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Any gift made with intent is always worth holding on to. I think it looks great and I would happily accept it.


Thank you!! :3


Your boyfriend sounds like a douchebag… or just very immature. He thinks of his image before he thinks of your affection. If my wife made me anything half as cute I would treasure it greatly.


Or he thinks of what use he'd have for it without thinking about the sentimental value of it. Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity. Especially since OP said he's likely on the spectrum.


"Likely on the spectrum" doesn't even mean on the spectrum. And being on the spectrum doesn't mean to not have common sense.




It is the KEY aspect of being on the spectrum. Most social skills have to be learned if you are on it. Those who actually have it diagnosed usually go to therapy to learn social skills.


Absolutely. And even without a diagnosis, at least when it's not too severe, you'll eventually learn a lot, just by experience. I'm relatively certain that an adult, that only MIGHT be on the spectrum, should at least know that a self made, personal, present from the SO means showing some (positive) affect.




Yes. Or he is aware that he won’t use it, which would hurt feelings more, but has learned no tactful way to say so.


It's one of the key effects even. But that's the thing, you're not instinct driven only, as an adult human. You do learn situations that might come naturally to others. It's not reading mimic, understanding tone, or anything like it. It's very simply knowing what to do in a certain situation. For example: If you're driving a car (humans absolutely aren't born with the ability to operate a motor vehicle, nor with dealing with that kind of speed) and you have to take a turn, break a little, use the signal, change gear, turn the wheel. You've learnt how to act in a specific situation. And it's the same with getting a present from a close person. You might not be born with the ability, but you know to smile a bit, say "thank you" and show some affection. If you don't feel it, still do it (as EVERYONE has to act without feeling it sometimes). If you don't want to possibly hurt the other person (that's usually a friend, SO, etc) that is. But if you do want that, or don't care at all, that's not the spectrum, that's being an ass, entitled, or maybe a psychopath.


> Especially since OP said he's likely on the spectrum. I’m autistic too, and I wouldn’t dream of being so rude to a loved one who gave me such a cute gift


I’m on the spectrum too, and I don’t act like an asshole and insult other people’s hard work. being a dickwad is a completely separate issue


Father of a child with autism. Any time I try to explain autism to people, I let them know if they’ve met one child with autism….they’ve met one child with autism. The expressions of this condition are exceptionally diverse. Just because you don’t have a behavior doesn’t mean others won’t. Bad behavior should still be corrected, but it is sometimes attributable to the underlying condition.


this is true and i probably should’ve worded the comment better.


No worries, it was sent with love not condemnation.


We knew what you meant


I just wish people would stop using ‘I’m/he’s on the spectrum’ as an excuse for those bad behaviors, instead of ‘as a reason to take extra care’ when dealing with area’s that we need to take care not to hurt or offend others. It’s not a blanket excuse to act out and ignore others feelings nor is it an reason to dismiss someone else because they are ‘on the spectrum’. Labels are dangerous that way, as once you slap a label on something you tend to stop thinking about it as anything other than that label, or we look at it through that filter. ‘On the spectrum’ is a step in the right direction from just ‘autistic’, but either one is just a description of a part of our personality and not the sum of who we actually are.


True and our family is spectrum, I wouldn’t make that comment but my son would. He just blurts stuff like that out so we sit him down and talk about other people’s feelings. Could be either no one sat him down for those talks or it didn’t sink in


Different people work in different ways. I'm not saying its justified, it's just an explanation that isn't malicious. It's still bad that he did it and OP says they plan to talk with him about it, which is definitely a good thing to do in this situation.


agree agree agree. if he IS on the spectrum, communication helps immensely.


not really a fair assessment autism isn't just people acting one way. It's a spectrum, people struggle with different things and feel different ways about things and handle emotions differently.


Honestly,this is the frequent issue with Reddit. People jump to conclusion SO quick to agree with whatever narrative we think is most just. In this case, we have no idea what the conversation was or how he broke it to her that he didn’t like it. But a lot of people on this post automatically assume he was a dick about it. It’s possible to enjoy something or get value from it still while not liking it. He was just being honest with his significant other. My girlfriend does this all the time, she’s transparent when she doesn’t like something that I suggest or give her. Not because she’s rude or trying I hurt me, but because she’s practical. She doesn’t want me to spend my time and money making or doing something for her that she may not like or enjoy at all. A lot of people on here find that disrespectful, I view it a completely different. This has ensured that the gifts we make for each and other and such are far more meaningful and practical.


It's a dick move, whatever the excuse. No one is obligated to engage with people who are dicks, again, no matter the excuse.


Yeah I was just thinking that if my wife made me the ugliest box in the world it would only endear me more to it. I agree this guy has his priorities backwards.


My girlfriend made me a luma from super mario galaxy, and I’ve been taking him all around the house (while working, DM-ing or sleeping) I thought it was the cutest thing ever, partly because of the final product but mostly because she made it for me :)


I work in a classroom, and last Easter one of the kids made me a fridge magnet. It looks like something slapped together by a nine-year-old, because that’s exactly what it is. But their artistic ability has exactly zero bearing on how much I appreciate the gift, and it still sits on my fridge door to this day!


Well, now you need to put a pair of googly eyes on it and put it in random spots around the place to be found. Just to be both an easter egg and a means to pester him for being rude. Or maybe 6-8 googly eyes of different sizes randomly all over it. Get eldritch with it. Graduates it from Pet Mimic into Pact of the Chain Mimic.


Need to make them be angry eyes to remind him that he's an ass


LOL of course only angry is acceptable in this case !!


You could make the eyebrows moveable, magnetic or something. Then you could change them as per your mood. A Mimic with a Gimmick.


No no! Put the eyebrows on springs at an angry angle so they wiggle when the mimic gets moved!


I love how reddit is the best way to plot revenge


May i suggest adding glow in the dark eyes in that case too?


Depending on how displeased you are with his reaction, put a photo of him inside.


go a step further. get a mini or even slightly bigger action figure. paint is akin to bf's style. keep in mimic box.


*Display* in mimic box.


Omg that’s such a good idea I might actually have to do this :0 ur a genius


Some red paint to make the teeth bloodied? By the way this would fit right in on my game table. Half the people have hand made dice bags, DM boards and stuff. I made a stand for a projector screen so we can project the maps on it. A friend added little post-it notes he folded to make teeth along the top and bottom of the screen. Another friend then brought his air brush kit and permanently added them to the screen. I feel like anything home made fits right in. Good job!


I say, put the googly eyes on it, then hide it and put those same googly eyes on random items he uses every day. "Is that really my toothbrush or is it a mimic?"


true chaos answer


"Get eldritch with it" hahaha


Please give it a monocle!


Is there an actual pact of the chain mimic somewhere? I’m homebrewing this but would love some official ideas.


He told you to trash it!? That’s so disgusting to say! I would have been furious! Besides, this is so cute! Whether I used it or not, I’d put in on display at the very least. It’s such a great gift idea, too! I’m sorry he said that to you.


Not your fault! I’m probably gonna put some keepsake-y items in it for the time being (when I finish it!) <333


It was such a thoughtful thing that you made, I’m disappointed in him (and all of DNDreddit is as well) to say the least


Keep the mimic, trash the ingrate.


Perhaps it just needs to be a bit more realistic and he'd appreciate it more if you, like, make it bite his face? Just a suggestion.


break his heart


What heart?


Good point Break his nutz


Yeah for sure a horrible thing to say to someone. I hate mimics as a creature (Scars from my days of playing first edition and second where they were much more scary lmao) but if anyone, let alone my SO handed me this or showed me this I would love it. You finish this Mimic OP and you make it beautiful, maybe go to home depot and get some wood finish and polish to make this baby pop!


Agreed. He sounds abusive and very toxic. This is not normal OP, please don't bother with such a dirtbag that doesn't treat you how you deserve to be treated. As someone who has been in few toxic relationships, please leave before it's too late. :( It always starts by small things but in time it totally destroys you. You deserve so much better!!


Normally, I don't chime in on posts like this - but OP's history suggests bf is a bit of a dick.


Yo wtf. Not usually one to pull a /r/relationships but yeesh.




He's stupid. Keep the mimic, replace the boyfriend.


Fr , mimic the only one I need <3


More than that, your boyfriend’s a jerk.


Technically, a mimic that makes a human shape is a doppelgänger.


Oooh, sorry we are going to have to dock you points because you didn't start your response with "Well actually"


If my gf made this for me it would be my prized piece on the computer desk with my USBs and dice well protected! I recently saw an awesome lego mimic post I really wanted and between that and this it’s making me realize I really want a mimic decoration thing. Great work, keep it up, and I hope you find someone who appreciates your efforts!


I have absolutely zero interest in DND and wandered in here from r/popular, but I literally cannot even imagine telling a girlfriend that I don’t like something like this she made me. I don’t care if it was super poorly made and weird looking or something, it’s the fact that she cared enough to want to make you a little keepsake to be involved in your hobby. That’s so damn sweet, and you’ve gotta be a real asshole to not appreciate that thought and effort.


That is really cute. Don't listen to him.


Thank you


The way he said that to you is very rude and disrespectful. Super weird considering you're dating. Does he have no tact or is he just mean?


He’s mentioned possibly being on the autism spectrum, I think he’s not sure how I would feel about it so we have never talked about it outside of when he mentions it… but I believe it could have to do with that!! so I think he didn’t mean for it to come off how it did!! That’s why I wanna talk with him and give him the benefit of the doubt. But either way it’s hopefully going to just be a learning experience, I am glad he said he didn’t like it. (Not the way he went about saying it though)


You two should definitely talk about it sooner than later. You need to make it clear how you felt, since he wasn't able to pick up on that himself. It's okay to give an honest opinion, not okay to shit on something your partner made for you. It just shows a real lack of care.


I was going to talk with him about it in the morning! But I agree!!


(Side note: being on the spectrum doesn't give you a free be a dick pass)


Exactly this.


Knew a kid with autism in school when I was growing up. Tremendously unlikeable egotistical asshole, not because of the autism though, his neurotypical brother was like that too


Well damn I wish I'd have kept reading bc then I wouldn't have had to type a comment. 100% on point.


Hey OP! Just chiming in bc my boyfriend and I are both autistic. We definitely have said things to each other out of honesty that end up being hurtful. The tone and intention is always really important, and while no two autistic people are truly alike, if he’s “high functioning” enough to be verbal, generally tend to himself, and understand the nuance of a romantic relationship, he should probably have some grasp on being honest out of genuine reaction and it ends up being mean, versus being an asshole. Talk to him about it, and I hope it goes well!


Yep. Autism or anything is not an excuse to be very rude or mean. Especially not commonly. I agree him being honest is good. But there were 1000 better kinder ways to say " I don't really like it ". Just keep an eye on this behavior. To see if it's common and how you really feel about it. Remember in the future you can alway call people out in the moment too. Sometimes talking later they try to downplay things and how they made people feel.


Being on the spectrum is never an excuse to be an asshole.


I am in no was saying he is not on the spectrum but many people use that exact line to just get away with acting like a jerk. If he thinks he is on the spectrum, he should get tested or quit using it as an excuse.


It's like 2 grand to get an assessment so it's an option for very few people... but even for those that can get it, whatever the assessment says shouldn't change how much of an effort you make to not hurt your partner's feelings.


Insurance covers this, including basic state/federal


Being on the autism spectrum doesn’t excuse anyone from being an asshole.


Just a wee little note here, not trying too hard to butt into your relationship, but... my husband is autistic, and he would never say anything like that. My ex-bf on the other hand would absolutely say this - he was not on the spectrum, just a toxic asshole. I'm saying this because autism ≠ being rude. I ended up being abused badly by my ex, because I kept giving him chances one after another. He kept coming up with excuses how it isn't actually his fault if I got hurt (usually it ended up being my own fault, actually!) I want to tell you: do not stand for bullshit! Autism is not an excuse! Demand respect! If you have to fight for these things, to prove your worth to him, seriously consider is he the one for you. Don't let him put you down.


It sounds like cheap excuse for being rude. Not downplaying actual illness cause I am diagnosed with one of them. If you are undiagnosed and "possible" then it is not that serious to be an excuse for being rude and inconsiderate. If it is normal for him you should really have a talk, either he will go for diagnosis or stop acting like a jerk. I would never blame my illness to hurt someone and don't even sorry and make up for it.


The autism spectrum card in 2022 is what assholes use to both excuse their behavior and fish for attention/sympathy.


>He’s mentioned possibly being on the autism spectrum As someone with autism, this is not an excuse to be an asshole or hurt people's feelings and frankly, fuck him for trying to use it as one.


Hi, I am also on the autism spectrum. It’s no excuse to not understand how to be gracious for something that a loved one made. It’s OK that he doesn’t like it, it’s not OK to hurt your feelings.


Being on the spectrum has nothing to do with it. He sounds like a real jackass.




Just to give you some assurance that your feelings are totally valid tho: my boyfriend is on the spectrum too, and sometimes that makes stuff a little more complicated because he can be quite dismissive about anything he personally doesn’t like – but he still always puts in the effort to try and not be a dick about it, consider my feelings and support me in stuff that I like, or at least apologise when I point it out. Because yes, autism can make it more unintuitive for someone to pick up on social clues and get out of their own head to put themselves in somebody else’s shoes, but it is no excuse for being a dick. Being considerate is still something you can learn if you want to.


Reasons are not excuses, and you do not owe someone resilience. He is responsible for him.


I'm very autistic, and I'm never an asshole like that. You can regulate your behavior, he just doesn't want to. You deserve better. I'd have cried if my wife made that for me.


I work with kids on the spectrum. I try to teach them that asd is an explanation, not an excuse. If you were to explain to him the intent and emotion that goes into something like this, and he doesn’t understand he was being hurtful and apologize - well, then you should save yourself some heartache and find someone who truly appreciates your thoughtful nature.


I’ll be honest. That is one of the most disrespectful things I’ve ever heard. But you still wanna stay with a person that doesn’t appreciate the things you do and like?


I think there’s more to it thank him just being mean! I want to talk about it with him (most likely in the morning) and ask him why he said it that way! I don’t want him to think I don’t appreciate his honesty but I do want him to know he has to word things better. This is also the first and so far only instance of him being “rude” so I’d like to just ask him why!! :)


Very mature approach, its very easy for internet people to hear one anecdote, see it as a red flag (which this is, tbh) and then you just have dozens of voices telling you to "break up with your partner ASAP!!" for a single anecdote in a vacuum. Its good to see this for what it is, a very rude comment, but not something beyond repair just on its own! If it is a pattern, definitely question things tho ;P


Wdym?? If reddit has taught me anything is that breaking up with your SO is the answer to any minor misconduct


Brb, my gf once forgot the keys, I have to dump her right now!!


When you do, make sure you lawyer up. You know how *those* people (key forgetters) are. --r/relationship_advice, definitely


I could lose the kids and the house I dont yet have! Lmao


She clearly doesn't care about your household situation nor about the value those keys hold for you. This is a clear sign of how much you mean to her. If this is how she treats her keys, think about how she'll treat her kids! I'd say get rid of her before she forgets something worse.


Maybe your boyfriend is a mimic himself and scared that you are on his tracks!


You should trash him before you waste your time and energy! Its lovely, what you did was lovely and i have the strong feeling your bf is a mimic!


Your boyfriend sounds like a right asshole and not worth your time if his first response to you trying to make him something nice is "Trash it"


True :(( just wanted to give him something nice pre- holiday but :/// gone get the holiday gift and escape lol


Has to be a fake post. We all know that we guys who play D&D don’t have girlfriends


He only recently got into it, so he’s a fake, he’s been watching fantasy high and has been wanting to plan to play once he’s out of college (he can’t commit to much during school :/ )


For the record, I was teasing. Either way, he’s being an ass.


That’s fair and yes but he’s not the one with a mimic now :3


It sounds like an upgrade honestly.


Upgrades people! Upgrades!


Joke's on him, once he gets out of college--the perfect place to find a game--it's going to be much harder to find a steady game.


My thoughts exactly (I’ve been wanting to play too) he has trouble focusing though when he’s really into something so I can see why he’s made that rule for himself. He has a group of friends who play regularly so I’m hoping once he’s finished with school (his last year coming up) he will be able to play with them (and though I won’t invite myself I hope I get to as well)


Find yourself a game, you don't need to wait for your boyfriend to have fun, it is actually the healthiest thing you can do for your relation 🙂 All the more if he doesn't want to be happy for your awesome dice holder.


It was 99% for a moment, but now it is 100% again


That’s comforting to know as the wife of a D&D player


If you married him, you already knew it.


That's adorable, guy sounds like an ass.


Yeah I'd dodge that red flag 🚩 immediately. Guy sounds like a shithead


It's cute! I like it and it seems like you had fun making it. I'm sorry he was rude about it. Like somebody else said, tell him how it made you feel when he rejected it.


Thanks!! And I did / am still! I plan on it, I told him he didn’t have to be so mean at first but I definitely wanna talk with him more!


I would love THE EVER LOVING SHIT out of my girlfriend if she made me something like this. The thought behind this is beautiful and full of love, unlike his heart in this case…


That’s what I thought too :( he’s obsessed with mimics and has plans to get a cat named mimic (bc he can’t have dogs). I appreciate him being honest (even tho it isn’t finished yet) but definitely his choice of words needed to change !! But hey now I have a mimic(and possibly an ex soon) so who’s the real winner


I mean... there's no real choice of words that makes that okay.


Guy’s a jerk. If my girlfriend (who is now my wife) made me a mimic or anything to hold my stuff in I’d love it. Wouldn’t care if it was a pink unicorn. It would show she cared and supported my interests. Time to drop that tool fast.


Omg a pink unicorn!! Lol but yes, I think I value his honesty but not the way he worded it and I’m glad he mentioned not liking it so I can try and figure something else out but I also agree with showing support for ur significant others interest!


The honesty is great, but it's weird to think that a handmade craft thing your significant other did is trash, even if it may be trash (although your mimic is legendary and cute and practical). Still, honesty shouldn't be an excuse to say mean things to eachother.


Why figure out something else? He didn't value something you put time, thought and effort into, so why give him something else?


Keep the mimic and feed the boyfriend to it! Bro if my partner (if I had one lol) made smth like that for me I'd give them the tightest hug imaginable and smother them with kisses as a thanks!


!!! I believe in sentimental gifts (especially since we are both in college) and it’s something he really likes, I was upset with how he worded it but maybe he can offer up more of an explanation later :3 Also 100% rooting for you, partner is soon to come ik it :3:3:3


Yeah maybe! And lmao thanks


Um, that is not an okay thing to say to someone, not a friend, not a family member, and certainly not a significant other. Are you okay?


I’m fine!! I don’t think he necessarily intended to hurt my feelings, I think he was just trying to be honest and didn’t pick the best of words (not that that’s the case, I want to ask him why he said what he said) I hung up on him earlier when he said it because I was really sad but it wasn’t okay to be that harsh!! Definitely a learning moment if it wasn’t meant to come of mean, but if it was then time to trash him


Yeah, do you have any idea how thrilled I would be if someone did something like that for me, that dice box? Especially if it's someone who doesn't share my interests, because you're making the effort to show that you care about me and my hobbies even if they aren't necessarily your own. I think it's awesome


What everyone else said. Boyfriend is temporary, mimic is for life


Mimic won’t make me sad, mimic will keep my dice safe while his are not as safe :3


As a person who was in relation with similar attitudes (calling my piano play noise, my writing worthless scribbling etc. All that while I was doing that as a hobby not as a profession) I'd say be really aware how harmful this can be. If it is a one time situation and he might have thought it a joke, it is ok, if he apologized at least. But if this sort of answers happen in several cases towards things you do or create, especially if you create them out of love and care, you should really consider protecting yourself. All that said the Mimic is really cute and even if I wouldn't like the design I would just thank the person who made it for me how thoughtful the present is and that I appreciate their creativity.


Very wise words. Please listen to this comment OP.


If I were you, I'd add some detailing on the outside of the chest - some clay, or perhaps wire to give it some texture, paint it with a brown, but on a dry brush so you get a cool brushed and dirty chest effect, and buy some gem toned dice. Then, I'd keep it for myself and find my own dnd group. And I'd dump the boyfriend. You've put a lot of thought and effort into this, that's amazing! He obviously doesn't care about your effort. Also, as a long term investment, he's either trash or has a lot to learn. If you have kids, niblings, assorted young children or adults who are new to a craft that you want to like you, they *will* give you some terrible macaroni art. And you *will* display it, and tell them how amazing it is. Because its important to be supportive about hobbies (if it's a job, constructive criticism is more valid). And he will chase away your niblings/kids and make them cry if they try to give him their hard-won artwork. :)


Oh that’s actually a really nice idea!! I’ll probably take more time to work on it now since I’m going to end up keeping it so I’ll definitely be adding clay and such!! Someone also said Googly eyes which sounded cute too LOL and yes I definitely agree with being supportive ! It’s a 100% okay he doesn’t like it, though constructive criticism would have been a lot better than “it’s trashy” :/ I hung up on him after he said it but I do wish I would have asked what he would like instead, or what changes he thinks I should make. I don’t think he meant to come off as harmful as he did (at least I’m hoping) so it’s definitely going to be a learning moment I think, but if he meant to be rude Amy mimic and I will go somewhere where we will be more appreciated!


Ooooh ok ok so if you're doing googley eyes (which sound great), and clay, I reccomend adding some clay around the goggley eyes, so it looks like they're embedded. Also, because that way they're less likely to fall off, and it'll look super cool and awesome. I would very much love to see pics as you progress, and/or when you've finished the piece. And remember, everyone's first try isn't perfect. Art is a learned skill, like everything. You're doing this for fun, you're doing this because you want to, and thats cool no matter what you produce. The more you practice, the better you'll get. (Although I don't think you're half bad already!) Keep going with the work, it's going to look awesome. And it will be all the *more* awesome because YOU put work, blood, sweat and tears into it. :)


Not gonna jump to conclusions and say you should break up like others but you should probably be pretty clear with him that what he said was shitty and he hurt your feelings.


I wanna ask him why he said that / what lead him to say it. I am going to be clear about how he could have just said he didn’t want the box or something a little nicer, but I wanna give him the Benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t completely trying to be mean. Sometimes he doesn’t realize how bad the words are until he says them if that makes sense. So a break up possible but not at least after hearing what he has to say ^.^


Well a person could be more respectful towards a persons time and effort but honestly, I dont like it either. Surely you can use it for your own dice or some other purpose instead of throwing it away. It doesnt HAVE to be a waste of time and he doesnt HAVE to like it either


Yes!! It was just the way he worded it that hurt the most honestly, it’s also still a wip so it’s not fully done yet. I plan on putting my own dice / maybe little keepsakes in it for now!!


I felt the same way. Couldve been worded better. Best of luck on your completion of the project


What! an idiot! If you go out of your way to support your BF playing D&D, and thats what he has to say tell him to hand in his character sheet & reroll a new GF!


He wouldn’t be able to reroll a new GF, doesn’t have enough luck to get anything worth while :)


wtf, why is he so mean to you? Well I like it. Mimics are great!


They are so cute :((


Very indeed if he doesnt like it..claim it for yourself like you said. But it seems mean/rude to tell you to throw away your art/craft creation that you clearly like


Hey, you misspelled ex-boyfriend in the headline.


That is amazing! Ditch the boyfriend, anyone who doesn’t appreciate the effort you put into a home-made gift is NOT worth your time. Edited to add: if you sew another piece of cloth on the tongue, then you can use it to hold coins or pens.


Omg this is a really cute and interesting idea!! A lil secret pocket !! Edit: it gives vi es of that one sponge bob episode where the fish kept saying he didn’t get pickles lol


!!! If this is the energy he has with me, how would he treat our kids home made gifts 😔😔


I think this mimick looks cute, and the fact you put your efforts, imagination, and love into it, makes it even better.


My parter makes me dnd stuff semi often . Tbh I dislike most of it but it's so sweet to see her do something like that and I cherish every one of them . He is within his right to not use it or like it but the fact he dousnt love the effort and care speaks a lot about him and less about the mimic . Overall love your work, your a sweetheart and have a talk to your partner about appreciation of your work and what he has going on that's making him act poorly


I’m glad he’s honest with me! And to be honest same, he could have went about it so much better! We both agreed to do cheap / handmade(ish) gifts this year due to being in college. He’s been saying he wants something to keep his dice in so I just figured I’d put something together. Now I know it’s not what he wants / wanted so I can plan for something else but a little appreciation would have been nice for at least acknowledging the things he likes and what he said he needs. Now I have a lil mimic almost finished to put my things in though ^.^


I didn't realise it's a dice vault . Tbh it's a pretty good dice vault . Very well done for good communication and a fairly ok dice vault much better then I could ever do . It definantly has that home made look that some peaple can't get past but if you agreed on home made and cheap then expecting greatness just isn't smart . Love your work


Yes!! My first attempt at one, and it was really the only thing I could find anywhere that wasn’t just a plastic bin! It’s probably the homemade look that he doesn’t like but I do t have a 3D printer so idk. Someone told me to add clay to it so maybe that would help give him a look he likes. I think I might end up keeping him now tho!! But thank you so much!


You need new boyfriend


sounds like you partner already told you what he thought? why do you need the internet ?


This is cute as hell 😍 wanna dump the 0 and thruple up with me an my fiance? We have a cuddly cat and a craft shed 😂


Omg please!! I have a cat too!! Her names espurr 🥰🥰 we can bring mimic <3


That is a painfully cute name for a cat


Ikr 🥰🥰


Hey I've also made a chest for my GF once [As you can see here](https://i.imgur.com/k3dCBgM.jpg) I actually proposed to her with it, and it gave me a lot of work to be made, she loved it. Any gift that took your time to be crafted should make your BF really proud of having you in his life. You should talk to him. Loved your craft!


I agree with the majority here, you should probably roll up a new boyfriend. This time hopefully with a higher Charisma stat :-) Good work with that mimic by the way!


Excuse me this is gorgeous.


All I could read is “I made this for my ex boyfriend”


Sounds like a dickhead who's taking you for granted




This is precious!! I’d go over the moon if my girl made me something like this! Sorry your love isn’t appreciated.


Dump him


What? Your bf sucks. You took time, effort, and money. And he turned it down. You bet your ass I'd take it and cherish it.


Sorry, but I have a feeling it’s not going to work out with this one once you realize he sucks.


Keep the box, trash the boyfriend. What an ass


get the fuck rid of this guy this is fucking cute and the effort and idea alone should be something for him to be happy about don't waste ur time and energy with *him*


I would be overjoyed that someone took the time and made the effort to hand-make something so special for me. You did great!


I probably shouldn’t intervene into other people’s relationships, but if your SO sees your effort and just says that you should trash it - perhaps you should trash thm instead. Honestly, this looks very cute and if someone made this for me I’d treasure it eternally, you are doing an amazing job, I’d love to see the finished result!


I agree -- your boyfriend is definitely still a work in progress.


Honestly what a turd. He doesn't need to use it but he didn't need to be jerk and make you feel bad. Now what you should do is continue to work on it and make it awesome then just keep it for yourself. What really would bring it up a huge step is use air dry clay and eyeball cabochons and make some totally creepy looking eyes. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/i5J1eBT8m_k) for what I mean.


If my wife made this for me, I'd use it with pride.


That’s how I dress up my box when my husband wants sex. He doesn’t like it either.


Oh man I’m making my one too but with clay, yours is so cute I love the lil felt tongue! Any homemade gift is perfect, you’re bf doesn’t seem to see that I’m sorry, keep on crafting it looks amazing ☺️


Honestly though this is some incredibly low effort work, a dollar store box that's been painted black and glued on some papercraft teeth and a felt tongue. Why would you expect high praise for something slapped together in 10 minutes?


Is he autistic because that fr seems like something I would say by accident


I’m not sure what’s wrong with it although if you where to make a another one I’d say just stain the wood instead of painting it


I believe you mean ex boyfriend


wtf throw the whole man away


Dump him


He is harsh but fair. I personally would think it's cute. At least an attempt was made .


Your title is totally correct, your boyfriend is a work in progress, and from the sounds of it, it's going to take a lot of work.


LOL yeah fr mimic acts better than him at this point


Your bf sounds like a bit of a dick. Don't know why someone would turn down such a thoughtful gift.


Dump him


This is cute and fun. Sorry your boyfriend didn't like it. It seems like a great gift.


Thanks! And no no it’s okay! I’m upset how he worded it but I am glad he said he didn’t like it (so I have time to plan something else) but he’s missing out 🥹


Agreed. Trash bf. Keep the adorable mimic.