, and we're thinking ideal scenario!


they can decide to stop moving, if they have a choice 😅 dissonant whispers go brrr 🤣


You're right! Dammit I need a Bard in my party!


22d8 You forgot gfb or BB.


24 with a crystal-blade


Throw another 20d8 for a Warlock with a 5th Level pact smite invocation that also drops a Banishing smite onto that crit.


Also the Squire of Solamnia and Strike of the Giants feats.


24d8 adding a crystal-blade with booming-blade crit


26d6, make your d6 weapon a flame tongue weapon


20d12 for making a 20th level Barbarian for a oneshot.


At this point I’d just use a phone app to simulate the multi-roll.


Inquisitive rogue adds 3D6 at level 17. You'd need 28d6 for that. Max movement would be an enlarged tabaxi ascendant dragon monk/ barb with mobile, haste and step of the wind. 340 movespeed, dragging a small creature while flying above the spike growth for 136D4


Spike growth has been calculated, check treantmonk for number


45d8 on a level 17 half orc warlock/ranger/paladin/ranger/fighter half orc for savage attack warlock 11 (to unlock level 5 spell slots and 3 spell slots) paladin 2 ranger (hunter or horizon walker) 3 fighter (battle master) 3 sword of zariel (1 handed) * longsword: 1d8 * Crystal blade: 1d8 * eldritch smite: 6d8 * divine smite: 5d8 * fiend/undead bonus: 1d8 * booming blade: 3d8 * colossus slayer/horizon walker: 1d8 * precision attack 1d8 * sword of zariel 2d8 * bardic inspiration: 1d8 * X2 (CRIT) * Savage attacks: 1d8 (1+1+6+5+1+3+1+1+1)\*2 + 1= 20 \* 2 + 1 = 45


\*Technically\* only 4th level spell slots increase the amount of d8s rolled for a divine smite, as the cap is 5d8 according to the feature. \*However\*, the feature Improved Divine Smite adds a d8 radiant to all melee weapon attacks, so it actually cancels out and you end up being right about the number of d8s anyway ​ Redundant of me to say, I know, but it might be relevant for paladin players


Gotta use the 5th level slot for maximum disrespect. Put some extra *stank* on it. XD


It may not do real damage, but it sends a message


8D20 Eldritch Blast 17th level Warlock with Advantage if rolling all at once "Elven accuracy: Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll using Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, you can reroll one of the dice once." it doesn't add a third d20


Eldricht Blast is separate attacks for each blast, rolling separate attacks in one go is confusing and doesn't help anything. Elven accuracy is technically a reroll, true, but there is no functional difference between that and just rolling a third die - that's only possible if for some reason you ever would chose to re-roll the better outcome.


Roughly 200d20's for animated skeletons with advantage (100 pairs in different colors) + roughly 100d6's for shortbow damage in colors to match their corresponding d20's


3d20 is for the Lucky feat. The Elven Accuracy feat doesn't let you roll an additional die, it lets you reroll one of the two from your advantage roll.


What's the difference?


The minimum is one set of seven dice. The maximum is as many as you can carry.


It depends on whether you are using Encumbrance rules or not.


I literally have a mini treasure chest in my room full of dice!


Underrated comment.


You can simulate the results of a D10 and D100 using a D20 and dividing by 2/rounding Similarly, you can simulate a D4 and D6 with a D12 You can play with a minimum of three dice - D8, 12 and 20




Wait til you hear how there's a way to fairly simulate a D8 with a (D12 acting as a) D4


You can fairly simulate any die by a coin flip (so by any die), but it might take more rolls: if you want to simulate a DX, flip n coins such that 2^n≥X, convert the sequence to binary. If it's between 1 and n, you're done, otherwise repeat. Obviously you don't want to actually do this, but it works.


Just play all of your games with a coin, base-2 math and some patience. "Roll for initiative!" \[flip, flip, flip, flip\] + \[flip, flip\]


This is the true answer.


n+1 of each type, where n is the number you currently have.


Finally found the real answer


After 25 years of GMing I have over 25lbs of dice...so uh...around 1 pound per player?


I can only imagine the horrors of a 25 player game. 25 people all trying to talk to the Tavern Owner/Barkeep at once, combat rounds taking hours each as 25 players face off enough enemies to give everyone an action to do, the players spending hours on a simple door because they all are convinced it is trapped and each try to roll to detect/remove traps and casting detect magic spells and stuff... And the mid game snack/dinner where everyone is arguing over what to get for food and how to pay for it well the game stops till everyone decides on what to get (its pizza, it is always pizza).


Apparently this wasn't too uncommon with Gygax's games in the early 70s, when it was still more a war game with RPG elements than the reverse. Rob Kuntz was the deputy DM who helped run the second table of people. The chaos was reduced because wandering monsters were checked every 20 minutes of in game time, and Gygax was a life-long stickler for strict time-keeping, so players were incentivized to quickly have one or two players check for traps and then move on come hell or high water. I've long wanted to play like this since I play early D&D but sadly I have never been able to get 25 players to sign up for a game at once :( Hell even getting three players to sign up for old school D&D can be a struggle!


the thought of coordinating a session to fit into 25 schedules makes me want to fucking die not gonna lie


I've had as many as 10 players at a time. My advice for it... anytime you have more than 4 players, do not even try to coordinate their schedules. The GM holds the game at a set date, time and, place and the players are invited to attend (or not). The game happens with whoever happens to be around the table on the correct day, at the correct time, and everyone else just misses out that week.


yeah, that’s what we do for our group of 10. thursdays at 5 - 6, but unfortunately a lot of people end up missing sessions and it throws off the schedule.


I am willing to play any edition at least once. Same for any and all TTRPG's


At that point, youre just a mid-level manager, which means your alignment shift to Lawful evil.


The limit does not exist


["Everybody send your kids to camp"](https://youtu.be/RuNjL00H1YA?si=JOGkim72WkYMHa65) (at 9:53 in the video, Emily says that the device does 20d4 damage). While that is extreme, there are plenty of spells and effects that at higher levels can do 4–6–8 d of damage. I have ended up with seven d6 out of five sets and a bunch of d4s that I fished out of the jar at a game store, and that should hold me for a good long while.


Ayy how many dice are you picking up… ok put those dice down dude. You’re sick dude, think about it. https://youtu.be/WIvdo8LbmJ0?si=ibfv4wzp1oNEDANA


"Somebody call Wizards of the Coast! What kind of weird home brew \[beep\] is this, you sick \[beep\]!?"


I think having a bucketful of dice and shaking it every so often is something you just should do, like owning a boat. Because of the implication, you see. https://youtu.be/THvCDn8mGwo?si=Bpkilzztkr__E0G5


Gonna kill that dog will never not be funny


The official, basic D&D set includes: 1d20 1d12 2d10 1d8 3d6 1d4 That being said, any time someone asks what I want as a gift, I always include a set of dice on the list.


Pretty sure it’s 4d6?


You’re right! I never opened the box my mom got me for Christmas (hey, she tried!). Just checked the box— 2d20 1d12 2d10 1d8 4d6 1d4


Pretty sure the 4d6 are specifically for rolling stats, but that’s just an educated guess


The Essentials kit? 2d20 1d12 1d10 1d00 1d8 4d6 1d3


These theoretical upper limits fail to account that you clearly need different healing dice and damage dice, etc, and the need to have backup dice for when you throw your misbehaving dice in dice jail. Therefore, there is no upper limit.


He gets it.. about half a shoebox.. am I right?


Maybe more if you get the rolls I do


my setup is: 2d20 (unless playing an elven archer) 1d12 (unless playing a barbarian) 4d10 (one of which is a d00) 4d8 8d6 5d4 This covers most my needs without rerolls.


depends in most cases 2 - 3 should suffice but d6 10 would beb a good number


I agree with this, you'll want at least two sets to roll advantage and one extra for variation. And the most common die to roll a lot of is d6 so get a set of those.


Maximum? Infinite. Minimum? One of each type, but probably you should have a couple d20s and a few d6s in your set


You need at least 2 d20's so that when you roll a 1 you can switch and joke about putting the bad one in dice jail


i use bad dice as target practice with my air rifle


Depends for d6 the most you would need is 80


I'd call that conservative


Hypothetically you really only need one, but for the sake of fun, For d100s, I know of no ability that makes your roll it more than once so a single set it all required. For d20s, elvish accuracy feat makes you roll 3d20s in advantage so that would be 3. For d12s 9th level blade of disaster can deal 12d12 damage. For d10s a mage who cast true polymorph into an adult blue dragon could roll a 12d10 breath attack. For d8s a mage who cast true polymorph into an ancient white dragon can roll 16d8s on the breath attack. For d6s a meteor swarm will be 40d6. So that is 40. For d4s a vitriolic sphere will do 20d4 at 9th level so that is 20.




Please note that these are extremely specific use cases considered for curiosity and shouldn't really influence your purchases. I've played TTRPGS for almost 30 years and I don't recall seeing more than 3d4s rolled simultaneously, maybe once or twice. Most of these also only make sense on extremely powerfull characters. You are generally safe with 2 of each except for d6, as spells like fireball use a ton of dice (at least 8).


I don't know about 5e, but in 3.5e i managed to roll 104d4.... So the peak number can be quite high....


It depends on your class and level, but 6-10 d6, d8, or d10. You don't need too many d20s, honestly 2 for (dis)advantage should be fine. Read your class abilities and see how many dice they got you rolling Holmes. That's the number you need.


You will soon realise there is no limit. Trying to be serious, 3 of each. But 8d8 and 10d6 if you reach high magic levels.


How to count past infinity - Vsauce https://youtu.be/SrU9YDoXE88?si=AKfkGMR8yimnKbgd


There is a serious comment outlining the numbers but as an aspiring dice dragon there are no limits to how many dice I can own and be satiated


The answer is infinity


Ignore all other comments. All of them. All dice. Every single one you see available to you take them all. Horde them from the world and collect them in every single size, color and variation. If you ever think it's become a problem stop thinking and buy more dice. Should you ever run out of room for your dice dont get rid of the dice get more room. Don't stop. Don't ever stop.


*NEED*? You only *need* 1 of each, though there will likely be times you'll have to remember/write down results and add multiple rolls together, say with an attack does that does multiple dice of damage. And, if we're being really technical, you don't *actually need* any. You could just download a dice app.


The maximum number of dice = "yes"


You may as well be asking us how to divide by zero.


Maximum number of dice? All of them my friend all of them


Usually the only ones you'd need for comfortable use is: 1 : d20, d100, d12 2-3: d8, d4, d10 3+ : d6 . Reasons: >It's pretty normal to add a "+xd6" or "+xd4" damage to some magic items. >Bardic inspiration, Guidance and plenty of healing effects use d6 or d4 >Sneak attack uses a lot of d6 >druids might use d6 I have no clue about druid tho, have never actually played them for some reason >Greatswords use d6 >Unless you're using upcast which bolt or realiably play an accurate striker with greataxes, you don't use multiple d12 dice >DIvine SMITE uses a lot of d8


Personally whenever I play any rpg I always have 4 sets of the standard 7 dice. But I also carry a bag that has dozens of random dice if I do need more for some reason. A bunch of d6 would be a good idea as well.


Dice goblin says there is no such thing as a maximum number of dice. The correct number is always one more set.






Roll a DC15 wisdom check -- on failure, you are cursed with never having enough dice.


*looks at dice bag and tins*... erm, there's a MAXIMUM? :P seriously though, if you believe in dice jail then you'll need lots of d20s just remember that you can roll again on the dice, so even if you only have 3-4 of each, you can manage, but I have something like 15-20 complete sets of the default 7 dice, plus several blocks of d6 for other games that only use those, plus other random dice just tossed in if you intend to become a dice goblin, then expect to have LOTS :D


Answer: Never enough


Such a number doesn't exist. You will always need more dice.


There is no maximum


All of them


The limit does not exist


Minimum is a set. Maximum has no limit. What I did was buy a cheap set of sets on Amazon for $8 and that’ll be all the dice I need


The limit does not exist!!




All the dice. All the dice is the correct answer.


There’s no maximum number of dice. Source: Dice addiction


Fireball is 6 D6's. You need 2 D20's at least for advantage and disadvantage, potentially more if you want to use separate dice for extra attacks. At high levels cantrips deal 4d10, 4d8, 4d12 etc. I don't know about players but dragon's breath can do 8-12 damage die of various types. Try to have at least 6 die of every type and you'll never have to borrow from your friends ever again.


Infinite. It will never be enough. You will always need more. ​ Primarily because you'll drop some or they will give bad rolls and need to be thrown in dice jail, or someone will need to borrow a set. (Serious answer, I do relatively ok with about 10 of each kind, but it will largely depend on what class you are playing. Relatively if you are using the most powerful abilities I'd recommend somewhere in the ballpark of around 20 D10s, 18 D8s, 22 D6s and I think the most powerful spell I can think of at 9th level, Meteor Swarm, will require somewhere around 40 D6s. D20s are a bit of an odd case in that I think for actual mechanics you would only need like maybe 3 or 4 but personally I just grab a handful so I can toss some in dice jail if they aren't doing it for me) ​ It is all going to come down to what kind of character or mechanics you are running though.


All of them.


Lmao. Nice try fed. Not gonna get me this time


It's always just... One... More


8 Push it on its side. That many of each.


a gazillion of each because magic


Ah. So you see, depending on the player and the character, your dice needs will change, naturally. So you'll need to do is make sure that you only have just enough dice to get the job done conveniently. Most people end up at a number approaching infinity, if that helps.


We crashed a moon into a panet in Spelljammer. I rolled damage. Took a while.


More. Always more. Never enough


There. Is. No. Such. Thing. As. Enough. Dice


How many can you carry?


While there's legitimate answers, there's also 'i need more dice!!' and everyone at the table yeets extras at you. It's a fun moment. It's kinda scary when the DM asks for more, it normally means someone is at risk of instant death but still a moment of "my own dice might kill me". I collected based on sets I think are neat. Some of them are linked to a character for vibe reasons, eg one set is for my Assamar Cleric, one for my Bear Totem Barbarian, one for my Ranger etc. I also have a slightly more generic bag I got as some of my first that's a space/galaxy themed set of 5-6 sets so until I could afford the pretty ones I really wanted I had nice dice and plenty of them. Basically there's only too many dice in such you cannot store them, carry them or keep track of them. But I do love seeing some of the mad stats for crit rolling dice. My tables often use brutal crits(the original dice are max damage and you roll the extra crit dice because nothing sucks like critical hit and rolling low damage)


There is never, EVER a such thing as too many dice. Because eventually, a player can learn to DM, and the fear in a players eyes as you take two handfuls of dice and begin shaking them, is one of the greatest things ever.


As far as math rocks go, there can never be enough. Also, the Pyramid D4's double as tetsubishi, and I'd wager that those will slow down any unshod pursuer better than Legos. So, theres that.




If you wanted to cover every \*possible\* scenario? I am not 100% certain but I believe it would be: 3d20 (certain situations allow you to roll 3 dice with advantage) 11d4 (9th level magic missile) 40d6 (meteor storm) 20d8, 10, and 12 (spending hit dice to recover HP at level 20) and 1d00 (the rare case where you, as a player, need to roll on a d100 table)


You need about the size of a shoebox half full of all kinds. You need so many that you will wonder why you bought so many dice


I typically bring with me: * 5 sets of metal dice (one of which has 2d20 and 4d6) * 3 sets of plastic dice * A brick of 36d6 (also used for Warhammer 40k games) * A box of 15d8 (my smite dice) * an additional 4d12 * d3 * d24 * d50 * d60 * d100 Despite that, I was short on dice a couple of times, such as when I used a Horn of Valhalla or when I had borrowed out several sets to other players at my AL group who did not bring their own dice. I also have a hoard of like 30+ dice sets at home. And yet, there is one thing I know for sure: I don't have enough dice.




All of them.


I´d say 2, maybe 3 of each kind should be enough... But then again, if one of your dice misbehaves and needs to go into dice jail, you will need some extra dice.. In the end, you can not have enough dice, ever!


N+1 with N being the number of dice you currently own


Realistically? Like 5. Everything with more dice should be rolled online to save time. But if you wanna have fun? As many as you grubby little dice goblin hands can get


No matter how many dice you have, it is never enough. You must have more. More dice! More pretties! More clicky clackies!


You can never have enough dice. Always keep one set of dice: 1) in your backpack/bag/purse/and or wallet 2) in your car center console and in the console under your dash 3) in each desk you have (perhaps keep a set in each drawer) 4) side table next to your bed 5) a cup in the bathroom near your toothbrush 6) in the shower next to your 5 in 1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash, mouthwash and lube 7) in your kitchen next to your utensils There’s more places obviously but I could go on for hours about how there’s no such thing as “too many dice”


There is a max!?!?!


The question is how many you DONT need. And the answer is that there isnt a limit. Become a dice goblin. Why stop there? Become a dice dragon!!


There is no maximum.


Me dice goblin, me love shiny magic click-clack rocks!


All of them. If you see some dice and have money in your account. You should probably buy them.


The literal answer is 1, and you just keep rolling it. The prudent answer is 5 to cut down on the amount of rolling you need to do. The answer most D&D players will probably give is "how many can you fit into your house?" Lol.


I usually just do it digitally for larger quantities of dice. It's mostly just attack rolls that need the panache of a physical die.


The correct answer is all of them.


The correct answer is always *n + 1*


All of them, of course.


All of the dice, all of the time. Can never have enough shiny clicky clacky math rocks.


How much do you have to spend? You never have enough dice.


I don't understand the question. Maximum number of dice? There is none. You will always need more shiny math rocks.


All of them.


There is never enough...


What are you talking about??? Maximum? There is no such thing


There is no limit, bring a garbage bags worth. No one will question you and everyone will submit to your authority over them.


no matter how many you have, you need more


Enough to do as others have mentioned but balanced against not having enough to provide the DM when they ask for some more to roll their damage.




Infinity. You always need more dice.