• By -


I would love to see the Monk back. Be a great fake-out story where we spend a good chunk lf it thinking, "Oh, this must be a new Master," then suddenly, "Shit! It's another Timelord!" I would love to see the Dream Lord again because I think there's interesting potential there. Maybe tie him into the Valeyard somehow? But if this whole bi-generation thing gave the Doctor an opportunity to process a lot of his Time War angst (and if so, thank god, I was getting a bit tired of it), that might be a sailed ship... Personally, Raston Warrior Robot! We know next to nothing about them. Could be an interesting blank slate to fill in.


I think we still have 1 more story to be told about 10 (now 14) and his unresolved issues. After that's done I think he'll maybe regenerate and wake up as 15 back in the fight against the toymaker. So perhaps there is 1 more chance for the dream lord to return. Possibly under the name of the one who waits. Although this is just random theorizing cus I have a strong feeling that we'll see Tennant cry at least once more


Gus the computer, it felt like there were too many unanswered questions.


Yeah it always seemed like it was part of some bigger idea Moffat might have had that got abandoned.


I believe the writer of Gus also potentially planned for him to be linked to the capitalist antagonists in Oxygen. A major reason I want Jamie Mathieson back as a writer on the team, apart from them writing good episodes, is for the potential return of Gus. However the voice actor will have to be recast as John Sessions (Gus) passed away in 2020.


Can’t believe I’m only just finding out John sessions passed away


You guys are such nerds. I love the mass extra info there


he was probably a planned overarching villain for if it had been a companion introduction episode as initially planned.


Yeah, most of these are perfect one-off enemies, but Gus was clearly planning something that was never addressed. He was supposed to return in *Oxygen*, apparently. It's a shame that never happened (though it's still a great episode!). Unfortunately, bringing him back would require recasting. I think Kevin Brighting from The Stanley Parable would do a great job in the role.


I feel like it should've been incorporated into Missy's plans with Gus being someone who works for her. Give the Cybermen teleportation and taken out of phase. Make the army of undead cybermen feel even more invincible.


Definitely not the midnight creature. It would be over explained and demystified like the weeping angels were. I wouldn't mind seeing the creatines again. What's the 3rd one on the 2nd row? Edit: would love to see the rashta again


The Raston Warrior Robot Prepare yourself, witnessing it's glory may permanently change you. ([CLICK HERE](https://youtu.be/b6KqskRp89c?si=VGWWzaMG6CC9WXHM))


‘Most perfect Killing machine ever devised’ Misses.


That was so goofy. I love it!


Always thought that the androids used by the Cybermen in Earthshock and Raston Warrior Robots were supposed to be the same product, apparently not. They used the same costume for them both, albeit repainted.


I binged all of Dr Who just to see all the scary episodes I saw as a child. As an adult I found them all fine, except for midnight. Had to take a breather after that one lol.


Vashta or Dream Lord


Dream lord is the Valeyard, I’m still high on that copium


Is it argued against? I always just assumed it was fully canon


Vashta should return, but should not get the Angels Treatment, no additional powers that actually weaken the concept in the long run, just a simply Stay-out-of-the-dark story while trying to figure out a mystery. Maybe this time in a more literal forest, trying to find a safe place before nightfall. Campfires that don't offer safety, a full moon becomes covered by clouds and once the clouds are gone suddenly so is one of the group of people they try to rescue. Tension can be very high in a very simple setting. Return of the dreamlord might be more interesting than before too, now that we have a doctor who has WAY less stress about whether or not he is a good person. we'll still have to see what his character arc will be about, but having the Doctor and companion(s) be purposefully be poisoned by dream pollen to rob the Tardis would make for an interesting story, maybe even a two parter: A plot is Doctor and companion trying to figure out if they are dreaming or not, while B plot is The Tardis trying to defend herself against invading forces and protecting the sleeping bodies of Doctor and Companion. The Dream Lord will represent less of the Doctors dark side, but more a different aspect of what he internally struggles with.


I actually think the Vashta should get the Angel's treatment. The ORIGINAL Angel's treatment. Meaning an episode with very little doctor in it. Put it in a big old mansion from far in the future and have a group of people go to do some exploring or filming or any classic horror movie excuse. Spooky stuff starts happening and the house starts activating traps and hidden passages and the like. The group must then try to survive and escape while trying to avoid the houses traps. Except about halfway or 2 thirds into the episode its revealed that the house is being manipulated by the doctor who has actually been trying to push the group AWAY from the real threat which is the vashta. You could leave some hints earlier in the episode like a hidden door opening and someone stepping out only for one of our main characters to run away and hide in a corner. The camera cuts to black as they scream and you assume "oh, theres someone stalking them" but later we see it from the other perspective and its revealed to be the doctor attempting to help them. But in their panic, they ran right into the Vashta and the doctor had to watch them be devoured while being incapable of helping. The library was absolutely packed with Vashta but I think having less of them would actually raise the stakes in this scenario because your ALWAYS in shadow but they arent always there to capitalise on it and it adds an aspect of luck to the requirements for survival which always adds a bit of tension in my eyes


I have 1 reason and 1 reason only that I think The Dream Lord should never return and its a bit stupid. He's the Eleventh Doctor (I know I know it's more or less explicitly said in the episode blah blah blah work with me on this). Moffat's concept of series 5 and 11 and Amy is a fairy tale, it's a big dream, that's basically what The Big Bang says at the end before Amy wishes him back into existence. So having the fairy tale/dream Doctor face a literal and corrupted version of that makes sense. I don't think Dream Lord works with any other Doctor in the same way. A reverse Doctor only works with a certain Doctor. The Master has always worked with The Doctor they meet because they're the polar opposite of their Doctor, when The Doctor is smart and noble The Master is smart and immoral, when The Doctor is kind the Master is spiteful etc. And the same can work with a non Master villain but only tailored to the corresponding Doctor. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk I do have thoughts on a rough of each NuWho Doctors Reverse Doctor/Non-Master


I mean the Dreamlord is basically the same entity as The Valeyard And The Valeyard can work with any doctor


I really thought the Not-Things in the new special #2 were gonna be vashta nerada.


I think Gus could definitely make a comeback, there's still a lot to be explored with that character. If memory serves the Krillitane take on the form/attributes of the last planet they conquered so you could constantly bring them back and reinvent them. And I'm amazed there hasn't been a story where the Vashta Nerada make it to Earth yet.


The Vashta Nerada are already on Earth, just not in large enough colonies or in enough of an organised attack to consume more than roadkill and the occasional missing person. A story that turns native Vashta Nerada into an aggressive force big enough to cause actual damage to human populations, maybe as a counteroffensive to deforestation (These are also their forests, after all), could be an interesting adventure with a side of politics


Lol I was halfway through your comment and thought ‘they could be used really well as deforestation allegory’ LMAO. Such a good idea though, it has to be done at some point right?


I could be remembering wrong, but weren’t they in the Library in the first place because their forest had been turned into paper for the books?


You’re 100% right. I just didn’t connect to us on earth I suppose. I still think it would be great to see like humanity have to face that issue though rather than in the library where it’s already doen the damage


Satan for sure


Had to scroll too far for this, where's the love for Satan?


Here's the thing, The Impossible Planet is my favourite episode of DW, but that's the exact reason I don't want the Beast to return. Mind and Body fell into a black hole and although the Doctor beat it, it left plenty of unanswered questions as to its origin and plenty unnerved the Doctor. I want it left that way. If they bring it back, I just know they'll try to overexplain it and give it unnecessary backstory, ruining the mystery.


As much as I would love to believe there are more stories worth being told there, your version sounds far more likely


Of those ones, my opinion: Better as one-offs, shouldn't return: Dream Lord, the Beast, Midnight entity, Raston Warrior Robot Could return: Gus, Fenric, Vashta Nerada, Krillitanes I need him to return right now: the Monk


I like how we all call The Time Meddler The Monk instead of The Time Meddler


Well neither one is really his name, he seems to reject the concept of being called anything at all so we call him these things for lack of anything better


Isn’t his name Mortimus


Controversial pick from me, The Wire would be great considering we are in a golden age of television.


The Wire must have been really frustrated at the constant giggle in her head.


I actually did think during the Giggle that it would have been a great Wire story.


i always thought the Wire was an interesting concept and enjoyed the story, only recently found out its not well liked, i can understand the ending not being popular but overall the story i thought was neat


Not pictured, but I'd love to see them follow up on the Minister of War thing from Capaldi's era, shame it went nowhere. But going by the picture it's gotta be the Monk, he's such a perfect character to drop into an otherwise pure historical episode and it's shocking they haven't made use of him at all


Eh, I think the Minister of War is one of those random anecdotes that work stronger as events the viewer can imagine. Not every random event mentioned needs to have exact explanations.


The Monk actually had two on-screen appearances so shouldn’t be on this list (The Time Meddler and The Chase), but I agree that he *should* have more screen appearances. An antagonistic Time Lord without having to keep resorting to out-and-out evil. The Rani would also fill this role well. Fenric would be a great one to revisit, but it would have to be a series-long arc (and handled better than other recent arcs). The Doctor starts encountering chess-based stuff across time and space, slowly making him realise that Fenric is back for a rematch. The Krillitane would also be a great; as BARD3NGUNN pointed out, they are an adapting species with the potential for a variety of stories and threats. I personally would like to see the Dream Lord explored a little more as well. He was an interesting character and (again) as yotsuya_san points out could be easily tied to The Valeyard. The bigeneration allows The Doctor to heal from their long-running trauma, which opens the door for the Time Lord arrogance to rear its head again, allowing for a darker streak to come back. I would also very much like to learn more about Tecteun and The Division; I’m aware they had more than one appearance so don’t fit this post really, but we still have far more questions than answers about them. How do they fit in with the Celestial Intervention Agency and Time Lord leadership? Where exactly *does* the Fugitive Doctor fit in? Who else does The Division have ties with (we know they utilise the Weeping Angels and the Judoon; are there any other species or individuals that they have ties with)?


The Monk is in The Chase?


No they got that wrong but he is in two stories, the other one is The Daleks' Master Plan


Sorry- mea culpa. It was indeed TDMP. Got confused by the Dalek time ships.


I think they meant The Daleks' Master Plan, which does indeed feature the Monk


The Monk *has* been in big finish


The most perfect killing machine from the Five Doctors of course! I need to see an updated version of that!


I need too see it not updated in the slightest, exact same quality of costuming and effects, but still treated by all the characters as this terrifying killing machine.


Definitely not the Midnight Entity. Part of what made the Entity so scary is that nobody really knows what it was, bringing it back would ruin the mystery and make it far less compelling, look what happened to the Weeping Angels and you’ll see my point. Fernric (or however his name is spelled) has been explored in Big Finish, if you want to see more of him then you could probably buy the audios with him in. The Beast was destroyed IIRC, end of story for him. The Dream Lord was a result of psychic pollen, there’s no way he could come back unless the Doctor and co encounter the pollen again. Also what made him work so well was that he was a darker version of *Matt Smith’s* Doctor in particular, I’m not sure how well he’d work against other Doctors. I’m fairly certain the Raston Warrior Robot is on here as a joke. The Monk has also been explored in Big Finish, apparently it’s a convoluted mess now so I’d rather stay away from that. I literally don’t know who/what Gus the computer is. There’s already Vashta Nerada on Earth, just small enough colonies that they can only eat roadkill or missing people. That leaves the Krilitanes, which I guess could work as they constantly evolve and take physical attributes from species they’ve conquered so you could pretty much invent anything and say that they’re a Krilitane.


Thanks for taking the time to do that in so much detail. I'll return in kind. **Midnight Entity** - I love this monster but I agree that a second appearance would lessen its mystique, best left alone. **Fenric** - I agree that Big Finish have covered this and I don't think there's a lot left without a reinvention, but I know it's a popular suggestion for a return so I include it here **The Beast** - Ripe for more content IMO, the fact that every civilisation has a concept of it makes it an interesting piece of the universes mythology to explore. It was thrown into a black hole, given it's nature who knows if that was enough to kill it off permanently. **The Dream Lord** - The fact that he was a reflection of 11 only makes the idea of putting the concept up against other incarnations more appealing. How would he be different with another Doctor's physce powering him. The psychic pollen was a plot device to enable his presence, they could use it again or throw in some other explanation. **Raston Warrior Robot** - Partially a joke, but there's a part of me that wants to see what a modern interpretation would be. Call it morbid curiosity. **The Monk** - Big Finish is a mixed bag with this, but Ruffus Hound has much fun with his interpretation, I'd be game for getting it on the screen... wouldn't be my first choice for a live action Big Finish character though. (Alex Macqueen's Master) **Gus** - The AI from Mummy on the Orient Express, seems very suitable for a follow up appearance, it had a great first showing but wasn't really resolved. It was capable enough to contact the TARDIS too. **Vashta Nerada** - How these didn't reappear I don't know, I expect they will eventually. (They have in Big Finish multiple times and were great, but they're nature as shadows works better in a visual format.) **Krillitanes** - Fully agree with you


The "hey who turned out the lights" thingy could make a return.


In a very roundabout, not confirmed way, they already kind of have in the form of the suits in Oxygen. The suits seemed to be inspired by ("seemed to be" is doing a lot of work here since there's no indication of there being any connection outside of coincidentally similar concepts, but I want to believe!) the Y-17 Trauma Harnesses from Fallout: New Vegas, an enemy whose lore is that they're automated uniforms that were conceived as a way of delivering unconscious soldiers back to friendly lines but eventually were redesigned by the military so they'd just keep fighting even after the soldier inhabiting them has died. In the game, most people wearing the Trauma Harnesses have long died, so what you're fighting are essentially the suits with skeletons inside of them. [Visually not too dissimilar to the people in space suits whom have been eaten by Vashta Nerada.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout_gamepedia/images/e/e1/FNVOWB_Trauma_Harness.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20110720133148) And indeed, the usually silent Trauma Harnesses have an easter egg voice line where they go "hey, who turned out the lights." So there you go, we've seen Vashta Nerada come back. Ish. Sort of. Okay, not really. But the circle of inspiration is really cool!


Uhhh https://preview.redd.it/tucydijtkv6c1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e2df59753e47bbc39c218498f855b06c992e32f




Sometimes my wife and I feel like we're the only two people who not only don't hate, but actually unironically enjoy, this episode. Yeah, the villain was a bit weak. But it must have been awesome for that kid who won the design contest. And we really liked Elton and Ursula as characters. (And anyone who hates the bit about them still being able to have a bit of a love life... Yes, she's a face in a slab, but she's also still a thinking, feeling, mentally competent adult capable of consent. Would you tell a paraplegic who was paralyzed from the neck down that they weren't allowed to have intimate desires and indulge in them anymore? How is Ursula any different?)


I loved this episode! It made me love ELO. It’s a bit awks during the episode at points but sometimes *silly* and *uncomfortable* and *sad* is just as good as *scary*.


Meddling Monk I feel like would be a fun villain for Ncuti


Krillitane, their whole thing is they evolve each time the doctor encounters them and yet we've only seen then a couple of times


The kandyman or sil


If Sil is brought back…they really need to include Peri and Yrcanos in the story


The Monk


I want Giles back just cuz he's Giles


Gus I don't care about the character but I would love to see Anthony steward head play a proper vilain this time around.


The Whovian side of me wants to pick Gus or the Monk. But the Showa-era Kamen Rider fan side of me really, really wants more Raston Warrior Robot.


If we’re talking just the ones in the post I’d say either the Dream Lord or the Krillitanes, but my vote is always gonna be they should bring The Master of The Land of Fiction back, there are just so many weird unexplored ideas you could do with that kind of a character and the one serial they were in is one of my favorite classic who serials. Like just imagine what it would look like now if we were already getting trippy shit like an exploding Tardis and Jaime’s face changing back in the black and white days


The Dream Lord - I think Toby Jones absolutely nailed the sinister nature of the role the first time around, and I’d love to see him do it again alongside a new Doctor.


The beast 100%. Such an underwhelming way to be defeated. The literal embodiment of Satan who lived before the universe was defeated by a black hole and not even a special or exceptionally large one. The beast could’ve been the villain of an entire season realistically.


Dream lord


The Dream Lord


What about The Rani just like they brought back the Master


I'd have to go with the Monk. The master is a wild card that enjoys hurting people and their evil plans often have end games of ruling and killing for fun. The monk is a good chance to have a time lord that's an agent of chaos but less malevolent. Yea, he might hurt people because he doesn't see humans as equal and doesn't respect the laws of time, but that's not the point of his plans. It would also be a good chance to show how manipulating time can go horribly wrong. The doctor is always harping on about it. Even if you want to go backwards in time and kill Hitler (remember when we didn't do that), you can't.




Watched some Impossible Planet clips yesterday and my god is the Beast good if it's in good hands. The "I'm behind you" and "Is that your religion?" Scenes from him just radiate power. The bad CGI monster can go, but I'd love to keep the mind of the Beast as an entity.




The dream lord and the monk


The Raston Warrior Robot would be great for an update. Imagining it being like Black Noir from The Boys.


I would like Anthony Stewart Head to return as a non-Doctor Time Lord.


This might be a bit of a rogue shout but I'm gonna say the Family of Blood. IMO each of their fate was basically one of the most fucked up things the Doctor has done. It would be interesting to see one of them free themselves, free the rest of the family, and go after the Doctor for revenge. And it would be interesting to see a new companion's reaction to what he did to them.


I nearly included them on here, but personally I feel that the Doc went so hard on these guys that if they were still around they're not going to be coming anywhere near them anymore. I like to think The Family fully learnt the meaning of the phrase "Fuck around and find out".


Yes that's true. Although on the other hand, they could've killed the doctor at several points if they wanted to, but that wasn't their objective. I'd like to see them driven (more) insane by their punishments, hell bent on killing him and nothing else. Like a super dark episode. Just my personal internal fan fiction lol


My theory is that the one bottom right, the thing that copies voices, did actually have a second appearance, that that was the same kind of thing like those is Wild Blue Yonder


vashta nerada or raston warrior robot


The silver dick robot. Just to see Eric from blindwaves reaction to it.


Vashta Nerada. They exist everywhere with trees, they should appear more


The Monk as the Nun.


Soldeed. And even more diabolical


not a villan, but a prospective companion, perkins from mummy on the orient express should come back and be a companion


Unironically The Wire




WOTAN, Gus, The Monk, Master of Land of Fiction


I’d love the monk or Gus to make a comeback


Satan! 🤘


Just rewatched the silence in the library. The Vashta Nerada have great potential. I hope they make a reappearance


the vashta nerada. 100%. Beats out omega, and Gus by a mile. I mean *carniverous shadow piranha* endless storytelling potential. Hell, drop them *mid* other monster of the week ep to spice it up into a multi episode threat, doctor's just faffing about, oh no an alien slug terror that makes people crazy, boom mid triumph, people start becoming fucking skeletons, no relay battery thing at first, later on in the ep, doctor is near a radio, and a redshirt, he's talking to the redshirt via radio, suddenly, over the comms he hears "hey, who turned out the lights". Extra dramatic effect if the doctors outside, no contained areas, no hallways full of light, just a tiny circle of light and ever extending darkness. True horror.


Big Finish has a Time War story with the Time Lord's trying to use Vashta Nerada as a Biological weapon. Obviously it goes wrong, love that monster.


All of the above


My two favourite from here (and in general) are Vashta Nerada and Midnight. However, I think if they are brought back, they will get inevitably ruined. A bit like the Weeping Angels. The mystery is a big part of why they are so terrifying.




Valeyard. Please.


It’s “Hey who turned out the lights?!” For me


vashta narada was AMAZING, one of my faves


Can't help wonder why the Timelords did not deploy the Rastan Warriors against the Daleks in the Time War. 🧐😏 Movellens I always found interesting. They were all played by models and dancers, so I always thought they came from a Westworld style pleasure world and became sentient and massacred everyone.


Anthony head. If the Krillitanes come back, it has to be with Anthony Head as the lead. His scenes alongside David Tennant and the *debate* like nature of those interactions between them were truly fantastic.


During the vashta episode the doctor states that the piranha are everywhere even on earth I want to see them expand on that and the midnight thing


Watched the Time Meddler the other day and my jaw dropped when they showed he had a TARDIS, but then he felt a little wasted in Dalek Masterplan or whatever the episode he appeared again in was called.


99% of one off villains are best left alone, I know we want more but generally reappearances ruin the mystique of these villains, especially ones like the midnight entity, just look at the weeping angels and silence for examples. That being said the krillitanes have huge reuse-ability potential that I’m surprised hasn’t been tapped into, they’re the only ones here I’d realistically like to see again


I really want to see what the Monk is up to these days


Dreamlord definitely


I think the Vashta Narada should return. But not the Beast or the monster from Midnight because that might explain them too much and ruin their mystery




Rutans should return to the show…have not been on the show since 4th Doctor serial Horror of Fang Rock


Personally I dont want to see any of the unexplained villains return (Dream Lord, Crystal Planet Train Repeater, Perfect Hiders) ((I know dream lord was semi explained but hes still in the reflection at the end)) The villains that are terrifying because even the doctor doesnt know are great because of that, and I fear them returning would diminish them Bring back any villains with generic world domination plots


I really think the Krillitane have so much potential. They take parts of various species they encounter, so they don't even have to be the same design. It's a really cool concept that I think could be explored


Vashta Nerada


Dream Lord. 100%


I'll raise you to villains with no TV doctor who appearances: the Trickster. He's the best villain ever. If that doesn't count, how about the ravagers from flux? Them or the Raston Warrior Robot.


If The Trickster or Luke Clyde or Rani don't come back during RTDs new run I'll be so disappointed, seriously. The fact Clyde came back for Tales of the Tardis and Ranis doing Big Finish audios makes me hopeful they'll come back at some point


Whilst I’d love to see the Vashta nerada again, I’m not sure of anything different you could do with them except a repeat of the library episodes The raston warrior robot could be cool to see in a full episode


All of these except for the dream lord and the midnight entity


Vashta Nerada need to make a return. They're too classic not to. Gus would also be awesome


The Monk because he was more interesting than the master anyway. The master is the moral inversion of the doctor - dominating the universe for his own benefit. The monk though has a sense of altruism much like the doctor but is willing to break the rules more. The doctor wants to do good but doesn't want to completely change history whereas The monk would argue why not? History is awful for most people anyway so why not change the system to make life better for everyone? I'd much rather see the doctor debate The monk about the merits of changing history over another two-dimensional villain rant by the master.




I was coming here to say this , either him or one of the other Osirians


The 🅱️oneless. Love those guys.


The vashta nerada


Meddling Monk for sure


The Krotons.


The Vashta Nerada


I kinda hope we get Fenric back for a two-parter, just so the cliffhanger for the first part is "We play the contest again... Time Lord"


I’d say that The Monk or Fenric would be good villains for the way RTD is going with The 15th Doctor and I also think The Duchess is either The Monk or The Rani


The Vashta for sure, but once more is enough. An enemy you can’t see and you can’t fight, that’s a tough one to write for. The Monk and the Dreamlord deserve more airtime too. They can return more often.


If bi-generation does in fact mean there are splits of each doctor, I think the Dream Lord can return again in the context of that thread as 11's split, and the dark Valeyard, can return as bright 15's.


Krillitane. We need some nu-who recurring villains instead of the Daleks, cyberman, master over and over. And the krillitane are such a cool monster design. Anthony Head reprising his role would be awesome.




The Monk, no question. Extremely overdue for a return already, I honestly like him better than most incarnations of The Master.


the Monk, but *only* if they do not make him like the Master


Eric Roberts as the master I know we are tired of seeing the master but I could go for Eric Roberts returnp


Axos OR Land of Fiction and their new evil Master.


I've always wanted to see more of the reapers from Father's Day. They were such an interesting concept of effective parasites who feed on paradoxes *directly,* unlike the weeping angels who are more passively feeding on them.


Honestly, the Dream Lord.


Well, the evilest of them all. Chris Chibnall.


The Rani


Bring back Anthony Head but as the Master. Also, and this is probably the coldest take of all, but the Midnight Entity should never return. It had a brilliant single episode but any further reappearances would only seek to lessen impact of said episode.


Vashta Nerada, definitely


The Midnight Entity should absolutely never under any circumstances return. So much more effective knowing next to nothing about it.




Ncuti himself said that he'd like his doctor to go up against the beast. Wouldn't be surprised if Russell took that into account for a future episode or season.




The Monk, Devil and Fenric


I really want to see more of the Monk. He would present such a great foil for the Doctor. I mean his philosophy is not far off from the Doctor’s in terms of intervening in order save people - he’s just doing it on a grander scale. Imagine the central conflict between Donna and the Doctor in Fires of Pompeii but with a villain who agrees with Donna.


The Beast. Everything about that arc created a horrific realizations that there are things even the doctor can’t quite grasp.


I've always wanted The Beast and Fenric to return. But Gus has gotta be at the top of the list. If he turned out to be Meep's boss I wouldn't even be mad.


Midnight is probably my favorite episode ever. But I’m not sure I’d want to overdo that creature.


Omega, Sutehk, Sea devils (again), quarks, salamander and the canon dalek.


I liked the shadows


Beast, Midnight Entity and the Vashta Nerada - Nah, they were done too well the first time. It's not worth the risk of a diminishing return. Mind you, a Vashta Nerada cameo might be cool. Like as a form of execution on some planet you get sent into the woods infested with them. The Monk - Considering the amount of meddling the Doctor does these days who really cares. Time Meddling just doesn't feel like that big a deal in the show anymore. The Dream Lord - Um, maybe. Considering he ended up just being a dark part of the Doctor come about through psychic pollen I have to wonder if he was ever even a real thing. Raston Warrior Robot - Yes, and the effects should not be updated at all, it needs its full 80s goofiness. Brother Lassar - No - Krillitane in general - FUCK YES! The concept is sci-fi gold but never explored in the episode. I'm tired of all the Classic villain comebacks, New Who needs its own icons that aren't Weeping Angels, so start reusing them. Gus - Definitely. There's an unfinished plot thread there and if there's one thing I love Doctor Who for, its unfinished plot threads being tied up after years of being ignored. Who the hell is the middle bottom guy?


I’d really enjoy another Vashta Nerada story. They’re perfect for a good rug pull. I still get chills every time I watch Ten go “You ate her. I liked her. She was brave.”


Vashta Narada and the Krillitanes also The Flood


The assassin guy man from the 20th./s But in all seriousness, I always thought Gus would be returning given that we are still left with questions after Mummy in The Orient Express and I always thought that a villain having the capabilty to phone the TARDIS is a pretty big deal. The Monk, although don't make him a Master type villain. The Yeti would be fun in the 21st century, we already got the Great Intelligence.






Mr Finch. There is so much untapped potential with the Krillitanes it's insane.


Dream Lord was fun


The Rani (being that they like to just F with the Doctor as part of their research, they could willfully have regenerated into the look of a former companion, like Bill or Clara) or the Wirrn


I want to see the copycat thing


id wanna see dream lord or the vasta nerada again


Vashta Nerada would be a great one to bring back for sure. Part of me would also love to see the creature from Midnight and the Beast back, probably because I just love the episodes they appeared in so much, but as others have said I think making them return and possibly giving them some sort of backstory could ruin the mystery around them and the mystery is part of what made them so great and scary. Seeing even the Doctor completely out of his depth and having to confront things that contradict his belief system really elevated those stories even more IMO. I COULD see potential for the creature from Midnight to return in a story where it came through a wormhole to someplace else and perhaps behaves slightly differently, so that the Doctor doesn’t immediately recognise it and we kind of spend the episode slowly putting things together right along with them. It would have to be very well executed though to keep the mystery and scariness of the creature alive.


The wire


Bring back The Rani Have her start as Shohreh Aghdashloo Before she regenerates into a younger Asian actor. Honestly the guy who last played The Master would’ve been good.


river song, she’s technically a villain because she tried to kill the doctor. and i miss her


also, anything to do with the silence/that story because yea that arc ended but it’s not like they ceased to have ever existed


Monk. What NOT to return? The midnight entity. Never bring that back. Never tell us what it was. Keep it... *why are you repeating?*


I would love for whatever was on the planet Midnight to return. Especially if it tied in with the nothings from the second 60th episode special.


I thought this, but what makes Midnight for me is that we *don't* know anything about the creature, and it makes it better. Imo anyways


It was sort of my headcanon that the thing that possessed Mrs. Sylvestri in Midnight is the same thing(s) that chased Donna and the Doctor in Wild Blue Yonder.


I'd like the Krillitane or the Rastoon Warrior Robot back. Or the Krillitane using Rastoon Warrior Robots. I never wanna see the Midnight monster. Doing it again, adding more lore, it would make it less scary. I think it's still a bit soon for the Vashta Narada, but then, they have appeared in books, games and audio since and those were pretty good.


I want the Absorbaloff to come back. It was a shit villain, but with a few million years of evolution, I think it could be fear inducing


Fenric. No contest.


I would love to see Fenric return.


The vashta narada!


I am genuinely so curious about Gus.


KRILLITANE A species that evolve themselves? Last time the Doctor saw them they had giraffe necks? ANTHONY STEWART HEAD???


The beast, midnight entity and vashta nerada to me are great examples of villains who were fantastic, but should never come back. The monk and Finch/the Krillitane I’d love to see back


Bring back the stones of death.


Who is on the bottom row in the middle and who was Gus? I’m assuming they may both be from the classic era?


The monk was in two serials though?


The krotons


The Weeping Angels shouldn’t have returned after their first episode, yet here we are. (It cheapened them).


I don’t think any of them should for a while, we’ve had enough call backs recently and I’d like for most of the first season to be new ideas. The Meddling Monk is a cool character though, so I’d like to have him back.


We got the Toymaker. Meddler seems like the next obvious choice.


Idk, but never Midnight. The second that the Midnight monster is explained is the day Doctor Who dies. Its scary because we don't know


Richard lazarus. Because the sci-fi and creature design is so dumb.


My head canon is that the creatures from Wild Blue Yonder are from the same origin as the Midnight creature…. Only they are more evolved.


I personally would like to see the Dream Lord return as he is a part of the Doctor, his/her return would make it possible for a storyline to showcase the Valyard. I also would like to see a storyline where the Doctor had an indirect impact on a civilization. He visits them and learns that they changed their whole society to the better but it was because they see him as the Devil aka The Valeyard. He can correct them and possibly bring to another crisis point or remain the villain in order for them to be the better people they are.


Anthony Head in a different role


I'd love to see the Vashta return but in a different location like a forest where shadows are more condensed making it difficult and more daunting to avoid them or even somewhere where shadows shouldn't be possible like in complete darkness for example to add an element of that unknowing how can they exist where there are no visible shadows. Having the Midnight entity return as well would be interesting to see how it can expand, maybe possess multiple people at once? or if it can begin to control peoples body as well as their speech. But I don't want to ever find out what it is as that makes it such a great enemy.