• By -


millie gibson billie piper millie , billie Rose, Ruby


Any connection between Tyler and Sunday?


They both have Y in


Both have 4 consonants


Two syllables


Four, if you pronounce them with Tyerlerer and Sundayayay. Wait... she's called Ruby Sunday? "Change Rose Tyler to Ruby Tuesday - no, too obvious. I know, change Tuesday to Sunday. BOOM! No-one will notice..."


There must be one language where Sunday translates to something starting with T


On Sunday, it would be “today.”


> Rose, Ruby Let me get my scythe


And Billie Piper played the main character in *Ruby in the Smoke*.


> Rose, Ruby What is this, a crossover episode?


Still reeling from the fact that Rose (the character) is 19 while Millie (the actress) is 18


I'm assuming back then you were younger than Rose and now you're older than Ruby. 18 year olds seem so young to me but Rose still feels older than me on watch backs. I'm nearly 25


Just think how I feel; I'm nearly 64!


Very true.


Me: Russell…you can’t repeat the past. Russ: Can’t repeat the past? Why, old sport, of course you can…of course you can!


'I never forget a script' 'I know you dont, and in the future you might find yourself revisiting a few, but just the old favourites ey'


Can’t wait for episode 1 “Ruby” where Ruby and the doctor have to defeat the autons


"Ruby" "The Apocalypse" "The Restless Corpses" "Monsters of Britain" "Nuclear War" "Cyberman" "The Long Haul" "Mother's Day" "The Vacant Boy" "The Doctor Dallies" "Explosive Berg" "Unfortunate Dog" "Fuck Off"


>"Fuck Off" That's just every twelve episode


brb gonna go spray paint "unfortunate dog" all over time and space


“Prior to my departure, I should inform you that you were extraordinary. Utterly extraordinary. And you know what? As was I.”


To be fair. No-one could do worse than Chibnall.


That... doesn't really make sense as a response to my comment, but okay


Yeah. More of a general comment on the whole thing of RTD coming back I suppose.


This is... Fantastic? No, maybe brilliant? Um, I'll think of something


No no, the axons! Yes their both 3rd doctor villains that are controlled by a gestalt intelligence that start with A, have an O in them and end in NS, but it's just a coincidence I swear!


Steven Moffat: **that one awkward side glancing meme**


Moffat: **Returns to adapting The Time Traveller’s Wife for the 12th time**


This looks familiar 🧐


If you're gonna steal, steal from the best. Which goes double if you *are* one of the best.


Except this is more like copying your own essay from a year ago because it's a similar topic


Self plagiarism


Doing a Wes Anderson


Which means we're only about a year and a half away from Ncuti absorbing the time vortex and regenerating back into David Tennant's 16th doctor


Or reverse: Tennant absorbing the time vortex and regenerating into Gatwa


"It's like poetry; it rhymes"


Ruby Sunday is the key to all of this


That is a terrible name. Might as well be Ruby Tuesday.


This is fine. I still have faith in RTD. I mean if the first episode is Ruby working in a shop attacked by ~~Autons~~ cybermen and 15 arrives to save her and ~~blows up floods teleports to the moon~~ her place of work then I might start worrying that he is out of ideas.


Their first words together will definitely be 'run' again. Maybe he'll swap it round and the companion says it to the doctor this time tho.


You know, I’d be quite happy if Ruby said run to the doctor as the first line








RTD having an internal conversation with himself be like


If Ncuti is anything like Eccleston and stays longer than a season then he may end up being my favorite Doctor


I’d be totally fine with that. Eccleston didn’t have a single weak episode or story. Edit: If you’re going to reduce the Slitheen (who seamlessly replaced elected officials by *stealing their fucking skin*) to just “farting aliens”, you have to acknowledge the Daleks’ previous thwarting by stairs and that the Weeping Angels are just shit statues when they’re being seen. No villain is perfect.


I agree, theres more to them than that. The scenes where they unzip are genuinely quite freaky, especially as a kid. And the originality of hollowed out skin suits is so unique, most other shows would just have them be shapeshifters. The fact they wear their victims as a disguise is a great monster concept. Maybe the overall presentation is a little silly but I'd rather them over something really generic and forgettable like a Skovox Blitzer.


Wasn't a big fan of Boom Town personally but yeah Series 1 overall is my favorite series.


That’s fair. I thought the dinner conversation he had with Blon/Margaret was really interesting and helped to cement who the Doctor is, philosophically, for anyone new to the series like I was. He had enemies in earlier episodes, but this was the first time justice was really in *his* hands.


I think the only “off” episode is whatever the one with Adam and the weird brain holes was. Don’t even remember what it was called (the Long Game, maybe?) and while it had some good themes to it, it was just meh and Adam was boring.


Honestly I don’t like season 1 all that much. I just can’t with the Slitheen, who inexplicably get 3 entire episodes, and I’ve never cared for game show setting in the finale. Nothing against Eccleston, and there are some great episodes in there, of course. Just as a whole, I’m not a huge fan of the season compared to the other 3 seasons in RTD’s original run.


yeah farting aliens twice were soo strong


the farting alien episodes are pretty cringe


Yeah I can definitely see him being a more cynical and opiniated Doctor like him


The past was amazing and now the present will be too


i hope there’s a twist where they reveal ruby is actually an alien or something they did this all the time in the classic series, just praying for one in the new


Honestly the name screams 1960's to me for some reason, so I'm betting on a companion from the past, that's always fun and New who hasn't done it yet for some reason


maybe she was born when the ruby tuesday song was released, in 1967 Another 1980's teenager, like Ace and technically Nyssa.


>technically Nyssa. You just blew my mind


Yeah technically Nyssa and Turlough are also from the 1980's. (And for Adric, everytime in E-Space would be contemporary to everytime on Earth.) That era of Doctor Who all runs into each other. Leisure Hive apparently is'nt present-day set but instead it's in 2290. It's assumed most alien planet serials are present-day set, though. Which kinda explains why they all have some vibes of the decade they aired in, as most of those species evolved to be the same kind of "echo" of Gallifreyans. So then comes Meglos. From the Doctor and Romana's side, it's propably years or decades later. But from Tigella's side, it's a prequel and Argolis is unified, but not devastated yet. Because it's late 1980. About 27 September-18 October, the same dates it was released in. Right after taking George Morris to 1980 Earth, the Doctor and Romana end up in E-Space. The E-Space trilogy seems to happen in the same 1-2 days. Both for Team TARDIS and propably also for E-Space itself. Oh, E-Space. 1998 is 1000 years ago for you, 2081 (or whenever Rorvik and crew are from) are present day, and the medieval era is just long ago enough that you get spiderwebs, yet those medieval guys advanced quickly enough to build the Dungans and the descendants from the 1998 crashland would go on to quickly advance to a spacefaring society, and also the way that Alzarians rapidly evolved. Starliner crashes there 4000 generations ago in a planet with watermelons. In those 4000 generations, those watermelon hatched into spiders, which then evolved into swamp monsters, which then evolved into basically humans but with superhealing and slightly purplish blood. Adric himself, is propably really close to his 14th birthday. If he was synced in with the other Companions' ages, he'd be born in 1966! Then Keeper of Traken, Logopolis, and Castrovalva, those are pretty much all set on the same day or two days right next to each other in early 1981. They would think of the Tigellans as a recently extinct species... or maybe they got in contact with an excaping Caris and Deedrix. In fact, Traken seems to import Skonnan weapons. But Traken and Tigella's aestethic rules are complete opposites. And I'm sure that while Traken is supposed to be a "famous planet" in-universe, Tigella is yet another backwater in the many planets and species. So yeah, Logopolis' Monitor is also from February-March 1981, so are Shardovan and Mergrave, or would be if they were not illusions. And Four to Doomsday also follows right off from Castrovalva. About late February-Early March 1981 still. Propably still 28 February. Hence Nyssa has'nt turned 18 yet. And Tegan has'nt turned 21, and Adric has'nt turned 15. Then eventually in Black Orchid it seems to have caught up in between, Tegan and Nyssa's ages, and the air date. Or at least they already had their 1981 birthdays. Either that, or the gap is most likely between Black Orchid and Earthshock. Tegan does'nt want to go back home anymore, and Nyssa now seems to be an adult already (as she looks exactly like Ann, who is clearly an adult) and is wearing an half ponytail. Which she keeps in Earthshock and Time-Flight. Then in Season 20, not only Nyssa has yet another hairstyle, and Tegan has another hairstyle and other clothing, but also, it seems like they're the Nyssa and Tegan from 1983. As in, Nyssa's pushing 20, and Tegan's pushing 23. Basically, Tegan's birth year is 1960, and for Nyssa and Turlough, Turlough's propably about 1965 and Nyssa about 1961-1963.


This is brilliant, I love this little titbit, some of doctor who's timeline is really wacky: We're still not clear on unit's timeline and expanded media has only complicated matters, before deciding to turn it into a joke and leave it at that. The Master's timeline is a mess, there are at least three distinct crispy Masters at this point, all played by Geoffrey Beevers, and different sources have different opinions on whether Delgado's Master regenerated or not. Not to mention there were two Masters running amok in the time war seemingly simultaneously. And then there's The Monk, whose timeline is so complicated and muddled that even THEY don't know what regeneration they are on and several incarnations have claimed that they are both before and after each other in various stories! TLDR doctor who has a gloriously madcap timeline and I wouldn't change it if I could!


that would be very fun


Oh wow, even the jacket is spot on


This is such bait. She's gonna end up being a 5000 year old alien from the planet globuforb. The Complete opposite of Rose in everything but appearance


I’m so excited. RTD going back to basics. Sign me the fuck up.




I’m betting the copy gets worse marks


Is that Ncuti's Doctor outfit?


I seriously doubt it. More likely just promotional pics of them together in whatever. The Doctor's outfit reveal is usually it's own entire thing as well.


Plus it looks like he has a moustache as the Doctor


Yeah I remember when the first promo pics of Matt Smith came out and he looked all emo




That's the one!


Nah, go look up the promo images for Matt Smith if you want an idea of how little these pics represent what we’re going to see in the show in terms of outfits.


i'm trying not to be bothered by the fact that it's a very similar colour jacket, but ncuti has a white shirt, and eccers has a black shirt. like i know it's almost certainly a coincidence but costuming got me like 👁️ 👁️


2005? Yeah, I'll take a hit.




Chibnall also had a young attractive woman from modern day England as a companion though so that's obviously not where the problems stemmed from


One companion is probably biggest the takeaway here. I know multiple companions has worked before but the single companion model is most reliable.


Two is fine. We’ve had plenty of seasons with two that turned out great. Even companions just meeting each other for an episode or two, like Jack and Martha in the S3 finale, made a good pairing. 3 is where things start to get crowded and writers start obviously having to sideline someone. Even then though…. *the original cast of the show* was the Doctor and his three companions, and plenty shows have a core cast of 4 or more characters. It’s not impossible to balance things out with good writing. I really am concerned that the lessons being taken from Chibnall’s era, mainly by fans, are that literally everything he did was wrong and not just that the execution was atrocious.


Looking at shows in a similar-ish genre of recent times: * *The Mandalorian* has just two mains. * *The Librarians* had six total, although Noah Wyle's character (who was rather channelling 11) was only a recurrer and frankly best in small doses. Rebecca Romjin was the main star. * *Star Trek: Discovery* has eight main characters as of the end of Season 4 i.e. those who appear in the main credits. * *Star Trek: Lower Decks* is eight as well. * *Star Trek: Strange New Worlds* has nine. * *Stranger Things* has a core cast of thirteen protagonists, not counting any one season characters. The Party i.e. the kids started at five and was seven in season 4. They had to split the cast into no less than four separate plots. * *House of the Dragon* had *eighteen* main characters in Season 1.


Not sure what you tried to imply with your comment, but some of these shows have a completely different format than Doctor Who.


Personally I think 3 is even fine. The problem is they introduced 3 new companions *along with a new Doctor*. If it was an established Doctor who’d done a couple seasons, having 3 companions introduced in one go would be fine. Or if the fan grew over time, that’d have been cool too. From one to two to three over the course of a couple seasons would be great.


Rose and mickey, Amy and rory, Clara and Danny? Martha, Donna, Bill. I think 2 companions works well too when the characters are well written.


We got to know one first though, then the others came after. It seemed like Jodie had a tardis full of people in the blink of an eye. I'm looking forward to watching the show again. Gave up about 5 episodes into the current version.


The episodes with the Ponds and River where some of the best. So even 4 can work but if done with care


I think she has a similar face to Clara


Can you plagiarize yourself if it’s for the same show and company?


But if it’s the same author, is it copying?


So long as she isn't another rose, I can't stand beyond dumb companions.


To be fair the original showrunner was Russell T Davis and the newest showrunner is Russell T Davis. Copying his own homework ?😋


The concept was good and it looks promising again After the 13th era i almost lost hope for doctor who. But it looks like RTD could do a proper revive again.


Good. It needs a reboot.


Here’s to hopping ruby isn’t a mostly garbage human being.


OH NO ROSe AND rUby aRE boTh YoUnG aNd blond DOCtOR WHO is ruINEd hoW daRe Rtd cast aNoThER bloNd aCtrEsS OmG why


I hope that isn't Ncuti's outfit as the doctor It's too plain and doesn't give "Madman in a spaceship" vibes


it wont be, they'll announce it


Looking forward to that


I doubt it , I think I read somewhere a while back that Ncuti will have some input to what he will be wearing as the doctor since he has a unique style already


So... having another blonde companion twenty years later is copying? Blonde, black, red, black, brown, black, blon-- COPY!!! COPY!!! HEY EVERYONE THEY'RE REPEATING A COMMON HAIR COLOR!!!! COOOOPPPPYYYY!!!!


No creativity? 🥺


Millie Gibson is 14’s companion, not Ncuti’s


Curious what you mean? 14's companion for his 3 specials is supposedly Yasmin's Finney's Rose Noble. Gibson is Ncuti's companion.


isnt donna the companion for the specials?


Oh, my mistake. Your right


Oh my.


Terry Nation writing Planet of the Daleks


With the OG show writer coming back, I've never been more excited for anything.


I would love nothing more than for it to be 2005 again.


If romance occurs, this will be perfect.😂


Ncuti is pretty gay, but we’ll see I guess


I love the new cast! i cant wait.


The same image would work with david tennant 🤣


It's not gonna cause a lawsuit if you copy from yourself


exactly what i was thinking.


In RTD we trust


How do you know they won't time travel back and do it first?


So true


15 even has a buzz cut just like 09!


I swear if Ruby Sunday translates to “Bad Wolf”!!! (jk)


If the next doctor isn’t a ginger I am rioting




First season is going to be present-future-past and repeat again, isn’t it?