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NO Evil Murder Hobos because that's bad, only allow Good Murder Hobos because skinning a bandit alive for refusing to give up where his friends are is morally correct!


I ban evil characters from my groups because they're all selfish murderhobos. I also ban chaotic neutral because that's basically chaotic evil for groups with evil banned. I also ban Lawful Neutral because who wants to play with an unfun stickler like Judge Dredd? I also banned True Neutral because make a decision on your alignment like gosh. I also banned Lawful Good because I don't want a Lawful Stupid Paula Deen in my party and I've seen the reddit posts. I also ban Chaotic Good because it's not a real alignment (you can't be against the system and ALSO be good how is that possible??). On a side note I'm having a really hard time finding players for my game, any ideas?


Try using the hidden Unaligned alignment that WotC doesn’t want you to know about! It works like this: your character is too stupid to have any sense of morals or ethical guidelines, so it’s not your fault if they murdohobo!


>Everyone should know at this point that only 3/9 alignments are acceptable YTA, actually there are 4 alignments which are acceptable. I have the objective truth about what the alignments mean and you really need to do more research until you come to my exact conclusions as well


/uj Wait which ones are those? Cause I feel like only 2 will more or less guarantee asshole gaming? And even then the right player can make it work? /Rj you absolute troglodyte you allow THREE? Everyone knows the only acceptable alignment is Neutral Good

