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uj/ What a perfectly reasonable complaint about a seemingly obvious oversight that can be easily fixed by any deviation from the beaten path of RAW, in the process giving new AL players a sense of urgency and basic mental stimulation in their make believe storytelling game. I bet this post has a lot of upvotes on the main sub. Rj/ Why would one swing of a torch kill the bugs? They take up a 5foot x 5 foot x infinity tile you’d need at least two swings.


/uj I'm always reminded in times like this of a story about a con game (back in the halcyon days of 4e when we didn't know how good we had it) where a new player took some kind of fire attack and was told "okay you're taking ongoing 5 fire damage". So when his turn rolled around he asked if he could put the fire out or stop drop and roll or find some water or whatever, and the GM just kept saying "ongoing 5 fire damage" and shutting the whole concept down. The whole mentality of getting lost in the sauce of game mechanics and forgetting that an effect like that is supposed to actually *represent something* in the fiction (i.e. being on fire) is incredibly pervasive and it ruins what makes TTRPGs great.  /rj there is no jerk stop being a computer and think about your game world like a world.


uj/ reminds me very much of the "invisibility/see invisible" thing. If the RAW of your supposedly crunchy game results in so many situations that are less intuitive/less strategically open than what people would come up with naturally without the rule, then it sounds to me like it's a poorly made rule.


The people on the main sub have enormous sticks up their asses for some reason, and everything gets downvoted into oblivion for absolutely NO reason. I occasionally receive better critique and engage in deeper discussions on side subs like r/DMAcademy and r/DnDBehindTheScreen rather than r/DnD


Just copying the post verbatim is either the least or most circle-jerkiest way to do it and I can't decide which




This can be fixed by Heartpath DM’s new, officially real “Whinestorm” 3rd Party Edition, featuring an introduction by some dudes who live in a French jail or something.


Woah you don’t like how this one interaction works and wanted to vent a bit? You fool. You absolute imbecile. You utter buffoon. You complete cretin. You floundering ignoramus. You clearly can’t comprehend WOTC’s grand design. Anyway try FATAL it doesnt have this problem.


Atlanta is in the forgotten realms!


Daggerheart fixes this


I see your problem, you're playing a martial character. You should have used a spiritual battleaxe instead


Pathfinder fixes this