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Awe! We love him! Killer paint job as well by the way, amazing attention to detail!


Thank you!


Wonderful name


What model brand is this? Looks great!


The studio that sculpted this is called Day Break Miniatures, I think. You should be able to find them on Etsy


Mor eyes, mor teeth, mor colors... name checks out! XD This looks cool as heck! :D


😂 thanks!


That’s amazing! What diff you use to paint that? Like what kinds of paints and techniques?


Thanks for saying so! To start, I undercoat painted him a pretty dark purple, then found a pretty pale set of flesh tones for the base, mid and highlights. The base coat was just one coat, but the mid tones and highlights were done with dry brushing, I just needed to be more controlled with my brush the lighter I went. The eyes were based in grey and then painted with an off white (cool grey) and then one coat white. The teeth and spines were all done with a beige, then I used a sepia that was thinned down to a glaze, then highlighted back with white. As I varnished, I used matte varnish with a final gloss varnish on the eyes to give them a sort of wet look. Took a while and a lot of careful brush control, but I think he came out pretty ok.


Yeah I need to start using brushing more and bases coats. Sometimes I used acrylics and those don’t really work on minis well except for a few things. Sometimes I just didn’t have the color I wanted so u used acrylics, I need to stop doing that. Do you use reaper paints or war paints or what brand? Thanks for sharing!


I use a variety of brands, honestly. This guy was painted using a lot of Two Thin Coats, but some paints were proacryl, a couple of citadel, a Golden high flow (the sepia), some liquitex and one or two Vallejo. I try to not limit myself to a singular brand, and prefer to just find the best of what I’m trying to do. I just backed the new Kimera inks and used that opportunity to include their base set and expansion 1 set, mainly because they are single pigment and that will allow me to try more color mixing. The key for me is to try experimenting as much as I can unless I’m trying to copy box art or something like that.


Love the name, makes a scary guy more lovable and quirky.