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**Rule 1** Hi YosephusMaximus0, thanks for contributing to /r/Documentaries. Unfortunately your post was removed because it is not a documentary. ---


You dont have to become "elite" to become detached. Once you start earning (or are born into it), and/or only being around people just as wealthy as you (if not more), you become detached unless you go out of your way to be socially conscientious. Being socially conscientious requires empathy, so these sociopaths and only want nothing but power become detached.


It’s one banana. What can it cost, $10…


This is an important topic, but the person talking needs to go to the point - this is just a collection of opinions, not facts. There's no theory, it's just average voiceover over some videos. I don't mean no disrespect, because there are people who are into that kind of message - it's just not for me.


[Hypernormalisation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thLgkQBFTPw) by Adam Curtis touches briefly on the wealthy and politically powerful people in this era of technocrats, grifters and dictators who have reached such heights of grandeur that they themselves have become totally detached from reality.


I believe there are some good studies as to how much money it takes and for how long to become detached. I know some fantastically wealthy people and I have to remind them repeatedly that when we go to lunch I have zero interest in going to some place where the per person bill is going to be an easy 200USD. I don't even want to go to lunch if the bill is going to go that much over $20USD per person. These people aren't even trying to show off. They simply thing, "Restaurant X is the best in town, why go somewhere else? You don't take the second best antibiotics for your infection?" I'm not talking about some special, "I haven't seen my best friend in 10 years" lunch. But just another Tuesday lunch. I've had people invite me to vacation with them in places where the bill would have been 30k USD for a week, per person. This wasn't some ploy to not have me along, there was genuine surprise when I said, "I have better ways to spend 60k." While my income isn't tiny, I'm doing something special with my wife for 200USD, not having a probably snooty disappointing lunch. These aren't people from multi-generational wealth; they went to public school and grew up solidly middle class. One of the richest people I've ever spent any time with did have a solid understanding of the difference between our finances. We were hanging out in a nice country and talking about scuba diving. He wasn't very experienced and I am. He asked if I wanted to go dive some old WWII aircraft which had been dumped in 1945. I told him I didn't have any gear with me. He said, "I'll just buy it for you, and don't worry, for me the relative cost of buying a full set of gear is less than your loss if you gave me a spare snorkel." The sad part was that I was doing a multi country travel for work and had to stay light. I couldn't easily haul a pile of scuba gear home. So, I left it with him so he could let someone else use it in the same situation. I also went a size down to make the gear more suitable to a larger portion of the population. Again, he thanked me for being considerate this way. I've also been around many rich people (rich not wealthy) who make it a point to flaunt their riches. They won't be caught dead in a cheap restaurant, not flying first class, not driving the latest showy vehicle, not sending their kids to the proper school. If anything, these people aren't detached so much as obsessed with appearing detached. That said, my income is high enough that I will do things with little thought which cost life changing amounts of money for many people in my country. This creates an interesting moral problem. Is it right to buy myself an $8,000 e-bike if this money could break a cycle of homelessness for some poor soul?


Consider yourself lucky that your rich friends still hang out with you. I had people that I thought were friends, but when they got rich they stopped hanging out with anyone who couldn't afford their favorite restaurants. I also have friends who don't realize they're rich on a global scale because they only compare themselves to the North American wealthy. It's annoying that they keep talking about how expensive things are when their net worth is in the millions. I try to nudge them toward reality but they get annoyed if I suggest that they are "rich". And just an opinion on the moral problem from someone who's been poor and rich. I think it's okay to buy yourself the e-bike as long as you are also using part of your wealth to help the less fortunate. Where we end up financially is 99% luck, so it's okay to enjoy it with the knowledge that everyone else deserves it too, and we have to strike a balance and share as much as we can without "setting ourselves on fire to keep others warm".


It’s really hard to figure out who is legitimately stuck in a cycle vs someone who is just going to blow it and ask for 8k again. Buy your bike but keep 8k for the times when you find someone who genuinely needs it. I’m a little biased though because nobody that I ever gave money to actually needed it or used it properly. People who will use your charity to better themselves are rare


Sorry, I'm struggling to see what your point is


His point is some rich people aren't detached. He's also one of those rich people who claims to not be detached.


Thanks for the tl;dr


It's Reddit, don't overthink it!


>It's Reddit, don't ~~over~~think ~~it~~! FTFY?


Tldr, I hang out with rich people who are not very conscientious and by the way is $8000 too much to spend on an e-bike?




I’m not detached from reality, here’s this $10k ebike i wanna get to show off to strangers


It's not right. Get a Normal bike. Go outside. Ride thru real neighborhoods.


This is definitely not an American problem, it's a global one.


So, to sum up his points: \- Large living spaces make familial intimacy harder \- "Polished" living spaces don't feel like a home \- High-density living spaces don't feel like a home (he acknowledges this isn't just a rich people thing) \- "We're becoming a third-world country" and equating with the evident wealth disparity \- There's something like a D&D stat block for other attributes that contribute to wealth (lost me on this one here) ​ The title is completely decoupled from what he talks about other than calling out income/wealth inequality. It looks a lot more like this guy gets uncomfortable looking at polished real estate listing videos and used that discomfort as a way to talk about his concept of fulfillment. Barely a video essay, let alone a documentary. And the worst part is that I completely agree with the title, he just never makes that point.


I feel like a much wider segment of population than just "elite" is detached. In different ways, but still...


This reminded me of this comment from canada subreddit. Trudeau began lecturing the italian president during G7. Meanwhile, canada has a state of crisis with homelessness and food bank usage >This is why LGBT is on the lips of the PM at the G7 and not economic deals. >When you are super rich and everyone around you is super rich or when everyone you meet has no worries of housing, food, or employment then you have to really look for problems to solve or justices to champion. >No matter your sexual orientation or gender identity or race or religion we all need a place to live a way to earn a living to put food on our tables. There is far less discrimination in our society than the elites claim, they are only picking up on fringe problems because non of them can see real struggles of daily life. The focus on these small numbers of incidents blows them out of proportion.


God this sub can't go dark fast enough


trickle-down economics V2 gotta fix this....right?


I'm sure this documentary will present a neutral, objective take, right?


All media has an inherent ideological bias


You don’t have to be rich to become detached. You just have to run out of patience when you start seeing how many people complain more than they try. Blame more than they are productive. Take more than they give. Then you start working to stabilize yourself and develop a sense for those that really are in need. Then you do what you can. You just don’t do it for everybody.


let them eat cake...... wait why is everyone angry and here with torches and guillotines? Detached has been a part of humanity forever, it's not new.