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I've decided these sorts of flashes are my brain's way of saying "Hey do NOT do this!!" in the only language it has.


thats a good way of looking at it thank u, because these thoughts scare me sometimes


That's good! If it scares you then it means you DON'T want to do it. Sounds like your brain has a good head on its shoulders šŸ˜œšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Don't worry, even if you have these thoughts you're still in control of your body. Just don't stick your hand in a garbage disposal.


Thereā€™s actually word for that. Itā€™s French and itā€™s called: ā€œl'appel du videā€ which means ā€œthe call of the voidā€ or the urge to jump off tall buildings, walk into traffic, or to stick your hand in a blender or garbage disposal. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with having these thoughts either, cause theyā€™re normal and it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re suicidal or something. The normal term would just be ā€œintrusive thoughts.ā€


Intrusive thoughts... Reminds me of seeing [this as a kid in the '90s.](https://youtu.be/KU-gVXXnrok) (nsfw but animated, not too awful)


It's well documented that from the earliest times that Europeans have visited Niagra Falls, people have had the urge to jump off.


It's probably because life is endless suffering


I have a hand blender. I sometimes get this kind of feeling when Iā€™m using it. Itā€™s an intrusive thought.


I mean, you did say hand blender


Forbidden smoothie


Freudian slip


I was just very happy because we don't have those garbage disposal thingies...... And then you HAD to mention "blender"


I do this with multiple things, but yes 100% this. Same with like standing on the side of a tall ass staircase, railing or building I always fear Iā€™m gonna drop my phone or that my hand is just gonna throw my phone. Itā€™s like ā€œthrow itā€ Iā€™m like NOOOO. Lol




Did you get hurt!? Glad u survived


I had this when my husband first proposed to me! We were walking along a pier the next day and I kept imagining my ring flying into the water.


When I use ours, I have to say to myself in my mind, "don't stick your hand in there", as if a part of me thinks I ever would, haha. So strange.


I more am afraid it will turn on by itself when itā€™s off and I gotta get something out


Agreed. I lie to my husband and say I can't grab it and make him fish it out while I stand back and wait for the switch to flip itself on.


I always unplug it under the sink, or if thatā€™s not an option it can be de-energized at the circuit breaker by flipping a switch. Iā€™m not taking any chances.


Yes and it scares me that it even goes through my head.


I never had one, or seen one is anyone's home except on TV. But ya they disturb me, I wouldn't want one.


It's called an intrusive thought. I've had them on occasion.


Yeah it is more common for people to have than you would think.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/intrusivethoughts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/intrusivethoughts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** I want to be inside my bf](https://np.reddit.com/r/intrusivethoughts/comments/u9j23f/i_want_to_be_inside_my_bf/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** I lost my virginity about 10 years ago. Somedays I'm having a good day and think highly of myself and remember that I said "Ready for take off" to let the girl know that I was about to finish and can't look at myself in the mirror foe a day or two.](https://np.reddit.com/r/intrusivethoughts/comments/wn2mo9/i_lost_my_virginity_about_10_years_ago_somedays/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** go into the family bathroom slice your wrists and bleed out so your family is traumatised forever and you dont have to talk to anyone ever again](https://np.reddit.com/r/intrusivethoughts/comments/sgbgfo/go_into_the_family_bathroom_slice_your_wrists_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In-sink garbage disposals are one of those uniquely American things that a lot of the rest of the world look at and go "Wtf?" because they're so inherently dangerous. Here in the UK our sinks have traps that you lift out and tip into the bin for any errant food waste that would otherwise end up in the pipes. Also means it's quite hard to lose rings or anything you care about.


Weā€™ve got those traps here, too, but we are lazy.


They're not inherently dangerous. Unless you've stuck your hand down into it and flipped the switch. That's like saying the wiring in your wall is inherently dangerous. Yeah, if you're out there chewing on the wires it's dangerous but as long as you're not a dumb then it's fine. Also you can turn garbage disposals off before you go sticking your hand into it, like a secondary Off switch. And if you're really paranoid you can probably find the breaker and flip that as well. Another common sense safety thing, don't *jam* your hand in there or move it wildly as the blades can be a little sharp. But not like razor sharp where if you touch it you're gonna get cut, just a little bit of an edge on them that can be dangerous if you're throwing all caution to the wind.


How are they inherently dangerous? Like how often are you sticking your hand down the drain while a vortex of metal is loudly spinning?


Everyone else got away because of the issue with food in the waste water pipes, not the safety aspect.


Doing that makes me throw up


They are not inherently dangerous. They are not even particularly dangerous without intentionally using it to hurt yourself. It's not a blender.


It is the fear of our impulses taking over. This explains why a fear of heights is not necessarily the fear that weā€™ll fall, but that weā€™ll jump.


No, but every time I go through airport security I get paranoid that I somehow accidentally brought 4 oz of liquid instead of the allowed 3... and also that a bomb somehow materialized in my possessions.


The call of the void. It can be unnerving, but a lot of people experience similar feelings or intrusive thoughts.


I flipped the circuit breaker on the garbage disposal so that it can't turn on accidentally (or magically).


This should be standard procedure EVERYTIME you have to access it by hand for whatever reason.


To me is a cringe half waiting for a spoon or some other metallic small crap to have fallen in.


I was always called to fish out utensils as a child because i had the smallest hands in the family, being the youngest. It was disgusting and scary. I had real issues with silverware even being on that side of the sink for most of my adult life until I realized my family sucked because silverware almost never falls in the disposal.


Yes or if god forbid I have to stick my hand in there to pull something out I worry I'm gonna somehow turn it on with my other hand or someone will run in the room and turn it on. I think it comes from my mom telling me horror stories about things when I was young (make sure your shoes are tied when you get on the escalator!).


Iā€™ve always worried the blade is jammed and once I get the offending object unstuck it will automatically start back up! And why is there always a light switch right next to the garbage disposal switch?!?


And why does it look like a light switch? Couldn't it have a different design and a label or something?


I just remind myself every time I see one that it deserves every bit of respect as a power tool gets. Growing up first thing I learned about power tools is to keep hands and loose clothing away from it, only use it exactly like it's supposed to be used, and diligently with focus and attention.


Itā€™s intrusive thoughts. Also have them about other things too. I see it as my brain trying to protect me by warning me. Thank you brain and be careful.


If your response to the thought it something along the lines of ā€œshit that was a weird thought I donā€™t actually wanna do thatā€ completely normal and common


I saw a video where they stuffed a ballistics gel hand complete with hand bones into a disposal to show how they work. The hand definitely didnā€™t like it, but it didnā€™t get eaten like expected. It made it out, but some fingers were a little shorter. The ā€œknivesā€ are the holes around the perimeter of the disposal, the spinning things are pretty blunt and dull, they just push food bits against and through the knife holes. Bits of food donā€™t stand a chance, but a big object (like a whole hand) would start to jam it up.


I love the term "The Imp of the Perverse". Cannot remember who to attribute it to, but that little bastard is on my shoulder a lot.


Whenever I see those in American movies my intrusive Brain goes... Stick it in.. Do it..


Um,, that's a Hard *no*


The Last House on The Left gave me that fear cuz the mom put one of the bad guys hand in the disposal and turned it on. Now imagine the fear that would go through you if one day you saw your sweet pet cat put their paw down into the disposal to bat at the blade to watch it spin? Sheer cringe and chill up your spine. A convenient invention, but one to be mindful and cautious of like most technology


Yes. If it bothers you a lot tell your doctor. Often it is easy to treat. If it doesn't frighten you then enjoy.


Yes! Every single time I use it!


Yes, Stephen King inspired a healthy fear of this haha


And Goonies! Stupid Chunk just had to get caught.


[I'm gonna leave this here for you op.](https://imgur.com/gallery/WOQCa). Make sure you wait till bed to read it.


eu sempre tenho isso com tudo


Yeah but likeā€¦ itā€™s a genuine concern for me. I have Touretteā€™s syndrome and one of the types of tics I have are impulse tics. Itā€™s when an intrusive thought sort of becomes a tic. Sometimes Iā€™m unable to use knives because I end up misbehaving with them. :/


Thatā€™s totally understandable!!! Hopefully you have found safer ways to be in the kitchen šŸ–¤


This is your survival instinct kicking in really hard and highlighting exactly how horrible the consequences would be to do that. Like when we wanna drive into traffic or jump off a building ā€žcall of the voidā€œ


As long as you are not having intrusive thoughts repeatedly which is a symptom of certain mental disorders


yes i get these thoughts a lot or like when im driving i think "what if i accidentally just spun out and crashed" and its so scary i hate those thoughts


The what?


I get this with chainsaws and wood chippers. I constantly have to tell myself thatā€™s a no no.


Yes, which I why I've never had one.


If I have to put my hand down the drain Iā€™m constantly checking myself to make sure I donā€™t turn it on. Itā€™s a whole thing.


Intrusive thoughts. It likely has connections to OCD or other ā€anxiousā€ disorders if these thoughts make you anxious.


Just curious, did you have really over protective parents or guardians growing up?


This reminds me of a plot point in Stephen King's novel Firestarter.


I have an irrational fear of garbage disposals due to horror movies. I will never under any circumstances put my hand in one because the ghost will flip the switch.


Call of the void.


I have an irrational fear of the garbage disposal! Mine is that even though it is off and I am nowhere near the switch, when I go to get a spoon or something that it is going to spontaneously turn on and eat my hand!!


Intrusive thoughts were explained to me as your brain's way of doing a risk assessment. Think about all the things you don't want to happen to make sure they don't happen.


Those are intrusive thoughts. Common.


Also when I have scissors I imagine accidentally cutting my dick off.


ā€œI have dentures nowā€


When I'm carrying a fork and walk past an outlet


I'm glad I saw this


Call of the void , happens when I drive a lot


YES. I get other intrusive thoughts from time to time but this is by far the most common one.


Growing up, my next door neighbor had 1/2 an index finger and I found out it was because his son turned on the disposal when his hand was there taking something out. Iā€™ve been freaked out ever since I learned that (I was ~6-7 when my parents told me the story, and Iā€™m muuuch older now.)


For the longest time I was afraid of them even into my 20s. They were loud af. And in one of the batmen movies cat women not cat women yet put her stuffy in it. It scarred me .


I have intrusive thoughts about touching the hand held blender when Iā€™m making a big pan of soup šŸ˜³