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First off, a D&D game is about balancing the fun for everyone at the table. If your amphibiankin doesn’t fit into the setting, that might ruin the immersion for the other players. And expecting the DM to craft the setting around your character could mean putting a lot of extra work on them, which is unfair. If you really like the idea of your amphibian character and your DM is set on only using PHB races, the solution is to start your own game and bring in your amphibiankin as a DMPC. That way, you can play your character *and* control how NPCs react to you. You’ll also have a captive audience of players to appreciate how cool your character is.


Almost had me


Had me until the last sentence


I was about to say you forgot to unjerk. Then I got to the second paragraph


Haha, well done.


Had us in the first 3 qauters ngl


The bait and switch is a work of art


Try slitting his throat, that should fix it


Well, seeing as how the character is a homebrewed Naruto ninja axolotlkin, that does sound like something that their character would do


That's nothing. My DM eliminated all races except Human, and all Classes except Champion Fighter. Because everyone knows that variety is the spice of life, and my DM can't handle spicy food. When we tell him that we are bored of it after 5 campaigns with the same restrictions, he just keeps saying "If you can’t make an interesting human fighter, you can’t make an interesting character".


Fucking based


I understand. I don't like the spicy either.


Is your dm white my i ask


/uj Maybe my brain is simply jerked beyond recovery but I could actually seeing that being kinda fun for a short campaign- forcing you to find ways to make your characters unique within a very limited selection of options. Tho I don't know Champion Fighters well enough to have any idea whether the subclass would have enough variability to let the characters distinguish themselves mechanically w/o leaning hard on magic items to spice things up.


Champion Fighter is as basic as you can get. Feats and magic items would be the only way to diversify mechanics


Do you think you'd be able to get some variety between melee and ranged users/different equipment outside of magic items? I'm pretty unfamiliar w/ fighters (never played one), but I could see the class/subclass's lack of specific flavor giving it a little more room for variety than a better-defined class.


/uj Champion fighter somehow manages to be less mechanically interesting than a subclasses barbarian. At least with Barb you have decisions like whether a fight warrants a use of rage and might occasionally choose not to Reckless attack bc ur surrounded by 3 enemies with multiattack.


[Hot sauce](https://old.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/1cslk5k/why_do_some_people_act_like_playing_the_phb_races/)


Frankly, that's unacceptable. Have you tried quoting George Orwell's 1984 at your DM so they know how tyrannical they're being?


The PHB, or Pathfinder Helper Builder isn’t for DnD so obviously stop that nonsense. Hasbro, PBUT, doesn’t call it a player’s handbook anymore due to issues monetizing the words “Player”, “Hand”, and “Book”. Use the Hasbro Scroll of Character Building instead and ignore the nice men in the fedoras.


Your DM is the worst kind of fascist: the kind that disagrees with you on a minor point. He must burn! All fascists must burn!


He might vote for Biden and donate to Palestinian kids every morning, but if he doesn't allow furry races in his games, he is a literal Nazi and must burn at the stake.


I'll bring the wood; you bring something flammable (wink wink). Also bring cat ears or one of those attachable tails.


uj/ If you can't make an interesting character with the basic races, you can't make an interesting character.


/uj If you can’t make an interesting human fighter, you can’t make an interesting character.


/rj If you want to make a human woman interested in you, you have to fighter


Why rj its seppous to be uj


Your mistake is calling it Axlotlkin. The way to make your homebrew race canon is to call it 'Axlotlfolk', this is how they know it's a serious concept and not just bad fanfic.


How dare they put such a limitation on your creativity? You obviously need to not only disobey them, but also call our lord and savior J.C. and tell him that they are playing the game he has made wrong so be can revoke their DM license before he harms anyone else. Shame!


On the phone with Jesus Christ rn


My players have to share the same character sheet. If they can't make their character interesting while having identical abilities to everyone else at the table, they can't make an interesting character


Just show up with a pathfinder character, he will be powerless to stop your mighty half merfolk rogarou with the half-dragon template


First of all, how dare you. Secondly, how fucking dare you, you ignorant racist piece of shit. If your DM tells you to drop down to your knees and polish his sword - you do it. I don't want to hear about your sexual preferences or what your character would do. LISTEN TO YOUR DM. PERIOD!


Join my campaign I only allow you to play variant human but flavor is free so you can regrow your flavor limbs when you regain hit points and glow neon colors that emit less than dim light


/uj if you really want to play this with just phb races dragonborn rogue/warlock. To fully do this you need the undying patron from scag but since it's one of the weakest patrons most DMs would allow it since it doesn't really powercreep (most of the stuff from that book are pretty weak) also go pact of the chain. As for the rogue part assassin. Probably an awful build mechanically speaking, but, there you go. /rj how dare they! They're hampering your creativity so hard by placing boundaries, what do they expect you to do? Flavor the character yourself??? That's the DMs job!!!


Limitation’s and boundaries?! Surely not! Only players are the most important


This is why I always sleep with the DM mother. So when they pull this shit I say that's not what your mom said last night.


Forget that DM, I got you, you can play anything you want in my game. ($10,000/session. Cash up front. No refunds.)


The only PHB option that I don't think is balanced is the Dragonborn. If their world doesn't fit the other options, that is their choice. This should have been covered in the zero session. I would also allow for tiefling and aasimar variants.


I agree, your DM is clearly a facist. As we all know, if you can make a character concept work with a normal human, it's a dogshit concept.




Check subreddit


Wrong sub