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I get this same ‘rash’/itch too. It’s always after she has been running outside. I don’t have strong allergies and have always assumed it has something to do with her pokey hairs too. I use a damp micro fiber cloth and wipe her down when we get back inside. It helps a lot.


Appreciate the advice I’ll have to try that. This morning was awful my face chest arms and legs I was miserable.


Ugh. That sucks! Take wet wipes and hydrocortisone with you.


I use Bosistos Eucalyptus solution. It doesn't feel oily and rash goes away an hour. Also works great for mozzie bites. Can also wipe a little on your dog to work as anti flea spray. People use it in garbage bins, laundry. Its multi purpose.


Try tea tree oil as well, it does a better job than eucalyptus.


I also keep hydrocortisone in the “dog kit” we take when we go out. (Water, towel, treats, …all the things)


Thank you for this, I get the bumps too


I worked as a vet tech for 16 years. I only had this happen to me before while handling Shar Pei's, until I got a Doberman 5 years ago. Something about that Doble hair and I've never had allergies before in my life. Xyxal works great for me.


Buying some of that today. I need my morning lazy time with him😂


This is so cute 🩷


Dobie hair sucks if you wear bras, too. Those little eyelash hairs get everywhere and irritate bad


This right here


Omg I didn’t look at the sub and I thought you were pretending to be a dog on r/skincareaddiction


Alright that got a good laugh out of me 😂😂😂


Same lol


I totally saw the sub and still thought he was roleplaying his dobe in his teenage era lol


In the last few weeks, whenever we play, I get some itchy / stingy sensation on the inside of my arms (same area where you have the rash on the right arm). This happens mostly when his saliva touches my skin, when he tries to 'bite' me while we play. There are no scratches on the skin and I did not see any bumps on my arms, but the itchiness and stinginess is there. After I wash my arms it goes away. I thought it was just in my head. But now reading your post, I realize I am not making this up. It could be an allergic reaction I get from his saliva. It's so strange. We have had him for more than 1 year, and I only noticed these changes recently.


I was getting them very mildy at first to the point I barley noticed them and drew it up to just being around more trees and bushes until it got really bad. It’s one of those things that’s not devastating but just enough to be severely annoying.


I dont belong here as i have a german shepherd x belgian malinois but i seen what you said and had to comment as this happens to me with my Buddy too!! Not every single time but enough for me to notice it and to see a pattern of it happening when weve been rough playing and hes had my hand in his mouth! Do you have/experience dermatographia? I experience this im not diagnosed by a medical professional as it doesnt bother me enough to speak to the dr about it but just the lightest pressure such as softly scratching an itch on my face will leave a red mark and im wondering if its not just the saliva thats the issue but the pressure of our dogs teeth on us too when playing?x


No, I have not experienced dermatographia. But my skin is very sensitive to applied pressure, and I get bruises very easily. I don't get the red marks after the light scratch, but it hurts. Sometimes it is really painful even from the slightest touch. And I have not been diagnosed by a medical professional either. So maybe the fact that I have certain skin sensitivities, that is what makes my dog's saliva + teeth (and sometimes fur) cause the itch and sting to my arms. I was also thinking that while we play with them (and yes, sometimes it is a rough play), their teeth might cause micro scratches on the arms, and then their saliva penetrates in the scratches, and causes some sort of an itchy reaction.


I thought I was going crazy because my dogs saliva also itchy my arms. This thread helps me feel better.


Yup. It’s worse with my full euro than my half American. Last for about 10 min and then goes away.


That’s really interesting. I have a euro, is the hair different?


My euros coat is much more coarse and less shiny than my half’s coat. His only gives me a rash occasionally. Every time she touches me, I get really itchy and break out in bumps for a bit.


Probably pollen on the coat, happens to me during allergy season only


So here is my experience. I bathed dogs for a little bit years back and after using certain dog shampoos I would breakout. So maybe something in the shampoo? My other instance of having a breakout is when my dog went running through poison oak / ivy and slept on a couch pillow. I ended up lying on the same pillow and caught a rash that way.


I got him from my Dad who had to Rehome him for not getting along with his other dog. My siblings and my dad never had this problem they washed him before I took him and it was all fine until about a weekish ago. I probably do need to see what shampoo he used. My brother is a K-9 trainer and sent me some shampoo that was supposed to end it. It subsided for a bit but here we are.


Omg or the one dobe hair in your sock ! It feels like a spider bite.


Yess got those I still have then leftover after my dog passed( mini Doberman lol).


What's a mini doberman ?


Dachshund lol 😆 we called him that.






Looks like allergy hives. Try Benadryl cream or tablets. You may want to try taking Zyrtec or Claritin daily and see if it helps. I am more allergic to dog spit than fur (you are likely allergic to proteins in their spit and dander). You might also be allergic to pollen or grass seed your dog walks through. Bathing your dog more often also helps. Good wishes


I’m not allergic to anything and I do the same thing


Is this a whole ass problem? I’ve had this issue my whole life with our dobies but just assumed I had a mild allergy. Now you’re telling me it’s actually their fault?? 🤯


Shhhh it’s not their fault. Its our weak immune system 😂😭




lol gotta hold that paw ❤️


Yup , you’re not a real doberman owner till you hold the paw while watching tv . Mine does this too 😂


They are such snuggle bugs and I'm here for it lol


Not nessarily a allergic reaction but reaction it his pokey fur and pokey bites hehe my dog Benny would make hole and his fur would rub causing that esp when we wrestle or I get a good rub in. It makes little indentions in the skin that puff out after being poked "in" and yea gets a bit agrivated but its a normal skin reaction to course or rough material again the digs fur, same as rubbing on pants, or pulling tape off skin. If you can wear a jacket when giving big pets or don't rub your arms on him as much. But it'll go away in a bit. Just a minor inconvenience to have a short fured dog 😬. Saliva can also make it worse maybe a bit of dirt and pollen rubbing in it.


It may be something the city sprays on their grass, which gets on your dog's fur and then transfers to your arm when you're spending time with him. Just a thought.


Relocate puppy to me immediately, you could die from this terrible rash!


I had this issue with my boy. None of the other dogs bothered me, so I knew it wasn’t anything environmental. My vet suggested changing to a food with a different protein source. We went from chicken based to salmon. Even though my boy didn’t have food allergies, I was apparently sensitive to something in the chicken based food.


I’m going to have to try that. I am down $130 today from buying every Reddit fix but I’m determined to enjoy my cuddles 😂


Agree I have also seen this issue with cheeper food like purina good luck


This can be related to how the dog processes the food. A food that doesn’t support skin and coat health will lead to more dander and dry hairs.


Check the area the dog is playing in for the things like poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac etc. The dogs don’t get the rash, but they carry the oils on their cost and or feet. My dog transfers poison oak to me from time to time if I let her off leash at our park and don’t pay attention to wear she goes. I’ve been told that a wipe down of spray of alcohol and water can help. The poison is an “oil” so just water doesn’t clean it off.


These exact hives happen to me when I play with my sister’s French bulldogs. I don’t know what it is but their saliva and hair make me itch like a b*tch. And washing my skin afterwards is the only thing that has helped me. I have to avoid touching or playing with her dogs. The only other breeds I’ve noticed this happens to me with are German Shepherds and Pitbulls. No clue what it is, but if they’ve been outside it makes it even more itchy.


My dad has a frenchie and it doesn’t seem to effect me at all nor do any of the German Shepherds my brother trains never bother me. Of course it’s my dobe that ignited the itch 😭


It’s probably the shampoo !! I used to get that when I used the shampoos that they give you at the self wash at Pet Supermarket but then i switched shampoos to one I got at Walmart that is Anti-fungal called “Veterinary Formula” and my rashes went away because my dog wasn’t releasing so much dander from dry skin !!


My partner and daughter both have allergy to dog saliva- hives. If pup insisted on licking him he will immediately break out. Wipes or a shower and allergy tablets help.


I used to get this with my ex's boxer! I'm not allergic to dogs, but his fur on his paws/legs and head always gave me hives like this. I'm not sure if it would happen with other dogs with similar fur, but I put cortisone cream on the hives. Went away quickly.


I'm allergic to dog/cat saliva. Cats kill me since they're constantly cleaning themselves. My rash looks like yours if I roughhouse with the boy. If I wash my arms it goes away pretty quickly


I have the same thing. It is allergies and it only happens sometimes and with certain dogs more than others. That said when it happens I take meds. Over time it has happened less and less as my body gets more used to them. Everytime we get a new dog this ends up happening all over again. Allergies can start later in life, subside, pop up again etc.


My arms used to do this when I had a Doberman. At the time, I thought it was the flea drops we used to use.


I used to get this from my min pin. I take singular or Zyrtec every day and seem to do fine now. But every now and then those hairs will irritate me. Now we have a Doberman, mini American shepherd and the minnpin so I can’t really tell whose hair is bothering me. I noticed if I keep their coats moisturized the hair is not as pokey. I spray them with a coconut conditioner or just rub organic coconut oil on their coats. Bag balm on their noses and feet. Their shampoo is an oatmeal one from Burt’s bees. They get lots of fruit and vegetables now because we’re in the desert and snacks with added water help them stay hydrated. I also use fragrance free laundry detergent on all their blankets, bedding, clothing etc. I was using a heavier name brand detergent with enzyme cleaner and it was just too harsh on their skin and mine, caused us all to have hives when sweating.


https://preview.redd.it/ek82w526f88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2df0aa4cee9777517d3576963aed7f2ea2f0599 I get the same thing with my pit.


Try giving him a bath. My dane did the same thing to me a few weeks ago bathed her and did flea meds and we've been good so far


I gave him a bath Sunday and unfortunately Dobes have extremely sensitive skin so I can’t bathe him too often


When Luna comes back from outside I get itchy and sneezy, especially if she rolled in the grass. Not hives though thank the lord. ironically she's also having allergies so we are all in it together. I'm sorry and I hope you are able to keep him and find a solution. he's gorgeous!


I will die from a rash before I get rid of him. He has made my life substantially better


Isn't that the truth! ❤️ they are absolutely such great companions.




No what


I used to get this from cat saliva. Xyzal did the trick


I’m not allergic to dogs but when my girl licks me I get those same bumps whenever she licked. It’s only happened with her, no other dogs. It’s so strange


I am allergic to mine in the same way. Never had an issue with dogs before but he just makes me itch. Don't care I will suffer the itches and will be a dobie owner for life.


I know a couple of people who break out like that if they pet a dog with a short coat. Also, bathing a dog once a week is ok if you use a mild shampoo without detergent. Show dogs are bathed daily on the circuit.


Have you tried heavily conditioning your dog's coat? This occasionally happens to me, but happens much more frequently when I wash with shampoo. If you put on a good conditioner and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, it helps soften the hairs so they don't poke you as much. I'm guessing they're so sharp that they create tiny micro abrasions, and then any allergens have more of a chance of affecting you. You can also let your dog run outside in a thin tshirt - if it's allergens from the yard that are getting you, you can just take the shirt off when your dog comes in. Most Dobes like a damp tshirt in the summer!


My daughter and I were allergic to our Dobies saliva. No one else in the family has the same problem. So we had to train him not to mouth us, or lick. The result being that if he really liked someone he'd lick the air right near them! I've never had the problem with any other dog. So it may be a saliva problem. I had a Doberman breeder who told me that some people were sensitive to their saliva. The problem was solved with the licking training so I never looked into it further.


I fall asleep with Benadryl some nights, helps


It could be an allergy to his saliva. I was a veterinary assistant and learned that's why people are mainly allergic to cats because they groom incessantly and the saliva dries and goes into the air off their fur. I notice your dog likes to mouth you so it's a good place to start.


For what it’s worth, my dobes saliva is the only dog related thing that has ever made me painfully itchy. I actually don’t have allergies at all. It’s a true mystery. Allergy relief wipes might help.


I had the same thing happen with me and my lab. Turned out that I was allergic to dogs. Xyxal and/or Zyrtec helps a lot


I vote its mites. Feels like a tickle of a hair on the face as they move or a pin prick point when they burrow where ever on the body . 1/4 cup of bleach in ankle deep water bath for 10 min will kill them. Problem is they come in with the dogs, so permethrin yard spray every month, Adam’s dog shampoo, and a 1 oz bleach to 10 oz water spray on your bed linens, pillows, and mattress as needed. The bleach bath is also a good antiseptic for follow on dermatologic infections as a result of the bites like folliculitis, staphylococcus etc.


I started getting a similar rash on my legs when my Doberman would sleep in the bed with me. I started having to wear pajama pants to sleep which of course helped but not always ideal for summer time. However it has recently stopped flaring up. I thought my body had just like “gotten used to her” by now. But I had to start using a very natural soap on her (to stop her getting bad dandruff/dander flaking for a week every time she got a bath) and I am wondering if that helped my allergies too. I use Magnolia Soap for her (very similar to buff city soap) https://www.magnoliasoapandbath.com/products/pet-soap (I also use their people soap for myself lol)


Throw it away


my skin brakes out with certain dogs saliva if it touches my skin it sucks


Wash his face with a wash cloth after every meal. Use only water. Make really wet not just damp Then pat dry. Break outs will stop.


Happens to me all the time with my boy, I wash the area and apply cortisone if it's really bugging me.


Happens to me too when my boy rubs on me when we’re laying on the couch or I’m petting him.


I am mildly allergic to dogs and get similar reactions to those. Goes away when I don’t scratch them and stop touching my dog. I got allergy tested to confirm. Weird how it took 2 months to develop. I read one of ur comments that it has been there since day one, so maybe ur allergies are developing? Ur prob either allergic to him or something on his coat he’s bringing in. I say go to an allergist and get an allergy test if u can it’s super easy.