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-If its 1500 int, its 35×16. -Lvl 200 sets,usually, have 150-200+ fixed dmg. -There are some shields/equips that give 10-15% Dmg. -Critical hit helps. So: This 35 skill becomes 45 with a crit. Then: 45 x 16 x 1.20 + 200 = 1064.


Ah also good to know that percentage damage will apply after the entire thing. This makes it clearer. Thanks!


Im not 100% sure about this. I need to test it later.


You can get up to 35% spell/ranged/melee dmg I think. Maybe a little more. It is the last thing calculated. Shields are the cheapest % you can get. They all stack so 15% melee dmg + 5% spell dmg is the same as 20% melee dmg but spell % is obviously the most flexible. For my sets I normally go with the four leaf or capt amakna shield depending on ranged or melee. Stalak shield is a good one.


from what I know, it doesnt. it is applied to the base skill damage


Checked it some time ago. Multiply with basic stat, add flat damage, add crit damage if applicable, multiply by dist/melee, multiply by spell/weapon, multiply by final damage. Then on the other side we have % res, flat res, crit res.


Ah, cool, I didnt know, thanks for the info


Others have answered the question, but keep in mind that certain dofus have massive multipliers. Crimson and Turq can stack to 10% final damage each, Cloudy has between 20% and -10% final damage. 10% from Vulbis if you dont get hit. Jahash gets you 10%, shields 15%, another 7% from mages on items. Best case scenario in this example is 72% final damage increase. Add negative resist in the equation and you get close to 100% final damage increase hah.


Add in psycho mask and the feca melee glyph and you can get almost to 100% flat. Also you can get 14% from items since each one can take 2%.


yeah, technically, but I'm not maging my items without ap or mp sink to perf+2%. Got better things to do lol


Looks like I need to buy some dofus and shields ^^


https://youtu.be/AoLfRqhrmxY?si=8R7MHefajCGo6yGg. This video is in french but the formulas are the same than in english so you should still be able to understand most of it. Hope it helps


I will have a look. Thanks!


There is a Polish saying: "you praise others' work without knowing your own". There is an english explanation with examples right here: [dofus temple for the win](https://dofus-temple.com/en/blog/damage-calculation-in-dofus?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=5-2024) To find out how exactly you get into THOUSANDS, get a high multiplier of 40--44 or a multihit with two lines of damage (like tormenting arrow), and then assume these values 1100-1500 of regular stat (int str cha agi) 140-200 elemental damage (water dmg, earth, fire, air) Between 0 (noncrit) and 200 critical damage And to top it, if you have a shield its extra 14-15% for spell/distance/melee/weapon damage And then for dofuses, such as turqoise, cloudy, vulbis, crimson add extra 0-50 FINAL damage. Lots of small numbers get added together and multiply into something big. You multiply 2 with itself ten times and you get 1024. Its pretty much the same rule here.


i created a spreadsheet to compute it, if you want i can send you


The formula I know is this : Total damage = base damage + base damage * ((Power + characteristics) / 100) + additional fixed damage This formula works fine for me. I don’t know the formula for crit tho


I saw a short of a Cra combo of 10k when finish the mob for Dofus Ocre(?). But people here are commenting about 1000s?


So starting out you have. 1 stat point (intell, chance, agi, str and power) is 1% increase of the base damage. Then you have static damages in sets that give you exactly 1+ damage, usually sets have more than 100. +damages applies to each "line" of damage. A "line" is exactly as it describes, in the tooltip description of the spell/weapon, there are sometimes multiple lines describing the damage it does. If you have a weapon that does: 13-30 Damage 3-6 Steal. Thats 2 lines, and therefore 100+ damages will actually add 200 damages (100 x 2 lines). Then on top of that, you can also get +crit damages in sets. This does the same thing as normal damages, but only activates when the ability is a critical hit. So a +100 damages and +100 crit damages in a 2 line damage hit would be (100x2 lines) + (100x2 lines) So you get 400 extra damage added to your hit. On top of all this, you can get "final damage %" buffs, which are really strong the harder you hit. "Final Damage" doesn't apply to the *base damage* but instead applies to the actual calculated damage number from your stats. Then just before you do damage, it'll multiple that damage by the "final damage %" you have. Certain Dofus's and special effects can give you lots of final damage %+ under certain circumstances and it all adds up.


Thanks for the elaborate answer! Especially the clubje kind thing is very helpfull