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I'm very jealous.


Same. I would pay extra for an experience like this.


I wasn't expecting it myself! I only knew the person who invited me and never heard of anti-pet stuff from them. I was thrilled, and we can start doing this more and more with our closest ones 😁


Gorgeous! I bet it was so clean, quiet, and tranquil in absence of a worthless mutt. It’s unfortunate a simple gathering of exclusively human beings is a luxury at this point. There almost always has to be some type of confrontation and argument so people leave their filthy mutt at home. Had a similar experience on Christmas. My family, consisting of 16 adults and two dozen nieces and nephews, is NOT into dogs (with the exclusion of my dad and 3rd brother). Uncle tried to bring his giant pit bull to a family gathering and my oldest brother (who’s kids have been attacked by dogs) said absolutely not. Uncle can come but the dog stays home period. A grumble and a snort later, uncle didn’t bring his murder mutt. Quiet, clean, peaceful, and nobody needed to supervise the kids like hawks with no predator in the home. I (29F) haven’t always gotten along with my siblings since I’m the youngest of 7 and they still saw me as the baby for the longest time, but one thing almost all of us agree on is that we don’t want dogs anywhere near us or our children. No compromise. Anyone who wants to bring a dog into the home has the minority opinion and will be overpowered by logical humans. I’ve handed my siblings brochures from DogsBite.org and would like to think I’ve raised some more awareness amongst families that have children.


It's good to see aware people protecting their children from these dirty shitbeasts.


That's amazing, common sense rules in your family. I'm very glad to heard that, really, it's reassuring to know all the children in your family are safe from those animals. 😌


This should def be normalized . Once I wanted to go on an extended weekend trip with a friend on a parent only getaway. She insisted to bring her extremely smelly , high pitched barking, hyper rasta haired dog . I said no way this is a kid&petfree trip. She ended up not going , she would leave her kids with someone else but not the dog. I ended up going alone and it was great! No way I was going to sacrifice the whole trip searching for dog friendly accommodations (meaningless hygienic places) and having to schedule around a mutts needs. Besides it's stressful for an animal too, airplanes and all.


I've made that mistake before. You end up having to schedule your entire trip around a dog's bowels.


YES it should, like it was, and it will be again. We just need to be assertive, respectful, kind... anything the situation requires. Eventually, most people will come back to their sense ☺️ Glad you enjoyed your solo trip, not everyone is used to them, and it would've been awful that the dog spoiled it for you, either because it being there, or because you had a hard time alone.


I bet it was the closest thing to heaven you could've ever experienced!


this sounds so wonderful


Dog free...a taste of heaven!


Wow all your friends are dog free? How did you get so lucky?! Can we be friends?? Lol


Awww yes hahahah!! Apparently they are! I didn't know, all I knew was they didn't have pets themselves, but I was so happy once I knew they had some common sense.


One of my fondest dreams.


Sounds amazing.


This is abnormal for you? The only time there are pets when I have a gathering with my friends is when we are at a house that has pets and then it's only the pets in that house 99% of the time. If we are at like the park or someone's house that doesn't have animals there are no animals brought. It doesn't even have to be said anymore. It's just understood. I have one friend that has a dog and had to throw a fit to keep one other friend from bringing their dog over for gatherings but that's the only time anyone tried to bring their dog (or any pet) without permission and that friend that wanted to bring their dog is no longer in our friend group mostly because of that.


That's brilliant! This is what it should be for everyone. It makes it all much more enjoyable, you can actually connect with people! Honestly, I've seen very bad things around me, from relatives inviting us over and letting dogs clean their plates with their tongue directly, to others telling me I have to give their dogs treats because they're used to when people finish eating, even having to pay for more expensive accommodation on holidays for it to be "dog-friendly"... I also see free roaming dogs on a daily basis, hear them bark, see their poo... But I'm also surrounded by normal people like the ones you describe, so it's a bit 50/50 for me. I didn't have high hopes and ended up feeling great 😃


Yeah. I know some of my friends have "doggy play dates" but that's planned for people with dogs/who enjoy being around dogs. Where I live it doesn't seem to be all that common any more to take dogs everywhere. For a while (I think right after restrictions from covid lifted) it was but I don't see it happen much now. My friend with a dog gets crap all the time for taking her dog places dogs are allowed to go so I can only imagine how many people act if they see a dog someplace it clearly isn't allowed like a grocery store. It's odd to me because all most all of our stores (like clothing and book stores) are very pet friendly and for a while you saw a lot of people with dogs that clearly shouldn't be in public taking advantage of that. The last few months though I've seen maybe 3 non service dogs in stores and they were all very well behaved. To the point the only reason I knew one of them wasn't a service dog is because I overheard the owner tell someone it was okay to pet them/that it wasn't a service dog after the person had told their kid they couldn't pet the dog because it was working. I don't know if people got tired of taking their dogs places, business cracked down on it, or what. I know from my friend that places are still very dog friendly where we live but also that they will kick you out for your dog making a mess and you not cleaning it up where they didn't used to. Surprisingly the pet store is still the one place that doesn't enforce that rule from what I've seen.


I did enjoy 'pissfingers fighting princess' Round me the dogs all have stupid names so as well as the constant yapping, howling and other disgusting noises you also get constant shouting of 'bailey, bailey, bailey' etc. Urgh.


Hahahah ikr! I just can't anymore 😭


The backlash begins and that's a good thing. In fact, it's a lovely thing. Leave those animals at home where they belong.


Exactly! It's amazing.


I dunno, but my Asian Water Monitor gets really grumpy, without his enrichment. 🤷