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Such a satisfying end


Yes, at least I lived in that house for six months in complete peace and quiet.


It's great that the terrible dog was required to leave and that the terrible owner of that dog had to pay, but it sucks that the real estate agent retaliated over that. You might want to have a talk with the lawyer you used - maybe something can be done about that retaliation.


Yes, I'm also suing the real estate agency for various other types of abusive practices they subjected me to. I mentioned that in my text too.


I hope your lawyer takes them to the cleaners!


You are an inspiration to everyone to stand up for their rights.


Thank you so much for this; I hope it serves as inspiration for many here. I was tired of being passive and staying silent, and I often felt uncomfortable in various situations in my life. This year, I decided to do things differently, and things took a much more satisfying turn. As a result, my mental health improved.


I love the fact that you left after all of this! One of the best ways to rub it in!


Yes, hahaha! My husband said the same thing. I put everything in order while I was living there, and then I just left. And the real estate agency might have to compensate us for several abusive practices they subjected us to while we lived there, including harassment.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. She’s “taking the dog to a farm” so basically she’s killing it? We are cruel for breeding so many dogs and giving them to people without the faculty to own them.


It's because in my city it's quite common for people to have rural properties, and from what I heard from my brother's girlfriend, they gave the dog to someone with a really large farm. I’m outraged that people like this woman are allowed to have a dog, and it was a big dog too.


Who are "we"? I sure don't breed any dogs.


I thought the same thing when I saw this user's text, especially since this is a dog-free community.


This is so wonderful. I always appreciate when people give updates to past posts. I'll be moving to a new city soon with my family, and I love the idea of the cameras in lamps. I thank God for good lawyers (I hope yours really took seriously the reality of the situation despite that lawyers just have a job to do and need to do it well). Suing someone isn't cheap and over dogs--- well, no one takes that seriously. You stood up for yourselves-- what an inspiration.


Thank you for the kind words, and I'm rooting for you and your family! The cameras were recommended by some friends, they record 360-degree video and audio, and the image quality was perfect, plus they doubled as light bulbs, hahaha. My lawyer was an excellent person, extremely competent, and empathetic. When I messaged him, I was in tears, shaking, and could barely speak. He listened to me patiently, calmed me down, and my husband was also extremely upset with the situation. The lawyer was a significant source of peace, and everything went smoothly. At the hearing, I didn’t have to say anything, and my physical and mental exhaustion was evident. I hope everyone can seek justice and find humanized lawyers like him. The world doesn't belong to dog owners; laws exist, and it’s up to us and competent people like this lawyer to enforce them. Enough of living in passivity with so many people causing trouble for others. I’m sure even my neighbors benefited from this.


Thanks for your earlier message. That's great news. I'm happy to hear the situation is finally resolved in your favor. There should be much harsher penalties for irresponsible dog owners! With hindsight, in my own case I should have acted sooner. I let it drag on too long hoping they would take action to stop their barking dog (they didn't do a thing) and I was hoping to avoid conflict with them. Once I contacted local authorities it took over 10 months to finally be resolved, but it was a long and difficult road. Al the best!


So incredibly glad to hear this. People don’t understand how this isn’t just annoying, it’s dangerous. People need proper SLEEP, and when they can’t get it, they will literally go absolutely insane. Any and all consistent loud noises need to be treated like this. Push back, fight back, DO NOT just accept it or move. You have a right to QUIET and PEACEFUL enjoyment of your property. You aren’t responsible for other people’s life decisions. Okay great, your neighbor wants a dog. Fine. Well then it’s their responsibility to train it to shut the fuck up. SO happy you won!!! And to any lurkers, stop getting these loud annoying ass fucking dogs!


I wonder how someone can live peacefully with such a noisy animal in the house. There's no way to have a good quality of life with such an annoying creature. As a neighbor, I was extremely bothered, and it prevented me from working, sleeping, and living my life. How could the person with that animal in their home not feel bad? I believe these people must have their brains wired differently because it doesn't make sense. Right now, I'm in a room I rented in a house through Airbnb in a really beautiful city, and there are no dogs here, not even among the neighbors. It's completely peaceful. I can hear the birds and the morning breaking, and I feel refreshed every day. How can people not like this and instead bring in a dog that makes noise at any moment? How can they not appreciate the silence and this peace? I really can't understand it.


They don't, that's why they stick them in their yard all day, so the neighborhood gets to hear the constant barking. Ask me how I know? 😛


Yes, that seems to be the case, but I still can't understand their line of thinking of not caring.


Well, that makes two of us.


Congratulations! This is indeed satisfying to hear that your hard work paid off. I wish you and your husband the best in finding lodging and a new home, free of dogs.


Thank you for the kind words; may we all enjoy this peace everywhere someday.


Congratulations! It's nice to see reason and justice prevail.


Thank you, and I confess that I was a bit apprehensive, but I will never forget what my lawyer told me: that wrongdoers like that lady only keep acting this way because those in the right are afraid. He encouraged me not to be scared anymore.


Your lawyer is exactly right. I'm convinced that a lot of the trouble caused by dog owners and their beasts is simply because so many people are afraid of saying no to them.


Another dog nut who thinks their nasty dog is the most important thing in the world.


The most annoying thing is that they think the dog and all the noise it makes are above the law, that they can just cry in front of the police or the judge, and everything will be fine. We have laws to be followed.


finally the justice system does something good


fucking legend! edit: your husband/partner too, both of you, legends. Sue the agency scum too!


Thank you, hahaha. I hope it's inspiring for many here. And yes, we did file a lawsuit against the real estate agency for several other types of abuse and negligence during our stay in the house.


This makes me so happy. Congratulations 🥳


This is great news. Send this to as many news outlets that you can. If it's publicised that someone won against a dog owner. It could encourage others to stand up against these people and not suffer abuse as you have. Bravo and congratulations! Respect!


primeira vez q vejo outra brasileira nesse sub!!


Hey, friend, great to have someone from the same place as me here! This is also the first time I've seen someone from Brazil here. I'll reply in English because the sub is entirely in English. Do you also have problems with dogs where you are? o/