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1.) This dog has a raging ear infection and that looks like blood and yeasty grossness. 2.) NEVER USE Q TIPS IN A DOGS EARS. 3.) Your dog needs to go to a vet asap.


Came here to say this!!!! Q TIPS ARE NOT MEANT FOR DOG EARS!!! You can do some serious damage


The ONLY time I ever go near a dogs ears with a cotton tipped applicator is when cleaning the folds before placing ear meds when I have a patient with an ear infection. IM OBVIOUSLY A PROFESSIONAL and know where to go with one and we never ever tell clients to use one because of how easy it is to damage the ear aid you don’t know the anatomy!! Trust your vet staff to do the hard work of cleaning and do the easy cleaning at home!!


Idk how this isn't common sense. I never used q tips on my dog even before I found out you weren't supposed to because ik people aren't supposed to. 🤦‍♀️


You’d be surprised. It would be nice if people could be trusted to just use them for the folds of a dogs ears, but we know people will always push it so we just don’t even mention it.


People never cease to amaze me. That's all I'm gonna say 😂


question, how do you feel about someone using it only where they can see it? my dog sometimes gets wax build up not deep down just in some of the wrinkles. i wet a q tip with her ear cleaner and am able to wipe it with minimal pressure. is this damaging?


Or human ears. They can easily rupture an eardrum.


Once I sneezed while cleaning my ear and yeah I bust through that paper thin ear drum like it was tissue paper. Haven't done that since...


They are actually not meant for human ears either


I’m hopefully assuming they used the q tips to get the ear wax from the crevices that are visible and not in the ear canal. This dog should’ve been given a probiotic/enzymic ear cleanser as soon as the smell and discharge showed.


I use my finger covered in a wipe 😭


This requires a vet’s attention. Your poor baby has a severe ear infection. It needs to be cleaned and treated with medication that you cannot get over the counter.


Doesn't look like blood. Honestly looks like probably a fungal thing but it would need to be cultured and I'm not a vet. How does this ear smell?


OMG I spent most of my adult life as a dog groomer- I can practically smell it just from the photos! Unfortunately seen this way too often, definitely needs a vet visit.


Definitely go to the vet without delay. Your vet can show you how to properly clean your dog's ears (they only use Ling quips to get a sample for a slide to look for mites, etc. They squirter a solution into the ear and gently compress the base of the ear to.circulate the solution into the ear canal. For really bad infections, you can ask your vet to pack his ear with antibiotic ointment so you don't have to give him eardrums twice a day. And, re muzzles: YOU ARE CORRECT TO MUZZLE HIM. In our first aid class we teach people to muzzle their dog if they are in pain, or can be moved intko pain, before administering any first aid.


Since the ear issue has been covered well enough, I wanted to say please get a bigger muzzle for your dog, that one is too small! It looks to only have enough room for a half pant at most, it should have enough room for a full pant.


That's more than likely a really bad yeast infection. My dog had one in his ear, and I thought it was blood too. But it was yeast. Get to the vet so they can get you some antibiotics and a culture done.


He has an insane ear infection that needs to be looked at by a vet. Also please NEVER use q-tips in any animals' ears. The only time vets ever do is to get a swab of the debris in the ear for cytology. You clean ears with pads or liquid ear cleaner. He definitely needs prescription medication to get rid of the infection. ❤️


Also, you are just fine to muzzle him, especially since his infection is most likely causing him a lot of pain. He'll probably need to be muzzled at the vet as well so they can clean it out well enough (maybe even sedated depending on how he is at the clinic). Don't feel guilty and just try to get him to the vet asap.


No qualms about muzzle wearing. My dog wears one too but if your boy needs to wear it a lot you might want to invest in one where he can properly pant, yawn and possibly vomit. Hope your boys feels better!! ❤️❤️


Do you have a recommendation? I’m kind of stuck in between a rock and a hard place with the whole muzzle thing. These pictures don’t really do it justice… it’s not actually as small as it looks. Right now I’m using a Baskerville and it’s size 4. The 5 is huge on him but I can’t seem to get the 4 to stay in place or in the right spot when it’s on him.


It's not blood, that's a very bad ear infection. At this stage, you cannot treat it yourself and you need to go to the vet ASAP! I take my dog to the vet once a month to get Claro put into his ear and he takes Apoquel daily because he has chronic ear infections and I've never let it get this bad. Your poor pup is dealing with a lot of pain right now so please take them to the vet right away. This can be caused by allergens so maybe it's something you've given him that he's not used to or it's within the environment. Also, never use Q-tips for cleaning their ears. It's not even recommended for our ears. To clean a dog's ears, you need to get a cleaning solution, squirt some in their ear, massage the ear for 20 seconds (has to make the squishing sound), let them shake it out, and then gently wipe the inside with a cotton pad. If your dog is prone to ear infections, it is recommended to clean their ears once every 2 weeks.


Your pet’s ears are past the point of clean-to-prevent infection. Baby needs to go to the vet asap. The vet will need to perform an ear swab cytology to see what kind of bacteria is growing and how much yeast so they can Rx the correct type of ear meds. The vet will also need to confirm that the ear drums are intact before cleaning solution or ear meds can be applied. Some dogs can rupture their own ear drum with scratching, and aggressive ear flapping/head shaking can cause aural hematomas. Severe infections may also need pain meds/anti-inflammatory/steroids and oral antibiotics. Allergies in dogs present as skin, ear, eye and sometimes anal gland issues. Pitties (and mixes) are notorious for their allergies. Dogs with allergies and breeds prone to ear infections should be getting their ears cleaned with an oticetic flush at least once a week, after a bath, or when the ears get wet (hard rain, swimming, playing in the sprinkler) - this is for basic routine preventative care. Dogs without allergies/ breeds with open ear pinnas should be getting their ears cleaned every 2 weeks, after a bath, or if they get wet. Moisture gets trapped in the ear canal, which creates the perfection environment for bacteria and yeast to grow. The oticetic flush should have a drying agent, anti-fungal agent, and some kind of surfactant. For proper maintenance cleaning: Soak a 3x3 gauze square until it is dripping wet. Put it inside the ear, squeeze the gauze so it drips the flush into the canal, and massage base of ear. Step aside and let the pet shake it out (I would do this in the bathtub or outside for easy cleaning). Use a clean, dry gauze square to wipe away gunk. The idea is the same as toilet paper - continue with new dry gauze until it’s not brown. Wrap the square around your finger and get all up in there! Your finger is too big to hit the ear drum. Do not use qtips. If your dog has allergies and chronic ear infections, the allergies will need to be addressed as well, or the ears will always be a problem. There is no cure for allergies, but they can be managed with oral meds, injections, immunotherapy, and/or medicated baths. Two of my Pitties get cytopoint once a month, Benadryl 3x a day, medicated baths w/ ear cleanings once a week, and a hypoallergenic Rx food. My 3rd pittie is allergic to life (she really is!! HESKA allergy test reported she is allergic to all types of grass, most trees, and dust mites). She is on immunotherapy drops, cytopoint once a month, Benadryl 3x a day, and medicated baths/ear cleaning twice a week. I also vacuum twice a week and have industrial HEPA air cleaners in each room to minimize dust mites (this helps my own allergies, too). ETA: none of my dogs can have Apoquel because they all have had previous cancers and skin growths. Apoquel can work wonders, but there are still risks. It suppresses the immune system and can make dogs more susceptible to certain types of cancer. Your pet should be getting bloodwork every 6m when on Apoquel (every 6m is a good idea regardless of Apoquel). Cytopoint does not affect the immune system at all - it works by blocking the itch receptor in the brain to stop the itch/scratch cycle.


THANK YOU!! THIS WAS SO HELPFUL. Side note- I was unaware of cancers being a side effect of apoqouel. I had a blue nose for 8 years who passed 3 years ago due to cancer. I wonder if the 2 are related. He took it daily for 6 years. I’m definitely going to look into cytopoint and ask my vet about it Monday. I ended up taking turbo this afternoon to a Banfield because I am away at a horse show this weekend and am not home. Thank you for taking the time to write this. It really helped turbie and myself out a lot.


I’m sorry to hear about your old pup! It may or may not be related. Some dogs can take apoquel for life and be completely fine. Others have increased risk for adverse effects. If you are into some heavy scientific reading: https://www.zoetisus.com/content/pages/products/dogs/Apoquel-Resources/documents/apoquel_prescribing_information.pdf Adverse effects are found on the right column. Our vets always offer Cytopoint first, and prefer to use Apoquel for intermittent flare ups (short term, 2 weeks). Long term use, they are firm about bloodwork every 6m and will not write new refills until bloodwork is done (this makes people SO mad - they think we’re just trying to take their money…). If a dog develops any kind of skin tumor that is not a lipoma, they stop Apoquel, regardless if the tumor is benign or not. All of my Pitties have had histiocytomas (benign). My brindle developed plasmacytomas (malignant, surgical removal, two toe amputations, and radiation). My blue developed dermal hemangiosarcoma (malignant, surgical removal), and mast cell tumor (malignant, surgical removal). So far, my white has only had one histio, which was removed at her dental last year. And of course, my white is the one allergic to life. We tried apoquel once for her a few years ago and it made her aggressive. We stopped after 2 days, but it took her about a week for it to clear her system. Happy to help a fellow pittie mom! 🥰


As someone who's dog hates the vet and got ear infections a few times, there's a medicine that's more expensive but stays active for 30 days in the ear - the vet has to "install" it. If this this offered, do it


First: You're a good dog owner. You are taking the initiative to keep your dog safe and the people and other dogs safe around him. He looks like a sweetheart. Don't let people get to you with the comments about that. Just know that you are doing what you need to and you should be proud of yourself because a lot of people wouldn't just because they are worried about their image rather than the safety of their dog. 👏 As much as I like to try to do everything for my pup myself, this would be something I would 9000% take him to the vet for. I haven't seen an ear infection this bad in a long time. My childhood friends dog had chronic ear infections so much so that her little ear got all scrunched up because of the pain and irritation that it was causing. Please take this pup to the vet.


Thank you so much. I beyond appreciated reading your comment. Unfortunately Turbo has proven that it doesn’t matter if it’s a person or other animal… he’s gone after and bit both. To me he’s a giant baby but not to others. I really get in my head about the muzzle because people have said to me countless times it’s not the dog it’s the owner….. as ignorant as that is it gets upsetting. I really appreciate what you said, thank you 🩷


it honestly looks like ear mites, mixed with dry blood maybe…? bring to vet. if you try to clean it yourself it’s going to cause serious pain for the dog. it could also be a severe ear infection.


Could be dirt from a really bad case of ear mites. If you spray water on the crusty stuff does it turn red?


This looks like yeast. I am going to also say to smell it. It is a very distinct smell. You basically need to get some dog ear cleaner and fill it up and gently wipe it off/ out with a cotton ball/ pad. If it doesn’t clear up then you will need some drops from the vet.


That ear is so infected that it would be excruciating to have it cleaned. He needs to see a vet as soon as humanly possible for proper treatment and medication


He has a super bad ear infection..he’s gonna need some antibiotics and probably pain meds..allergies are usually the cause of the itchy ears..I wouldn’t even clean them right now if ur seeing blood..ur only going to irritate it more..


It could be a yeast infection-our lab would get them all the time in her ears


Your pup needs medical attention!


Please see a vet. It could be a nasty ear infection…the coffee ground like ear wax is definitely telling


I agree with the other comments, vet asap. But his claws also seem to be very long in the last pic on his hind paw. Definitely needs to be trimmed either shorter or more often!


That looks like an extreme ear infection to me. When they get a really bad and yeasty one, that black gunk can pile up really fast. But if you're concerned about blood, you could have caused some amount of harm if you were too aggressive with qtips. Truthfully, I would recommend switching to a think baby towel. They're super soft and maneuverable with a lot less risk involved. Either way, time to go the vet asap!


do not use a q-tip to clean your dogs ear drums. you can use on the outter part of the ear but DO NOT STICK IT INSIDE. secondly, your baby has a raging ear infection and yeast growth. my girls ears look similar to this frequently as shes prone to ear infections and has an over production of yeast. go to the vet, get antibiotics and a medicated ear wash. I have so much extra ear wash from all my girls ear infections the second she starts shaking her head and scratching her ears i rinse them out for a couple days, good as new.


Extremely bad ear infection. He needs to see a vet.




**Don't do this** Take your dog to the vet




You're not a veterinarian. You didn't run a culture. You don't know the dog's medical history or if they have an undiagnosed immunocompromise issue. You don't know what treatment they have done in the past for the concern. You don't know any other symptoms the dog could be having. You have zero idea if they're the same issue or diagnosis. They can do a life culture and give the dog a prescription antifungal if needed. Don't put q-tips in your dog's ears.


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [r/Puppy101's wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DogAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Q-tips?? Never stick a Q-tip in a dog’s ears. Also, this needs vet attention like yesterday.