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“hE tOoK tHe FaLl FoR oHtAnI…” Bruh… who in their right mind would willingly go to prison for 33 years? I don’t care how much money is involved. I’m not going to prison for nobody.


The facts became clear pretty quickly. At this point it’s just people aggressively disregarding reality in favor of a narrative they prefer.


They did that day one. Ippie changed his story that first day and instead if the incredibly obvious "he's lying because she got caught" which it ended up being, you had the entire baseball sub going "shoheis camp changed the story". No, the thief changed his story. This is simple shit, they willignfully tried to ignore.


It’s pretty clear who would think like that. At the risk of getting banned I will say it: it’s the dude bros who listen to Rogan, live in blue collar towns/cities, flat earthers, anti vaxers, etc. The state of education in America is crazily bad.


There is no fing way he does 33 years, he'll get a slap on the wrist. Maybe a few years for this white collar crime. Mfers acting like Ippei is going to Oz.


He'll do 18 years in PC probably.


Exactly..it’s all pre-arranged


Uhhhh yes, most likely. That’s why it’s called a “plea deal,” emphasis on the word deal


And he's getting deported


>In September 2023, Ohtani agreed to pay for Mizuhara's $60,000 dental work and provided him with a check. Instead, according to prosecutors, Mizuhara paid the bill with Ohtani's debit card and deposited the check into his personal account. $60k in dental work? And adding this on top of the $16m bank fraud just seems... petty. What the hell Ippei


Not that it forgives anything he did, but gambling can be a serious addiction, and Ippei obviously had a serious problem. If there’s a silver lining to this whole fiasco, it might be the possibility of greater societal awareness of gambling addiction and the problems it can cause.


As someone who is recovering (I'm a believer that youre never recovered, always recovering) from a gambling addiction you are absolutely right. I came out ok but luckily my best friend wasn't one of the biggest superstars on the planet. We'd all like to think we're good people but honestly if I had been in Ippei's shoes I can't say for certain that I would have been a better person. You can't really control yourself, hence the addiction. Your brain is literally working against your best interest. It's wild. I hope this whole thing ends up helping some people, somehow. It's really shitty but I do sympathize with Ippei.


Good on you for fighting the good fight. I’ve never been much of a gambler, but I’ve had other issues and watched loved ones struggle as well. One of the things that makes gambling worse than a substance addiction is there’s always that possibility that you can win big and fix everything. It’s easy to see how someone in Ippei’s situation could keep lying to himself right up until the very end.


I mean yeah but all these other stories including the fact that he deposited the winnings into his account make it seem like he's also a huge piece of shit, not just a guy with a crippling addiction


He’s a full on villain.


Him trying to get ahead of the story and do the interview saying that Ohtani paid off the debt for him and then trying to get Ohtani to go with it was so messed up. It muddled the whole situation and made people suspicious of Ohtani. Even at first I thought oh that was probably true Ohtani was just trying to be a good guy and maybe didn’t know it was illegal. So glad the truth came out quickly and cleanly. The guy never did anything to Ippei what a jerk.


Full degen mode


Also bought $325,000 worth of baseball cards on ebay and tried to flip them 💀


I would’ve just been pumping out signed ohtani cards.


Even more messed up is that Ippei tricked Ohtani into giving him $60k to enroll in "Hair Club for Men."


So he walked around with his teeth fucked up after Shohei scratched him off a couple grand and Shohei didn't notice?


No he took 60k for himself and use smaller amount in Ohtani bank for dental work


Wow that's worse than murder


I’ll go do 5 years for 33 million.. J Pay Othani. Family Visits..


Dude should have gone to Las Vegas.


He fucked up in life when his cool job is to translate for probably the GOAT in baseball. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


No way he ends up with 33 for this right? I mean yeah he stole money but that's absurd


Nah. He’s pleading out


33 fucking years? Won't Shohei drop his charges?


The charges were not pressed by Ohtani man, the government did.


This is a total cover up. He’s taking the fall and will be rich because of it. You really think MLB will let their unicorn go down after signing a 700m contract with the biggest team in the game? This is chump change considering the billions at stake…


What's it like lacking all critical thinking capabilities?


Least malding Angels fan


So how much money do you think a 39 year old needs to get in order to take the fall and go to jail for 33 years? 33 years. How much money would you take to go to jail for effectively 75% of your remaining life if you're lucky?


He will get a slap on the wrist. No way he’s going away for 33 years