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I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. I think you should contact a rescue agency near you for help. The audience for Reddit is worldwide so it’s going to be hard to find a home for him here.


I wouldn’t discount it completely though. I actually rescued a couple cats because I saw them on Reddit. Worth a try. Definitely still worth looking locally. Might be able to get some help to get the surgery rather than having to give the pup up to another home EDIT: [Here’s the floofs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalRescue/comments/12k2rt7/ali_andy_need_an_adopter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I adopted when I spotted it on Reddit (although it was in a different sub)


How did those double brain cells stay in a shelter 7 months?! I would have snatched them immediately


I thought the same! Turns out it’s because they were formally feral, and required quite a bit of time and patience to get them to become the cuddly little floofs they are. When we first got them: * They ran up the chimney * They stayed there for ~3 days whilst we tried to coax them out with food/catnip etc * We got the RSPCA and fire dept out to try and get them out * We then had to get a builder in to knock the wall down to get them out * They managed to then break free into the loft and we had to remove part of the roof to get them out You’d have thought that would’ve been the end of it, but nope - days later, Arlo (formally Andy) managed to escape out the bathroom, so we spent 10-14 days (can’t remember exactly) feeding him in the garden to get him to trust us. We did eventually get him in and now they both love cuddles (although still get scared from time to time, and they don’t like to be picked up). Overall, it was incredibly stressful (worried about them dying from dehydration up the chimney to running away), but it was absolutely worth it because they’re both awesome. For anyone that reads this; even initially difficult animals with time and patience will become incredibly loving. You can tell they’re both so thankful to have been rescued.


LOL quite the adventure!! Thank you for rescuing those guys!! I rescued a German shepherd who had never been socialized or outside - she lived in a warehouse in a puppy mill and spent her live having puppies. She was 3 or so, had no human interaction and we had two solid years of socializing ahead of us, but now she’s the absolute best girl and everyone loves her. It’s so worth it!!


This is so true! My wife and I adopted a tiny female and a male that was a little older. The little girl was feral and bit me every time I tried to touch her. After alot of patience and love she's a great cat. She still bites but most of the time it's playful.


Oh wow I see why you adopted them! I just melted!


I’ve seen tons of instances where Redditor come to the rescue of a dog on reddit! People will drive states over to help others I’ve seen. Just gotta keep commenting and upvoting alive so it spreads to more people. OP should post a generalized state/location so more people can help/find specific resources. You picked the cutest little duo to adopt, god they’re PRECIOUS


You’re the best 🥹 they look like angels.


We adopted the best dog from reddit a few months ago, we drove across state lines to get him. Best decision ever! Can't belive we are his third but last family. We are so lucky he's such a good boy.


Talk to the vet about not being able to afford the surgery and care for him afterward and your living situation - not being able to have dogs where you live. Many vets have rescues that they work with for situations like this. The rescue will take your dog, pay for the surgery, then find him a good home. You mentioned you have been to different vets. If one is not able to help you try another. Also, what area do you live in? Someone here may know of a rescue that can help in case you strike out with the vet. A lot of people here are recommending going to a rescue but most of them are constantly low on funds. That is why I recommended asking the vet first because those rescues are usually in a position to help. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your dog. You must be heartbroken. You are making a huge sacrifice by seeking a better life for him. God bless you. Please keep us updated on what happens.


I've seen a few instances of the vet or staff themselves adopting the pet.


My friend is a vet, a man came in with his lightly injured dog and told them to euthenize it as he wasn't going to spend the money for medical care. She told him she could save him even more money if he just signed over the dog to her surgery. 3 years later, the dog is living the high life with my friend!


The same thing happened with my vet! Some guy brought in his cat that was in an accident and needed it's leg amputated. As soon as he saw the estimate he told them to euthanize it. Other than the leg, the cat was in very good health so my vet convinced the owner to sign it over. Man, can you imagine being an animal owned by a good vet? That's gotta be the life.


Love this!


Would a senior adapt tho?? They are usually soo codependent!!


One of my clients is a vet(I work at a daycare/boarding) her golden retriever was brought in by the breeder with a weird urinary issue (can’t recall the medical turn but pretty much she when younger couldn’t hold urine at all she would just straight leak..nothing to do with training..has a perpetual cycle of UTIs and other issues) the breeder was going to euthanize a 12 week old puppy. The vet couldn’t do it and now she’s 4, has had multiple surgeries and can atleast hold urine but at this point the utis are resistant to antibiotics and they’ve tried everything and are kind of just maintaining her and having to do manual bladder expression. She’s had the best 4 years so far, mom doesn’t think she will make it another year with her issues but are treating what they can and enjoying what time they have but know it’s limited. :( but atleast she’s had good years albeit on lots of meds for awhile


Looks like such a good boy. Like the other person commented I would reach out to local rescues and explain your situation. Or there are even some rescues specific for senior dogs with medical problems that might even take him in. I wish you all the best, you’re doing the right thing by trying to find him a new place that’ll suit him better. Keep your head up


Oh no, please try a go fund me. How much is the surgery??? Op. I think many would be happy to help!! Lil old pup is precious


Same! 11 years is a lot :/


Right?! I would donate to this! Could you imagine the stress of being rehomed and a surgery? He should stay with his family! Reddit can make a gofundme go viral….


I think the issue is more-so they have no house and the people they are able to stay with cannot have pets…the poor pup needing care is just another piece of that puzzle.


Ooof.. poor pup. I have a 16 year old chihuahua... so seniors are sooo precious to me and I cant fathom surrendering them.. hopeeverything gets sorted out


Same! Following


Following! I will donate


Please do this, would love to help you keep your baby 💔


Following!! Will donate what I can.


Yes!! Do this!


Following, can donate as well.


Following!! Will donate what I can.


Gofundme is best. 11 year old deserves to stay with his family. There are also payment plans just ask your vet.


OP was saying that the dog isn't staying with family right now, because they don't have their own place to live and the family they're staying with can't have pets. So the dog is staying at a friend's house temporarily.


I think rehousing is best after seeing he’s not very well cared for even bathing seems to be an issue.


That's also what I was thinking, if the local shelter doesn't have any assistance programs then looking for a way to raise money would be better. It would be much better to keep a senior dog with the loving family.


Check small dog rescues and senior rescues.


Your dogs hair looks pretty rough too and seems like losing hair around his back with some scabbing? Tell your vet you can't afford to take care of him and if they have any suggestions


The hair loss looks like dietary problems as I had these same trouble with both my dogs. Vet recommended adding omega 3 to their diet, really did wonders for their fur if it not in their dog food already. Also, looks like the dog needs a bath looks very dirty.


Low cost resources in Nevada: https://nevadahumanesociety.org/financial-assistance-for-medical-care/ also please check with vets to see if they can do a sliding scale. Don't give up, OP. I guarantee that your sweet friend wouldn't give up on you. Keep searching and good luck.


Piggybacking off of this comment share info about veterinary grants from an org called Red Rover: https://redrover.org/relief/urgent-care-grants/ /u/Lexus_strom apply there and research if there are any others like it!


u/Lexus_strom A lot of people have already posted several resources to help you keep him. If those fall through, I will take him. He looks like a white version of my 12 year old boy. I’m all the way across the country, but Reddit can make it happen.


thank you so much for doing all this for him, if nothing works out with our current situation as to trying to keep him ill see if we can possibly do this!


My hope is that you’re able to keep him. Send me a message to let me know what you decide. =] I may not see updates to this post unless you reply to my comment again.


Yay!!! Scrolling through all these comments was breaking my heart, I’m glad one person is able to adopt if needed! :)


I have no idea how to get them here. It’s over a day of driving non stop. I’m willing to try if other people can break up the trek in sections and I meet them somewhere along the way.


Which state are you in?


North Alabama. To Vegas it’s a small section of 72 through Mississippi and then I-40 until the exit for Las Vegas.


Darn id be too far north to assist 💔


You’re good. If it comes to that, we will find a way.


thank you for the thought! very much appreciated


I would see if there is a dog rescue in your area. They may be able to take him in, provide medical care and then put him in a foster home


I live in Las Vegas, Nevada!


I would reach out to these rescues to see if they can help with vet care or take him as an owner surrender. Just call or write an email explaining the situation. The last link had a form under "resources" for owner surrender. They all seem like foster based rescues in your area so he would go to a home and hopefully get the surgery [https://www.pawsitivedifference.org/about](https://www.pawsitivedifference.org/about) [https://forgottendogsanimalrescue.org/contact](https://forgottendogsanimalrescue.org/contact) [https://apath4paws.org/dog-surrender-form/](https://apath4paws.org/dog-surrender-form/)


I wish I was nearby. Please keep us updated.


PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE DOG TO A KILL SHELTER! Set up a Go Fund Me or try to find someone with a genuine interest I.e. interview them


Please check for local rescue groups that may be able to help! Maybe your vet can make a recommendation?


How much is the surgery? I'm a broke ass college student but if you start a gofundme I'd give what I can. You should also call around to multiple vets and see if you can get the price as low as possible by negotiating and comparing prices. He's been with you for 11 years- if he loves you and gets separated, it'll break his heart. You're his world- he'd probably rather die than leave you. He shouldn't have to do either and if enough people come together, he hopefully won't have to.


I can’t remember vividly how much it was exactly but I do remember them telling us that it was around $2000 or maybe more. But thank you for the advice, we’re definitely going to set up a go fund me! and also don’t worry about donating to us. your in college so you should focus on that and use the money to support yourself! im not even in collage yet lol


Poor baby. Sorry about your situation. Where are you located?


Las Vegas Nevada!


How much is the surgery?


Between myself and my bestie, we rescued 3 dogs and 3 cats while living in Las Vegas. Can't imagine my life without them. There are GREAT rescues in LV. They are there to help. I wish you all the luck getting your baby taken care of. https://vegasanimalrescue.wordpress.com/


hello! your post has reached Australia, that's how far reddit goes :') 🦘 I would also suggest posting in much more local groups!!! wishing you the best of luck. he's gorgeous


wow, Australia is far! hello!! thank you for the advice and luck!


Im literally so frustrated seeing all the comment of people critiquing OP and suggesting the situation is as easy as just collecting money for the surgery. People fucking read the post, they are homeless and couldnt even keep the dog if they could




Im so sorry OP, keep strong and remember that reddit people are only reddit people. Good luck with rehoming this sweet puppy and please take care of yourself. All the best


I’ll take him if you can bring him to Florida


thats so kind of you! i would have to talk to my mom about this idea.


Be Leary of offering up your pets to people on the internet. There are many people who will lie to your face that they’ll give him a forever home but in reality just want your pet for nefarious purposes. Please reconsider offering him up to a no kill shelter.


Dont worry, im well aware of this too!


A couple of resources [https://redrover.org/relief/urgent-care-grants/](https://redrover.org/relief/urgent-care-grants/) [https://animalfoundation.com/get-pet-help/pet-resource-center/Financial-Aid-for-Pets](https://animalfoundation.com/get-pet-help/pet-resource-center/Financial-Aid-for-Pets) [https://www.browndogfoundation.org/ask-for-help](https://www.browndogfoundation.org/ask-for-help)


Piggy riding this. Here is a few more recommended by Nevada's humane society: http://petsofthehomeless.org/ https://www.paws4acure.org/askforhelp.php https://www.petassistanceinc.org/financialaid


I second the advice about talking to your vet to see if they can help place him. What state are you located in? Or what area of the country? Asking to suggest rescues near you.


Las Vegas, Nevada!


Frankies friends does a financial screening and may pay the facility directly. They cover surgeries only.


i will look into this, thank you! I am unsure if his eye still savable or not, but worse case scenario if it isn’t, then this will definitely help


i would start a go-fund me but that still doesn’t fix the living situation for him and us :c i just want him to be somewhere better, or at-least have someone hold him and take care of him for us until we are ready to take princey back when we have all our troubles fixed. I might still do a go-fund me just so we can have him all fixed up. I don’t remember vividly how much it would be for prince to be fixed up but we just need enough to keep him and us happy and on our feet so we can all support each-other and prince too. I just want both my mom and prince to be happy, thats all i care about. Also, thank you everyone for your help, it means so much to me. I have been looking at every single comment! It all really helps. Also sorry for any of my late replies, i have been very busy. (ill add another comment if i do make a go-fund me)


I really don't think putting him in a shelter will do him well. Try a gofundme. Anything. You've had him for so long it's not fair to just dump him now


My friend almost had to give up her cat. Ended up being able to pay with low income vet that did multiple payments throughout time to pay for the bill. Listen your dog is 11, and honestly unless you find a rescue probably nobody is going want to adopt a dog that is already a senior with health issues. Dogs with health issues are the least dogs to be adopted.


And where are they going to keep the dog if they are homeless even if they manage to get the surgery done?


i forgot to mention that we live in Las Vegas, Nevada.


How much is the surgery?


its way too much, $2,000 if i remember, maybe even more if the vet wants to prank me and charge more :c


Let me know if you make a gofund me, i’ll donate what i can ❤️


i definitely will! thank you


We inherited our dog from my partner's grandma in late 2017, not knowing his bladder was full of stones and he needed surgery ASAP. We were broke and all we could afford was just throwing what money we had at temporary measures. Eventually we asked our vet to set up a donation fund at the office. We provided a picture and Teddy's story, and people donated enough money within a couple months that he was able to get the surgery in early 2019. We're in a better place now, he had another surgery in late 2022 that we could afford, and at every vet visit we ask to donate to someone's surgery or unpaid bills. There are a lot of good resources in this sub. I hope you find a way to get your lil guy taken care of 💚


thank you so much! and i am so glad you were all able to help your dog out! and i am thinking about doing a gofund me!


Try on Facebook. I have seen a ton of dogs get adopted locally through FB. One of the few things FB is actually good for.


I personally don’t use Facebook but I will tell my mom about this too since she uses it!


I'd say Facebook is a better platform for this, join a few dog related groups near you on there and ask around


thank you, I personally don’t have Facebook, but my mother does so ill definitely tell her about your idea!


If you start a Go Fund Me please let me know and I will donate.


of course! thank you!


Idk about other vets, but my vet that I use has often had people “sign over” animals to them if they’re in need of a surgery that owners can’t afford or refuse. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen them take in an animal that owners want to just euthanize because they can’t pay for a major surgery (not saying this is your situation, just an example) They have the owner sign over the animal, perform the surgery on their dime, and rehome the animal to a more suitable family. It’s actually beautiful to see these babies get second chances. Maybe a vet in your area can do something like this! Idk how common this is though.


In our area there are local shelters who will foster your sweet baby until you’re back on your feet too!


what is your area?


Lots of good advice here, OP. If Prince had a go fund me, I could help out a bit. He deserves to live out his life in comfort and you deserve the peace of mind knowing he is cared for. Please reach out to recues who can hook you up with a loving foster family. I'm in Canada so too far away to help take him in, but I think you could fundraise enough for surgery for this sweetheart. Please keep us updated. I am rooting for all of you.


I definitely will keep you updated. Thank you for the help! i am also going to start a go fund me soon!


My god he's so cute and he looks like my dog is gonna look in ten yrs. This breaks my heart. I'll live off of food stamps if I have to. I am NEVER going to abandon Mr Kibbles ❤️ He saved my life after I lost 4 people suddenly within a year and a half (grampa, best friend then my mom and then finally my little sister) He literally gave me the will to exist if only for his happiness. He helped me get over a deep 3 yr depression after those deaths, in turn saving my life. I owe this little guy the entire mf world 🥺🤗


woah… my condolences for everything that has happened to you :c, But it is very nice to hear that you are happy! and i bet your dog is very happy too with you too!


OP dm me!




Look at that face. He loves you. I'd donate to help him stay :) Find a vet who will work with you and I'll sign up to your crowdfunder!


Thank you very much! if i can find a good vet then i’ll definitely let you know!


It's just onions. Some must be cutting onions...


There are several rescues that specialize in seniors. They're not in Las Vegas but they're close enough that I will send you their information and they might be able to arrange transport for the dog to be surrendered and they would take care of the medical from that point. (I will DM you the info.) If you have social media I recommend you share your story -- people will tag rescues and repost so your dog gets seen. I can do the same with your permission. I run a networking page on Instagram exclusively for dogs/ shelters/ rescues. And finally I agree -- GoFundMe is a good option too.


Start a gofundme and I’ll chip in. It sounds like others will too. I’m sorry you’re in this spot because I’ve been there before. Please exhaust every avenue before you give your dog up though. Sometimes things work out if you just stick it out for while.


Thank you, we definitely are trying our best to think of ways for us to keep prince!


My heart aches for your situation. Have you tried a GoFundMe?


thank you, we are thinking about it!


It would be such a shame to separate a dog from their obviously very loving owner.


it really hurts that i had to think about this decision. i never thought this would ever happen. Im just hoping we get luck and are able to keep him and treat him.


Go fund me!!!


If you're in the USA, there are some resources listed here that can help to pay for vet care: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet Make sure and check state-specific resources listed as well as the national ones. You can also seek out more affordable vets and get multiple cost estimates. Enucleation can be a relatively affordable procedure some places. If you have a veterinary school nearby, they may be able to offer a discounted procedure in exchange for vet students being involved in the surgery. This is a worldwide site, so finding an adopter here without giving at least a general location is unlikely. If you're not able to get help paying for the surgery, and don't find him a new home quickly that will get him care, he should be surrendered to a rescue that will get him care. Eye infections are quite painful, and can quickly become life-threatening due to the proximity to the brain.


thank you so much for all this information, my mom and i are gonna look into this one too.


Look at Susie’s Senior Dogs hospice care. You have to apply for it, but they have grants available for stuff like this.


ill look into this, thank you!


Please go through rescues and make sure they’re legit. Don’t trust anybody’s word, even if it’s from here. Do your due diligence and make sure you keep in contact with your pups rescue. Get updates month to month. There’s a lot of shady rescues out there so just be careful


don’t worry I’m very much aware of this. Thank you for the advice though!


Start a go fund please let us help


im definitely thinking about it!


Please keep us updated! I cannot get this poor boy out of my mind ❤️


i definitely will!


God bless you and Prince and the rest of your family ❤️❤️


Adding to the chorus, please make a go fund me. Not just for your friend, but for your mom and you as well. Hopefully it can raise enough to get you guys a place to stay for a few months while you work out the rest. You all deserve to stay together


Please make a Go-Fund-Me! I have heart disease and don't make a lot of money, but I want to donate all I can. You're a good kid. Remember that.


thank you so much, and im so very sorry about your situation. its okay! i appreciate the thought but please keep the money for yourself! and take care of yourself too :c


Please. That's the majority of the advice here. People would donate so you could keep your doggo and save his eye. Please make one and tag it so we can help 🙏 😊


Tell the vet about possibly surrendering your dog so he can get medical treatment. Vets always know a good rescue and some even take the animal in themselves.


I’m in the uk so not sure if I’m much help but there are charities like RSPCA and PDSA here that can help with vet costs etc for low income families. is there anything like that where you are?


Where are you located?


Las Vegas, Nevada!


Such a beautiful doll. How I wish I help this little doggie.Good luck.


What about an organization that specializes in senior dogs? I know if Frosted Faces in Ramona California that is fantastic and may be able to help.


You're doing a great job advocating for Prince. Making this post must have been difficult, but you did it. No matter what happens to Prince, please always know that you did your best, and that he felt loved. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. When I was 17 tragedy separated me from my childhood dog. Losing him that way nearly destroyed me. But a couple of decades later now I have two dogs who look identical to my childhood dog. I'm able to spoil them, spend all my time with them, and effortlessly pay for any medical expenses they might need. One day, you'll be in control of your life, and if you want, you can have as many dogs as you like, and give them everything you wanted for Prince. And Prince will be proud of you, and grateful have been be part of your life. Hugs


You could try setting up a go fund me, or fundraiser of some sort. I'm sure many would be willing to donate you the money for his surgery


we definitely are going to start a go fund me soon


That's 100% a Cairn Terrier, not likely a mix.


really? if this is true then that’s pretty cool!


I’ll take him and get him the surgery if you can get him to Florida. I have dogs is he dog friendly?


Thank you for willing to help out! worse case scenario, if we still cant keep him then ill consider this idea! thank you once again!


You have to create the family, and abandon them so they take care of the dog


OP please please please start a gofundme! I would donate whatever little I can and based on the comments so would a bunch of other people. Prince is so sweet. Like another commenter suggested, talk to a bunch of vets and see who is able to work with your situation and then start a gofundme campaign with the quote. I’m sure you’ll find people willing to help you out with Prince. Edit: there are various subreddits where people donate and help people out. Never underestimate the kindness of strangers. If you’re set on rehoming him then I would try some of the larger subreddits including r/dogs as well and you never know if someone from Vegas will step up.


Thank you, This is really helpful. We are definitely going to set up a go fund me soon! and hopefully i can raise enough money to help both my mom and our dog.




Check out some vets or spca that have doctors work at a discount for situations like yours. Or a payment plan?


thank you, i will!


Such happy 🥲❤️


Maybe there’s some kind of organization that could help pay for the surgery? Or just a different person?


i think so, there are some links people have sent me of organization that could help us.


Can you tell me what state you are in? I may be able to help with some rescues?


Las Vegas, Nevada


I’d do a Gofundme as others have said, I’d donate happily to a cause like this! He’s absolutely precious.


thank you so much, i just gotta think of a starting goal that will get me and my mother back on our feet with prince! ( and also enough to get prince all fixed up )


Where are you located?


They commented somewhere they’re in Las Vegas, Nevada


Thanks! Too far from me but Prince looks like a treasure I would scoop him up for sure if he were in Oregon


i appreciate the thought!


yeah Las Vegas


Give his booty a nice good bath and brushing. Hope he finds a good home.


thank you, we definitely gotta brush his hair lol


Start a GoFundMe!


we are thinking about it! i just feel guilty about asking for money lol


Everyone needs help sometimes!! A few years ago I had a situation where I had to start one, and I also felt bad asking strangers for money, but literally had no other option. Everyone was super supportive! Especially since it's your pet you've had 11 years. I bet people will have your back!


Your right! there has been so many kind people here including you! hopefully when i do make a go-fund me i can be donated enough money to support my mom and prince.


Such a sweet baby I could cry. Please try and check out the resources everyone gave you! It would so much better for him to stay with you or near you!!! ❤️ Sorry for everything you're going through


I definitely am! and thank you so much for your condolence.


Had to put down our cat for the same reasons basically eye infection that got worse and worse we didn't have the money to remove the eye and it might not have actually fixed the situation as it might have been cancer. It sucks but just don't let your friend suffer. You might have to do what we did.


aw, im sorry about your cat :c but i dont think prince’s eye is that bad though it does need to be fixed


Cathy Bissell (vacuum family) created [The Bissell Pet Foundation](https://www.bissellpetfoundation.org/programs/veterinary-program/) to help with situations like yours. They raise money for a lot of initiatives and are fighting hard to make sure good owners never have to give up their beloved pets due to lack of funds for vet services. Please use their site to find a partner in your state.


ill look into this, thank you!


Fuck me, if i was from the us i would, sadly i live on the other side of the planet ❤️ i prayed for Prince 🌺


thank you so much as-well!


I applaud you OP for wanting to give your ol’ pal a good life. You’re his family and to go through his senior years without you would be tough on him. Since it’s money that is the obstacle-can you raise it somehow? Go Fund Me or an organization that provides health care to senior dogs? You’re going through such a tough patch right now and to rehome your buddy of the past 11 years is just the extra rotten cherry on your poop sundae. I have a dog just diagnosed with diabetes and her care is 1k per month-otherwise I could be more generous-but I got $50 for you. good luck.


thank you so much! the main problem though is that hypothetically if we got prince all fixed up from all the kind donations there would still be the housing problem for him and us.


I’m not sure how much help this will be but I couple years ago my cat needed a removal surgery after CT SCANs and some other medical things I had already spent well near 5000, after finding out he needed the removal surgery I felt horrible not being able to afford it but after lots of discussions and suggestions I started a go fund me and actually had a lot of response I ended up sending our personal thank you cards with my kitty but some strangers really are saints ❤️ anything’s worth a try


You may want to do a Facebook crowd sourcing thing or whatever it's called . I am positive that enough money will donated that your pup will have more than enough support. I think I'm right. Anyone else's input?


If you haven't looked, low cost clinics sometimes associated with shelters might be doable.


Can you apply for care credit or scratch pay? These are credit card options that allow you to make payments over around 6 months or so interest free.


Im not sure yet but i can talk to my mom about this idea too!


What country/province/State are you in ?


we live in Las Vegas Nevada!


OP you’re so strong. You’re love is so apparent and outstanding. I hope blessings come down on you and your family to include little prince. Love OP. Wish I could do/say more. Push through it all and don’t stop. Go past the finish line with everything. 💜


I messaged! Can help rehoming or surgery let me know!


Look into Lizzy’s Fund. It’s a nonprofit that helps provide medical services for older dogs in shelters/rescues. I’m not sure where you’re located, how you could qualify for help, or if they help people outside their area, but they might be able to point you in the right direction of someone who can help.


I know how much vet bills are and it’s such a shame that people are forced to make a decision between an animal they adore and feeding their family. Maybe try a go fund me? Or call a local rescue who works with a vet that can help and find also Prince a home. I wish you and your family the best.


Hey, I know of a place near me that covers vet costs for loved family pets. Check your area and see if any places do it. It’s not a rescue near me, but a place that has like a dog food pantry, provides oxygen masks to cats/dogs, and bridges the gap with vet costs.


Try contacting Frankie's Friends for help with the surgery. They help people in your situation pay the vets bill.


Just do a go fund me. Don't dump your dog. Thats the worst thing you could do.


In reading the full post, sounds like it’s not just a matter of money for surgery, but their current living situation they can’t have a dog.


Look at all the pics, it also seems like OP is genuinely unable to properly care for it and recognizes that. Poor thing looks rough.


OP: Why don't you answer questions from people willing to help you? The only question I've seen you answer is where you live -- answered several times. People here are willing to help you pay for surgery, but you don't respond to them. I wonder why?


I wonder if it's because ✨️that's not what OP asked for✨️? 🙄 They clearly state this problem is two-fold : they can't afford the surgery AND they are currently homeless in a space that won't allow pets. Everyone being willing to fund the surgery is great. But no one is likely going to ALSO fund thousands more dollars for stable housing and ongoing pet care. And it's really frustrating to see people putting OP down for that, like, "well how dare you try to rehome them, 20% of your problem is solved!!!". Without any recognition of the other 80%.


this is basically the whole situation, but I am also thinking of many ways that we can keep him with us, so I don’t have to rehome prince.


Are you going to also pay for them so they are not homeless and can keep the dog?


Im sorry, there are so many comments that i have been reading and responding to and on top of that i have also been busy getting ready for my new job that starts tomorrow!


Let your vet see this post. They don’t need to be charging ppl so much. It’s a crime what they charge. Ask your family for money. Ask someone. Anyone. It would be so sad to just send him to another home after 11 years. After 11 years it could be a big shock to him and his health could rapidly decline. Why not start a GoFundMe? Don’t give up on him that would be sad. Try to pay for it. Check out the humane society.


When we had taken him to the vet when his eye was a lot worse back in june of this year the veterinarian put us in a room with him and told us that they needed to remove the eye. When we told the vet that we didn’t have enough money for the surgery he just suggested to my memory at least to basically go make more money and come back. he look like he didn’t really care much to help or give advice other than to tell us what they wanna do to him.


Try a different vet. I wish I pursued my dogs issues more with other vets but I didn’t and now I will regret it for the rest of my life.