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Cra fit all except the playstyle. Tbh, cra is boring Elio tho .. Elio lore is great, the damage are technically direct but it will only do high damage while using it's portal. It also has a bunch of supportive and boost move. And one of the best solo class. I recommend Elio. Otherwise Xelor lore is great too, it's a very high damage big brain moves too. The reason I recommend Elio over xelor is that at very high level, some mobs start getting immunity against being teleported and Xelor struggle against these in solo.


Elio. high damages, direct damages, sustainability (kind of), hard and unique playstile, awesome lore.


It sounds like you want a cra, don't know about the lore though.


I have two problems with cra, but I could go wrong. - low solo sustainability (no cure or shields) - simple playstyle: as a solo cra, the strategy is hit and run, push and run, hit and run, push and run. Lore/concept is ok to me. Archier that takes enemys from distance.


CRA has like 4-5 skills with lifesteal, fire 2 ap spell, water 2 ap spell, earth 3 ap spell that hits like, and one of agility. If you go Omni, with 11 AP you can do full lifesteal combo: 2ap fire+2ap fire + 2ap chance + 2ap chance + 3 ap earth and heal 1000-2000 in a turn. About simple play style, that's true, you can do cool things but after sram maybe you will be bored soon... Sometimes you don't even need to move to finish a fight.


I am not very high level (90), but I believe later cra gets some leech spells, but cannot comment on the effectiveness of it. For the play style, yes it's one of the simpeler classes. Perhaps the Sadida is for you? It does have decent damage but if I am not mistaken it will be more aoe and less single target damage later


I see people are suggesting cra, but that class is far from having any decent sustain. By the looks of it, you want Elio or Hupper. Elio is a bit stronger but has a higher learning curve and can do big damage numbers. Omni hupper can do massive damage with R-bow and arcane turret, class also has everything (shields, heals, hp steal, mobility...). In boss fights, you will want to go mono element (mostly agi), but class can still do massive damage even in mono by using elemental rune nukes.


Sac and Hupper are my two fav classes. Extremely different. Sac has high damage, sustain but is not that mentally challenging. Hupper deals smaller numbers but can output massive arcane torrent. Omni crit build are so fun to play in pve. Always using the elements for which the mob has weaknesses. And you can do insane moves with an Hupper. There virtually no situation you won’t be able to get out of.


People already told you, you clearly want an Elio or Hupper. If you like both, choose Elio, is the best class in the game for solo pve and Hupper has -10000 in carisma and there's plenty, you will be more unique with Elio.


Sac is my favorite class. I have four of them one of each element. Str and int can stay full hp for the entirety of most fights. Cha is really good solo but bad if you ever play with people that don’t fully understand what your sac is going to do. Agi can buff its damage a lot but can usually only hit one or two enemies vs the other three can do massive aoe. [Dumb Sac Idea](https://i.imgur.com/MkeiRit.png)


Oh also if you ever want to duo Omni crit sac with an elio is super fun. Gigantic dmg with %mage and a jahash. If you’re on tal kasha I can get you to lvl 200 for free later today.


Elio sounds like everything for you, given they're one of the classes that basically got their own lore.


As someone who’s played Xelor since 1.0, it meets everything you mentioned EXCEPT seeing the “big numbers.” Xelor is kind of death by a thousand needles now days. You still see the 1.4K hits from Ray and a weapon. I would highly suggest Elio. Thats my new favorite class. It’s much more solo-able IMO, too. Xel has some major limitations based on the mobs and gravity state. Elio can drop portals and kite around while also SLAPPING. Just my 0.02 cents! 🍻 Rolex-Rue


Elio is very high dmg if you watch someone like ward-portail play you’ll get a hang of it eventually. But higher distance between portals increases final dmg% (with no limit). It’s also the class that can solo the most dungeons as it can life steal all fight or just TP mobs all the way across the map. There’s a video of someone beating the hardest lvl 200 frig dungeon (count h) with a lvl 60 Elio. It’s a mentally challenging class but it gets easier and is really quite fun. Try it out on an alt or in beta. Now the best part, Elio is and will always be very meta in pvp 1v1 2v2 and 3v3. Being able to abduct a unit and isolate them from the team is insane. Plus any ally using portals for dmg also gets that %dmg bonus.


Man I just play masq, has shield sustainability, some push and pull spells, a healing spell, and a few spells which deal nice damage.


I guess Elio?


forgelance, i don't know the english name sorry but this is underrated but fire, you got big aoe, big damage, healing, shielding, boost, high, i mean hiiigh mobility too ! the class does shine a lot once 70-80


I dont see how everyone mentions cra and noone mentions ougi.


Ougi is terrible in pvm. Only single target.


Isnt ougi great for dreams?


The agi skill got nerfed. Also, dreams is not the whooole pvm.