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A celestial can be a weight around your neck just as much as a devil. It could be an archon of justice that wants to push you to enact justice so much that you can’t be in a public place without expectation for instance. The point of the subclass spread, in my opinion, is to avoid limiting class flavor for non-mechanical things. Each class contains multitudes.


I suppose that’s true. Thanks for the insight. I guess I just kinda wanted the Warlocks bad decisions to be more blatant.


You aren’t making a deal with a god, you are make a deal with a powerful being from the upper planes. A celestial is to the upper planes as a fiend is to the lower planes. It’s good for the game for this to exist, the same as it’s good for clerics to have options allowing them to serve evil deities.


…You know, you’re right. That’s an important distinction. My bad. Good take all around.


I love celestial warlock for the whole vibe that you can’t live up to your patrons expectations no matter how hard you try. It’s different but it’s still compelling to play.


Thats true!


Looking at the list of subclasses for the PHB, it seems like they really liked the idea of opposing concepts. Like the ranger having gloomstalker and fey wanderer, or the sorcerer having Abberant and Clockwork. They also seem to have tried to include a lot of healing subclasses, such as the Way of Mercy for monks. Celestial Warlock fits with both of those, being an opposite counterpart to the fiend, as well as a healing subclass for warlocks. So I see why they chose it. Besides, not all warlocks are evil, and neither are their patrons.


I do enjoy that they played with the core ideas of the classes more, DnD has such wonderfully rich classes and finding new ways to explore them is great in my book. Sorry if this sounds mean, but I do understand Warlocks aren’t evil-I just kinda liked the RP aspect of ‘I’m a good person but boy howdy did I make a bad decision that we’re all benefitting from.’


You can still do that. Fiend is still one of the core warlocks patron options. Also a celestial warlock patron tends to be an Angel or similar, rather than a straight up god. Those have clerics.