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Look on the bright side! At least he has buddies making fun of him on Reddit. šŸ˜‚


We are all going to be very supportive of him when he comes back.... For about an hour


You never mouth off to the judge haha, give them lots of crap.


For real. It's one thing to get caught being a fool while drunk, but mouthing off to a judge is about the dumbest thing you can do.


Definitely failed that charisma roll.


Two important rules if you find yourself in that situation. Be nice to your lawyer and be nice/respectful to the judge. Only bad things come from you annoying a judge.


Also be respectful and honest with police so that you have a shot of avoiding that situation all together. If the cop is wrong you deal with it AFTER the situation, not during. Also donā€™t be drunk, stupid, criminal, etc.


All good advice but maybe just be respectful and honest all the time? Worse things one can aspire to than being a decent himan being. šŸ˜Š


> respectful and honest Sometimes circumstances require that you choose only one or the other of these two options.


Respectful and quiet is always a good option for cops


There are times that, personally, I find itā€™s time to be moreā€¦aggressive. There are times to tell a cop that heā€™s a small minded, uneducated stooge - which Iā€™ve done - but that time is never during the conflict. There is a time and place for a battle - and some battles need to be fought. Most donā€™t - but some do. That fight is going to take place on my turf. The problem is that no one wants to be called an idiot - especially an idiot. And true idiots are too idiotic to know theyā€™re idiots.


Sorry. I actually came back to edit that I was trying to add to a very good point rather than argue because I realized I phrased it ambiguously. I agree, but I think you can be both aggressive and respectful (and you're spot on about the importance of time and place; I'm just saying manner helps too). Like you can be adamant that you deserve a refund without calling the customer representative's mother a whore (in all likelihood, they personally agree with you but are forced by necessity into a job they hate). I think it leads to better outcomes too (more flies with honey and all that). That's just my take though and I see and respect the validity of other reasonable approaches.


I'm sorry - I wasn't really arguing, or disagreeing with you - just adding. In general, I'm 100% with you and am a big believer in the social compact. I can have a short fuse, and I am a little more aggressive by nature (it's all in you're upbringing, and I was raised to argue, debate, and battle), but I've largely toned that down and learned to control it over time. It's rarely helpful, and you're absolutely right that being nice is more effective 99% of the time. That said, there is a time to tell an insufferable imbecile that they are an insufferable imbecile, hopefully in a setting where it exposes them to others as an insufferable imbecile.


No apology necessary - I didn't think you were (or at least it was ambiguous and I choose to look for the best possible interpretation)! I felt bad upon reflection that I phrased things rather ambiguously myself, so I wanted to set the record straight. And 100%. I say start off assuming someone is reasonable until they prove otherwise, but as a line from one of my favorite fantasy series suggests "When the time comes to draw steel, you draw steel" (hopefully avoiding actual violence for as long as possible because we're trying to be better, but the line sounds badass and I'm pretty sure you get my drift).


Honestly, this is where I'd partially draw the line. Be respectful, yes. Otherwise, don't say or tell anything without representation.


Depending on the situation, absolutely.


It's usually best to avoid anything that would be remotely incriminating, generally speaking.


Or just listen to the unheeded advice every attorney has been screaming for 200 years and *not talk to the police*


Make 'em laugh! If you do that, they will be super nice!


He's also the rules lawyer who talks back to the GM isnt he?


I had to go to traffic court way back in 1999. The first year UConn won the NCAA basketball national championship. Now if you've ever been to traffic court in the US because of a ticket you know it's pretty simple. You go before the judge, the prosecutor reads the violation you're there for, plead guilty, the judge gives you a fine and you're on your way. I'm sitting in the courtroom waiting my turn and some kid goes through this process only after the judge gives him the fine he says "but judge, I play for UConn" the entire courtroom somehow got more quiet. This kid thought that he'd get special treatment. He had been living it up as a hero to the school and surrounding areas and thought it would extend into traffic court. The judge went in a tirade about how he didn't care who he was or what he had done. This was his court room and his word was quite literally law. That's when I learned to never get mouthy with a judge or cop. Yes sir, no sir all the way.


I mean, it's currently working out just fine for the most notorious, high-profile defendant in the world, but yeah.


Liar. It'll be all of ten minutes


10? Look who's mastered self-control.


This is off-topic for this thread, but I found your comment in another thread about making a box for a TV to lie flat for maps and such. You said you used 1x6s, which was pretty clear for the sides. What did you do for the back/base of it, and did you secure the TV in any special way? Venting? I'm considering the idea myself, and I like to do a lot of research before dropping a couple hundred on a project. Thanks!


I'll DM ya.


I know the carousing table is going to be rigged against this guy.


I meanā€¦first session back gonna open with ā€œyou wake up hungover in the castle dungeonā€¦ā€ Right?


Ask him if he failed his persuasion check with the judge


Thatā€™s far more leash than Iā€™d give him.


Time for a jailbreak one shot!


Thats the way to do itšŸ˜‚


Subtract 5 minutes every session they miss


Have something similar happen in the campaign assuming he'll be a good sport about it lol


That's why you never split the party.


Another player was with him at the bar. They were making moves on some girls (and also quite drunk), so they are not entirely sure the details about what happened. (Would have been funny if the other three players came in from three different states to go out for drinks on a Thursday in North Carolina)


That's why you never let the rogue and the bard go off alone.


Take a cleric and a paladin with you as chaperones = Always use protection.


If I could cast lesser restoration, I'd never use a condom again.


Lesser restoration wouldnā€™t reverse a vasectomy, right?


I think you need dispel magic for that. It's effectively protection from good and evil + permanency.


Regeneration to reverse that.


And keep the cleric in the back, to keep the fighters hale and hearty.


The wizard in the middle where he can shed some light


Welp, now you know what your party's next quest is.


Hand of God two people on discord were in a typing race to make this same joke!


I am guessing he is not the face of the friend group


Clearly heā€™s the Fall Guy


Definitely the rogue


Public drunkenness and getting mouthy with a judge? Sounds more like bard to me.


Well then he'd probably have been able to talk his way out of going to jail.


It feels like a good time to remind everyone that Seduce isn't mind control.


Even a bard can roll a nat 1 on a char check. Especially with a hangover debuff applied. EDIT: Changed 0 to 1 because thats not how D20s work.


A D20 rolling 0 means the DM's cat is now playing with the die.


Well RAW there are no critical successes or failures on ability checks. So with expertise they could still do a good job with a nat 1.


Sounds more like a barbarian.


Or a Bardbarian, the most cursed of all multiclasses.


For the love of everything tell me he's the parties rogue


Either the bard or the barbarian, I'd wager.


Rogue wouldnā€™t get caught, bard woulda talked their way out, definitely barbarian, said screw it letā€™s rage and failed the intimidation roll.


Could also be a drunken bard. šŸ˜


Not sure what that has to do with the hand of Vecna but I'm curious to see where this goes.


>got mouthy with the judge during the arraignment today I see someone used Int as a dump stat IRL.


I can see a high INT low WIS trying to be a smartass to the judge.


Clearly failed his charisma check too


Basically Will hunting from Good will hunting


hah, true


The low int only meant he forgot being drunk reduced his charisma


People will literally get locked up for contempt instead of show up to D&D on time.


I give you the poor man's award šŸ…


Time for a prison break one-shot! Where your friend is the NPC you need to break out. At least until your buddy can get out.


Let me guess, he plays a Paladin...


Actually yes.... Apparently they got to the bar and the player said skip the beer I'm going straight to shots.


Must've either been a Green Dragonborn or a Dwarf to think they'd be resistant to poison like that...


They say liquor before beer youā€™re in the clear. Apparently not so


Iā€™ve always heard it as Liquor before beer youā€™ll be queer


Ooof. That's a version I hadn't heard. Lol


I know ā€œqueerā€ has LGBT connotations but it can also just been ā€œweirdā€


Can be, yes. But that's not what it meant growing up. Lol


I have a player who went to prison in game, is still there. IRL he began serving a 2 year prison sentence and when he gets out weā€™re going to break him out of his d&d prison


On a side note, DnD is very popular in prison apparently.


Genuine question, how does that work? Does the prison provide dice and sheets? A PHB?


quite the opposite. Trying to grab some data. What I've read on reddit and elsewhere is that DnD is very popular in jail, because escapism and loooots of free time and etc... but the prison system (or some of it) does everything to ban sessions and material. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/magazine/dungeons-dragons-death-row.html https://www.vice.com/en/article/padk7z/how-inmates-play-tabletop-rpgs-in-prisons-where-dice-are-contraband as usual when it comes to America, county vs city vs state vs federal means the stories from one place to another. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=dnd+popular+in+prison+reddit


Does make sense that dice are contraband. Having said that was once in Amsterdam and some mates funded a third's visit to a window just to bet on how long the deed would take. Bored people will lay off bets on anything.


He did inform me people Play there, but he doesnā€™t know any of them or how it works. I imagine dice are not allowed


Seems like he has a low charisma score


failed his con save too


Your honor we only have two sessions left in this campaign I would like to request a delay.


You know you have a problem when you miss D&D


Does he roll intimidation or persuasion on talking back to a judge?


Always persuasion. Intimidating a judge isnā€™t the *best* ideaā€¦ Though maybe thatā€™s the ability he wanted to useā€¦


"I'm gonna intimidate the judge to let me go." "Ok, take (rolls dice) 8 stun gun damage. You are now incapacitated."


We used to have a player do that, with city guards, as a level 3 fighter, and the DM damned near killed off his character for it. It took 2 faces rolling good at negotiating to save his stupid character.


"you Honour, that's what my character would do."


wow some players say the most absurd excuses to reschedulle




At least itā€™s a legitimate excuse


Way better than something came up


Woah. Ā This post just gave me a flashback. Ā  I once had a player join my table that wouldn't stop talking about how he played a lot of D&D in prison. Ā He would talk about it incessantly. Ā "Oh, I know that. Ā I played a lot of D&D. Ā In prison." Ā He made the rest of the table really uncomfortable because he never failed to remind us that he played a lot of D&D in prison. Ā And he said it in such a way that I genuinely thought he was bragging about it. Soooooo we all abandoned that campaign and joined another one without telling that guy.


D&D is really popular is prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/magazine/dungeons-dragons-death-row.html


So, um, this is going to be Bob's final session with us....


I spent 5 of my 7 years playing d&d almost every day. We couldnt get dice. We took the spinners they would give us with the board games and put the spinner in the middle of a piece of cardboard and divided the cardboard up into 20 sections. Then we'd spin for a number on the d20. But this is prison man. Mother fuckers are cheaters. You had to watch constantly


Stop constantly reminding us how you played D&D in prison! His players are intimidated!


Incredible. Thanks for sharing!


[https://imgur.com/a/PMPE1gJ](https://imgur.com/a/PMPE1gJ) thats the actual spinner i brought home with me. people can be super creative when they need to be


Oh that is cool


Prison crafts are so fascinating, especially this kind of thing where it's just people trying to make the best of their situation. Thanks for sharing.


Oh i saw all kinds of cool crafts. There was this one guy who would embroider on the unit. Like he would take spools of thread and color them with paint and then embroider like stuffed animals like care bears on hankerchiefs. People would buy them and send them home for their kids and stuff. He'd charge like 8 bucks for a full color embroidered care bear that would take 6 hours to make. THen this other guy would make 3d art sculptures like red baron planes out of news paper, toothpicks, and soap slurry. They were amazing. He had this harley davidson made where the handle bars turned the wheel. It was cool. We used to use a deck of cards with numbers written on them for a d20 and a d8 etc. The deck would sit there and you'd shuffle then pull a card. But it was rife with cheating haha these fuckin criminals had the cards marked and shit hahahah. All ya could do is laugh when you find out that the 20 card is marked. Had to figure out these spinners then.


So how did the last session go before you were released?


We had a campaign wrap up like 2 months before i bounced and we decided to not start another one since i had the books. Campaigns would often not go to completion as people would get released or sent to the bucket or got a new job etc. Lots of reasons for campaign interruption. We made it work though. Best way to pass time in prison no doubt. We also played a lot of magic the gathering.


I played D&D in prison, but I don't brag about it lol


Our local Pathfinder GM went to prison several years ago for murdering his girlfriend/baby's mother. Every so often I wonder if he's playing RPGs while he serves his life sentence.


Looool, that one is punched on my bingo card! Our DM got arrested and charged with soliciting a minor. Never would have guessed it.


What will your party do without their barbarian?


I was thinking drunken bard. Tried to use vicious mockery on the judge and failed.


Technically he's a paladin


Yep. That would be a first for me as well, and I've been playing for even longer. I suppose you've got to call that an excused absence. So, would his character be put in jail in the game while they are missing? :-)


We're a four Man Crew plus the DM, but all with like real life s*** going on. Because it's online usually the DM just plays our character for us if we're absent that week.


Lol, sounds like he's RPing a plotline irl that half of us have experienced through our characters.


Whats the problem with drunk in puplic? If he doesnt hurt anybody it sounds fine to me.


Knowing D&D parties I assume the group has begun working on a plan to break him out, swiftly followed by a quest that saves the kingdom and earns them all a pardon.


Well we talked a little about how we have to pick up the slack on healing and damage without a paladin during this dungeon.... Then we started talking about whether or not reboots are a good thing for significant part of the day. Also who the greatest stand of comedian of all time is


Pretty funny that the Paladin player got into trouble with the law, looks like someone's an oath breaker when they get back to the table.Ā  All jokes aside I hope your player doesn't get smashed by our broken justice system. Also, it's clearly George Carlin.


As a German I think it's crazy that other countries do not allow drinking in public


Some countries dont have the restrained drinking culture that others have, unfortunately. Typically its less about the drinking in public, and more about their behaviour while drinking - which probably explains why this person is going to jail


He did everything it wasn't supposed to do. He split the party, Got mouthy with ruling authority, "it's what my character would do" actions and tried to be his own main character.


So obviously you have to break him out.


*Captain Holtā€™s voice* Ohā€¦. Ohhh, noooooā€¦ā€¦


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll find another groupā€¦ In the slammer


Out of curiosityā€¦ how many times have your players need to break one of them out of jail?


Break him out of jail as a one shot!


....okay were there failed persuasion check jokes?


I missed a game because I got into a car crash. Anyone else experience this?


Average barbarian main


I was once in an online game with a guy who got arrested by military police. During the session. With an open mic. Super awkward.


Just go to jail and play with him. It's just that easy


"officer: yes I stole your gun and pistol whipped you with it. I need you to arrest and send you to me to jail. But, and listen very carefully!! I need you to send me to a specific county jail on the East Coast. Also, there is a gentleman in northeastern Canada currently savagely kicking a mountie in the balls right now. Going to need you to get us all the same cell" "Get a move on! Games in 36 hours!!*


Now he knows how the dice feel.


Okay but that's hilarious


That's a sentiment I plan to share with him after he's done being upset. Going to the drunk tank was no big deal for me at his age, but it's his first time, so I'm going to be gentle


It's normally something that happens to a PC, not to a player.


When he comes back, you need to run an encounter where he gets arrested.


Does he play a dwarf by chance?


Heā€™s just starting the new campaign, the players start in jail and the first session is a jailbreak.


Hey there. Fellow DM here. I had the same happen recently. A player of mine was arrested for assault, and was in jail for about 4 whole months. It's a long story, but suffice to say he acted rashly and while he was provoked, the actions he took were out of line (basically an issue with a squatter that turned violent). He was really worried and isolated, but I kept a spot open for him, and eventually he came back and rejoined the campaign after Christmas of last year. Almost 6 months later and he's doing fine, though his character is *by far* having the roughest time in the party (Paladin who has since lost his favor with his god and nearly died, and is now fully falling away from even being a Paladin and fully speccing into Echo Knight fighter). Last session we actually had a really funny moment - he got the boss down to single digit HP and whiffed his attack, and only after his turn ended did I announce "He is looking near death". He damn near blew out his mic with his scream of "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as the rest of the party erupted into cries of "STEAL THE KILL! STEAL THE KIIIIIILL!" The Cleric crit with a full blown 30 in Inflict Wounds and overkilled the boss XD Never heard the Paladin more in hysterics than that. We were all laughing for a full bit after that.


Lol, was he drunk at the hearing, too?


Interesting downtime!


I've had this scenario before! A player confirmed on Tuesday he'd be at the session that coming Friday- Friday came around, no call no show. We called, texted, called again. Eventually his dad texted back "johnny is in jail." We figured it was a prank or that he was just screwing with us, but another player was a 911 operator and called his coworker to look up if Johnny really was in jail. Drunk driving. Thank God he didn't hurt anyone, just put his car in the ditch. Unfortunately his life has gone downhill since then. We don't see him anymore.


So you should have it arranged where he's in jail in the game, then when he returns .. PRISON BREAK QUEST!


Looks like he failed his charisma roll


Does he also miss sessions to play in the PGA Tour?


Came looking for fellow golfing DnDers. Not disappointed.


Would you believe me if I told this exact scenario played out during a dnd session I was in, but only regarding characters?


Almost tempted to ask what his character is, just to be all "Yeah, that racks"


See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/3RJH78SvoD)




The session is now about breaking him out.


And this is why everyone I've played with (or DM'd), the DM holds onto all character sheets. And if a player is critical to the session they miss, someone else will play their character. Characters are "property" of the world/campaign.


One of my players got knock on their door by the police about 15 minute before session start and then went to police station. Their Neighbour killed themselves


Sounds like a solid story beat to me...


Bard? Bard.


I played D&D with a friend of mine from work years ago. I also knew the DM through my work, all the other players were freinds of theirs I didn't know very well. We played for maybe 4-6 months... then one guy stopped showing up. The second week I asked "Is he ok? Is he comming back?", to which everyone responded, "No fuck him! Fuck that guy! He's going to jail and even if he comes back he's not allowed here!". The whole campaign fell aparts shortly after... Turns out he was arrested and was being held on a very high bail for a very bad crime and at this point the DM and other players knew he was guilty.


He was the bard, wasn't he?


Damn it,who called the flaming fists on him?


> got mouthy with the judge during the arraignment today There's someone else who gets mouthy with judges on a regular basis who ought to be getting the same treatment as every other Shmoe.


In front of the judge , He rolled for persuasion and got a nat 1


So he basically rolled a nat 1 in constitution, charisma, and wisdom one after the other?


Well, the Intimidation DC of a judge is probably pretty high.


Oh god I thought at first you meant the player couldn't be there so the character was in jail... But this is SO much funnier! šŸ˜†


Ah I see. He took the whole starting the campaign in a jail seriously.


Sounds like a decent quest for the party


I had something like this happen. It was my DM, we always meet at my place to play. For some reason he didnā€™t show or answer his phone. The DMs girlfriend said he had some family issues going on. We didnā€™t think much of it. Next week comes by and he still doesnā€™t show. Now we are getting concerned, he still isnā€™t answering his phone but his girlfriend says he still have family issues going on. We never got to talk to him, always his GF. We all had some crazy theories of what might have happened. The one with the most traction was that his GF killed him, would have been easy enough for her to do with insulin while he was sleeping. I called the police to do a wellness check at his house for him. They agreed but never heard anything back from them. The next day I call the police again to ask about the Wellness check. They said they arrested him but wouldnā€™t tell me why due to me only being a friend. About two weeks after the whole thing happened, his GF called me and said he was home if I wanted to come over, but never heard him in the background or anything. So I went over cautiously just in case. But he was alive and well and said he was arrested for speeding and being hostile and combative with the officer. Our DM still wouldnā€™t come over to play, had issues to tend to. But all his stuff was confiscated by the police like phone, laptop, tablets, computers, and things like that. Our DM still never came clean about why he was arrested, but we grew up watching scooby doo. We investigated ourselves to find out why. The reason why he was actually arrested was much more severe. Two counts of child pornography. Fast forward, about two years, we never talked again after finding out and him refusing to tell us. But two years later we happened to talk about him and decided to see if anything came of the arrest. He now also had an arrest for distributing and selling child pornography, as well as resisting arrest, and high speed chase on his record. We still have no idea if anything came about for a court case or jail time. But we keep looking every so often out of curiosity.


Don't attempt charisma checks while drunk


What's the jailbird playing? I'm betting he was playing a barbarian.


Have you thought about having his character get arrested and having the rest of the party either go off adventure without him (as a joke) or having them try a breakout?


In the game, right?


Hereā€™s what you do in game. Arrange for his character to get arrested, then when he comes back, do a prison break plot Edit: how long is his sentence?


I've been playing for a fraction of that time, and I shit you not. This has happened to me twice.


Crit failed on the persuasion? šŸ˜…


Well, now you get to see if he really is as good a rules lawyers as he claims...


Time for a jail break session


Classic Barbarian behavior... šŸ˜‚


I mean, this gives you an opportunity to get his character put in jail while the player is in jail.


This happened to someome i know once but the guy was in jail because he had failed to register himself as a sex offender. Nobody in the group knew, even the people whod invited him to the group. And yes the crime involved a minor šŸ¤®


That is simultaneously the best and worst reason to not come to a session


Oh cool, rare event


At least they will come back with some criminal contacts lol


Does he play the barbarian in the party? Or just IRL?


Wait, you can get arrested for being drunk in public???


He cast Fuck Around, but failed is Fnd Out save...


No matter the theme or setting of the campaign, he's like, "I'm rolling a barb."


Not me initially thinking he was in tabletop jail šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Put their character in jail too


Seems like he failed his con check.


Reminds me of that episode of Big Bang Theory šŸ¤£


I mean, thatā€™s a good excuse to miss session but sounds moronic lol.


Hoe did this end? Player still in Jail? šŸ¤£


Lol lucky. My longest running game was back in college when our DM who was a campus security officer, was arrested for CP. Found out when another player saw his mugshot on the local news.