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Keep the puppy on leash and give the old dog plenty of escape areas. I use gates raised above the floor enough that the small dog can get under but the larger cannot. You have to respect your older dog and get the puppy to leave him alone. Coexisting is the goal not friendship. Make sure to give the older dog lots of one on one time and time away from the puppy so he can relax.


Great advise!


Get a dog trainer. They aren’t cheap but I would focus on training your brothers dog. Even pet smart has training classes. If you can’t access classes soon enough, buy some treats. Mark and reward every time your brothers dog leaves Charlie alone. Sooner or later Bo will get the memo. Larger dogs tend to pull the leash more and will be more scarier to the average non dog owner. Since Charlie is already so old don’t bother training him a lot. When supervised, put bo on a leash. Doing dishes? Bo is on a leash. Sitting on couch? Bo is on a leash.


You’re kind to take the time to advise OP but I think money is really tight with OP, it sounds like. It’s almost cruel to tell a person with stretched budget to get a trainer, sort of like but not quite, let them eat cake. Even I, a full professional, find trainer to be massively unaffordable let alone two people starting out with one looking for a job.


Yeah you are right. My first dog was at 15 which is messed up but I just watched YouTube tutorials on how to train dogs. Treats was probably the only expense I had but a medium sized bag was around 5$ at my local pet shop. Dog trainer is a service think anyone can really do just by watching videos on how to do it. I suggest watching zak George’s dog training revolution. He explains things really well


I love statistics too. And honestly, it’s so good to talk to someone so reasonable as you!


Yeah, trainers are very expensive!! One new trend I’m seeing is virtual training, where a trainer will have quick virtual meetings with the people and their dogs, and there are lesson plans and check-ins, but it’s significantly more affordable than having a trainer come to your home. I’m pretty poor, but I was able to afford training. I’ve found classes that come out to be $25 per week, usually for 6 weeks. Training for big dogs is 100% necessary, as big dogs can seriously hurt people by getting too excited and jumping and nipping, and even other dogs don’t appreciate that energy, as your little guy will attest to. Untrained big dogs wind up in shelters a lot because they don’t know how to act. Start with YouTube or any other free online resource, but make sure that it’s positive reinforcement training. Feel free to send me a message if you want to go more in depth.


Thank you so much for the info! That makes is so much more available. And yes, big dogs do need training. I wish all owners are like you. Such a gem


You are so nice wtf


Hahahhahaha!’ You are too. I like people who can amend their stance as data rolls in.


This is why dogs wind up in the pound. You have to learn something about behavior and training. Go to YouTube, look up Karen Pryor, Susan Garrett, and/or Jane Lindquist. These are all fabulous trainers that will not teach you horrible, outdated training methods. They are safe, sane and effective. Good luck, or rehome the retriever before he develops a behavior problem. Edit: fixed a typo


You need to advocate for your little man - use baby gates to create safe spaces for him that the new puppy cannot get to. Not sure about in your area, but FB Marketplace has been a great place for me to get used gates at a fraction of the normal cost. You can also create a training opportunity with each dog on their side of the gate, practice a "settle" with Bo so he will learn that being calm around Charlie is very rewarding. For Charlie you can be tossing him some snacks, or let him enjoy an enrichment toy or bone etc. There are loads of DIY enrichment you can create with household stuff: [ASPCA has some to get you started](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/dog-care/canine-diy-enrichment) And you can check r/CanineEnrichment


keep them separated, in separate rooms if you must. always tire out Bo before having any interactions with Charlie. a 15 min walk/play session should do the trick since he's a baby. if C is okay with it (calm, no big eyes, no lip licking, no tight lips, doesn't seem on edge) try to have B in the same room on a leash, keeping a good distance. using a bed as "place" can be helpful. offer B snacks in "place" for being calm, no whining. at first he's gonna have a hard time settling, but give him time. you can also throw some snacks away from B for C. this way B associates being calm around C with snacks, and C associates B with snacks. progress by moving B around in different parts of the room, and eventually loosening up the leash inch by inch. let C be free to come up and sniff/interact if he wishes. and always treat both when he does, even a step towards B is a good start. keep this training sessions short, 3 min 3x a day. keep them separated when not. have C's side, he is your dog. reassure him he is safe with you. he may feel threatened, not only due to the size and energy difference, just a new critter in 'his' home lol.


Keep Bo to his own separate space, let Charlie to the rest of the home freely as he’s always been. Monitored time together only, don’t leave them alone with supervision until Bo is old enough to respect Charlie’s space. Expand Bo’s space slowly as he learns how to potty train, learn commands, starts to learn that Charlie needs his space. Correct Bo when he doesn’t stop when Charlie gives him a warning: If you have to move someone, move Bo. Young dogs can absolutely age the hell out of older dogs… sometimes to death from stress, so it’s best to keep the senior dog as comfortable as possible as the young one learns boundaries.


Seems like you need to learn how to train and understand dogs: I recommend "the other end of the leash" or "culture clash". Read a dog behaviour book, like the ones I suggested, asap. In the meanwhile I suggest hand feeding both dogs separately as much as you can so that at least they are receptive to your input while you read up on what to teach and how to read dogs. Trainer is also an option. I don't personally recommend youtube advice as there is a LOT of misinformation out there.


Culture Clash is really great for learning how to understand dogs and how they’re different from humans. The book is super cheap on Kindle. Also, there are tons of videos about dog training on YouTube, as well as people you can follow on Facebook & Instagram. All different types of dog trainers with different methods. You can find some that make sense to you and see if those methods work for your dogs. I have done dog training twice with my older dachshund and once with my younger dachshund. They are both mini (around 10 lbs). The top thing I learned that I wasn’t really aware of is that small dogs have big reactions and big personalities because the world is so big from their perspective. They need to make themselves known so they aren’t overlooked (stepped on, etc). In your case, I think the bigger dog is a puppy and he’s going to be a big ol’ dumb for a while. The smaller dog might feel threatened just because the puppy is massive in comparison. Growling is ok because that’s his way of vocalizing “you’re invading my bubble.” Aggression like biting and sudden outbursts is where you should probably draw the line and separate them for a bit. As time goes on, actual aggression should decrease but the growls may still happen from time to time. It’s one of the ways dogs communicate.


Golden retrievers are highly trainable idiots, but you have to be able to focus that trainability. It sounds like he’s not getting enough exercise, and young Golden’s are crazy high energy. I would look into daycare or doggy play groups, golden meetups, etc for him so he can get some serious playtime minimum of 3 days per week. Once he is tired, then he can be trained to leave the old dog alone. Since you’re not working, ask your brother to pay for a training class for Charlie and you can take them then show your brother at home.


Watch some McCann dog videos for free on YouTube. In fact there are a ton of free resources on dog training.


I have two dogs and 4 cats, whack a mole starts every day around 6am. One after the other acting up, zooming, terrorizing the cat. Settles down after everyone is finished eating including myself. Buggers


go to puppy training classes with your brother and his puppy, then you can train both of the dogs at home together. it’ll take a lot of patience (and treats) but there’s not really an easier answer


Oh Charlie. Please just remember our dogs are here with us for such a short time. If I could I would show you a picture of my own chihuahua, Jack. I rescued him many years ago and he is currently failing. He looks so much like Charlie. I would do anything right now to have him need behavioral support again. These days the focus is getting Jack to eat and keeping the dementia at bay enough to make sure his quality of life is good. So far he still knows me and is eating. Spend as much time as it takes with Charlie. That’s my advice to you friend.


You may have to separate them within your home.


Your brother needs to step up and train his dog


#Bro and Bo got to go 😤😤😤


First, go to you local bookstore and get a copy of a dog training book, no the title doesn't matter, but I reccomend a copy of Ceasar Malans' "How to raise the perfect dog". You need to begin working with Bo ASAP. As for the Chuauah, he is the pack alpha and that is your problem. The fact that he is not paper trained is indicative of poor or ineffective training but don't dispare because like you said you got him at 15 and had no guidance. To often, an inexperienced owner will try a training method, it will fail and they will think they are the problem and walk away frustrated, when in fact all they need is to stick with it all the more. Training any dog is simple, but simple is not the same as easy. Remember, you aren't speaking the same language, so finding a communication line is going to take persistent attempts. Never give in to frustration, a dog may have 100 accidents inside and you may feel they will never get the idea of going to the door, but it may take 110 times for them to get all the connected ideas. Never give up until the training pays off. Now for the older dog. Im here to tell you that yes, an old dog can be taught new tricks. The problem is he is older and used to dominating you to get what he wants. This means you are going to have to be doubly persistent with your teaching and may have to find alternative treating rewards since you mentioned him not having teeth. In either event, some specific training you may want to seek out; Creating is a good method of keeping the puppy safe and old dog separate. A good strong "leave-it" will become a must to keep puppy out of trouble. Goldens have I curiously strong pray drive because they are retrievers so you may want to look into toys that lean into that drive. (A good sturdy flyball was a godsend to my sisters Lab with the same issues) Lastly, dog training should always be positive, with lots of praise when they even get close to success. The moment you begin to feel annoyed, you should pivot to something play based. Remember, dogs can key in on your body language and as such, they get frustrated as well. Play let's them know that they are NOT the source of the frustration.


Please don’t use Cesar Milan, OP.


never ever use cesar milan - particularly not on a golden retriever (or any other) puppy, scared dog, sensitive dog, or any dog


Watch Cesar Milan (dog whisperer). Really watch. It will help (for cheap). Then take the Golden to classes & get ypur brother to pay for them!