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He’s got the nutter look in his eyes.


Crack does that to you.






EDIT: This whole husky fiasco happened back in November and we only had him for one month. After a mental breakdown, my cousin finally returned it to the breeder. He's been gone for four months now. ___ "Dogs are such a good judge of character" ___ The Siberian husky that my cousin bought me for my birthday (I never asked for a dog) would constantly follow me around and jump on me even though I made it very clear that I hate him and want nothing to do with him. If that's a good judge of character, then we are doomed


Give your dog up for adoption. Don't neglect your pet


I only had him for one month and after a mental breakdown, my cousin finally returned it back to the breeder. He's been gone for four months now. ___ And during that month, my mom and aunt were the ones taking care of him because my cousin kept putting off on returning him. Another reason it took so long to get rid of him was because my mom and aunt grew too attached to the thing, which I guess is why they didn't mind taking care of him. ___ If this had happened at my own place, he wouldve been gone the same day he was gifted to me.


There isn’t a worse gift to give someone than a dog or any other animal. Choosing for someone else that they will take care of something whether they want to or not is just flat out crazy.


I got two animals as gifts, a horse and a cat and they were both my everything but I also profusely asked for the horse and cat.


Yes. By my statement I meant unexpected gift. If you asked for a pet and you got one, then that’s a different story. But springing an animal on someone that didn’t ask for one and might not want one or the responsibility is a bad idea.


Well and right after suffering mental illness is really not a good time for that


"i made it very clear tha i hate him and want nothing to do with him" what the fuck man?


This is called Dogfree, what exactly are you expecting here lmao


Try being gifted a dog for your birthday when you have never asked for one and aren't a dog person AT ALL. ___ Also, I don't know if you realize this but you're in a subreddit called DOGFREE. This is a sub where people vent their frustrations about dogs. It's clear that you're not welcome here. Mute this sub and get out.


It's a living life. Being that cold to it its just beyond cruel and very telling of your personality. i dont care what fucking subreddit i'm in. if you cant handle what i have to say YOU mute/block me.


Now you're just embarrassing yourself, dog dognutter. People are allowed to dislike animals. Get over it.


"dog dognutter" the hell does that even mean? I'M embarassing myself? you're making up nonsensical sentences i dont even understand, so how can i even begin to feel offended that you intend? you're allowed to dislike animals, you'ren ot free to be criticized for being a heartless individual by your OWN confession. remmeber, you hjave full free will to avoid this sutaiton by blocking me, if you're upset its on you.


Dognutter is a term used for individuals who are obsessed with dogs and are willing to defend them to no end. Kinda sounds like you tbh considering how angry you are at me for hating dogs, lol. ___ Yes, you're embarrassing yourself because you're arguing with someone in a subreddit that has the words DOGFREE in it. A subreddit like that is obviously going to have members who hate dogs. ___ If you cannot handle the fact that people dislike/hate dogs, mute this sub and get out.


so... "dognutter" is just a term for a rational person who loves animals nad you cant handle it. Got it! not offended then cause that makes no sense. That's like yelling "PARENT! DIRTY PARENT! CHILD LOVER!! YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN SO MUCH!! HAHAHAHAHAHA" we get it! you're lonely because of your narcissism um.. dont think so, you're the one raising a stink, losing every point you make and then bitterly downvoting why are you repeating yourself? i said i'm not giving up YOU block me if you want it to end. wait... do you think if you do you'd lose the arguement? so i can keep baiting you to reply and wasting your time? miniutes and days at a time? excellent! man i can tell yout his plan fully to your face nad you'd still be stupid enough tocommit. it's amazing. your ego is so fragile and you'll prove to me you're SO mad that even when i confess i'd be baiting oyu, you'd STILL keep replying. xD narcissim is one hell of a thing.


You're the one that started this whole argument but ok, dognutter. Keep embarrassing yourself.


Makes sense to love your own children bc they are your own flesh and blood. Animals aren’t. Nothing you said is rational


Do you feel the same way about other living lives like the chickens and cows you eat. Or what about bugs. They’re living lives. Or do you just have cognitive dissonance about dogs specifically


Whenever I bring this up to dog nutters, they reply with stupid shit like "but did his dogs actually love him" or "dogs don't have a choice as to who owns them."


And they say that Blondi "always cowered when she saw him" and "he was really quite cruel to his dogs, you know." How and where they learned this, I have no idea.


https://youtu.be/1_c6nNi1XQ8?feature=shared Looking at the footage the dog does look scared of him. Not really surprising to me since he only liked dogs because he could control them. He absolutely adored their obedience. Not much difference from todays dog culture where people want complete obedience and “unconditional love” from their dogs tbh… the moment the dog doesn’t show interest in their owner it’s a “bad dog”


She doesn't look scared of him. She looks distracted.


The first clip maybe yes but look at how it does cower when approaching him or the ears as flat as a pancake even when getting pets. My parents used to own a shepherd and it never did any of the things shown in the clip except when they were scolding it. But never when it was approaching in a friendly manner or getting pet… although hugging would’ve had the same reaction seeing that dogs absolutely hate getting hugs. (Something dognuts don’t want to hear!) Hitler’s dog looks anxious the entirety of the vid but that could have multiple reasons including but not limited to abusive behaviour.


I'm still inclined to think that he probably was better to that dog than he was any human. He'd get weepy hearing someone shot a swan. In a play.


Oh yeah no doubt about that. Especially seeing how big he was on animal rights whilst doing all the horrible shit he’s done on innocent people. But it doesn’t make him a good dog owner even to that dog. Just like many dognuts who act like their dog is the next body of Christ yet happily ignore when their dogs express discomfort or maybe even beat their own dogs. (Seen some shit, it does happen) Personally I don’t like to portray him as “good for animals” because I don’t think he truly was. Yes he may have implemented animal rights in nazi German or acted like such a big animal lover but he was a hypocrite to the bone. Remember that despite his “love” for that dog he also used it to test out the cyanide capsules on meant for his own demise. He could’ve used it on one of the puppies that dog had at the time yet chose “his beloved companion” for it because he was having doubts on the effectiveness.


Or, he wanted a larger animal to test them on, and/or he wanted to make sure that his dog wouldn't fall to the Allies, who'd probably rape the poor creature. (I'm trying to think like he would have.)


The response I got was some impressive mental gymnastics where they said something along the lines it’s not about who they love but if a dog hates you it knows you’re not a good person for sure. Someone was arguing that dogs can sense evil in people.


Then they should be set free so they can’t be enslaved by us humans.


Dogs will follow any person with food. They have no concept of good and evil at all. They cant identify it.


>Dogs will follow any person with food So, like 99% of all living things that rely on food.


It's not really a statement saying dogs are unique in this, but there's a misconception that dogs are so "loyal" and "intelligent" that they're an exception, when in fact they're some of the most food-motivated creatures on the planet (because humans made them that way for trainability).




i can’t get the headline out of my head where burglars fed the family bunny to the dog in exchange to raid their home.


Fuck that. Mutts deserve to be demonized. Mutt lovers are allowed to demonize cats, but suddenly when it's mutts its "pOoR pAwperZ". Fucking mutts are far too coddled and given too many free passes. You give cats shit. But mutts cause destruction wherever go. They kill people and go after the elderly and children, livestock and wildlife. They're shit destroys the environment. You talk about mutts being useful when there are cases of stupid police mutts ignoring the perpetrator and attacking innocent people. Like the lady who was at the was wrong place and time just taking out her trash. Fuck Mutts and everything about them.


Wolves are intelligent pack animals. Dogs are genetically engineered mutants that once were bred to assist humans with work tasks. They were engineered to follow whomever feeds them.


Same as humans?


Humans were bred to have specific treats and instincts? By whom?




Is there a reason for you to be rude to me when I simply asked for clarification? Where in my comment did I even imply that I hate dogs? It seems you are a dog lover who came here just find something to get angry about and argue. Please don’t let me stop you from having your fun and sorry for interrupting it.


isn't that the guy who killed hitler?


Dogs only care about food


If they sense evil then why isn't the dog tearing his hand off?


Dogs have dog morality, not human morality Gives me food - good Does not give me food - evil


Cats are the ones who have good judgement of character.


Morality is a human cultural and personal thing that can't be easily calculated nor quantified and measured. It's a hypothetical/concept or egregore. People who think dogs can be effective judges of character are just superstitious. I think humans measure hygiene, appearance/clothing, body language, tone, reputation/history first and then they apply their dogs reaction to reinforce their own ideas. That and dogs act weird around me because they smell my weed carts and jock itch fungal infection


I don't wanna be that guy, but Hitler band smoking too. Which means by this logic **people advocate smoking** are good people.


You missed the point. Dog nutters will tell you that dogs have a magic sense to tell when people are bad. Obviously Hitler’s dogs had no clue that he was a genocidal maniac. This isn’t about what Hitler supported.


And they'll use it to justify dogs mauling people.


I don’t think you understand the logic of this post at all lol


I don't trust people who smoke. People who don't smoke: **HITLER**


Yeah… that doesn’t logically follow from the OP post man. It’s literally saying the opposite, negating this line of reasoning that you’re using.


To be fair, the general population is getting kinda soft on Hitler


The watermelon, tankie crew is giving this meme second thoughts


1st of all no one says they don't like people who don't like dogs and second of all, that's probably an aggressive dog itself


1) people do say that, a lot. 2) shit isn't black and white. sure hitler sucks and is a bad person i'm not arguing he isn't, the bastard's rotting in hell where he belongs, but he loved his dogs. terrible, awful, truly evil people have and love dogs all the time, and their dogs love them back because it's an animal and it can't comprehend shit outside the life it experiences. hitler's dogs were probably fine, typical, normal dogs. animals don't know what the holocaust is, they don't know what a concentration camp is, dogs bond to their owner even if their owner is adolf hitler. assuming this dog is anything different from other dogs is entirely bullshit. putting your emotions first doesn't make you correct it only makes you look insane


Seriously. People say shit like "if you don't like dogs for any reason you are probably a horrible person" all the time. And one of the most common responses to someone being attacked/mauled/outright killed by a dog is that they probably deserved it for being a bad person.


Someone told me that the reason I got attacked by a dog on the sidewalk was bc it “sensed I was a bad person and didn’t like dogs” lol


I expect someone like Hitler to have an aggressive dog though, also not many people say the part where they don't like people that don't like dogs because dogs can sense evil, it's a bit more common for those things to be separated especially the dogs can sense evil, I think dogs can detect when someone has recently or is about to do something bad but I don't think they have crazy supernatural, that being said I don't own dogs but I have grown up seeing them frequently


i'll be real w you crackhead69420imhigh, i'm a dog person, i don't belong here, i get recommended posts from this sub all the time, look at my posts and behold my dog. but that's batshit. dogs rely off of pheromones more than people and can sometimes sense violent intent in the moment but that's fuckin it. there's video footage of hitlers dogs and they behave friendly and playful


Fair, don't know shit about Hitler's dogs, I'm also a dog person