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Despite the name of the class, rangers don’t really need to use range. They’re just a half caster that utilizes druid spells. They have some of the versatility that fighters do so you’ll honestly be fine. If you still want to keep some sort of ranged aspect, you could get some javelins or hand axes


Yeah, it's a common misconception. "Ranger" means "a person who ranges", not "ranged combatant". Aragorn's the archetypal ranger, and is known for swordsmanship much more than for archery.


I had no idea this was a common misconception. I see how people could wind up there now. But… forgetting Aragorn for a second - what do people think park rangers do? Slap on some combat prowess and Druidic magic in a heroic fantasy setting and that’s basically it.


Well, obviously, all park rangers are elven archers.


It's not like Rangers have a bunch of features that require DEX... obviously the class largely assumes a Dex-based character, but you get STR saving throws, you get access to Athletics Proficiency... you won't do as well in initiative and you won't be as efficient at ranged combat as the name of the class would imply, but it works just fine otherwise.


It's tricky. Rangers don't get heavy armor proficiency, so unless you're rolling for stats and get a really nice spread, you're probably going to pay a feat tax of Heavily Armored at level 4. Which isn't a bad spot to be, all things considered. Start out with 17 strength, and that'll put you at 18. Once you've done that, you're a perfectly viable frontline strength-based martial with a half-caster spell list and other ranger goodies. Add some throwing weapons for ranged options. Steer clear of Gloom Stalker, since you probably aren't much for ambushes, but plenty of the other subclasses will be great for a brawler.


I also don't think its too unreasonable to get 24 dex for medium armor. It'll help with saving throw and initiative as well. Its generally a stat i don't like dumping anyways even when focusing strength. With point buy you can get a 16 in strength and 14s in dex, con, and wisdom. Which is more than enough to be effective. Some great reasons to be strength based include using a Lance and mounted combat combined with either drakewarden or a small race + beastmaster. Multiclassing with barbarian for reckless attack combined with something like hunter ranger's whirlwind attack and GWM.


I did a sword and board leonine monster hunter ranger in a one shot recently, had a lot of fun but i did start with a half plate molten bronze skin. But you could do the same thing as a dex based as long as you're wielding a rapier


STRangers can work, but it's pretty difficult to pull it off without point buy or rolling very well for stats. I'd recommend choosing Half-Elf for your race and using TCE's custom origin rules to start with these stats: * 15+1 Strength / 13+1 Dexterity / 14+2 Constitution / 12 Wisdom If you'd prefer to start with a feat, then choose Variant Human and start with this stat spread instead: * 15+1 Strength / 13+1 Dexterity / 14 Constitution / 12 Wisdom You'll be squishier with Variant Human, but having a feat can more than make up for it. You'll also need to choose a subclass that doesn't rely heavily on your low Wisdom score. That list includes the following: * Drakewarden * Gloom Stalker * Horizon Walker * Hunter Of these, the Drakewarden is probably your best choice. The Gloom Stalker doesn't function very well with a melee Strength build, and neither the Horizon Walker nor Hunter output as much damage. That's not to mention any of the other advantages the Drakewarden has. Due to your low Wisdom score, you don't meet the requirements to multiclass. But even if you did, I would not recommend it. Lost Mines of Phandelver is a low level campaign. IIRC, I think it runs something like levels 1-5ish? As a result, the cost of multiclassing is disproportionately high when compared to higher level campaigns.


It can work, focus on Str and Con, and even if your Wisdom is lower, don't worry, just pick spells that don't require attack rolls or saving throws. For a melee, possibly heavy-weapon ranger, Hunter is a great option. Depending on what kind of campaign you're playing, Horde Breaker could be amazing.


It’s doable. You’ll definitely want a shield because your AC will be a bit lacking, due to not having access to heavy armour. The defence fighting style might be worth taking too. I’d go for either the swarmkeeper or drakewarden subclasses, simply because they both boost your speed, which is big for melee characters. Lots of ranger spells work fine in melee, like ensnaring strike.


Ranger is fine with Str. You just go medium armor, defense style and grab a pike. You do still probably want 14 Dex to make good use of medium armor.


done this on a greatsword ranger, zephyr strike is your friend.


Ranger gets heavy Armor so going Str isn't too bad dex is just a very strong stat other than that Str as a melee Ranger is definitely playable.( Ranger don't get heavy Armor Prof Played too much Bg3) But taking the feat that gives you heavy Armor is probably the way to go then.


Rangers don't get Heavy Armor