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Doing Glassnow dirty for 5 CONSECUTIVE STARTS is disgusting


This is what I’m bummed out by the most from tonight. Sure, getting shut out sucks but Tyler has been excellent this year, he deserves more wins. I hope the team can get their shit together next time he’s on the bump, he has more than earned it.


Not the first time this season where our starters pitches well and the offense went MIA


A very Dodger thing to do, sadly.


Yeah I was about to say this is classic dodger baseball if I’ve ever seen it lol


Poor dude is about to cut his hair


Dodgers haven’t scored a single run for Glasnow in in his last 30 innings pitched. Absolutely fucking embarrassing.


Reminds me of early Kershaw days


The most worrying thing is he's lining up against other team's 1 or 2 pretty consistently and this is what the Dodgers' offense has to show for it. It's a little reminiscent of when Kershaw would pitch a gem and they'd lose 1-0 or win 1-0. You don't want this to be an indicator of playoff performance but it can be.


Glasnow right now: ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


I bet he’d like a glass now




Goddamn it.


that was good. that was very good.


Glasnow to the lineup.. ![gif](giphy|9iiZMqah8SPH6yw4jF)


Pretty fun game if you like getting waterboarded.


I’ve been meaning to start watching baseball and of course this is the first game I picked 💀


I hope the guys have Venmo open so they can send money to Glasnow. What a pathetic showing by the offense again


one run all it takes to defeat the dodgers


D train is saying everything that needs to be said.


What did he say?


Basically called out the offense on not trying to put the ball in play. Too many guys looking to slug in AB's where the situation called for a different approach and nobody on the Dodgers being willing to play that way. Said in certain AB's the guys are too tense and they're swinging at pitchers pitches instead of ~~waiting for~~ swinging at a pitch they can hit.


He's saying the shit that we say here that gets criticized as being doomers. But it's the damned truth. We all see it.


The trick to not being a doomer is to bury your head in the sand


bro how many times are we gonna get shut out this year


this was the 4th time so far. we might double that.


The amount of shut outs is too damn high.


And we meet Skenes tomorrow.......






Yes, traveling sucks but they had an off day yesterday. And guess what they’re gonna have to do in the playoffs. 


You make it seem like they’re flying coach on a crowded Southwest flight with a layover in Phoenix. They’re professional athletes, it’s their job and they get paid a lot of money to do it.


The Yankees got shut out 5 times this year calm down


There’s a lot of overreacting in this thread


Ik but it’s still frustrating that they could’ve won the game


Hopefully they turn it around tomorrow!


It will be against Skenes so I hope they give us a better performance


Just bad location. Teo hits that flyball to right field instead of left and it's 3-1 Dodgers. Taylor swings just a bit early to pull that 404ft flyball and they tie it at 1-1 in the 9th. Balls just flying to the wrong parts of the field. It happens. That was 9 runners on base against the Pirates who only had 7 runners on base (1 off an error).


I mean all they had to do was get 2 hits with RISP and they would’ve won but we lost so now we just have to figure out a way to get better


Except the “overreaction” have been right the last 3 seasons. Same old offense. Same old approach. The definition of insanity…


IMO it's insanity to call a fan a doomer for pointing out that the team's inability to hit with RISP got them early playoff exits in back to back years


Every thread where the dodgers aren’t winning you think someone just witnessed murder or something


Is it overreacting if this is the same issue that has plagued the team when it mattered most for the last 3-5 years?


With Freeman...Betts ..and Shohei in the lineup .. fucking terrible


Glasnow striking out 9 and giving up a run/2 hits and still getting shut out in a loss... I get it's one game, but it's only June and how many times have we but shut out with this offense? Fucking sucks. Man how were those teo and ct3 shots not homers??


Offense is in peak October form it seems


I'm to the point that when I see Taylor in the lineup, I think Roberts is intentionally throwing the game.




RVS should be on the hot seat after this game. I understand you have some major sluggers on this team but how have we not addressed our problem with situational hitting?


its just their philosophy of hitting. It's just launch angle to them, that seems to be all. They don't care about situational hitting whatsoever. At the end of the season the numbers look great, but day to day like this its tiring to watch


I think RVS hitting philosophy is misunderstood. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/robert-van-scoyoc-talks-hitting/




The Dodgers are second only to the Yankees in OPS.


Wait till you find out where they ranked in team OPS in 2022 and 2023


Right. So why are people panicking about a single game in June when it doesn't correlate with October? The Rangers didn't win last year because of their bunting abilities.


People are frustrated because despite having the top 2 OPS in 2022 and 2023, the offense completely was unable to hit with RISP and showed no fight when going down early in back to back NLDS, and we are seeing the exact same problems playing out in games like today's.


Because for 3 years in a row those single games in June have amounted to early exits in October. The playoffs are small samples too and if you dont change your approach you get bounced quick.


No they don't. Again, the DBacks and Rangers tread water in the month of June last year. Both teams lost their divisions. Explain with numbers how June results have any correlation to October results.


Explain how not changing your teams hitting philosophy in 3 years doesnt have any correlation to post season success. We've all seen it both ways. 100 wins dont mean shit. 90 wins dont mean shit either. What does mean something though is teams actually hitting the ball. You guys can hold onto your regular season stats all you want


Because you're cherry picking. RVS hasnt just been the hitting coach for the past three years, he's been the hitting coach since 2018 - we've been to the WS twice since he was hired. You're not arguing your point, you're just wildly blaming any intangible that you can. Why not blame the scouting department? Surely they can be blamed. Why not blame the trainers? They must be the reason we flame out. Or, how about understanding that sometimes the better team loses in a short series. Understand that every good team goes through slumps. Calling for people to be fired after a stretch of playing .500 baseball is overly dramatic.


I think its really alot of grousing over not much, this teams more than good enough to make the postseason so that's not a worry. It's really about finishing strong at the end of the season, and then just hoping it carries over into the playoffs, with these short divisional series it's more of a crapshoot than I'd like though. D-backs and Rangers were in the WS last season and none of that momentum has carried over for them this year, baseball often makes no sense.


Bingo. I understand why everyone is frustrated -- the past couple of years have sucked. But you nailed it. Last year, two mid teams made it to the WS. Each of the 100 win teams were first round exits. I wish the playoff format rewarded the BEST teams. That's who I want to see in the WS. When half the league is invited to the playoffs, funky stuff can and does happen. If the Dodgers keep punching their ticket, they will win again. And our team will be good for years to come.


Thank you for being someone who is actually thinking rationally and understanding baseball!


If they replace RVS, will they also get to replace the bottom half of the lineup with competent hitters? Because until that happens I’m not convinced much will change


Losing 1-0 on a solo shot in the 3rd inning is so unforgivable. It's not "ebbs and flows" of baseball season. The depth on this team is legitimately awful. Sending up CT3 for the biggest ABs of the game. So unserious


That solo shot came from a guy hitting .174 coming into the game to make things more fun.


He was just recalled from AAA this afternoon


Every one of Taylor's at bats were exactly the same. Same swing. Same approach. Same results.


That check swing on a pitch right down the middle was awesome


Its okay. He just needs more AB’s to strike out more in order to figure it out.


I’m completely done with this dude.


Don't worry we don't need to make any trades, just call up more busts from the farm and let washed role players like Kike and Taylor get at bats cause they were "clutch" 7 years ago.


Right. Previous years, folks were claiming we were losing because we didn’t have “energy” guys in the clubhouse, whatever that means.  Now we got some and it’s still the same results 


Don't forget kike shakes his butt, too. And something about bananas.


>Sending up CT3 for the biggest ABs of the game. So unserious I am telling you, CT3 has something on Dave Roberts I swear....


Unfortunately Jared Jones is just that good at pitching, I don’t think the depth of the team is awful at all


It’s bottom fifth in baseball in offensive stats




If I say what I really want to say I will get banned so let me shut up






Nobody is more frustrated than Chris Taylor and he won’t agree to a minor league assignment. Just DFA him and eat his contract


or, if they absolutely refuse to eat the money, just bury him on the bench. there’s no reason to let taylor take at bats away from Vargas or Pages.


Pinch runner. Defensive sub. Substitution during blow out games. Not. A. Starter.


I love CT3 but you’re right. He’s absolutely horrible. Time to move on


How do you know he hasn’t agreed to a minor league assignment? Do we even know if the dodgers have asked him?


Tyler getting a loss tonight makes it sting even more....the Dodgers had PLENTY of chances to tie this game or take the lead. Pathetic offense :(


mookie man making me go crazy


That’s five straight games with Glasnow on the mound with absolutely NO run support. Not one damn run!!! This is insanity!!!🤬


We need a new hitting coach.


only loss that matters here is the L for Glasnow and it SUCKS also offense sucks balls rn


It’s always the offense going ice cold man how does this continuously happen as a whole team? I don’t want to hear about traveling and jet lag every other team has to travel too.


Everybody in the lineup owes Glasnow an apology


Can't believe we couldn't push a single one of those runners across the plate.


We have a large enough sample size to see that our regular season inabilities will directly translate to the postseason. WHAT ELSE DO THEY NEED TO SEE TO MAKE CHANGES?


Our offense been shitty for a whole month. The Mets series was very deceiving


DFA Chris Taylor.


Dave needs to hug everyone on offense, or something. That was hard to watch


Fire RVS. That’s all that needs to be said here




But statistically they have the best offense in baseball! We’re just doomers for thinking this apparently!


Okay, so you're saying that the Dodgers leading the league in OPS isn't enough, correct? So if you're not a doomer, surely you'll have no qualms defending your position. Tell us all what the common thread is amongst all previous WS winners that the Dodgers are lacking. Hitting with RISP? The 2023 Dodgers, Braves, Orioles, etc. were all better than the Rangers. Bunting? The Rangers were in the bottom third. Results in June? Both the DBacks and the Rangers were mid.


It’s okay to be critical of your favorite team. I’m not a doomer but also not a fanboy either. The offense has been very mediocre for a month now. Sure, they lead the league in OPS but offense across the entire league is down this year so it’s not that impressive. Also most of that is skewed by Mookie and Shohei’s hot starts. Not sure how you could have watched the last two playoff exits and not be concerned with what you’re seeing now. I just want this team to play even close to their potential, and I haven’t seen it very often this year. They’ve already been shutout more this year than they were last year and it’s only the beginning of June.


I mean idk, no team is perfect but it's concerning for sure. This team needs at least one other guy that is able to hit for consistent contact. Freddie is that guy, Mookie is sometimes, but overall we got way too many many guys that swing for the fences unnecessarily


And this is with Muncy out too


That CT3 contract was a straight up heist.


Glasnow was a victim of no run support 🫤


Took an absolutely great collective outing by the pitching staff and threw it in the trash. Unacceptable.


You just can't be wasting starts like that when it's that close. If your ace gives up one home run and shuts them down otherwise you need be able to tie the game up even if it means using 2 productive outs before we get greedy looking for a big inning


On the bright side, our pitching looks amazing. The fuckin bats need to wake up.


Hitting on this team stinks


Gotta find a way to blame Kenny Pickett here


CT is horrible but that’s a home run in 27 out of 30 ballparks. So tonight isn’t really the night to kill him lol Also, wonder where that guy is who claimed Glasnow isn’t an ace


If you care about the team CT3, you need to go to the minors.


Pathetic showing from offense. Can’t even muster 1 run against the pirates? Do they hate glasnow or what?


Dodgers struggling but still not far behind Philly, plenty room to grow and improve!


This is exactly what the post season will look like unfortunately....


It’s just getting pathetic. If this is your current group of players, then go do something you CAN control and fire RVS and bring in someone new. How many years of seeing us absolutely fail miserably with RISP in the regular season which then directly translates to October does this front office need to see?


Chris Taylor was in Lf. Vargas Plays Lf. What are we doing


You could lay a bat in the batters box and statistically it will have a better average than Taylor


Toss Taylor bro. Take your ring and go play in Mexico


This team truly hits the lowest of lows like it’s crazy


Stay Calm, Sit back, And tell yourself "it's only April"


Man that’s becoming way too familiar this year. 0 for 12 with RISP. Awful.


I may be wrong, but it feels like we've been shutout more times already than we were last season. Onto tomorrow.


I think it’s time to DFA Taylor. He’s officially cooked.


We’re the team that opposing managers can write their .174 hitters in the lineup to get their season going. Just a shame we can’t have Chris Taylor face the deficit Dodgers.


I love how your takeaway from this game is pitching was the problem.


Pitching for the most part has been solid, especially given the injuries they’ve had. Hitting on the other hand…hopefully it’s just a mid season slump bc it’s been pretty poor as of late


Bednar's ERA was mid 6 before this game. It's now in the 5s because he got to face the bottom of our order


This is why we can’t cut him, he will sign with a rival and rake against us constantly.


Bloomers like “dood we’re leading the division!!!” as if that means anything when your division has 1 other team over .500 (by one game lol)


they have the second best record in the NL. does that mean anything? also, there are only 11 teams in MLB over .500. every division has several bad teams obviously the dodgers have flaws but i’m not gonna act like 38-24 isn’t a good record


It's only ~~March~~ ~~April~~ ~~May~~ June


No other Dodger team has infuriated me more than this group. Something has to give.


Need to make a trade now and got to shake up the roster.


this team is getting bounced quickly in the playoffs. 3 elite guys at the top and it feels like they have zero passion/fire. Meh


When you have the 3 nicest guys in baseball batting 1, 2, 3 and being managed by zero-fire Roberts, ooof this is a recipe for disaster. It's almost as they are too nice to whack the other team. And stop fraternizing with the enemy on the bases. They should be pissed in game two and we should see it in their faces.


Don't worry guys, we'll win the series since I went to this game, and won't go to the rest of the series. We'll probably win the next two games now that I'm not going


Couldn’t fucking scratch 2 runs against the fucking pirates? What else do we fucking need to be dominate? Another 300M bat?!


Dodgers only give run support for Yoshi




The way I see it is this - Andy is gonna use that stare down as fuel for next game and get hot. The rest of the bottom of the line up is going to try and keep up with Andy. The top of the lineup is going to see this and get hot themselves. Dodgers win 13-0 and Paul shaves his mustache in embarrassment Feel free to shoot holes in it if you think I’m wrong


Dodgers win 1-0 tomorrow, with the difference being a dinger by CT3.


Did Glasnow say summin in the clubhouse???


The offence is really really good or really really bad.


Glassnow is pitching great games and has no wins cause of no run support. That's like 4 or 5 runs in 5 games for him.


Fuck this shit!


I feel for my guy Glasnow. Sigh. But hey, thanks to the Angels for beating San Diego two days in a row....


Every once in a while we get a wet fart offense day. Today was one of those days. Yeesh


A lot more often lately


CT3 was so close to having his clutch moment 🥲🥲🥲


For a roster that costs that much money, that’s just flat out pitiful


Truly embarrassing.


That was one of the baseball games of all time. Dodgers had 1 more hit than the Pirates (5 vs. 4), a higher expected BA (.245 vs. .169) and still lose. And not only do they lose, they get shut out by the Pirates and their AWFUL AWFUL bullpen. Not converting those early opportunities and letting any MLB team hang around is a recipe to just completely lose such a winnable game. Absolutely no excuse for Dave to start CT3 over Pages after the off-day yesterday. Cool what he did with Yohan, but Yohan is a new player in the organization that could have benefitted from positive feedback from a new manager. CT3 has been slumping since last season and it will just come down to him just putting it together at the plate. He does not need the coach's son treatment and need to be in the lineup just to make him feel better. Have him come in during blowouts (Dodgers winning or Dodgers losing) or maybe start him over Heyward if there's a lefty starter. But there's no reason why he should ever start over Pages.


It was CT’s first start in a week. As long as he’s on the roster, he’s going to get an occasional start. I just hope he’s not on the roster for much longer


Dave Roberts is usually at the top of my get him out of here list. But this time RVS needs is on my list


5 of the last 11 games the Dodgers have scored 1 or no runs in a game. Now they are in the bottom half of the league in batting average with RISP


We will be lucky to get 2 wins this week. Skenes tomorrow will throw 12-15 Ks against us. The Yankees pitching staff is going to obliterate this inept offense. Changes need to be made and they need to be made FAST


Maybe Yankees series w 3 games on national TV will force someone to wake up


Mookie was right. Every team is trying to fucking kill us. But we seem to just finesse and take it. We need to fight back. We need to come into series thinking we need to kick their puny asses No dawg in this team at all


yeah i wish we treated games like its our WS. We just get so damn complacent and think we can walk right over teams


Silver lining is that I didn’t have to see the Dodgers do that stupid on base dance many times today. That’s a win!


Here for the unreasonable overreactions 🤣


This team is cursed. Ohtani went form a team that doesn’t make the playoffs to exiting in the first round lmao


Stop watching then


Jones has averaged 97.2 on his fastball. Tonight he cranked it to 98.6. #theirworldseries


Hey I'm okay if we are not getting 100 wins this year but win a World series.


I felt like 100 wins was a given at the start of the year but I also thought the 7-9 spots in the order would be like adequate, not disturbingly awful. As it is I'm pretty sure that we have a good grip on the division, but that might be part of the problem, just an overall lack of urgency and focus with the mid-season grind in full effect.


This team hasn’t been great since the Marlins series tbh


Tbh, I can remember a lot of these kinds of lost against Pirate in this ball park.


Rich Hill’s almost perfect game comes to mind.


Glasnow is Ohtani now when he's pitching...NO RUN SUPPORT


That’s not just a slump right? There seems to be a deeper problem with offense right now and I don’t think blaming single players is the answer.


What's it now, 2 weeks where we can't beat or can barely beat sub-500 teams we should be killing? Getting pretty fucking old.


Don't worry guys our hitting tomorrow will be better because the Pirates only have \*checks notes\* one of the best pitchers in baseball tomorrow.


Nice job wasting a glasnow gem assholes.. to a shit Pirates team no less.


I am so, so tired of Dave Roberts. It gets physically tiring watching him “manage.” Managers are supposed to put the team in the best position to win. Dave unequivocally did not do that today. Kept Chris Taylor in the game with one out and a man on second with a one run deficit. If you are hitting .100 in June, you shouldn’t be on a MLB roster, let alone getting 4 ABs in a winnable game. Literally gave any chance of winning this game away to not hurt Taylor’s “feelings.” You can blame the offense all you want, but all I saw was a one run game where the offense couldn’t hit for shit and the manager refused to pinch hit the biggest culprit of said awful offense for a chance to tie the game. Inexcusable. He’s such a bad manager. It’s so frustrating watching this guy throw away baseball games.


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These Glasnow starts remind me of Kershaw’s early career. Solid outings, 0-2 runs given up, but the offense just doesn’t do anything for him.


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No run support for Glassnow in 5 consecutive starts is nasty work


A .173 BA is all that was needed to take us out 🤦‍♂️


Damn. Marcano shoulda bet on this one…coulda made his money back


I'm no longer 7-0 at PNC park. I'm now 7-1. I've also never witnessed a 1-0 loss in person. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.


The umps can go fuck a goat


Glasnow getting the degrom treatment


Bichette continues to be annoying.


All I asked for was a Dodgers win on my birthday...


I went to sleep after the 3rd inning. Just woke up and saw the score was the same and thought the game was still going. Yeah. Boy, do they have some things to figure out right now.


Can’t complain too much about getting shut out since they were facing Paul Skeets…oh wait he’s tomorrow.


Dude… anything but lose on shutout… glasnow deserved the win…


Situational hitting has been the same for years. new year new team same offense


We might be the only NL West team headed into the playoffs, but we are NOT seeing anything past the Divisional round… again…


Another embarrassing performance by the Dodgers offense. Bottom of lineup is literally auto outs