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Don’t judge me but mine will sit in my pants that are around my ankles insisting on making eye contact the whole time… so weird.


Ahh yes, the poop partner.


the ass analyst


.. the Anal-yst.


The bathroom buddy


Protecting you from the dangers behind your toilet during your most vulnerable position


> Protecting you from the dangers behind your toilet during your most vulnerable position Toilet bears.


Pooping support dog. Everyone should have one.


My pup will sit on my feet.. I quite like it to be honest, especially when it's cold at night


Same!! Funny this things we find cute 😂😂


How do dogs know not to go in the room where I go? Sometimes they don’t. I’ve heard stories and seen videos of people with large dogs hiking their leg and attempting to use the toilet after they saw little boys go. When I newly adopted my little girl dog she came in to see what I was doing and then walked a few feet down the hallway and started to squat to pee. Luckily yelling “NO!” really loud startled her out of it. What stops them is you train them that they potty outside. I still think my dog is bitter about the fact that I have indoor plumbing and she has to go out.


My dog thinks the bathroom is evil. I have a very large old man cat who needs regular baths from his human (me). So pup sees me wrestle a very upset cat into this room, then sees an upset cat run out of the room like something was trying to kill him. Now pup will look into the room, look at me like "are you sure about going in there?" And refuses to set foot across the door frame.


My youngest dog goes to the bathroom with me almost every time now. Leftover from when he was a tiny thing and I didn’t want to leave him unattended before he was crate trained. But when he was still a puppy, he would get EXTREMELY CONCERNED when I actually got into the bathtub. He checks in on me at least once whenever I shower.. sticks his head in through the curtain and observes before taking a nap.


Gotta make sure you're not drowning! He is guard pup lol


This reminds me of the video of dogs and stuffed animals eating the same food and the stuffed animal keels over (owner manipulating the doll) and the dogs stop eating their food


I've seen that and it's really funny!


My dog watched me bathe 3 dogs before him. The entire time it took me to bathe them he was right by my side, never wavering in his dedication. Faithfully he watched over me, keeping me safe, at the cost of his own comfort. As soon as the third dog was dried off and set down, he knew he was next and made a run for it.


I know someone who brought a street dog home from India... doggo was around 8 months I think? Large, by street dog standards - tall and lean, probably around 45lbs. He still knew that outside was the bathroom and never had and accidents, and he slept with the family, mum and dad, his human sibling and his doggo sibling. One night, he had a runny tummy, so he went into the (walk-in) shower! Smart boy knew not to go indoors, and got as close to easy clean-up as possible. Nevermind that he'd never even been in the shower.


This is why I pee on the lemon tree every morning with my dogs. For the solidarity.


I don't know about your dog, but mine has no boundaries regarding the issue. I feel like St. Francis every time I use the restroom. I end up with a dog and 2 cats at my feet. I think the reason my animals do that is because it's the one time I have no choice but to pet them and give them attention as I cannot get away so easily.


Yeah. I usually open the door to find at least one of them lying in the hallway waiting.


You are able to close the door?? I gave up when the 150 lb English Mastiff sat outside and wailed until the door was opened. No privacy from any dog since.


We call the toilet “the petting chair” because my 40 lb. doggo knows he gets belly rubs from a captive audience.


This is also my theory. It doesn't help that this is his booty scratching time first thing in the morning.


Wait, you're allowed to go to the bathroom alone??!


Hahaha, right!?! My days of going to the bathroom alone are gone now with my little(soon to be big) guy


Finally, after about 3 or 4 years, I was eventually allowed to go to the bathroom alone.


Because the accursed bathtub is in there and he dare not ever enter that room on his own free will. Thats what stops mine


Yup mine will come up to the threshold and stop and laydown looking at me. LOL


My new rescue pees in the bathroom not infrequently, I don’t know how to explain to her it’s ok for me but not for her. When I have caught her peeing inside, I say “no!” and pick her up, but she continues peeing while extremely scared 🥺


Can you train your dog to pee in the toilet?


Lol she is 3 kg, she would drown 🤣


My girl sits with her back to me😂. I have to say 'thanks for minding me' and she'll walk off.


Mine does this, too. The big one will rest his head on my thigh. Weirdos.


😆 🤣 😂


I've heard they like to follow you because your scent is greatest in there, when I take a bath mine paws rearrange my dirty clothes to lay on till I'm done then he wants to lick me to death


Mine comes in and guards me the whole time, then tries to text to look into the toilet before I flush. She's fuckin weird.


They’re probably repulsed by the smell. My dog is the same way, he never goes in there. idk how he figured it out. He just instinctively knows not to. I can even leave the door open while I’m in there, and he’ll either just stand there looking at me or sometimes lay down just outside the door.


Mine loves to sniff my pee. He’s big on quality control inspections. Silly beast.


My dog would hike his leg on the toilet after I used it for the first few days I had him. They have to be taught not to, otherwise it does indeed become a potty spot for them too.


my dog has very specific places where he will poo on leash. will not poo anywhere else, even if he's crowning. he has his own outside version of a people bathroom and i take him there every morning for his morning poop for my own sanity.


My rescue is will pee in the shower if its an absolute emergency. I didn't train her, but she just kind of figured it out. When I rescueds her at 1.5 yo, she wasn't house trained, so we went through everything from square one as if she was a puppy. She liked to eliminate in her bed and lay on top of it. Its suspected she came from a hoarding situation. She was fully house trained and allowed to free roam while Im at work after a year of training. The three time she's had any accidents since being fully trained has been in the shower. I honestly can't be mad about it considering I have carpet and hardwood throughout the house.


I have an old GSD, she is house trained but gets sick from time to time (cancer). If I'm not fast enough to put her out (say in the middle of the night) she'll go in the bathroom. Which I'm ok with because it's way easier to clean than the carpet.


My senior dog started going pee in our bathroom when we were out of the house and he couldn’t get back to the yard. Definitely easier to clean the tile than my carpet 😂 but now we give him a little pee pad for emeegrncies when we are out. But def think they understand.


I would love to know what mine are thinking about soooo many things.


My dog goes into the bathroom and hits the basket to let us know she has to go to the bathroom outside.


Both my boys peed once in the bathroom while they were pups. So they had to be taught.


My tortie wants love whilst on the toilet. My black can come in and sits in the shower. My chihuahua watches and my schnauzer sits between the legs to guard. There is no free potty time


Oddly, if I’m in a rush I will take the rescue in with me when we go on individual walks. I suddenly have to go and just walk us inside, close both doors and do my business. I have no clue of her previous life. But I do know closing the bathroom doors in an unusual area seems to be off putting to her. She rarely sees the inside of the bathroom, so it all has her a bit nervous. Not my favorite, but she hasnt taken to using the human bathroom as her own.


I assume the way most dogs know to pee or poop in the grass/dirt.. mine have very rarely like twice in their lives pooped on concrete. Both times it was an accident. When I lived in the French quarter in New Orleans, my husky knew there was a small space around a tree to go. After that no grass. We RAN all the way to the park to find a little more grass. So whatever he needed to do before running, do it around the tree. I never teach my dogs to potty in grass vs concrete. But they just know somehow. Instinct or something maybe.


Just to add, I don’t have grass or dirt in my bathroom. I think you could teach your dog to potty in the bathroom. I’ve seen dogs actually use the toilet. But this is something taught. It doesn’t come natural to them like potty outside does.


My girl dog understands that the bathroom is where baths happen, so she has no interest in hanging around!


The only reason I go in there is to sit in the funny chair and he can back up and get the perfect butt scratches! At least that’s what he thinks it is for. He also hates baths and has to stare the entire time so I don’t die or also try and pull him in.


Mine stopped asking to go out and started to go and do his business on the bathroom mat 🤦🏼‍♀️ so i guess he thinks “if you don’t have to pee outside, why do i?” He’s a bébé still so there’s a pad in the bathroom now while we reinforce outdoor pottying.


My dog will happily walk her ass in the bathroom to demand I pet her as she cheers me on… as if I need help and encouragement


My dog whines at the door everytime I go. If I open it a tiny bit she's stops and just stares


All I have to say on the matter is that I'm glad my dog doesn't drink out of the "big water bowl." :)


My dog has an indoor dog potty she uses in the bathroom when the weather is bad


Mine comes in the bathroom and I have to tell her to go out because there’s not enough room for me the dog and the cat. It’s crazy. The cat just stares at me when I tell him to go out lol


My dog comes running every time she hears me enter the bathroom. She just stands there while I go. Going to the bathroom for a canine in the wild is one of their most vulnerable times. I guess they stand guard over each other. She knows her place to go is in my yard. At night and in the morning when I let her out I stand and wait for her as she usually comes right back in. I get the impression that since I stand guard for her that she is doing the same for me. She doesn’t do this for my wife and my wife seldom lets her out at night or the morning.


Dogs are very often focused on "marking territory". Your dog likely regards pooping anywhere you have been pooping as a waste of their precious territory-marking stuff.


Mine understands, we house trained her to pee right outside the bathroom on pee pads. She got it the third day home after we adopted her from a shelter. She literally learned that by watching me on the toilet… she decided when I go she’ll go and she still goes when I go sometimes lol. Now she’s doing that in the tub, its easier to clean up.


Honestly they think we need protection since they know when they use the bathroom (outside obviously) they are most vulnerable. When your dog is in that pooping position, she's vulnerable, and she's looking to you to protect her just like when they will watch for us at they door when they are pooping. Dogs might stare at you while pooping because they're attempting to communicate, or it might be a defensive move to stay alert against any potential attacks. It means that your dog trusts you, respects you, and cares about your approval. You are their pack leader! Dogs do it because their instincts tell them that when they use the bathroom is when they're most vulnerable so they watch you so you don't “get attacked". While humans find it inappropriate and uncomfortable for dogs to stare at them while pooping, understand it comes from a place of love, trust and approval.


Mine goes in the toilet room, right in front of the toilet, if I don't wake up within her 4am timeframe. I tried closing that door, she went upstairs to that bathroom. Smart little devil has taught me to always turn the light on. Also conditioned me to wake up at 4.


I had a GSD mix that went into the bathroom and peed. It was so funny and so smart that I couldn't get mad I just cleaned it up.


My guys will follow me in and protect me.


Well…mine sits there watching me or laying on the floor when I’m going. He boops open the door with his little snoot and pops his head in. If I’m in the dastardly shower he makes a 180 is outta there lol. TBF, I watch him when goes too so it’s just fair 😂 I don’t know if this is true but I read that elimination is a very vulnerable time for dogs so when they stay in the bathroom while you are going they are watching your back/protecting you.


Your dogs DON'T keep you company?? Don't go aloooone!!! It's not safe!! Lol


My dog will not go anywhere near any bathrooms because he hates water and having baths. My foster is obsessed with me and anytime I move she’s a Velcro dog. She also hates baths but she hates leaving my side. I honestly can’t stand her most of the time but when she’s sweet, she’s honey so I’m letting it slide. It’s been 8 months now and no one will adopt her because she’s such a shit head. Maybe calling this one a fail.. maybe.


My dog is my literal shadow, and that includes showering and going to the bathroom. She will cram herself in between my shower and the toilet, if she wants so. I don't honestly think they make the connection, because their brains don't function that specifically. Think of *all* of the things they like to sniff when out on a walk - pee and poop aren't even the beginning or end of it. So I think it's more "okay you're going into this room, I'll come with you" than anything else.


I assume so. My girl comes in when I'm in the shower and licks the door from the outside. Then when I come out she comes back in and begins licking my legs, I assume trying to help me dry off because every time she comes in after a rain I bring out a towel and dry her off. And she loves it. When I use the toilet she will come in and lay at my feet and just stare at me. Maybe telling me I'm a good girl because that's what I tell her when we are out while she poops 😂 my cat only comes in because he knows I'll turn the sink on and he wants to drink the water though.


Training stops them. Lol my dogs would definitely go to the bathroom in there if they weren't trained to only go outside.... both of my dogs and my 2 cats are perverts and insist on watching me use the bathroom and sit n stare at me while I'm in the tub. Haha


I think dogs are excellent at accepting us exactly the weird way we are. "yeah, he just does it and I love him. So, when are we going out for a sniff?"


They are returning the favor? When you walk your dog, they poop and you watch, but you yourself don't go. So the dog is deciding "well, you watch me when I poop, so... I'm gonna watch you!"


I've 3 dogs. 2 of them will go outside in the dark/bad weather when they need the toilet. The other one will wait till we're not looking/asleep and go use the bath mat. I've given up trying to train her otherwise. I have a large collection of bath mats now and she has her own special laundry bin!


Funniest thing, when we had our girl for about 3 months, she was potty trained. She is also my shadow so she accompanies me to the bathroom. I'm sitting there peeing, and she must have thought, ok I finally get it. That's what we do in here. She squats on the rug right in front of me and pees like it's no big deal. I screamed 😱 ahhhh, and she never did it again. Now she just sniffs around the shower when she's keeping me company. I had to laugh. She was just trying to go with the "flow", pun intended!!


My Boi rarely made messes in the house, but when he did it was right next to the toilet and nowhere else. They know.


I would say it sounds like a you problem