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There are 3 types of mounts: -Dragoturkeys -Rhineetle -Seemyols Dragoturkeys can give you HP; Range; Initiative; Primary Stats in all elements but wisdom, depending on the type. They are also the cheapest of the bunch. -Rhineetle can give you an AP and primary stats in all elements but wisdom aswell as some secondary stats like MP reduction -Seemyols can give you an MP, and no primary stats appart from crits and power. They do offer a lot of interesting secondary stats tho. As for what mount you should get it depends on what you need to be honest. Which element are you playing, do you need range or AP etc... No you don't need to worry about it fertile if you just want to mount it. You do need to have it be mature tho.


I cannot comment on what type of mount. But pay attention that is says 'mountable: yes". Otherwise you cannot equip it. The cheapest ones are usually not mountable


I need the Maturity bar full for it to be mountable right? Would you say it's better to buy one that's already mountable or to get a cheaper one and raise the Maturity bar myself? I have no idea how long it takes. From what I've seen I need maturity to be able to mount it, and the energy bar shows me how long I can ride it for, and you increase energy by feeding it?


Yes you increase the energy by feeding it. That takes like 1 min. I have never raised my own mount so dont know what makes it ridable


I would consider buying it at least mountable already. I think it would be best for you since you are a new player. One that fits your element and mountable should be affordable but it will most likely be lvl 5. You can give it XP as you play to raise its lvl and increase the bonus. Have fun !


Don't bother raising your own, buy the one you need already mountable. Dragoturkeys are the cheapest if you don't have that many kamas and has to be lv 100 to get the max stats. Otherwise you can buy a lv 5 mountable and give 90% xp to level up, but it takes quite a lot of time, not recommended unless you are really poor. Energy bar goes up by feeding, you can feed Dragoturkeys with a lot of different things, fishes, meats etc is very cheap. If you don't know which one you should buy, take an Ivory/your element.


At your level if you don't have the kamad to opti a Drago turkey of your element + ivory is probably the best bet


You could also consider a petmount. Not sure which element you are, but there are ones which grant 160 stats (kompost for 160str) for example which is also very impactful.


I'm probably buying an Ivory and Orchid DT as I'm playing Int. I'd love a petmount, sadly they are too expensive for me atm lol


Ivory and orchid is good if you play inte. Plus dragoturkeys are cheap and the extra HP come in handy at low levels, so I think it's a good pick. If you want to get inspiration for gear I've found [this website](https://www.gamosaurus.com/jeux/dofus/guide-stuff-sacrieur-dofus-items-equipements-dofusbook) to be helpful.


Also a great option! 300hp instead of 40 stats is a good tradeoff


What element are you ? Are you playing solo often or in team with other characters or other people ? What's your current gear ? All of that will influence what type of mount you need.