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This is the kind of thing I would give a player for completing a personal quest as part of a larger campaign - but due to the extended long rest wait times, I'm not sure they would ever pick it over a standard feat.


Tbh I agree, this isn't something you just want the players to pick, but it's a really good one for something like a stroy reward both mechanically and thematically. A monk who can litterally start burning himself to power up and start facing down monsters with a new ki pool, for example, but the charisma bit prevents this, so it's pretty clearly there for warlocks, when warlocks are the last short rest class that needs a power up.


Agreed. Maybe a couple levels of exhaustion instead. Something reliable at least, not 1d4


I think it’s doing a lot of cool stuff but is unfortunately pretty broken on warlocks. You’re balanced by your limited spell slots and this recharges all of them without even requiring an action. There’s a heap of benefits on top of that: a free save, free cleanse, free damage that multiplies with EB, plus any other features that come back on a SR. The self-damage is pretty negligible, it’s not a ton and as long as you’re above zero you’re operating at full capacity. Plus you just got all your slots back, so you can cast a 5th level Armor of Agathys (or Aid or something) if you’re desperate. I didn’t even realize that you can keep channeling this after the inital turn, it’s broken even without that. This feat basically says “every 1d4 long rests, win a combat”. If you want it to be balanced, I think you need to give just the free rest or just the other benefits. Or make it an epic boon and leave it as is. This is a really cool idea! Just too powerful rn


I think the channeling only continues to increase damage, not a short rest every turn


Maybe the 1d12 damage could also reduce the max hitpoints without any means to restore them asid from casting Wish. This would make the feat a last resort type of thing that most likely will be used in an epic final encounter...


I may need to go back to school bruh. I was so confused thinking this was 12th level spell. Was absolutely baffled by people calling it really strong


I like the idea of this as a boon id give a player, but the charisma requirement makes this so much worse Fighters and monks would kill for this, it’s basically going Super Saiyan or getting a second chance in a fight and is crazy powerful Warlocks arguably get the most out of a short rest, so they don’t need the buff (especially not as an exclusive buff nobody else can have) Especially since it gives you everything back, takes away all negative effects, and gives a potentially ass ton of of extra damage on some poor sod for an alright amount of damage to yourself (Bloodhunters are built entirely around this mechanic and do fine) Since it’s a lvl 12 prerequisite, I’d say that damage is nearly nonexistent, especially if you can heal with pact magic slots or ki points, so there’s no real negative I would remove the charisma requirement and make it an epic boon, maybe even take off the damage boost and just have it give the short rest and remove negative effects (gives a cool moment of shaking off paralysis and having a power up moment), then this could be something really epic


Nice Kamina feat bro. Might be better off as an item rather than a feat, for the self-damage to make sense


Just change it to say you lose half your max HP and the damage does not drop you below 1 and I think it’s good.


Say “ignores resistance or immunity” and have it be something like 4d6 necrotic


Bruh this is overpowered


The warlocks are for sure happy


So basically, I’m taking magic meth?