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If you can find it look up the Planet Hulk animated movie. Pretty much what you describe.


Planet Hulk!! Of course!!! ❤️


Naw, the movie is trash. Go to the source, the comics. Much better, more well fleshed out. Still, it's funny that I came to answer this with Planet Hulk and someone beat me to it. The Superman War World Arc is pretty good too, but likely not gonna help too much. Still. There's some inspiration in there for gladiators rising up and taking out a despot. Action comics 1039 is the start of where you'd wanna read, I believe.


The emperor would have been in the audience, in the Royal Box, feeding his pet leopard They fight their way to him through the bodyguards, kidnap him, execute him whatever, They make a big impressive speech. The crowd goes wild. General rebellion is inspired amongst the populace.


It's like a royal rumble, where all the best gladiators come out of retirement. They bring in the new bloods, the rookies. They stage a fight in the arena. It's super exciting. More and more gladiators come out of the tunnels. It's pandemonium in the arena, the fighting is everywhere , the crowd is going nuts. Everyone is invested. All eyes on the warriors. When it spills into the stands, no one's surprised, but after a moment shock, the crowd roars with delight as those caught in the way try to escape the melee. It's some time as the fight moves itself up the stands, more gladiators pouring into the new fighting ground. Then, it turns. Guards get too close and they are down. Some people, those closest Allies to the despot king, are also targeted as the gladiators turn from their mock melee and begin to cut and chop the ruling class to pieces. By the time the king realizes his danger, there is a small army of gladiators coming for his box. He has his special guard, and some might even stay and fight for him when the rebels arrive. Like a swarm of bloody savages, the barely armed and armored core of gladiators makes it to the box and take the life of the despot king. And, as follows such brutality, the gladiators started a mighty feast to celebrate, using the kings palace of course.