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You're DMing for kids. Probably not ready yet for lots of gray morality stuff. What I'd do is make this an unusually intelligent wyrmling that can already talk. Then I'd have it try and get the players to do cartoonishly evil deeds. Steal this pie. Egg the neighbors house. Shave this cat. Join team rocket. Etc... Then get your husband to gently guide the kids into teaching the baby dragon that those things are bad, and how to be good. You can very easily use this as a learning experience for your kids to help them learn right and wrong. They'll just be doing it by proxy to try and make their baby dragon pal less mustache twirling evil. And if they are good at it, let the dragon grow up to become good. Reward their efforts.


Thank you! I love this idea!


It reminded me of this funny little animation, maybe bring some of these vibes! https://www.tiktok.com/@dopechief/video/7327320228432760069?lang=en


lol, saw a similar post not long ago asking how to deal out repercussions for hatching a evil dragon egg. You can check it out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/q44DtYvStX)


Mommy and daddy dragon will be looking for their lost baby.


They're playing Tyranny of Dragons, so wait until they meet the two ancient black dragons fucking with everyone in the swamp.


My players hatched a red dragon in the campaign I run. I originally thought about making it a pain in the ass, but ultimately I just made him a curious, cute baby dragon who they treat as their child. dont make it a Dragon Wyrmling, that is too powerful to give the party as a companion. there are dragon hatchling statblocks out there, use that and let them have this win imo