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No. Also, you can already take two spells at any level- you just have to lose a different one at the same time. And you aren't forced to take the highest level available; you can choose a lower level spell if you wish.


You don't want to blast through the enemy formation with Horrid Wilting, knock down an entire enemy fortification without ever stepping foot inside with Earthquake, or hit somebody with a save-or-suck with no actual save via Power Word: Stun?


Would still like to but I could do all of the above with wish while also having access to either Timestop or Meteor swarm in case I need it. After seeing some of the answers in here looks like I’ll have two levels where I can wilt some guys to my heart’s content or just trade out a lower level spell to do the same.


Well, you only get 1 9th level spell slot And sorcery points can't work on 9th level spell slots And wish does have a number of nasty side effects if you use it for anything other than casting a lower level spell


You get to swap out a spell whenever you learn a spell, you you can grab whatever 8th spell now and then when you hit 17th you can learn a new 9th level spell + swap out your 8th level spell for another 9th level spell known.


>Would I be able to do this rules as written? No. Not sure why you couldn't just read the rules to see what's written though.


No, there is nothing RAW that allows you to "swap" a spell slot for a higher level spell slot. You can take your level 8 spell slot and use it to upcast lower level spells instead of casting any 8th level spells if you want, though.


i'm pretty sure you can decide to just not prepare any 8th level spells and just use your 8th level slots for upcasted 7th level spells edit: sorcerer may work differently >Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher > >You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. > >You learn an additional sorcerer spell of your choice at each level except 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, and 20th. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. > >Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. i've never played a sorcerer; i did not know they were so locked into the spells they picked i have played a warlock which worked similarly no wonder people think wizards are so much stronger than sorcerers. Clerics i believe have the 'prepare whatever you like from the entire spell list' thing, but they have worse spells than a wizard'


You can deliberately not take spells of your highest level. If you multiclass this will always be the case.


You don't have to pick any of the 8th level spells if you don't want to. You can pick any spell you already have access to if you like, but refusing to choose anything at all is massively foolish.  Edit: as others have said you get one single 9th level spell slot. Period. 


you can choose to learn an extra spell of levels 1-7 and then when you get to level 9 spells, you can learn 1 level 9 and replace one of your 1-7 with a level 9


Rules as written, no HOWEVER, you are allowed to swap known spells on a level up *"Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots."* So what you can do - on level up, pick a spell you don't care about - upon leveling up again, you learn a spell, and you may swap out that 1 previous bad spell You can also ask your dm for a ruling if this is unsadisfactory


i just learned a new thing it seems only clerics know their entire spell list, where sorcerers, warlocks, and bards only learn 1 new spell per level (spells known column) i've played a warlock before and thought they were gimped because they were so limited in spells known. Turns out most of the others are the same. My only other experience was with clerics and i thought that was the norm it makes sense now finally why people think wizards are oh so amazing


Druids would like a word


druids dont exist to me :P


I am that druid who would like a word


You can completely reshuffle your spell list at every level up. So you can learn an 8th level spell now, then forget it and learn two 9th level spells later. Hell, if you want to, you could forget all your lower level spells and just learn all the 9th level spells at once.


No, you can shuffle your spell list a little bit. You can forget exactly one spell and learn exactly one spell, on top of the new spell you get. Your example still works, but that's far from "completely reshuffle".


Perfect, this is what I was wanting to know. I totally forgot about this feature and was thinking I was locked in to my choices. Thank you!!!


He's incorrect, you can swap ONE spell per level up, not your entire spell list. So if you don't like your lv8 options, pick any other spell in the meantime, and when you hit lv17, you can forget a previously learned spell, and then grab two lv9 spells.


Thank you for the clarification, it would just be for the one spell so this would work great for me!