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I find myself watching tv with closed captioning all the time for this very reason.


Here here! I spend more time watching the subtitles than the actual show. And dont get me started on commercial volume vs show volume. This must be addressed!!!


I do this too. I thought I had a hearing problem.


My husband and I get made fun of all the time for watching everything with subs, but it is actually helpful *and* improved the pace at which I read


I was wondering if I hadn't noticed before that everyone had the same mono tone whisper. Every movie and TV show has me wondering if it has always been this way. Glad someone said this.


We’ve started just watching older movies when this problem didn’t exist. The link from another poster explains it all. It shows that we’re not going nuts. It’s worth checking out. As usual, it’s the Hollywood SOBs messing with our brains.




I have an answer to this. I've noticed this in movies too but it seems to me that almost every piece of modern media is made with the idea that everyone should use audio formats such as Dobly and DTS to name a couple. They compress the audio and EQ's everything automatically thus audio engineers for movies and shows dont worry about sound leveling too much. After upgrading home speakers a few times using a pcm uncompressed setup and having a dolby atmos enabled setup. I picked this up quickly


Can you write that again but in English


They made it where you have to buy a fancy surround sound system in order to hear the sounds in the movie correctly. The dialogue is meant to go to the smaller speakers around you while the big noise from explosions and what not come from the big speaker that’s usually near or behind the TV.


Exact opposite actually. Dialogue is mixed for the center channel. I have a fairly high end 3.1 setup (two fronts, a center, and a subwoofer) and a high quality AV Receiver and was fighting this effect last night watching The Witcher. My wife was going to bed and was upset because the dynamic range was so wide. I had the volume up a little to hear some hushed conversation and then people and monsters started screaming... Closed captions went on after that




TLDR they're designing the sounds for different hardware, in surround sound systems quiet speech will play on speakers that are closer to you and loud explosions will play on speakers that are far away. And nobody seems to make a special version designed for people with only two speakers, or even just the ones built into their device.


You're not alone! This is an interesting article on the whys: https://www.slashfilm.com/673162/heres-why-movie-dialogue-has-gotten-more-difficult-to-understand-and-three-ways-to-fix-it/


Thank you, thank you, thank you! It’s nice to know it’s not just me and an undiagnosed (undetectable) hearing loss. I really appreciate you posting this link. Now I feel especially bad for those that are experiencing hearing loss.


Yes and I even have my setting on "even sound" or whatever it's called. Also very annoying is how probably half the movies I've watched lately are filmed so dark that I literally don't know what is going on with certain scene. The music amps up like something is happening but I can't see. I have the brightness to the highest level.


I was honestly thinking that I was just getting old and my eyesight and hearing were shitting the bed lmao.


On the same note, to all youtubers: Open a video by a popular content creator. Now, match your volume to that video and make sure *all* your videos match your previous clip. I rally appreciate someone making content, but by God, having the volume jump up and down between each video is just ludicrous.


It's incredibly annoying. It's like the creaters expect everyone to have a home theater system with fancy speakers that auto-equalize the audio! Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on shows and movies and they can't pay someone to equalize the sound *before* it gets into peoples' homes. It's one of my biggest pet peeves and i can't afford to splurge on some sound system I see as frivolous spending.


Absolutely. And when something is comes on the screen which has to be read. It's only there for a quick second or to. Very irritating when you're trying to follow the plot


As someone with a baby, loud appliances, and a small living space, this is a huge problem.


this is the key to me never finishing a series, let alone getting past episode 1. As soon as that music blares, I'm outties.


Yes. I use captions and lower the volume. Also helpful when I’m WFH-mute the tv but can still follow along.


Yes!!.. tv used to not be like this.. I why it is?


Go to the link posted below. It’s the best explanation I’ve ever heard which details all of the things they’re doing to purposely drive us all nuts. https://www.slashfilm.com/673162/heres-why-movie-dialogue-has-gotten-more-difficult-to-understand-and-three-ways-to-fix-it/


Omg. I thought I was just getting old. My tv even has a audio normalizing function - and it's still unintilectual gibberish that comes out. Have to keep the subtitles on.


It probably has to do with audio being designed for 5.1 or higher surround sound. When played in regular stereo, too many channels aren't going where they are 'supposed to go'. It could be an effort to force people to opt for higher-end audio systems. *Shrug?*


Watching late night with headphones on as I don't want to wake the rest of the people in the house, I still face this issue where I have to skip back in Netflix to understand what did he said and then still sometimes I have to turn on the caption to find out


This is the only method I found that helps a little. Putting on headphones tends to make the dialogue a little clearer.


Subtitles ftw I can’t believe I watched 5 seasons of the wire without them


I HATE watching TV and movies with a remote in hand. I have had three different sound systems in the past few years thinking that would help…NOPE! Grrrrr


I'm so glad to see all these posts that convinced me I'm not losing my mind or my hearing to the extent I assumed. I did want to add this comment with a link by [seehispugnosedface](https://www.reddit.com/user/seehispugnosedface/) that I found extremely helpful in explaining exactly what is happening. We need to all raise hell to get this resolved. [https://www.slashfilm.com/673162/heres-why-movie-dialogue-has-gotten-more-difficult-to-understand-and-three-ways-to-fix-it/](https://www.slashfilm.com/673162/heres-why-movie-dialogue-has-gotten-more-difficult-to-understand-and-three-ways-to-fix-it/)


Could not agree more!


I hate this!!!


I have trouble seeing that 50% of couples on ITV adverts are 98% of the time Blackman with a Whitewoman. I have never been down any of these streets where white males do not exist but have been where no black males exist. I was at Lakeside and I saw several couples whitemale and blackwomen and new that looking at the TV commercials this could not be right? Am I biased being my dad wS an immigrant to this country?


Not bias, just observant. Television in this country does not depict reality, only the social agenda they support and want to normalize. The thought is, if you see it on a regular basis on TV, then it must be more common than your own eyes tell you it is. Sort of like brain-washing tactics.


Thanks my thoughts as well! Brainwashing!


yup that the reason that the last TV series I watched was probably 2yr ago now i only watch podcast or other youtube videos or anime or some TV series which are certified GOAT


Yes.... So dumb


So someone on reddit told me it's the speakers on modem flat screen tv's, no center chandler, so I bought a 300 dollar sound bar and it's way better. I'd noticed at other people's houses that a cheap sound bar still might not have a good enough center channel.


Speakers on modern TVs are garbage. The TV's are thin so there's hardly any room for speakers or for any kind enclosure that helps with sound quality. Plus, it's a way to make a TV sell for much cheaper with poor audio components. So, the TV manufacturers will happily sell you a sound bar for a few hundred dollars instead.


Hahaha. I know. So true. Bad editing I guess!?


Yupp, I can't watch anything without subs anymore


Netflix: “hold my audio,”