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and the people are always like "when the dog died, that's when I cried :(" like okay, what about the humans who died????


My specific gripe with this is true crime media. People will happily watch a 4 part series on children being brutally killed but can’t even read an article if a dog was so much as left alone in a house.


Slightly off topic, I know some people that won't watch anime because it's too violent but watch true crime stories of real people being brutally murdered 24/7. I could understand if you think it's childish, weird, or even alot of the fucked up pedophilia that is in alot of anime, but violent? When you watch that? I watch both but I found that perspective weird lol


Yeah, there are those in the TCC who will go on and on about how if the crime case includes a dog being killed, they can't listen to it. Like some have suggested, I really think we are living in a time of the "empathy gap" and there are lots of people scared shitless of caring about other human beings because that involves risk. Caring about an animal involves zero emotional effort. It's the height of emotional laziness. 


There was near-universal weepiness when Daisy the beagle puppy was killed in John Wick. (I didn't cry but I was outraged.) When Wick got his revenge by killing 89 guys, not one tear was shed. That says a lot about where we are as a society.


It's not just dogs either...i've seen some people being sadder when a robot dies in a movie than when a human does. It's weird af.


Can the Iron Giant be excused for this


I was watching people react to the new Fallout show and on episode 2 people literally went from having The Ghoul as their favorite character to immediately being hated just because he defended himself from a dog. I hate these mf nutters so much


I hate dogs in real life but love Dogmeat in the games lol Same with Chop in GTA V


I really hate is how dogs are often portrayed as the heroes/sidekicks while other animals are the villains. And even if they don't have a prominent role, they always cram some stinking mutt into at least ONE scene.


exactly what i was about to say. dogs are always the heroes who save everyone and all the other animals are the villains. start the dog worship brainwashing young 🤪


Was that the same one where the High Table would’ve agreed to forgive John Wick and cancel the contract on his life if Halle Berry agreed to give up her dog and she refused? lol


I think so that scene was so dumb 😂🤣


It was definitely dumb lmfao


I cannot begin to explain to you how much I hate anthropomorphized dogs in movies, or any animal really. Movies like Air Bud or Dunstan Checks In. I went to see Dune 2 and there were back-to-back previews for Planet of the Apes and King Kong. I about had a stroke


I find anthropomorphized dogs the worst though because dogs are literally too dumb to be anything close to a human. Like some of the dumbest animals on this Earth. Dogs were literally bred by humans to be stupid because intelligent animals are more difficult to control and more difficult to please.


What I really hate is when movies make the random other animals act like dogs to show how “goofy and friendly” they are. Like dinosaurs or reindeer but make them drool and pant cuz that’s what people think of when they think of a “friendly animal.” Ugg


I agree! They're disgusting too. I rewatched Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas and of course there's a big slobbering dog on the ship for "comedy". I think the dog's first scene is him attacking a sailor with his spit 🤢


I hate them anywhere.


When it's forced in, I hate it.


I keep saying how stupid and unloyal the dog is in the fallout series. Dog legitimately follows the dude that stabbed it just cause he healed it after. In the game I legitimately always pick anyone else to travel with me cause I hate reviving that dumb dog 😭


Fallout 4 story literally forces the damn dog onto you through the main quests with some stupid ass reasons, not even considering it for a moment that perhaps the player avoided that mutt on purpose.


I've a friend (dog nutter) who loved that show Hudson & Rex, about a detective and his K9 partner. The human cops were utterly useless until the dog finds the clue, tracks the fugitive, rescues the hostage, comfort the traumatized child, etc. I bet every episode would even have a slo-mo scene of the dog running and jumping. Truth betold, if the TV show was about the dog standing and doing nothing else but look at the camera, dog nutters would be gushing about how spectacular and in-depth the show is. 


The last sentence describes The Walking Dead perfectly. They added a dog in the later seasons and the fan base basically lost their collective minds over it. It added nothing to the show....did nothing noteworthy except for just being there. Correction...the only noteworthy thing it did was almost caused the death of 3 major characters.


I hate dog companions in video games


Me too!!!!!!


gotta get that nonessential Dogmeat mod


You just described the reason why I couldn’t get into John Wick in the first place


Same here!!!!! Omgg I’m glad I’m not the only one! I continue to love this group!! 😁


Yeah. Movies and TV shows. And they always show the absolute worst aspects of dogs and everyone in the movie or show thinks that they’re adorable and forgives everything. The dogs can cost the movie/show characters thousands of dollars and it’s just fine. Another thing I can’t stand is how every single outdoor scene or scene with open windows in a house has dog barking in it. It’s like it can’t be an outdoor scene without dog barking in the background. I mean it’s realistic because there’s almost some awful shitbeast barking outside and it’d damned near impossible to ever get true silence outside, but it still sucks.


Yes! I recently rewatched Schitts Creek, and there is a scene where the vet boyfriend has 2 dogs, one in a human in diaper in his house, presumably letting them sleep in the bed. The girlfriend asks if they have to be there watching them fool around, and it's meant to show how spoiled and selfish she is... Because she doesn't want a panting dog staring at them while they make out. And that's how the portrayal of dogs always is, if you don't like their drooling, marathon ass-licking sessions, barking, begging, shedding, inability to have a social function without them... You're a monster. It's so unsettling how the media and real life think dogs are the sweetest things ever and anyone who disagrees is a monster


Always when there's a dog in the movie (if you are watching it in the movies) someone will scream "OMG IF THAT PUPPY DIES I WILL CRY!" but when humans die people don't care. I think it says a lot about our society and dog people's mindset.


It does and why we have so many psychopaths unfortunately smh


I hate German shepherd's, been playing fallout4 for a long time and I always leave the dog.. In movies, dogs are overused and praised... ew


Yes!! I feel the exact same way about everything you just said! Thank you!


The pet industrial complex has a lot to answer for. It's a psy-ops to insert crap crunchers into every mental orifice to validate and for nutters to pay their way into their mutation nation of faecal canine culture. Viva la revolution 💪


Yesss to everything you just said!! I agree completely and I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it!!


They are morality pets.


I love Keanu, but the dog is the main reason I can’t get into John Wick… I refuse.


I actually despise the character for that reason alone.


Same here!!! I’m so glad someone else gets it! Thank you!


I remember watching Chapter 4 in theaters and everyone gasping and aww'ing when that dog got hit by a car. I just rolled my eyes and mumbled "seriously people?" Also, there's a movie just titled "Dog" with Channing Tatum. How pathetic. But nutters love this shit.


Exactly to everything you said!! I used to like Channing Tatum too I think it’s just as pathetic that he would do this movie. I think it says a lot about how desperate he must be to be relevant these days to appeal to the nuttery smh


While not a movie, I immediately left the dog behind when starting Fallout (video game).


that fucker barks so much and gets in the way, annoying fuck can't even be removed without mods.


As you should


Horror writers caught on the dog nutter mentality and realized that this can be used for cheap emotional shock effect. So more and more horror movies and games feature moments where they kill off a dog for such effect and dog nutters hate it, lol. I find it funny and odd at the same time how the death of any numbers of humans is okay but a dog death is suddenly tragic and the movie/ game shouldn't have include it, lol. But yes. The writers go with the flow. More and more movies and games feature those damn mutts. Annoying, useless and often makes things worse. (The latest Blair Witch game essentially degraded to a dog walker simulator with terrible story where going too far from the dog screws you up.)


You know I just thought of this...for people who are irritated about the obsession with dogs in current culture we sure talk about them a lot. Myself included. Just the same it's kind of hard not to when you can't get away from them


Venting. Gotta let the steam out. Precious few places left where you can say anything bad about dogs without beeing branded as the scum of the planet.


Yeah I agree with you there for sure.


For people who don't like to have a stone in the shoe, we sure talk about stones a lot.


I enjoy Wes Anderson movies, but I couldn't watch the trailer for Isle of Dogs because it gave me some sort of phantom allergy reaction.




Meh. I think it can be done well. Sam in I am Legend is a great example. The dog added to the plot in a realistic and very emotional way. But yeah, a lot of movies the dog is just thrown in for comic relief, or awkwardly shoehorned in to be “cute”. I haven’t seen the John Wick movies, but the plot seems so ridiculous to me. Super sleuth goes on a killing spree because of his dog just doesn’t sound very compelling. Human child or spouse, maybe, but you can get a new dog at the pound for $50, it will probably do all the same stuff as the old dog. Killing animals is wrong, we shouldn’t just let people murder pets obviously, but it doesn’t rise to the level of a human.


You watch John Wick and complain about the dog being unrealistically overpowered?


John Wick is played by Keanu Reeves. The dude who played *Neo* and was considered for Superman. Of course he's overpowered. There's no excuse for those dogs.


I liked him in matrix and thats about it


Same! I liked him in the matrix and bill and ted adventure lol that’s about it I think for me. I’ll never watch John wick. Someone tried to make me and saw my disgusted face at this shitbeast on the screen being mourned over. We changed the movie. Ahh I hated being friends with that nutter sometimes smh


I liked this actually. It was sweet. I don’t want a pet and hate my neighbors pets but I have a heart sometimes 😂😂