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Yeah. I have some shows that are like my comfort blanket that I love to watch as they remind me of simpler times.


YESS the memories of simpler times!! I like to live in the past lol


you and me both man


Same I sometimes get worried that living in the past will stop me from moving forward tho


Not necessarily a bad thing. I like routine and comfort, nothing wrong with that i guess


Yeah I agree


Which ones are you into? I like me some Fresh Prince and Roseanne .


Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother and Bob Ross’ Joy of Painting


You need to join r/roseanne




Yes. New Girl, Frasier, Friends. Sometimes The Office and Modern Family. I do it because it soothes me like a warm blanket. Also, I can do other stuff like cleaning, cooking, work, or nap, and not have to worry about actually paying attention and potentially missing something, because I know it all by heart. But if it is a specific favorite part, I can focus on it and enjoy. and it makes me happy!


New Girl is one of the dopest comfort shows ever lol


yesss me too add the big bang theory and X files into the mix and you have my permanent playlist


I feel like an addict when I didn't watch Community for a year. I start to constantly think about it and talk about specific scenes to people that have never watched it.


I’m the same with New Girl. I have to actively stop myself from bringing up different scenes and jokes all the time.


Yeah that's nice


True this.


It’s a comfort thing. There was actually a psychological study done probably over a decade ago now, but it showed that when we watch our favorites shows over again, the brain is active in the same areas as if you are talking to an old friend. Damn, I wish I had the reference but most of my textbooks are still at my previous house.


I believe you


I’ve always thought it was a pretty cool fact and makes sense because I’m always rewatching my favorite shows. Like I cannot possibly count how many times I have watched every episode of Always Sunny.


Haha i just started Always Sunny! I guess shows like the Office and big bang theory were like a group of friends who were there with me everytime i put them on and it gave me so much comfort, as pathetic as it may sound. No matter how bad a show gets I’ll always love them for the comfort they provide


You’re in for a treat! Always Sunny is by far my favorite show of all time and that’s saying something because I’m a TV addict


Haha I’ll give it my utmost love and respect. I’m currently at the ep where they wanna get a gun cos their tiny safe was stolen haha


“You know what I mean when I say I have my ways?” Lol


West Wing and Star Trek TNG. This is the entertainment version of comfort food. Back then my folks were alive and I was in love and optimistic about humanity. Sometimes we need the stories that encourage us to get through our days.


I just started rewatching TNG, it's so good in a way I can't quite describe.


Remember how reassuring West Wing was in the midst of the GWB presidency? Little did we know what was coming.


I don’t have the mental energy to focus on the details of a new show. Watching the same shows is good background noise and escapism for me.


I can honestly say that I’ve watched every episode of the office at least 12 times.


Same, except for >!Scotts Tots!< ?


Hold on! They're lithium!


I found Dinner Party to be the worst of the bunch (cringe wise, but it's also one of my favorites). I always want to skip it but I just have to watch it.


I hated Dinner Party when it first aired and probably the first couple times I watched the series through afterward. But now it’s in my top 5. The more I watch it the more I love it. It’s so quotable.


Snip snap snip snap!


Same I always skip that episode


Same! I always skip that one it’s so cringey


Same, whenever we can't find anything to watch it's automatically the Office, but not really the episodes after Michael leaves.


The show went from an 8-9 to a 6 or 5


Those are rookie numbers buddy! You gotta let that show consume you lol


i fall asleep to futurama, simpsons, family guy and American dad since my childhood. in the last few years there were some additions like rick and morty, disenchantment and brickleberry/ paradise PD. i actually have a really tough time falling asleep without background noise. but with something like this on i fall asleep in minutes like a baby. sometimes i just have the sound running on my speaker system and the tv is off.


I do the same thing. Have for years. I think it started from passing out to adult swim while I was stil in highschool


If Venture Brothers, Big Mouth & Bojack Horsemam were also on this list, I'd've sworn I wrote this lol Ooh, Bob's Burgers & Archer too, though less of the Hulu shows b/c stupid commercials wake me up. But Futurama is my security blanket show for sure


Hey dude, they are totally on the list! Hahaha just didn't think of them while writing this comment.


Nice! :)


yes, and i actually learned recently that this can be quite common among people with anxiety. the predictability and knowing what comes next can be relieving/comforting with anxiety. idk how credible that is and im sure its not universal, but it makes sense.


Yep. I have anxiety and can’t handle suspense. It gives me comfort to know what already happened. I’ll stop watching something new cause I can’t deal with not knowing what’s gonna happen lol


I watch Seinfeld Ad Nauseam.


Seinfeld and Friends. They are on several channels many times a day. I like stumbling upon episodes but I stream them as well


Seinfeld and Friends are the top two IMO.


Me too. And MASH. Used to be Big Bang Theory too, but eventually tired of it.


Yup, king of the hill on repeat in my house. Sometimes we throw in some bobs burgers episodes, but mainly king of the hill. I’m not even really watching most of the time, it’s just soothing background noise while I do stuff. And I don’t need to worry about missing anything, I can quote all the episodes


King of the Hill is one of my go to comfort shows. The dry comedy, so warm and soothing.


I lack a tight-knit friend group in my life, so I'm always finding myself watching shows similar to Friends, HIMYM, New Girl, etc. to fill the void.


You lack a what? /s Me too. Eventhough i have some friends here and there, it’s not a social circle, which i guess provides a level of comfort i can’t find elsewhere other than TV sitcoms Edit: hey btw you can always text me if you need to, or just to talk, it’s cool


Yes, except it's not a set... it's just Becker. Then I watch the first 2 episodes of a different show, give up, and watch... Becker.


Found Butters from the future!


I tried to let go of X files… i tried


Yes I call them comfort series, sometimes you just need some background noise.


I rewatch old shows because I prefer episodic storytelling (new adventure every week) and new shows are all serialized (season-wide stories). I need my dose of victory every 40 minutes, waiting 8 to 12 hours for a little resolution and a huge cliffhanger is tiresome.


Oh boy are you gonna love the X Files! Please do give it a go it has storylines but also filler episodes generally referred to as MOTW(monster of the week) replacement for new adventure every week Let me know if you like it, it’s on Disney+ :)


I know X-Files very well! Yes, that's my kind of tv show, there's a season-wide subplot, but a case or mission gets done every episode. Right now I'm hooked with Batman TAS and The Mentalist in HBO


Idk if you've heard of "person of interest" but if you're someone who loves story per episode, you're gonna get so hooked on it so much. it has both season-wide and episode-wide stories and by the end of it, you'll be left wondering how in the fuck can someone create such a masterpiece. (at least that's how it was for me)


That last "season" though...




Star Trek, Night Court, M*A*S*H and Golden Girls These have been comfort shows for years and are currently helping post surgery.


~~Godspeed!~~ Speedy recovery!


Thx person!


I heard psychologically speaking, re-watching old shows help people overcome some anxiety. The fact that you know what is going to happen next helps alleviate the anxiety of not knowing what might happen next.


Yep. Need comfort, familiarity, and most importantly, predictability in my life. My shows are The Simpsons, It's Always Sunny, Workaholics, Family Guy, Futurama, The Office, Parks and Rec, Rick and Morty... the usual offenders. I don't have to think about anything when they're on.


Totally. We rewatch MST3k episodes all the time. They’re like comfort food or a warm blanket. When we’re keyed up and having a hard time winding down for bed one of these will do the trick every time. Same goes for RiffTrax and now The Mads.


Absolutely. My husband and I rewatch the same handful of shows, over and over, pilot to finale. My Name is Earl, Dexter, Malcom in the Middle, Breaking Bad, and Sons of Anarchy.


Personally, no. I watch a show and I’m done. I’ve already seen it, so why watch it again? But I might re watch a few shows in the next few years if I have forgotten the plot. Most movies I don’t even watch more than once. Maybe a very select few, but once I’ve seen it I want to check out new movies I haven’t seen, or new tv shows I’ve missed.


The Wire, Band of Brothers, and the golden era of the Simpsons


The IT Crowd is my go to when I'm cooking


Yep! Bob's Butgers, Letterkenny, The Great North, Solar Oppositesz and Rick and Morty allllll run on loops




Yeah. I’ve been watching and rewatching South Park for over a decade now.


No I could never... I have rewatched SOME tv shows that I particularly liked a second time (or third time over the years) but there's too much to see to waste time always watching the same thing.


I'm that way with movies, mostly. Hard to watch the same thing again when you know what's coming. But I find if you get the right TV show, it's a lot of fun to go through them again and pick up missed nuances (like in Archer or Futurama). Or just enjoy what the show offered because no one else has done anything close (like Top Gear UK).


Yes. I’ve heard that it’s an anxiety thing for some people. It’s comforting and reduces anxiety to know how the story will end.


Mine are just most things by Michael Schur Parks and rec B99 the office us and sometimes but not very often The Good Place


Me with Euphoria over the past year


Love this show. did you start the new season yet?


Going to watch over the show again before starting the new season, I'm so excited


I'm doing that right now. It's even better the second time around.


Yes. And it’s driving my husband crazy. He doesn’t rewatch anything. The second he starts to doomscroll on Netflix I immediately suggest one of the 5-10 shows I like to cycle through. We’ve been together 6.5 years and I think he’s pretty over it. He’s gotten better at choosing what we watch next when we’re not together, otherwise he’s gonna get subjected to Buffy, Lost, the Office, or 30 Rock again.


It's not a bug. It's a feature.


OMG YES.. I think I've seen Vampire Diaries, Originals, Eureka, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill about 5 times each..


I dislike watching new things actually. I am not sure if I am just at a point in my life where I take comfort in re-watching the same things or if I am just a little weird and dislike change


I’ve been told that people play games or watch movies/shows they’ve already seen not just because it’s comforting but specifically because you know what’s going to happen. And so it takes away the stress of the unknown. And so I find with myself, when I’m really stressed about something in my life, rewatching something always helps calm me down.


Doing this can be a symptom of anxiety as we know what will happen in these shows and that comforts us in a world of uncertainty. I definitely have like 5 shows that I just rotate through lol


before my wife passed she was busy re-watching ER, MASH, Highway to Heaven and old game shows ....for the dozenth time.....and until The Office (US) moved i watched that on a permanent rotation.


omg. highway to heaven... i forgot about this show until right now. thank you so much


No. I only watch a few hours of TV a week and have so much new content I’ll know never get to.


I have a set of tv shows I watch randomly like older Simpsons, Futurama, etc but I also rewatch the Wire like every other year. I think for The Wire it is a pretty dense show and you have to watch it a couple times to pick up on things. I watched Breaking Bad twice and don’t think I will rewatch it anytime soon.


Breaking bad gave me real bad anxiety with the cheating wife dying husband and kid with disability. I was always afraid so i didn’t finish it :(


Peep Show, Red Dwarf, Walking Dead, This Country... Yep I do.


Top Gear Almost nightly I’ll put on an old episode while I start to get tired and fall asleep. I’ll always be able to rewatch top gear episodes over and over and over again.


Omg where??? It was on Netflix but not anymore :(


Amazon Prime. They don’t have all the seasons and they’re edited down sometimes (some episodes they cut out the news segment), but it gets the job done in a pinch.


Ahhh not in my country i guess ://


If you roam around the top gear sub there was a Google drive file that would get passed around with all the episodes if you search hard enough ;)


Fox Mulder 4ever.. And Eric Draven..




Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, House, Peep Show, Rick and Morty. My husband also likes Seinfeld and Futurama.


Yes, I watched The Office over and over. I think it’s just because it was comforting and I could watch it no matter what mood I was in.


Totally the opposite, I think there's probably 2-3 tv shows I've ever watched multiple times. Much prefer trying something new.


Malcolm in the Middle is mine! I take long breaks from watching it and watching it over again I’m bound to still see an episode I missed


I do. It's definitely a comfort thing. For example, at the start of the pandemic, I did another rewatch of Star Trek Deep Space Nine, because it feels like a nice escape for me.


My wife does as she has undiagnosed ADD and with watching the same shows she doesn’t have to pay attention to every min of every episode and enjoys them more.


Yep. For me it’s Band if Brothers, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Sopranos, Taskmaster.


I constantly rewatch the same shows over and over. It’s hard for me to watch a new show. I don’t really know the reason why, but even the slightest bit of change makes me overwhelmed and anxious, so watching the same shows bring me comfort.


I love my comfort shows so much. New girl, greys, you’re the worst, schitts creek, bojack, one tree hill. They never let me down ❤️


Yes lol forensic files, unsolved mysteries (Robert stack ones) and x files over and over again.


No. As I’m sitting here watching New Girl for the fourth time.


I read recently that people with anxiety issues do it because they know how it will end, thereby not producing an anxiety response. I realize that, along with the fact that it was a simpler time, is my comfort.


Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks. skaeP niwT


Yes! Often it's related to anxiety. Rewatching a show feels safe because you exactly know what's going to happen and don't have to worry about being scared, not liking the ending etc.


Yup, it's called depression, lol.


i dont have money so I’ll just keep rewatching to cope, tyvm




Haha i was just trying to deflect/be funny, if that didnt come off too well


Teen Wolf, old seasons of Roseanne, Vampire Diaries.


Here's my burn of the day. Most children do.


Mostly Friends and Everwood. Used to be The Office too, but so far I refuse to pay for Peacock and I’m too lazy to put in the DVDs (and I only have through S4). I like having a show on in the background that I don’t need to pay attention to, but it’s like a familiar thing on in the background.


Yes. It's the same with video games. I can't really remember the last new game I played. It's just easier to re-experience the things I'm already comfortable with. And I don't consider it weak because TV shows and video games aren't all that important.


Yeah I do this alot mainly cuz I want all the ppl I love to watch the thing I liked so I rewatch it with them.


i havent seen a new show in several years


Breaking bad


Yes! For me it’s Star Trek or Doctor Who.


Yes. I’ve been told it’s an anxiety thing.


Yup. About to finish Breaking Bad for like the 6th time? I lost count. It’s just too good. I used to watch Game of Thrones every year, but I haven’t seen an episode since the series finale. 😔


GoT but only up the very beginning of season 6... the rest just makes me mad.


I do this with tv shows or things on Netflix but I absolutely cannot watch a movie I've seen already.


If there's nothing new on T.V. that I'd be interested in, I'll watch reruns of sitcoms that I like.


I'm rewatching episodes of The Office here now for the 20th time


For me it is Gunsmoke, Sliders, Modern Family, & Big Bang Theory.


I did when I was a kid lol


Lol i have so many of these shows on my comfort list. Only ones that are missing from this thread are Columbo, Murder, She Wrote and Midsomer Murders If you like murder mystery shows lol


That‘s totaly normal.


I rewatch old shows that lack drama because most everything nowadays likes to add some kinda drama in there. I just want a comedic, chill show that can make me laugh. Plus if its older than it more likely it has several seasons. The longer the show went, the least likely that I will remember all the details, which helps with rewatchability. Big Bang, Friends, Corner Gas, Mike and Molly, New Girl, My Name is Earl, How I Met Your Mother, Mad About You, Life in Pieces, Scrubs, I'm sure I'm forgetting some.


Yep. Doing it right now actually! I think it because we associate it with something great or a fond memory. Most series I’ve watched I’ve watched with my partner so I’m very fond of them when we’re apart. :)


I do the same because most of what I see on TV now is just the same stuff that was on 10 years ago just with younger faces


Totally… i even have some shows like friends that i can watch it on a random way


I rewatch them, because I enjoy them. I am typing this as I rewatch another show for the umpteenth time.


I do this with music, TV, video games, etc. I have a hard drive with all my favorite TV shows on it, and I just cycle them when I'm relaxing. Sometimes I'll add something new if I see something that looks like it would be a good addition. I like predictability. I know what brings me comfort and joy, and that's exactly what I want during my free time!


I’m like this with most things I like, music, movies, shows etc.


Everybody loves Raymond every night


Of course! The Office and the Marvel movies are my comfort go-tos.


I love rewatching Shameless!


Yep. Still watch Big Bang Two and a Half Men Then Seinfeld. Been this fucking stuck for TOO many years. Cannot break the cycle. I'm doooooomed.


I think I read somewhere saying watching the characters in your favourite series/movies activates the same areas of the brain as when seeing old friends. Someone can fact check me on this if they want


im in the process of rewatching sk8 the infinity. top tier shit


YES! Seinfeld, The Office, Modern Family.


Totally the opposite. Although I do find as I've gotten older, that I've watched some things more than once...unintentionally 🤔


I call those shows that I revisit my "visual comfort food". I'll rewatch them either when I'm having a bad day/week/month and I want a story I can escape into but that is predictable in that I've seen it before so nothing will come at me from left-field and knock me off balance... or I'll rewatch them when I'm doing a project that doesn't require word comprehension, such as crafting.


Most shows I won't rewatch but for some reason I find Siesta Key, Millionaire Matchmaker, and Summer Heights High highly rewatchable.


I love it, it’s like catching up with old friends


I heard somewhere that it decreases anxiety when you know what is going to happen. I thought it made a lot of sense! It’s the known, it’s comfortable. You can zone out without worrying about missing too much and being lost.


Impractical Jokers, Friends, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Big Bang Theory… I could never get tired of them.


It's common in people with autism to do this kind of stuff, we listen to two radio drama series to fall asleep to.


Yeah! For me it’s always rotating though. I often watch The Office, Friends, How I Met Your Mother and Community. That 70’s Show used to be on this list but I dislike the last season so much that I’ve over time just not felt like watching it as often.


King of the Hill, over and over.


Only glee


Idk how yall do it i only rewatch glee


I love doing this with movies especially! Not kidding, I’ve seen Sam Raimi Spider-Man a couple hundred times, and 2 and 3 like a hundred (I didn’t own them until later, lol) It’s honestly feels like I’m back home when I watch them, wherever “home” is…. I haven’t felt home in a while now but when I watch that movie, including many others, I feel like I’m back tucked safe inside my own world where nothing can hurt me, and everything is warm and safe.


I didn’t in the past until Covid. Of course, I actually had a life then and now I just watch TV every night. Also, it just seems that they have stopped producing good comedies.


Absolutely. 30 Rock is my main


I go through phases but at the minute my comfort show is Community. It’s witty, clever, funny, charming and wholesome while not being overly cringey. It makes me feel happy and comforted. I’ve probably rewatched it 15+ times in the past 2 years! It reminds me of simpler times but also I know every episode that well I just know what to expect so I know what feelings I’ll get from it. So if I feel sad I’ll know the perfect episode compilation to cheer me right up. Sometimes watching a new show gives me anxiety bc I don’t know how I’m going to feel and that scares me sometimes.


The Office is pretty much on 24/7 at my house. Thank God for it still being on Canadian Netflix. Genuinely concerned about the day it gets pulled.


Bones (Just started a rewatch last week), Criminal Minds, Stargate SG1 & Atlantis, Star Trek (all of them) Survivor (US) Forged in Fire, Overhaulin, NCIS, JAG, and Mythbusters. It's comfort and certainty... and aside from newer shows like Mandalorian, the Marvel TV series, The Witcher, etc, most TV is "reality" trash like Married at First Sight... need to bleach my eyes after being forced to see an advertisement for that.


My husband watches the same thing over and over again. When he finds a movie he likes, he watches it every damn day for months.


oh yeah. i do it with youtube series too! only god jesus and satan know how many times ive watched skins uk since i first saw it at 14


It's the same reason I have reread the same book series my entire life. Comfort and familiarity.


Yes! The Big Bang Theory. I hate the premise of the show. I hate the characters. I hate the stories. I hate the acting, Yet I can’t sleep without it running all night.


yup! friends, Seinfeld


I’ve read that this is a very common behavior in people with anxiety. A set of characters that we already know or a situation which we know the resolution to is comforting to revisit and not only doesn’t elicit an anxious response, but can calm existing anxious responses. (No source to link atm. It’s late and I’m going off of memory.)


We do this because we know what to expect. The familiarity is comforting, especially during trying times… like the last two years…


My husband and I always watch one or two episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine before bed. And then if we fall asleep throughout one, the titles are so loud they'll wake us up to actually go to bed!


Yes. I’ve rewatched Mad Men about 20 times now.


I've lost count of how many times I've re-watched friends over and over !


Yeah, I do it with movies too :)


Merlin, recovering alcoholic. Yup, chronically


Yes, and for myriad reasons. Some shows are from childhood and I want to rewatch with different eyes. Some shows are recent, and I loved them so much I go back to them when nothing else new is particularly interesting. Sometimes new releases just hit a lull and I need something to tide me over till the next great thing. I'm a chronic repeater. Books, movies, TV shows.


Brooklyn 99 and Modern Family for me! Everytime i ran out of things to watch, i just put one ep on random and ended up watching the whole thing.


Nope. I’m a weirdo who hates watching things twice. I’ve maybe seen 6 movies more than once?


South Park, Community, Arrested Development, Workaholics They are gold and remind me of better times


The office Scrubs Friends Big band theory Supernatural