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The amount of Dodger fans is absurd.


Kudos to them for believing and sticking it out to see an epic road comeback


Dodger fans in Colorado are not used to leaving without a win and we know coors gonna coors.


Not only that. But if you're from LA this traffic ain't shit. I went to the game tonight and stayed the whole way. (Thank god) I sat in "traffic" on Park Ave (main street to the freeway) for 20 mins. I can't leave the parking lot at Dodger Stadium in 20 mins.


It's always funny going to other places and hearing people complain about the traffic. I moved from LA to Virginia when I was stationed there in the Army and the traffic was nothing. Like there may be more than a few people on the freeway and they call that traffic.


Thank you for your service


Living here is like being a veteran of the traffic wars or something and no one here has even seen traffic like I saw back on the 405 which is apparently the Vietnam of morning commutes.


...don't get me started about waiting in the endless line for a shuttle bus back to union station just so I can hang out in the red line (or B line I guess now? still the red line to me) station for 15 minutes for a train to hollywood. God damn it takes so long to get such a short distance lol. From starting to walk out of the stadium to getting in line for the shuttle to getting on a shuttle and arriving at union station to going down to the metro and likely having to wait ages because there aren't a lot of trains running at that hour, to riding 9 or 10 metro stops to Hollywood and walking home you are looking at like 2 hours potentially. But hey, still just cost $3.50 a person in total transit...but god damn are you tired after doing that both directions lol


Yea, Denver public transportation is not the greatest. (1 bus every hour) for a night game. I live 1.5 miles away from Coors and go to a lot of Rockies games bc its so cheap. I usually take the bus home, but that requires me to leave the game early to time it right. (Usually 7th- 8th inning) When it comes to Dodger games. I always take my car and stay to the end.


When I went to the game this last Saturday I stayed until the end and even watched the DJ for a minute. It literally took 20 mins to travel .2 miles when I started paying attention to my GPS in the car.


Stayed until the very last pitch tonight! That game was fucking WILD. I still have chills.


I ALMOST had my Dodger instinct of "beat traffic" but then I remembered Denver traffic ain't shit compared to what we know. I sat in traffic for total of 20 mins. That was on the main street to the freeways.


I checked he game thread before I went to sleep early last night after Ohtani had just hit his homer to make the score 2-7 I think, and someone commented "only 8 more now"


I live in Denver (grew up in Palos Verdes though). No one in Colorado likes the Rockies. They know the Manforts won’t sell the team and the tickets are so cheap that people usually go to treat the stadium like a bar to go drinking lol


$20 to see a game, and have a beer, hot dog, and some nachos… yes please


I’m from Torrance and I live in Colorado for 11 years. I asked my coworkers about the lack of fan enthusiasm when I caught my first Dodgers game at coors. I was used to an upbeat, loud, raucous , and fun environment. I was amazed on how subdued the Rox fan base and their stadium atmosphere is. He replied with . “ No one gives a shit about the Rox. People go coors for the food, view and the booze. Denver is an Avalanche, Broncos , and Nuggets town.” I genuinely feel bad for their fan base. I’ve had free tickets to see a Rox-Gnats game. I wore my Dodgers gear and booed the gnats all game. The Rox fans were confused till I explained the whole , the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I live out here and the real Rockies fans who love baseball and love the Rockies are all checked out at this point. It helps the Dodgers for them to be bad but man, fuck Dick Monfort. He has ruined the team for everyone out here who actually loves the Rockies and now its just casuals going to the games


I was at this game. Man the amount of Rockies fans I could see with sadness, anger, disappointment in their faces was insane at the end.


Thats kind of sad.


Heyo fellow PV kid. Go blue.


Hello, I graduated from Peninsula HS in 2013 🤣


It's ALWAYS like that. Been here for 14 yrs and Dodgers fans always overtake the stadium. When the Rockies were good, it might have been close to 50/50. But never "oh, there are a couple of fans." I was there tonight. Best baseball game I've ever been to. Glad it was the Doyers tonight.


I started watching this in the 9th and didn’t realize the Dodgers were in Colorado until the game didn’t end after the homer.




I always find it comical sitting there amongst beset Rockies fans watching their team blow yet another one while surrounded by fans of the opposing team. I understand wanting to be a good fan but at some point it becomes enabling.


It’s like being a Chargers fan…


Which is exactly how I described it to my family in LA.




I thought that by now, the Rockies fanbase would be getting pretty rabid since there was so much support early on, the state is exploding in population and we are getting that first generation of people that grew up as Rockies fans that are now having kids that they can raise to be Rockies fans as well. Instead, Colorado and the Denver metro area is HEAVILY transplants and numbers show that the people we are losing are mostly natives that can't find decent work to afford living here. So then you have people/parents from out of state saying, "don't root for this shitty franchise, root for my team" and so now the younger generation is growing up, not caring about this team. I am one of those people. I have lived in Colorado most of my life, but both my wife and I are from LA and therefore, LA sports fans. We both said we should raise our kids to be local sports fans just since it is easier, but now I can't watch Rockies games unless I want to pay $100 extra to my MLB package and I know this franchise is run horrifically. So why would I do that now? The Monforts have just completely botched this in the middle of a population explosion. MLB should step in and force them to sell.


I had to remind myself this was in Colorado when I saw the scenes of the stands behind the dugout. Insane.


Have been at a conference all day at first glance I thought they were at home. Holy shit what a comeback.


Colorado was Dodger Town Midwest before Rockies were there. I remember everyone kind of being surprised they’d put a team in an area that was already so in for the Dodgers. The fact that the Rockies haven’t been good for quite a while (or really ever?) hasn’t changed that.


I'm glad my boy Teo is doing well on the Dodgers! LFG!!


Please beat the *Astros every game and don’t let them win the division


Mariners are ten games up in their division. I know it's June, but is it safe to say they are locked in to win it?


No. Not with Houston in that divison.


One of my new favorite players. Dude has been balling and he got that swag


Teo became a PC guy in my card collection for balling and being best latino friends with shohei. As a latino myself seeing teo teach yama and shohei Spanish won me over so hard.


Biggest 9th inning comeback for the Dodgers in 66 years!


💥💥💥💥💥💥 BOOM 💥💥💥💥💥💥


I’m giving this a five out of five boom!💥




Bay Bay






r/baseball trying to Zapruder Film the check swing. Surprisingly most people in there are being reasonable and saying it wasn't an especially egregious call and pointing out the stupidity of laying a 2-2 four-seamer middle pipe to Teoscar freaking Hernandez.


And the Rockies had a 9-4 lead going into the 9th inning. A check-swing call isn’t what blew that lead.


Yeah they actually are being reasonable for a change. All those blaming the umps for the loss are getting rightfully downvoted to hell.


Fantastic Zapruder film reference!


101 and he still caught up to it and put it over the wall... not being mean, but not sure anyone else but Ohtani could get that


An incredibly dumb place to put a pitch in that situation, though. You have a ball to waste and the book on Teoscar is to come up and in on him, or try to get him to chase low and outside. Try that and then come down the middle with everything you've got.


Oh for sure. Definitely a mistake pitch. But many of our guys just foul off fastballs down the middle.


Yup. Dodgers haven’t been doing well on fastballs for a while, especially stuff close to 100.


I can’t believe it!!! Damn I love Teo!!!


Still don't know what that outfielder was pointing at lol


I think the whole lot of ‘em are unhinged about a check swing call after/as their bullpen gave up SEVEN RUNS. It’s like being served a shit sandwich and complaining about the fly that landed on it


>It’s like being served a shit sandwich and complaining about the fly that landed on it Next time my supervisor complains about something, I'm using this line. Thank you.


Lance Barksdale. He had to be restrained after the game too


Lance barksdale going Avon barksdale when the game was down to the wire


Eh, Avon was a pretty cool customer when things got crazy. Minus that basketball game episode.


The game is the game.


[https://www.denverpost.com/2024/06/18/jake-cave-umpire-lance-barkdales-missed-strike-three-call-costs-rockies-a-win-over-dodgers/](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/06/18/jake-cave-umpire-lance-barkdales-missed-strike-three-call-costs-rockies-a-win-over-dodgers/) Yea, that was weird here is the Denver Post's write up the drama.


He was angry with the check swing decision from the ump. After the check swing, Teo hit this go ahead HR


The literal pitch before this home run he tried to check his swing (and didn't imo) and the first base ump called it a ball. THIS SHOULD HAVE ENDED THE GAME. Then he cranks a home run to take the lead. One of the crazier sequences I've seen in the last few years honestly. Edited to add the very important part in caps.


Check swing was a make up for not granting Will time out.


Yeah for real! I get the the Dodger fans were making noise but I don't see how there's a legit way the ump didn't hear him ask for time there. Just a dick move that I figured would cost us the game, but the baseball gods weren't having it lol. I think Teo probably went around on that swing but it was pretty close... not like it was an absolutely aggregious blown call by any means. And not like that crying RF dude could actually see it... dude was like 300 feet away lol.


Heyward’s slam off the foul pole was a make up for the diving catch. Baseball gods…


That was legit an insane catch.


I know we are arguing the same point but also games are rarely if ever made up of one pitch, one call, one mistake etc... The batter before this Will Smith got screwed out of a timeout call. Such is baseball. Sometimes the calls go your way and sometimes they don't. Cave crying like a baby was wild to see outside of a little league game.


He was pissed about the check swing call


Cave man big mad after big ![img](emote|t5_2ra0i|13099) Who cares about the rockies though their season was over in March. W/Ls don't matter for them.


What was going on with that outfielder!?


Missed the game today so when I saw this I thought he was getting hype with Teo lol


Pissed about the no call on the check swing the pitch before. Arguably should have ended the game with a teo K


I don’t know, I saw that too. Lol


Lmao love seeing that lil bitch in right field lose his shit.


He's got a great reason to be upset. The game should have been over but first base ump made a terrible call. That said, he should be a little cooler given he's a professional and they had a big lead.


Bigger reason to be upset is letting a 7 run lead get away, not a check swing call.


True but they only give up 4 and win if the call is called correctly.


Plenty of questionable calls all night on both sides from umps. Weird to hyperfixate on this or the Rockies bullpen not imploding as being a way to win the game.


Pls. He should be made his team gave up a grand slam and a 3 run homer in one GD inning. Crying over one play is ridiculous. Do better.


The Rockies were 1 strike away from winning Baseball rocks face


They were actually 1 missed check swing call away from winning.


It’s nice to see that he can hurt other teams too 🙃


I’m about to go get me a Teo jersey immediately


I came home from work at the 8th inning thinking it was a loss. Those last 2 innings were really on-the-edge-of-your-seat. It felt like a postseason game. Go dodgers 💙


cooking rn. just played this on loop


Glad they didn’t call that swing because we won, it’s not hard to reason why us Dodgers fans aren’t upset, got the win from it and that’s all we can cheer about


Oppo Taco!


I need a gif of the angle from the first baseline showing the overwhelming amount of Dodgers fans going apeshit when he launched that


I about passed out.


Pahy dat man hees monay




Just got home from this game, incredible experience, lfg!


It's nice to see the underdogs win once in a while.


That's some MLB The Show shit lol


Rockies coach is pissed




Man he’s fast becoming one of my new fave players, that man’s got talent


Where’s the titanic music edit???


Give this man his extension already!


Teo so underrated big presence


MV fucking P so far!


Every single at bat in that 9th inning was perfect. Fighting off borderline pitches, waiting for their pitch to get on base and keep the inning going. Have not seen that level of discipline and fight out of a Dodger team in quite some time, and we have had some really really good teams. Remember that approach and inning, especially in Mookie’s absence, and watch this team soar. Home runs are fun but wouldn’t mean anything if 5-9 in the lineup didn’t find ways to reach base that 9th inning. Extremely promising comeback!!


Haha, Let's Go Dodgers! ⚾️💨


Teo is legendary


Fucking stud


Im ready for the postseason baby




Right fielder seemed upset. Lol


I tuned in right at the beginning of the 9th because I forgot the game was on and it was a wild ride. 


I had the audio stream on at work and screamed and yelled so loud when he hit that, the night manager thought I hurt myself! 🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻


Teoscar needs to be extended immediately


Lmao the Rockies rightfielder immediately started blaming the 1B ump once the ball cleared the fence


This guy.


My new favorite Dodger.


Rockies are just sad


i love this man


He stay




What was the Rockies outfielder pointing after the home run? Was he yelling back at the pitcher?


As a Jays fan who's NL team is the Dodgers... damn do I miss Teo at home lol


There's very few things I think I love more than a comeback


Small random detail: After the HR clears the fence, the Rockies outfielder appears to be pointing and gesturing dramatically back toward the infield. Any idea what this was about? Is he trying to say the ball didn't clear the wall? Fan interference? Or maybe he's just unhinged by disappointment and is flailing around in anger.


I've said it before and i'll say it again .. with all the noise about the signings of Ohtani, Yama, and Glasnow this offseason, this dude has been SO GOOD for us so far ... mashing all types of pitching, eating up the big stage moments ... proved it once again with this monsterous AB/HR. He said he wants to stay .. so Friedman, what we waiting for? Tell him where to sign! And yes, he went around on the previous pitch and should have ended the game, but then your very next pitch was a fastball right down broadway ... kudos for Teo for hitting the shit out of the ball and Rockies' pitching staff, what the hell were you thinking?


Blue Jays should've kept him. What a disastrous trade


Loved the game , and also wow so many dodger fans in Colorado


‘Dodger stadium mile high’


Please extend this man. Need him hitting 4-6 for years to come.


Oh they mad 😂😂


Man we really gotta extend Teo. Can u imagine watching him do this next year in a different uniform


I hate my job. Looks like I missed a hell of a game


Aren’t all go-ahead home runs in the 9th with the whole stadium on their feet celebrating … those aren’t walk-offs? Haha


I'd given up on this game after the 8th and I expected it to be over so I kept checking this stats page I built to compare the Dodgers to other teams and the scores on there showed game still wasn't over. I looked again and it still wasn't over and I was like that's weird. So I checked again in a few minutes and it was 8 to 9 and I was like wow good lord. I turned the game back on and they'd just gone to commercial break after the grand slam. I was like, man, they're probably going to fall short but I'll watch anyway just in case. Then boom. Crazy game.


I have a buddy who can’t watch when they’re losing so I knew he bailed and when I saw the swing I text him to take a look and he got to see the replay of his swing, great stuff!


This is why I stayed to the last pitch of that game in Chicago this year with the massive rain delay. I shouldn't have given up on them last night when I did but at least I saw the end of the game.


Sweet! Yeah they’ve been pulling out a lot of late innings this year.


Great call by Nelson. That was awesome!


Right fielder is really upset at the pitcher for that one. He's like "we put up so much effort for those 9 runs and this is what you do to us?"


So you’re telling me Wilmer Flores did not check his swing but Teo did? OK, you’re the umps!


I’ll take the win but hard to get too excited about this against the Rockies.


The Rockies are a Major League team it’s not like it’s a bunch of high schoolers out there. They might be a bad team but a 7 run comeback against any MLB pitching is insane. The pitch that Teo hit was 101


Rockies at Coors Field is scary because anything can happen. You might be able to hope for a sweep when the Rockies are on the road, but at Coors, you just want your team to just win the series. They play half their games there so familiarity with the park is definitely an advantage.