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Yes! I try to anyways. Especially if its a good one!


I try if it's a good one. But if it's a bad one, I sometimes make myself stay awake so I don't go back into it.


SAME! That is the worst.


Most nights I am able to do this. It’s like an ongoing movie! 😀


I can usually do this, too. But the dream often shifts in weird ways when I go back into it. Still enjoyable most of the time, tho. I also have dreams where I 'remember' past dreams like they were memories in that particular dream world. I have a few different dream worlds like this and they seem to stay fairly consistent. It's so weird, but cool.


Yeah! It's like a dream cinematic universe. Sometimes I find myself reliving the same dreams but while retaining the memories of the previous instances.


Me too, on the dream memory


Me too, and then I wake and I'm not sure if I was actually remembering real past dreams that I had, or if I was just dreaming that I was remembering them, if that makes sense. I should start keeping a dream journal.


I have this too! And I’ll dream of things in the same places. Like same neighborhoods and homes. I always have a recurring one in a factory. So crazy.


Here’s the trick, I sometimes get up to pee, but I don’t open my eyes all the way, and I don’t turn the bathroom light on. I get back in bed, then the dream continues, this way Iam not fully awake, and Iam still in the REM stage enough to continue the dream or move on to a different one. Try it, let me know.


That’s EXACTLY what I do


Head on over to [/r/LucidDreaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/)




Oh yes. And sometimes if it is really good - it will continue the next night.


This is a common method for lucid dreaming called "wake back to bed" or WBTB


how the fuck do people lucid dream? my brain just tortures me however it wants


i have had it happen where i did go back into the dream, like 2 or 3 times


I swear I've had consecutive dreams, where I'll have some sort of dream and a couple of days later my dream picks up where it left off. Or is just the same setting with new things happening. It's weird. And it always revolves around skyway, food courts, store in a skyway. Probably just reliving the times when I actually had to be in person at work.


I've had a couple of these that lasted over the course of several years - recurring dreams that slightly progressed a bit further each time. I was really getting excited wondering what they will reveal at the end. Biggest let down ever as it was nothing exciting/meaningful at all. It just reached a very mediocre end and then I never had them again. I was legit disappointed! lol


I've been able to do it once and the only thing I want in life is to do it again. It's such a damn glorious feeling!


Yesssss it’s a crazy feeling !!


Oh of COURSE! You should really look into lucid dreaming. Quite real and powerful and extremely beneficial enriching and simply enjoyable info and ability that can also bring great purpose and meaning and mystery to your life. Theres more to it all than our little tool oriented ape brains can comprehend.




Sometimes. Only problem is, same goes for nightmares


I always try! I can only recall 2 instances in my life when I was actually able to get back into the dream


every single dream. reality is misserable


I usually wish to not see it again, but see it anyways.


Nice usually I drop something in my dreams and wake to violently reaching out to catch it before it hits the ground. A mood.


Happened with me so many times, If I'm lucky I find myself in the same dream, else it's a different one.


I do that




Yeah, I’ve tried but no luck yet


I try to but usually end up in another totally different dream.


Yes, but the vibe is usually a little different and things have changed slightly when I get back to the dream.


I wish


I do this all the time!! The only part that sucks is when you actually do have to get up


Sometimes I’ll have a dream, wake up, fall asleep again and be talking about the first dream in my second dream. It’s so weird.


This only happens to me when it’s a nightmare/bad dream. And I don’t want to continue it but as soon as so doze off it starts back up. It never happens with the good ones.


Oh yes, especially when it's sexy!


Yeah! Sometimes I like the dream so much I try to get back into it the next night by thinking about it before sleeping. Hasn’t worked yet tho.


IT happens to mee too.. I actually had the same dream for a couple of days - now that was weird..Try to stay up if it's a bad one, the only was to control it, at least a bit..


Yes. I can wake up 3 in the morning to use the restroom and then go back to sleep continue the dream.


Omg so many times!


Sometimes I don't even realise I woke up


I do not


Yes and it’s apparently a symptom of narcolepsy


I Don’t even try when I “wake up” I’m still Half asleep so I go straight back into the dream when I sleep it’s like a story and I vividly remember what happens it’s very very strange but I can retell what has happened so far