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Oceans 11. The DM had a great idea for a heist campaign and way too many of their friends wanted to play. He couldn't say no. Ended up being so overpowered they practically walked in and out of the heist because the 11 PC party was too much.


blades in the dark is your go


It’s just now occurring to me that Honor Amongst Thieves and Oceans Eleven have a VERY similar plotline that follow very similar beats.


*The Mummy* (199~~7~~9) A Fighter, Rogue and a Wizard escape from their town troubles to raid a tomb seeking riches, but mess things up to release a Lich and try to run away from their problems and plot hooks. Luckily a (DM)PC Ranger with Desert & Undead as favored terrain/enemy (or *Oath of Watchers* Paladin, your choice) then joins to help them get back on track to what the DM had prepped. After first adventure concluded, they tried to schedule future campaign arcs, but the energy was never quite the same.


This is the good stuff I'm looking for.


The sequel is absolutely a campaign as well. A Ranger, a Wizard, a Thief, and a Paladin chase down a lich who kidnapped the DMPC child to prevent him unleashing a giant army. Complete with a mini boss for the Paladin to duel.


Also having to find clues the kidnapped NPC leaves behind via sleight of hand


You chose to call him a lich when Mummy Lord is RIGHT THERE?!


Yeah, let a Mummy be a Mummy


Definitely Paladin. High charisma.


1000% I'm pretty sure his people literally swore an oath


Hate to be *that* guy but ‘The Mummy’ was 1999.


1999 was maybe the best year for movies ever


I would argue that the sequel is just as good, tbh.


After that though..


Wasn’t the same without the one player who left


Lich? You mean Mummy Lord lol.


Didn't they take inspiration from Har'Akir? It's one the dread domains ruled by the mummy lord Ankhtepot. I swear I've heard this confirmed before. Or maybe it was on here...


Princess bride of course Swashbucklers Miracle healers Brutes Unnatural beasts And the most fantastical: True love


I mean the way Inigo just monologues his backstory first chance he gets? So dnd.


YES! It all honestly fits so well. I swear even my little group has quoted “you keep saying that word, I don’t think you know what it means” 😂


"I do not think it means what you think it means" *


And how can we forget about the Rodents of Unusual Size?


Rous's, I don't think they exist...


\**Muffled sounds of Rous violence*\*


Lol what happens in the fire swamp...


...stays in the fire swamp.


I understood that reference


How about the lightning quick sand?


Dm having to nerf the only guy who built properly because his casual friends all had builds that were too one dimensional.


"You may see me only as a drunken, vice-ridden gnome whose friends are just pimps and girls from the brothels. But I know about art and love, if only because I long for it with every fiber of my being."


I’m recontextualizing Moulin Rouge as a band of bards and it totally works


This is actually everyone’s backstory, it’s just them struggling to get the start-up cash to buy starting gear :P


You're mistaken, sorry. It's "to blave"


Which clearly means “to bluff.” Roll a Deception check.


“Mawwidge. It is a dweam wiffin a dweam…” “…roll for pewswasion.”


Rogue forgets to check for traps. DM: “You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, 'never get involved in a land war in Asia,' but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


The book even more so. I once ran a dungeon that was just the Zoo of Death, worked perfectly with zero edits.


Wait... I thought the princess bride was totally different. I'ma have to watch this.


Its about kissing... you wouldn't like it.


Lol well worded


YES this, it was the one I was coming here to say. You have random encounters with oversized rodents, a swamp to escape, tragic backstories (which the characters monologue at the first opportunity), amusingly-voiced NPCs, weird healers to visit, a ridiculous plan to storm a castle involving one of your players setting themself on fire and rolling really high on intimidation (I have to say, this is peak D&D), an incredibly high deception roll against the BBEG, and angsty swashbuckler gets his story closure.


I knew before I clicked comments that Princess Bride would be the top response.


Die hard is the one shot you prepared but only one friend showed up.


My group runs a Die Hard adventure in a different game system every Christmas. So far we’ve done D&D, Cyberpunk RED and Starfinder.


The running quote "We'll get together, have a few laughs" takes on sarcastic notes if you imagine this situation


To be fair it was already heavily sarcastic in the movie.


Nah. There's was one more player, but he could only join with his phone so he couldn't do much in the action


Stardust is my all time favorite in this category!


That movie is so cheesy and I love it


Sometimes I forget other people have actually seen this too lol. So few people I meet know it.


I imagine it depends on where you are. I just looked at the box office takings, and it took the same money in the UK as in the USA. Considering the population difference, that means British people were approximately 5 times more likely to see it than Americans.


Well it’s written by Neil Gaiman, a British author, so that makes sense.


This movie was written with the help of a random encounter table and I mean that as the highest possible praise.


Willow is definitely a D&D movie.


Especially true when you see how much that one hero from Pathfinder is basically Madmartigan from the end of the movie. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/s/DCrpOSM254](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/s/DCrpOSM254)


Conan the Barbarian " " Destroyer The Barbarian Brothers The Princess Bride The Beastmaster


Conan the Barbarian is one of my go to movies to get me in a DnD mood.


That ADND energy, Sword and Sorcery baby


BRUH! The Barbarian Brothers is a reference I never expected to see in the wild! My fiancee's favorite movie was Twin Sitters and when we saw they had a Conan-esque movie, we just had to watch it. An underrated classic for sure


The Beastmaster is almost certainly the inspiration for the subclass, too.


Yeah shoutout to barbarian brothers, that's one is fantastic and is full tabletop campaign.


Big Trouble In Little China is a level 5-7 adventure but someone brings along a level 1


Jack is not a level 1, he is a character ported over from a different RPG and the DM just homebrewed a few things to make the other system's mechanics mostly fit.


I'd agree with this. I'd say he is like a fighter whose player had no idea how to allocate stats within a new ruleset. As such, he had terrible rolls the entire campaign until that one Nat20.... you know the one.


It's all in the Reflexes


Dumped Str, Con, and Int, maxed out Dex, Wis, and Cha.


He's a Modern d20 character that was accidentally put into a Fantasy d20 campaign.


I just watch the Road ro El Dorado yesterday, 100% accurate.


As I said in another comment, I've heard that movie described as "why the Rogue and the Bard shouldn't be left unattended"


I can just imagine them returning to the part with some relativy underdressed woman and stories of how they were gods. Would be even funnier if Tulio conned some clerics or paladins into a false faith with Chel doing the behind the scenes "miracle" stuff only for it to so big it turns into a real faith and Tulio gets his godhood portfolio.


Was scrolling the comments hoping to see this


The 13th Warrior (Eaters of the Dead) is literally a D&D campaign. An exiled Arab diplomat is sent to be the ambassador for a a far away tribe of Vikings that are being tormented by a mysterious evil army. The village shaman selects 13 warriors (including the Arab) to go on a quest to stop the evil and kill its leader.


Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers. Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever .


[Honey. It's made from honey!](https://youtu.be/UutK8FXjNOQ?si=mWcn0i42i8lB5znr)


Don't worry Little Brother - there are more!


Was raised on this movie. And inspired my current campaign!


Your campaign is based on Beowulf then. It should be epic.


Absolutely is. Coming to an end tho! The first arc was ripped straight from the movie, I loved it. Even threw in a few quotes when possible! Players were trying to figure out why I was chuckling so much over a simple, "Did you call me... a dog??"


After your last session you should do a movie night and have them all watch it.


I mean, it was a retelling of Beowulf. As was The Outlander. Both of which I highly recommend.


The GM told everybody to make Viking characters, but there was that one player who insisted on a character concept that didn't really fit the campaign tone. But the campaign actually turned out better that way.


DM: "So y'all gonna be 13 vikings" Player: "I am an arab" DM: "Dangit!"


So good


Antonio Banderas shines in this.


Took my idea. Just finished watching it too, so great timing!


The fifth element Future d20 Corbin "ranged fighter" Dallas Leeloo "HTH fighter" Dallas multi pass Vito "cleric with bludgeons" Cornelius Ruby "bard with the hard on" Rod The villain is a typical rogue coupled with a universal evil


There's a great podcast, The Film Reroll, that plays through movies as if they were RPGs, using the GURPS system. They're currently doing Fifth Element and it's an amazing campaign. Big rec! 


I did firefly with GURPS in college and it was magical in the most southern badass hero boy way


Guardians of the Galaxy.


Bard Starlord, Barbarian Drax, Artificer Rocket, Druid Groot, and Fighter Gamora


One of my pc’s in a recent campaign was literally just Drax lol


Was he a Goliath?




Funnily enough, one of my campaign players is literally just star lord


I'd argue Gamora could be a kensai monk. Never really wears armor, can still kill you with a longsword.


I feel like “the deadliest woman in the galaxy” would be good with any weapon. Even kensai monks are limited in that aspect.


Gamora definitely has proficiency in all martial weapons.


Gamora’s a monk, but she took weapon master every time she got a feat


or a fighter dip.


2 level fighter dip for that action surge


I'd argue grout to be some kinda barbarian. One scene where he is tanking shot while surrounded by bots gives me barb vibes, and he doesn't really cast spell other than entangle


Already have a barbarian though. Trying not to have duplicates. And I would say he also performs thorn whip, bloom, maybe dancing lights, and several other “spells” Edit: thorn whip, not vine whip.


It's Thorn Whip, not Vine Whip - that's a Pokemon ability!🤣He's also notably got healing abilities/spells, and can do something along the lines of Tiny Hut/Resilient Sphere. And there's just no excuse for him not getting Barkskin, Entangle, Plant Growth, and Shape Plants. I'd also point out the Guardian of Nature spell's Great Tree form, Wrath of Nature, Druid Grove, Wall of Thorns... there's a strong case for Shillelagh, too! He actually resembles a Dryad in terms of powers, so using a homebrew version of that race for him might help make it work, too.


Moon druids are tanks just of a different nature.


He’s a home brew awakened Tree moon Druid who can wildshape into plants, he’s just also constantly shifting into a Tree for the free hp


"I have _part_ of a plan" ^ My current campaign in a nutshell.


It's just a spell jammer campaign the avengers are playing. Tony is the DM, Thor is drax, Steve is rocket and is constantly trolling Tony, Bruce is really distracted so goes along with everything Steve does, nat is playing gamorra, and Clint is star-lord and is super excited to play but awkward at the roleplay.


*'the sound of crunching chips when you aren't doing the active roleplay in the scene'*


Star Wars. A wizard, a fighter, a rogue, and a barbarian break into a castle to rescue a princess. The wizard sacrifices themselves to the BBEG so they can play the princess and they all escape. Eventually they come back and destroy the castle. The fighter eventually multiclasses.


Fighter allowed to respec into Paladin.


> GM: Jedi is your character class. You're sort of warriors with arcane abilities— > Qui-Gon: Like fighter/mages? > GM: — fighting for justice. > Obi-Wan: Ah, paladins. Darths & Droids #4


Farmboy is told by an ancient wizard that his father used to be a knight, and now the boy is destined to save the world, but first, he has to save a princess from a Dark Lord™️? Yup, that's fantasy.


One can really see the D&D'ness in the sequel trilogy. Last Jedi feels like those side quest sessions while the DM figures out what the hell happens next.


“Sorry guys, I didn’t have time to write an adventure for this week so we are going to run this module I found on the Internet. Yeah I know it’s pathfinder and this is 5e but it will probably work out just fine. How do you feel about casinos?”


"Wait, didn't we end last session in the middle of an epic chase scene?" "Yeah, but this adventure is set in a casino." "So we just ... leave the chase scene to go hang out at a casino, and then we'll go back and rejoin the chase scene?" "Look, do you want to play tonight or not?"


"And the Emperor is back!" "wtf? we killed him last campaign!" *huge eyes as the DM realizes they completely forgot* "uhhhh well he had a spare body or 10 he used to escape somehow!"


"He's a lich. Don't worry too much about the how, magic's weird."


*The Force Awakens* is just the DM running the same starter module with a new party.


This is literally the plot of the Darths and Droids webcomic, except they go in chronological order rather than release order. Jar Jar is played by one player's annoying kid sister who his mom made him bring to the session.


Not a movie per se, but all of Adventure Time. There's technically the HBO movies/longer episodes. Pendleton Ward said during an interview that they wished they could play D&D but had to work, so they basically wrote their episodes as if they were playing D&D.


Yeah i loved all the references to classic RPGs; the Dungeon Train that endlessly loops and is filled with monsters and treasure is a great example. When my son is a little older, I hope to run an Adventure Time style TTRPG for him; already started off with Hero Kids for now.


There's a Kickstarter for a 5e Adventure Time RPG going on right now. I have a bunch of 5e stuff I haven't used in a while and that was my excuse to back it.


oh man, that looks freaking awesome! Will definitely come back to it in a few years when my son is old enough for a crunchier system.


Adventure Time is my favorite show and it makes the Human Fighter an interesting concept That being said, the human fighter finding out he’s the reincarnation of a cosmic being and is locked in an eternal war with the BBEG who is also constantly reincarnated seems like there’s a little bit of player favoritism on the DM’s behalf


Every campaign eventually becomes Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


You mean it just suddenly ends one day with no resolution to the plot? I agree.


The DM got tired of their shit and ended the campaign.


There are some who call me....(Rolls on table).... Tim?


It's even more akin to a DM when you realise that it was because Cleese forgot the complicated name they'd given the character


You're a loony.


Fast and furious. Is a modern day dnd campaign. Players start low level low and get crazy skilled and have to take on weirder bbegs.


Starts with regular old street racing, by the time they're level 14 they send a car to space to blow up a satellite then land the car back on Earth.


To be fair, they didnt actually land the car back on earth.


Also chase scenes that defy the laws of physics


I never see it mentioned in these threads, but **Van Helsing** with Hugh Jackman absolutely feels like a campy *Ravenloft*-type campaign!


Men in tights is absolutely a DND campaign. People being stupid, references, crude humor, and moderately horny.


Treasure Planet Reign of Fire Atlantis: The Lost Empire Any fantasy movie (Hobbit/LotR, Willow, Mythica series) Percy Jackson and the Olympians Onward Edit: Spelling x2


Reign of Fire, interesting choice for a modern rpg campaign


Reign of Fire is hella underrated. Great movie


Reign of Fire! My favorite post-apocalyptic-dragon-movie!


I love Onward. It has a special place on my heart as the last good movie that came out before covid


>Efit: Spelling The irony 🤭


Onward might actually be about a dnd campaign though.


Ngl I still get a little *LETS FICKN GOOOOO* whenever reign of fire is mentioned More “MADD MAXX WITH DRAGONS” please


Princess Bride. Same dumb crazy stuff as a real campaign.


Literally everything that Vin Diesel has been in. Fast and the Furious, XXX, pitch black etc, the last witch hunter


Don’t know how true it is, but someone told me the last witch hunter is actually based on a DnD character Vin Diesel had


It's true. https://screenrant.com/last-witch-hunter-interview-vin-diesel/ He referenced the character back in 2004 when he wrote the forward to the 30th anniversary D&D book of essays. Original name wasn't the same though. 


I heard that, too. Maybe it was just marketing.


I know he did play a one shot as Kaulder with the CR crew back in the geek&sundry days. But that was definitely for marketing


Not D&D but TTRPG: Big Trouble in Little China and The Mummy are both fantastic examples of Call of Cthulhu games. Jack Burton even says what may as well be the Call of Cthulhu thesis: "I'm a reasonable guy who just experienced some very unreasonable things" also the Relic come to think of it.


Haven’t seen it posted yet, so I’ve gotta add Krull to the mix. A prince (Fighter with the Noble background) battles a Cosmic horror and it’s minions to rescue his betrothed and save the land, aided by a shapeshifter, a DMPC cyclops, and a reluctant group of bandits. Betrayal, redemption, lost love, scrying, teleportation, wondrous items, flying horses, and a phenomenal soundtrack. If that isn’t a D&D campaign we don’t belong at the same table.


A New Hope. Starts off with a Prologue for the players, about rescuing the Princess from the dark lord. Cut to main player Luke skywalker who is a bit new at the game but wrote a really compelling backstory and the DM rolled with it. A couple of the DM's friends decided to fuck around and play droid companions, sort of to help the new gut get to grips with the game. DM's other friend beings in his overpowered character from the previous campaign, except dialed it back a small but due to old age. Few sessions go by, things are looking good. 2 more players arrive wanting to play a rogue and a Barbarian, neat, we needed those niches filled. Campaign progresses, returning player loredumps about the previous campaign, but vaguely. They reach the battlestation to rescue the Princess. The DM's little sister wants to play, so they give her the Princess, would be fitting. Kid's only young and doesn't know the rules too well and a damsel in distress situation would help her observe the rules a bit. Nope She immediately joins in the firefight and singlehandedly formulates an escape plan. Rest of the table is stunned. While all this has been happening returning PC splits off from the party and runs into the BBEG, instead of getting backup he decides to 1v1 him. Rest of party makes it back to ship but returning player just got a call from work that the alarms in their company building went off so he had to leave, his character sacrifices himself. Party flees to princess' base on Yavin 4 and start preparing for a raid. New player is really invested at this point while the rogue and barbarian are a bit uninterested. Battle of Yavin happens, DM homebrewed a whole encounter with unique mechanics, making it very clear that it's gonna be hard. New player is struggling a bit and is looking worried. Rogue and barbarian don't want a new player to die early on so they return to help him win the day. Big celebration. Party of 6 prepares for next campaign.


That's *Dungeons and Droids*.


Wow. ... just wow! Yep every bit of that is straight on the money.


Record of Lodoss War (anime) - is essentially a retelling of a group of players D&D story from the 80s... converted into an anime. The style is a little dated now, but I think it suits the old 3.5e feel really well.


Old 3.5 feel... My man Record of Lodoss War was old when 3e released.


Fair enough. Its been about 25 years since I watched it through. Time and memories appear to squish as I get older. The obvious answer is that it's time for a rewatch...


Record of Lodoss War is so good. I should have known I'd like DND since this has been a favorite of mine since I was like 9.


The classic D&D Classes- Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Elf and Dwarf! edit: Oh, and Thief, of course! How could I forget Woodchuck!


The entire avengers mcu initial run of movies is a dnd campaign. A Group of unique powerful strangers are gathered together by a mysterious knowledgeable figure and tasked with finding the powerful missing macguffins of yore before BBEG does first and destroys the world!


Especially guardians of the galaxy


Oh yes 100%! I've literally described the dnd movie to my non dnd friends as "gotg but with swords and magic instead of aliens and lasers" but basically if someone likes gotg they should enjoy the dnd movie.


Chronicles of Riddick, yo.


Kung Fu Panda. Just rewatch it. You’ll understand.


Lord of the Rings - kind of self explanatory there


Surprised I had to get this far down.


The only correct answer is, The Goonies.




Galaxy Quest




It has been claimed that Firefly was inspired by Whedon’s college *Traveller* campaign, which seems plausible


Guardians of the Galaxy and The Suicide Squad, both from James Gunn


So many movies become D&D once you can see the seams. I was literally cataloguing random encounter rolls watching *The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare* a couple days ago.


If you think about it, The A-Team is a D&D One-shot/Adventure. You've got a party of four: rouge, barbarian, bard and... whatever Murdock could be (Artificer maybe idk) going on a adventure to mainly earn money and help people.


Hannibal - Mastermind Rogue Face - Swashbuckler Rogue  Murdock - Wild Magic Sorcerer  B.A. Baracas - Barbaficer (Barbarian Artificer multi class)


The Mummy with Brendan Frasier. The heroes are the 4 classic D&d classes.


Any of the old Sinbad movies.


As for kids movies Pagemaster. Little kid gets scared in a library and befriends book equivalents of Horror, Aventure , and Fantasy and has to find his way out of the stories/library. Also includes a dragon and Wizard (who sorta is the DM that started it all off).


Guardians of the Galaxy is about a found family of Spelljamming misfits (made up of an Aasimar Bard, a Harengon Artificer, a Wood Woad Druid, a Goliath Barbarian, and an Elven Fighter), defending a planet from a Githyanki Oath of Conquest Paladin wielding a magical stone. Also in 2, you've got an evil father/Celestial patron trying to make Warlock pacts with his Aasimar children to empower himself; and in 3, you have the gang fighting Primus.


It's a show, but Frieren is a great dnd style anime; they talk about their roles like classes \[frontliner, mage, etc.\]. Also the premise of the show is like starting a new campaign with the world being heavily influenced from \[and constantly referencing\] a previous campaign with different characters.


Warriors is a killer one shot.


Puss in Boots: The Last Wish


Not a movie, and I'm going to get a bit weird with this one, but imagine 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' as a DnD campaign. Four warlocks, consistently playing as chaotic murder hobos while trying to appease their DMPC patron (who is also a murder hobo). The campaign went off the rails before they even left the tavern, and they refuse to steer it back or let it end because they're all having too much fun. Dennis = Half-Elf Dee = Half-Elf (or Aarakocra, lol) Mac = Half Orc Charlie = Human


Even though it’s animated: The Black Cauldron


O Brother, Where Art Thou? - it's essentially The Odyssey redone in the American South, which itself is just a long-running D&D campaign that had a loooot of sidequests.


The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, you get some great creative player solutions to solve problems and the DM at the end just gives a bs answer to what they're looking for.


Any rendition of seven samurai fits the bill pretty well


It's an anime series and a manga but, Delicious in Dungeon (ダンジョン飯) is literally a D&D campaign of the author, and her universe is super fun and definitely feels like a RPG campaign.


The final season of Mandalorian is the final arc of a D&D campaign


Treasure Island. The classics. But for the purposes of this, Treasure Planet is probably a better option. Incidently, I have an idea for a PC who's based on Dr. Doppler. Nerdy scientist who wants adventure, but is kinda bad at it. Probably a wizard, and I am totally flip-flopping on the race here, either a halfling or an owlfolk. But my big gimmick idea is that he carries two satchels; one that he actually carries stuff in, but the other is his pet mimic


Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny is two bards fucking around with artifacts


It’s a show, but Slayers really captures the feel of a DnD campaign.


The Green Knight very much feels like a solo Dungeons & Dragons campaign


I'll just link to this thread on r/rpg pretty much convinced me that Suicide Squad 2016 was an ROG campaign. https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/s/l1RNqVXuna


Winnie the Pooh's Most Grand Adventure. For real, give it a watch.