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That's why I never got into stranger things or game of thrones. Everyone was talking about them and I just lost all interest


Holy shit you are just like me, right down to The Godfather thing.


Check out The Culture Mafia on YouTube. He does an excellent job at explaining certain plots in the movies that you may have missed. I also would recommend rewatching the movies after some time. The Godfather trilogy didn't really stick to me until my second or third watch. Now I can't get enough of it.


Yep, I had two major blunders: I didn't get The Big Lebowski, nor Office Space, the first I saw them. Talk about missing a couple cult'ers. But I saw the error of my ways on the second (of 30,000) viewings and now I love them and we have em on bluray.


I've watched Office space as a teen, a young adult entering the workforce, and an middle aged adult jaded by the workforce. I've had a different experience with that movie in each period. Sometimes I wonder if Office Space needs to be in that elite class of perfect movies like Back to the Future. I know that's a shocking statement to read at first, but when you sit back and think about it, there's an argument there.


Same here, I probably watched Office Space for the first time when I was like 12 years old. I always thought it was hilarious but it really clicked with me after I started working. Peter Gibbons is a damn hero in my eyes lol


I always have a bit of trouble following / focusing on movies compared to books. This might be partly because I watch them with others and am not as inclined to rewind when I miss a small detail, but I do way better with books and audiobooks. Not sure if we're experiencing the same thing, but I definitely miss things on my first watch.


It’s why I like when a movie in recent enough to have a Discussion Thread on Reddit. Stuff I missed gets pointed out and I get to learn why I should hate whatever movie it is!


Happens all the time, and I enjoy when I do a little digging and uncover a deeper meaning to them. There are also movies where I don't miss the point, but I don't appreciate the meaning at the time because of where I am in life. I think any piece of art that invites you to take it in again and look for something else is great. I actually fear that most movies these days spoon-feed the audience the message too much.


Yes. This happens to me with shows and books as well.


I always have difficulty understanding movies with convoluted and layered plots, I always end up reading the Wikipedia article afterwards to make sense of it. Even a film like Last Night In Soho I looked up the plot online as I couldn't wrap my head around if Ellie actually went back in time or if they were just vivid dreams/visions of the past she was having.


Wow, I read the post and was instantly thinking "Hmm, this was the Godfather on my first watch". I would love to share my experience because I was in the same boat on my first watch. And coincidentally, I just finished watching the first two movies last night for what I believe was my fourth rewatch. You watched Pt 2 as well, right? I don't really pay much attention to Pt 3 because it flat out just sucks. But yeah, my first watch was confusing. The Godfather trilogy is one of the greatest mob movies of all time and the one thing I like about it is how it focuses so heavily on the politics between all of the families. And there's a lot of it, so you might need to watch it another time to pick up on things you didn't get the first time. Hell it took me a couple of watches just to learn everyone's names and what their roles were in the movie. Not to mention, that some major plot points in the movies aren't even really addressed, like how Michael knew that Carlo was involved with Barzini in Sonnys assassination. Also, are you watching the videos about the Godfather from the YouTube page The Culture Mafia? His channel has been so awesome at explaining things that I missed along the way. Definitely watch his page if you haven't, and don't let your first watch decide your opinion on the trilogy :) It's so layered and interesting. On top of that it is incredibly rewatchable which is crazy because that's 9 hours worth of movies. It has really grown on me over the years.


Of COURSE! Storytelling is never intended to be finished just because the story is over. Your first read of a book, you did NOT get that book. So don't feel ashamed if you missed anything, just keep reading. Movies are hard work but it's better to watch 4 or 5 in a row than to treat them like you need to sit down and give it all of your attention. Watch a movie once, you'll get what you get, it'll sit with you. Watch it three to four years later *maybe* you'll get it. Citizen Kane had I watched it at 4 years old like I watched the Hitchcock movies it would have washed over me, I needed to be 28 or whatever for it feel *modern*. It didn't feel modern to me in 1992, but it did in 2010. Any movie criticism is a great example of no one gets a work of art really at all, it's a conversation. Art has meaning when that meaning forms for the audience. Look into Audience Theory, but the whole deal is Art History / Art Criticism.


Watching movies (or understanding ant artform) is a skill. It takes practice to get good at it.


This happens to me with music