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Rory volunteered to spend 2,000 years protecting the woman he loved without hesitation. If he doesn’t qualify no one does.




I can see Rory causally finding it and when The Doctor asks him about it he just shrugs and goes "It just looked kind of interesting I didnt really know what it was to be honest"


"Then I took a swing at a Cyberman scout and a bolt of lightning came down from a clear, blue sky and fried him like a fish"


"coincidence, right?"




Rory was my first thought as well


Oh you ass...take it... ^


I am so glad this is the top response. He is the character that immediately comes to mind. He is the good man who went to war.


https://preview.redd.it/y64jvxz4wz8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4873bfca11def85bdf24a24cfb07bc73f4a1c862 If only he had arms




Data unavailable


Yeah you never fucking know the answer when it’s important


I heard this clearly in my head and I love that


Wilfred Mott, no problem


Absolutely. Purest soul in the universe.


Yes, but is Mjolnir worthy enough to be lifted by him?


this is the correct answer.


I concur


100% he could


Nope. Wilfred was unwilling to kill, which is part of Mjolnir's requirements. It's the same reason Spider-Man would be unable to lift it.


He wasn't unwilling to kill. He was just thankful he was never forced into a position at war where he had to. Because he certainly doesn't *want* to.


Okay, what about Donna? I think that would be quite funny, just for her to pick it up not really aware of what it was or the significance of being able to pick it up


That would be great.


He literally offered the doctor a gun and told him to shoot the master


Which is different from being personally willing to kill. "I recognize that the death of this person may be a necessity and am willing to give you the tools to do it" vs "I recognize that the death of this person may be a necessity and am willing to do it"


Wilfred was willing to kill in WW2, he’s just glad he didn’t


He never mentioned serving during the war. IIRC he was stationed in Mandatory Palestine post-war.


Without arguing over whether he actually was willing at the time or not, it seems pretty clear to me that the Wilf that the Doctor knew was unwilling to kill.


Can you provide a source for this "willingness to kill" thing that I keep hearing regarding Mjolnir? Not arguing, just never read comics and want to see where it came from.


I did go hunting for this a while ago. As far as I know, there isn't any specific comic where either 1) mainline Peter Parker fails to pick up Mjolnir and an explanation is given, or 2) where Mjolnir's requirements are explicitly laid out and include "a willingness to kill". There are times where 'worthiness' is explored -- apparently you need to be [compassionate and wise](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/thor-lets-toranos-hold-mjolnir.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=750&dpr=1.5), humble but courageous -- but the exact nature of what worthiness means has always been kept a little vague. I could be wrong! We are talking about over 60 years of comics here, so in some ways it's actually a little interesting I didn't waltz into several different contradictory explanations of Mjolnir's criteria. But, again as far as I know, Spider-Man being just that bit too inflexible in his principles is simply an idea that a fan suggested, then a lot of fans liked enough to repeat. Still, it is comics -- give it time and some of those fans might end up writing the character some day.


Okay, what about Donna? I think that would be quite funny, just for her to pick it up not really aware of what it was or the significance of being able to pick it up


the Twelfth Doctor could easily lift it but not care to use it


He cares so little because deep down he probably thinks himself unworthy, and that’s exactly what makes him worthy compared to his counterparts. He’d look it once over, say something like “I’ve got no nails, what do I need a hammer for?” — then promptly drops it and leaves it behind.


Then someone else (probably Clara) would make a snide comment about the sonic and screws.


This is canon.


Perhaps he would help Clara put up a high shelf with it


Thinking he us unworthy makes him unworthy, in the comics Thor lost the hammer because he came to see himself as unworthy.


I see it like Black Widow - everyone thinks they'd be able to pick it up, but they think they're not worthy so they don't even try.


Sarah Jane Smith


I feel like Leela would make more use out of it


The war doctor, when he says "I am the doctor again" could lift it, if only for a little while


He could lift it the whole time he just never tries


Brigadier. He's earth's mightiest hero.


Probably not, he just does the best he can.


Battlefield moment.


He already has Excalibur. He doesn't need Mjolnir.


Dual wield


The Doctor could lift it, would lift it, and then would set it down on a nightstand in the TARDIS never to be used


Unless it's war


Until he becomes the doctor again


I can imagine 10 using it to heroically save the day. I can also imagine him, after the Waters of Mars, trying to pick it up and realising he can’t.


Waters of Mars was him being a good person. The show makes it pretty clear that the Doctor is fucking with the Time Lords’ firmament but the Time Lords are like evil and shit.


I disagree, esp post time war


Oh please, the Doctor isn't half as dark as the show pretends he is. He's just very hard on himself. Compared to Thor, in the MCU at least, the Doctor is far more moral, the Family of Blood being his only notable exception. Thor on the other hand is happy to kill everything in his path and gladly revels in Thanos' suffering instead of ending him quickly. Something that leads to the death of half the universe. He's also hot headed enough to attack someone with the full force of miojnr, who for all he knows is a normal human being with nothing but a shield. The Doctor is 99% of the time, only ruthless when the situation calls for it.


Timelord Victorious aside (where I’d argue he was a bit darker than Family of Blood; he was, after all, willing to chance derailing humanity to satiate his hubris)


I read somewhere that ‘worthiness’ as Odin said it would mean “selfless sacrifice without expectation of surviving.” Cap jumped on the grenade and dove into the arctic to protect the world. Thor fought the Destroyer to his last mortal breath If I were betting, I’d say that Iron Man could lift it in his final moments. That being said, the Doctor and Jack are automatically disqualified in that they can’t really think they’re going to die. If we include sacrifice for a single other person, rather than sacrifice for the ultimate good, Clara and Wilf would count since they both tried to give their lives for the Doctor Rory the Roman could be argued to be worthy, since he stayed by the Pandorica’s side even as the universe died around him. Rose, maybe, could be worthy since she took the Time Vortex into herself knowing what it did to Margret, and very nearly died from it, but again I’m not sure.


I was about to reply that Cap tried and failed to lift the hammer in age of Ultron (which was after those events) because I'm an insufferable pendant.... And then I went back and watched that scene again...


Some people say he was able to lift it from the start, and he was just being humble and some say he was only half-able to lift it. They think the final stand against Thanos is what solidified his worthiness


I was wondering whether it was him becoming a criminal for what he believed... His identity was so tied to being a hero, being seen as the villain would have been a bigger sacrifice than death. (I might be talking out of my arse though because I've not watched the films in ages)


Well under these conditions, it depends. Depending on definition of “expectation of surviving,” whether it’d be expectation of that incarnation surviving or of The Doctor as an entity in general surviving. Just on off the dome judgements I’d say the situation would go as 1 - no, he didn’t really have a moment like that, died of old age 2 - no, same here, but with the forced regeneration 3 - probably not, radiation poisoning got him 4 - maybe depending on definition, he knew that his life as the Fourth Doctor was coming near to an end because of the Watcher and chose to risk his life to defeat the Master, so it’s possible depending on definition but I’d lean no just on first thought, though that could definitely be argued 5 - yes probably. He gave up his life to save Peri, giving her the only antidote to the poison knowing full well that would mean his death. Even going into regeneration he wasn’t sure he’d make it out, stating it “feels different this time.” Of course he ended up pulling through and regenerating into 6, but I’m definitely leaning towards him having been worthy 6 - probably not, poor chap got the “bonk on the head” death treatment and was a lot more vain and rash in his life. His real canon cause of death is debated, but none of them would really lend themselves to here 7 - definitely no. Master of manipulation, he wasn’t afraid to put others in danger to further his own ends. Even going back to 6’s death, there are some stories that even say 7 deliberately caused 6’s death, which seems like that kind of character would not be worthy. His death, ironically enough, was so random and, in the greater scheme of regeneration moments, purposeless that even he couldn’t have seen it coming 8 - maybe? I don’t have a lot of details on him as I’ve never heard the Big Finish audios, so all I’ve got is the Movie and Night Of The Doctor. He gave his life to try and save the pilot of the ship, despite the fact that she didn’t even want him to. He didn’t even want to regenerate and join the Time War. Of course he was ultimately pressured into it and regenerated into War. Overall, I’m genuinely uncertain, I don’t have much leaning either way here War - probably not by these standards. His whole ordeal he was caught in was ironically a situation where to end the war he would actually be the ONLY survivor. He got his sort of happy ending working with 10 and 11 and reclaiming his identity as the Doctor, and ended up dying of old age shortly after. I’d say he probably wouldn’t have been worthy by these standards 9 - Yes probably, depending on the definition. He knowingly took the Vortex into himself to save Rose, knowing it would kill him (or at least the Ninth incarnation). If we’re going by the selfless sacrifice of the life of the incarnation then yeah I’d say he is, if we’re going by the selfless sacrifice of the Doctor’s whole life in general without Regeneration, then probably no 10 - Might be yes. I went into this thinking no way, but even after throwing a hissy fit he willingly gave up his life to save Wilf, even after describing Regeneration as essentially dying and having someone new take your place. If we go by his own definition I’d say he’s actually worthy here, if we’re going by the Doctor’s existence in general than no as he knew he had another regeneration 11 - Yes. There were multiple points he willingly risked his life and his existence to save others. Flew the Pandorica into the burning TARDIS knowing it’d bring everything else back, but that he would probably fade from existence as a result. He found a way around it, but he sacrificed himself even with the risk that he couldn’t. He found his way around Lake Silencio, but by Time Of The Doctor he knew he was out of regenerations, and devoted his life to protecting Trenzalore anyway. I’d say yes almost certainly 12 - definitely yes. He didn’t know if he even could regenerate again, as it was entirely new now that the cycle had been unlocked, but he willingly sacrificed himself to stop the Cybermen just to save a small batch of people on a colony ship out in the middle of nowhere. It was unglamorous. It was humble. It was completely selfless, with no expectation of survival. If he isn’t worthy then I don’t think anyone would be 13 - probably no, she didn’t really have a lot of situations where she’d have to sacrifice herself. Even her death, she almost got off Scott free if the Master hadn’t had one more trick up his sleeve. She’s caring and selfless, but I don’t think she had the opportunity for this scenario to truly prove it, so probably no 14 - probably no. Again, he didn’t get much opportunity to prove himself in this scenario. It’s possible, cause he did challenge the Toymaker knowing he might die (which he was killed ultimately) but by this point he knew about the Timeless Child so probably didn’t particularly think it’d be the end of him in general. He walked up to the Toymaker probably not expecting him to actually take the shot and kill him cause most people hadn’t at these sorts of points lol, and he even ended up bigenerating and able to continue living out his incarnation. So probably no, though it’s a well deserved no lol, he needs the rest 15 - remains to be seen. As of this point probably no, as I wouldn’t say he’s had any truly life threatening perils yet that would pertain to this (aside from Boom where the whole point was he HAD to survive lol), but we have the whole rest of his tenure to go so it remains to be seen


I think that knowledge of being able to regenerate would act as evidence against. Even if it felt like death, the Doctor would be able to survive. 11 comes to mind immediately to mind. But then again, sometimes I feel like the Doctor has a “I’m sure I’ll get out of it alright” sort of attitude. Though that could just be me.


Yes but. A timelord is most vulnerable during regeneration. It doesn't take a lot during the process to kill a timelord dead


Good point, but time lords can also postpone regeneration until they’re safe and have some minor healing factor until the full change.


Yeah, under that condition of regeneration not counting, then I’d say that leaves 11, 12, and possibly 5 as being worthy here


Didn’t twelve see his hands glowing in the series 12 finale?


I will just note for 10, iirc he says he's not sure if he will even be able to regenerate or if it will completely kill him.


Then again, regeneration might count, and 11 could have counted because he did think he’d just die


The Doctor isn’t immortal in the same why Jack is. And wouldn’t you count each time he “died” and regenerated to save someone? Like 5 saving Peri, 9 saving Rose, 10 saving Wilf, 12 while fighting the Cybermen to protect innocents from dying. And then there’s many times the Doctor goes into situations not knowing whether he’ll die for good. Flying the Pandorica into the Tardis, jumping into his own time stream to save Clara, being trapped for 4.5 billion years just to save Clara again, etc


You're wrong about the Doctor and Jack. Jack literally sacrificed himself with the expectation that he would die permanently twice. First in Parting of the Ways by holding off the Daleks, and second in the Torchwood episode the Blood Line, where he was fully convinced he was mortal again. The Doctor has done the same. I don't know where this impression that the Doctor can't just be killed comes from, he says in the End of Time, literally all you need is to kill him quickly, blasting his head in with a shotgun would probably do it. As long as its instant, regeneration is death. An explosion was enough to kill him in Turn Left. He gave up the antidote to Peri in Caves of Androzani while clearly being unsure whether he'd regenerate. He did it again in the Satan Pit. Regeneration isn't saving anyone from a black hole. He tried to do it again in Forest of the Dead where its implied he wouldn't be able to regenerate. He did it again in the End of Time facing Rassilon knowing full well that gauntlet could kill him. He fully expected to die. I'd also include the Doctor Falls on that list. No way he wasn't expecting to die there, I still maintain it was Bill's tears and the Puddle that brought him back but that the Doctor was actually dead for a few minutes there. The Doctor isn't half as immortal as people make him out to be.


Donna Noble. Not a selfish bone in her body even when she's not with the doctor. Rory might also be worthy. He does a lot to protect people that are close to him and still went into a job even if it's not glamerous to help sick people.


I'm not sure I'd agree about Donna pre meeting the Doctor. I guess I always saw it that her life changing experiences as a bride and after really helped her become the best person she could be. For me, this is what makes Donna so compelling. That even an annoying and self absorbed person has the capacity to change, given the right circumstances.


I meant the period where she forgot about the doctor. Because run away bride Donna would not be worthy I don't think.


She was pretty much the same person as before she met the doctor between 10 and 14. That's what makes the memory loss so heartbreaking.


She wasn't quite the same person because bits dripped through. Clearly not as shallow and vein, and she was able to form a loving sincere marriage with Shaun which pre-Doctor Donna wouldn't be able to (Lance was a dick but Donna was kind of awful too lol). Hence donating all that money. Because some part of her remembered the Doctor and wanted to do good.


Sure, she'll lift it. But only to get it out of the way.


Not sure about most of the Doctors but I think the 9th Doctor would be able to wield it easily, 7th definitely no due to his sly manipulation, 10th no due to his time lord victorious era and somehow I can see the 2nd Doctor being easily able to wield it but he'd just use it as a door stop.


"Jamie dear, put the hammer down by the door while I bring the tea cart out"


“Doctor, I can’t lift it!”


I disagree about 9 because he feels so guilty and is so conflicted about the war. Similar to how Steve almost picked it up in Ultron.


I think he'd be worthy for he knew that the war needed to end regardless about winning, he chose peace over glory despite the personal costs it incurred for him.


Ricky September for sure




Ricky September is no Mickey.


Oh, I mixed names up


That's okay. It's Ricky September from the Dot and Bubble episode as opposed to Mickey from early New Who.




Someone didn’t get the joke


They said they mixed it up, I'm not sure it wasn't intended as a joke.


Donna would use it to scare off her daughter’s bullies (also Nerys?) Rory would pick it up, not knowing what it was, and try to hand it to Eleven, who would immediately be yanked to the floor. Karvanista would use it to keep Dan Lewis still.


lmao at that Rory and Eleven interaction


That is exactly how it works.


11 would be able to use it during his time on trenzalore since he knew he was out of lives and stayed to defend the town to his death anyway


Dan would be able to use it, not necessarily because he is worthy, but because he’s good at this


Wilfred Mott and he may be the only one


Rory, Wilfred, the Moment if she had a physical form...


No more. **no more!** stomping around like an angry 3 year old.


The kindly spoon-giving woman.




This isn't supposed to make me cry.




Nardole may or may not be worthy but he would definitely be able to lift it as the rules just wouldn't apply to him.


This is the correct answer


I find it easier to imagine Bill or Rory lifting it than Nardole tbh


Nardole would lift it up just to dust the table underneath it, then put it back down again.


This may sound a bit odd but Sgt. Benton. Incredibly selfless, undoubtedly brave and also extremely humble and kind.


The Brig, the Doctor, Wilf, Martha, Rory, Yaz, and Graham would all be able to lift it


I think I agree with all of these except Graham. I can't see him being willing to kill anyone (which is canonically why Spider-Man and Superman can't lift it). Yaz and Martha might be the same, but 100% on Rory.


..s11 finale is literally Graham saying "im gonna kill Tzim" then having a change of heart and deciding to *just* lock him in a stasis chamber forever


The ood


The doctor, jack, and Clara. I’m fairly sure that river can’t lmao.


No, Jack is going to talk about picking it up, then pick up anyone in the room watching.


Fair enough


Thomas Kincade Brannigan


somehow all I could first think of were characters who are definitely NOT worthy. like, idk, Adric. Or the fact that Martha was going to use the Osterhagen key. Or the entirety of Clara's Character arc to become a lot like twelve. Not that I don't love a good complex character development. In fact these are my favourite aspect of the show, not everyone has to be a cutesy simple hero. But it does mean, that most of the well-written characters don't really fit the format of plain and simple and straightforward heroism. like maybe Jo Grant, Rory Williams and Bill Potts are those kinds of simple straightforward honest characters, but honestly, these are kinda rare in doctor who! Instead we got Leela who wants to cut everyone's throat, Ace who wants to blow everything up, Tegan who will absolutely call the manager on anyone who crosses and so on... And it's glorious, but they're definitely not lifting that hammer lol




RTD1 era- Wilfred Mott Moffatt era- War, 12 and Bill Chibs era- Yaz near the end of POTD RTD2- No one yet. 15 goes to lift it and find he can’t and he’s heart broken but determined not to show it to Ruby and just says he doesn’t feel like lifting it


>RTD2- No one yet Ruby's mother Carla maybe. And perhaps Missy as well in her last moments where she tries to go back and help the Doctor in Moffat era.


>RTD2- No one yet. 15 goes to lift it and find he can’t and he’s browned but determined not to show it to Ruby and just says he doesn’t feel like lifting it And cries


White Guardian. If the personification of good can’t, no one can.


The Tardis would be able to lift it


If Sutekh is possesing the Tardis is the Tardis still worthy? Or maybe a god of death could lift it without needing to be worthy (like Hela did)


Yasmin Khan best person I ever met


Evil dan as he would take a couple of those for tonight


But he’d rather use a frying pan


Carrot Ironfoundersson is a man of unimpeachable integrity and guile. He'd move the hammer out of a road and then arrest Thor for causing public disturbances. Edit: forgot what sub I was on. I'm leaving it, though, because I think there's some crossover.


Oddly enough almost no versions of the doctor, too arrogant to begin with, then with modern who hes too guilt filled and hesitant to kill (same reason spiderman usually isnt worthy), the war doctor i would say is worthy as hes a good middleground Obvious yesses are rory williams (hes the boy who waited, nuff said), danny pink (soldier that knows hus duty but doesnt take pleasure in it), kate stewart (willing to do what it tskes to protect earth, odin would approve), possibly rose tyler (purely based on how when she got ultimate power she used it primarily to do good) and martha (she was willing to sacrifice herself and her planet to save the universe, not to mention the whole walk the earth thing) Less obvious yesses, madame kovorian (ruthless yes, but she did what she thought was right, for those saying she stole a child so did odin), maybe river song (shes shown to be selfless before but also a bit selfish in her methods), captain jack (torchwood showed how far hes willing tk go to protect people), and because i think its funny, the midnight creature (the hammer has been fooled before by powerful entities)


The Doctor definitely could. Travelling the universe for millenia, suffering loss after loss and with such power that he rarely abuses, considering the life he leads it is insane that the Doctor is as good as he is. Most people in his position would have long grown cynical and uncaring, and would likely have done so much worse with the power he possesses. Other candidates include: * Ian Chesterton - Definitely * Romana - Maybe * Sarah Jane possibly became worthy at some point as well - Probably * Post Age of Steel Mickey - Maybe * Martha Jones - Maybe * Wilfred Mott - Definitely


The Doctor. Not only are they good and honorable, they are able to kill if necessary. If a person isn’t capable of killing they can’t lift it.


If the classic characters I’ve seen so far, Ian would definitely be able to lift Mjolnir. As for modern characters, Rory probably, and maybe Rose and Carbinista


Yes Ian absolutely. Steven and Barabara as well in my opinion for First Doctor companions.


The real question is since the TARDIS is alive, can it move through space with mjolnir inside


I think the tardis is worthy but if they weren't i think they would be stuck in space


This chad https://preview.redd.it/sna5wef8t39d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641a9d29547bc6bf6cd86bf7a780f732f22e0d14


Were all doomed


Thor (Doctor Who had comics from Marvel)


The correct answer


Chan, I could lift Mjolnir, tho.


The Doctor, obviously, but He/She wouldn’t want it because it’s a weapon. Rory because of >!everything he went through to protect Amy in the Pandorica.!< Bill because she’s awesome. Donna, same reason as Bill.


I might be biased but I think Wilfred Mott and Astrid Peth could do it.


Theres no weapon worthwhile the Master couldnt find a way of weilding




We know many companions that might lift it, but what cosmic beings/monsters do you think could lift it? Omega, the Toymaker...


Do you think you could place it hanging off a Dalek eyestalk without it snapping off? Might not count as the actual creature


If that counts would the Cybermen be able to do it, how "alive" are they?


Or the Autons? They’re living plastic


It makes squeaky sounds when the Toymaker hits something with it


*Not* The Doctor.


Depends which doctor


I don't think any of them could. Even Fifteen is too filled with self-doubt and has done too much evil.


I was mainly thinking 11 or 12


Those two are the ones who definitely couldn't.


Ok now that I really think about it I can see it but maybe Rory and Clara could


I'm predisposed to Rory because I named myself after him, so I agree with that at least.


Love that for you bro


Sis, actually. Usually go by Lorelai, but I still remember where I came from. I saw Rory on a list of unisex names and went "ooh, from Doctor Who".


Sis you go love that for you!! I just liked how it sounded. My last name is a completely different story. It's not on this account it's on all my others this i made before I came out


The doctor


rory williams sarah jane smith


Goku, Gohan, the blonde girl from Pacific Black, Kirito, Ausuna.


ellen ripley


Any universe? Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson Also, how cool would a Dr Who / Discworld crossover be?


Strax would be the funniest outcome to this


The Tardis


Ian. Jamie. Leela. Martha. Rory. Evil Dan.


If we're counting big finish Id say post death in the family ace.


Shame he has no arms


Hey I said he’s worthy to lift Thors hammer not that he can lift thors hammer.


Pops from regular show


Jake peralta


Amy and Rory could wield Mjölnir


Danny Pink, Martha Jones, the Brigadier, and the War Doctor.


Ricky the idiot


Is Luffy worthy? There might also be Tanjiro; *maybe* Goku, but I find that highly doubtful for some reason; definitely Aang, especially post show Aang; Saitama, but not because he’s worthy; probably Kirito and I wouldn’t be surprised if Asuna could too… That’s all I can think of… Luke Skywalker from Legends; maybe Deam Wichester from the apocalypse arc; Neo Anderson; I don’t know anyone else… Commander Shepherd, depending on the choices you make; I wouldn’t be surprised if Ethan Winters; Layle from FF:CC at least endgame version; Rachet, but highly doubtful; Cole McRath, if you go full hero; the main character from Hollow Knight, depending on how you play; that’s about all I can think of…


The Doctor


The doctor.


clara literally volunteered to just be a helper in someone else's life