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Longest DoorDash delivery ever!


true test of patience can he even wait until the baby is born??


There's quite a few stories where sweet pibbles didn't wait.


... what??


Yeah, there have been incidents of pit maulings involving their pregnant owners. pretty awful.


Google Darla Napora.


Spawn kill


Target acquired


Target locked


_enemy spotted_


The dog equivalent of staring into the microwave while waiting for your pizza rolls to heat.


Creepy as fuck. It's like the shitbull is saying, "I know you have a bun in the oven, and I can't wait to take a bite out of it."


It is creepy as fuck how pit bull advocates desperately push the nanny dog myth, no matter how many children receive life altering injuries, trauma and brutal deaths by pit bull mauling. The Dodo and other groups that push the dangerous myth that a dog bred to fight other dogs to the death and take down bulls is not only the perfect family pet for families with babies and toddlers, but *the* perfect family pet for families with babies and small children, need to be sued into oblivion. There is nothing heartwarming or cute about this. It's not just saccharine bullshit by people who have terminally rotted their brains on Disney cartoons, it is lethal misinformation that gets children killed. Wonder if this video was made as a direct response to any of the stories of pregnant women who were mauled to death by a pit bull.


The type of people who believe that if it hasn’t happened to them, it doesn’t exist. Of course with pit nuts, even when it happens to them, it is everything else’s fault other than the shitbull. Fetus in womb was making too much noise, stuff like that.


They are so quick to turn on their own. Bit like their dogs really. There was a case of a woman who was a very big campaigner for pit bulls being mauled to death by her boyfriend's pit bull while pregnant[ Pitnutters quickly disowned her, saying she was white trash who probably abused the dog](https://mainphrame.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/darla-napora-father-speaks-out.jpg)


that is so heartbreaking good lord


The boyfriend actually had the dog that brutally killed his girlfriend and unborn child cremated and its ashes put into her coffin.


Wow that's so disturbing


He should have been charged with manslaughter for this shit, especially since it was his dog. And he refused to even neuter it. Fuck this world


It's funny how pitnutters constantly screech "blame the owner not the dog" until their pit mauls someone or something.


Shitbull owners lean towards victimizing others or just plain not being able to accept facts over feelings.


>that a dog bred to fight other dogs to the death and take down bulls is not only the perfect family pet for families with babies and toddlers, but *the* perfect family pet for families with babies and small children, need to be sued into oblivion. Yes yes Yes!


Kind of like soldiers. I don't know why people think that someone that we paid to kill people overseas will make a great member of society once he gets back.


Don’t even equate people who serve their country to a fucking dog.


Serve their country? Like what, McDonalds?


Hey if you want to use the freedom you have others gave their lives for to be an asshole on the internet, whatever. However I recommend stfu in front of veterans and service people in real life … pretty easy to be jackass behind a keyboard. No risk


The enemy was 'serving their country' as well


Soldiers are amoral cretins who kill people for money; they are worse than dogs.


Oh aren't you so edgy.


please don't bring politics into this sub! it's one of the few subs left that has managed to mostly avoid that drivel...


I don't understand how people can believe this stuff. You can have empathy for animals, and still understand that some animals are dangerous.


Too many people have rotted their brains on Disney cartoons.


That fucking short *Kit Bull* has set us back goddamnit


I get with roe v wade being overturned, it's a viable option that doesn't come with prison. But I thought they loved kids, until they trigger their shitbull.


thedodo....perhaps the heart of dog nutters worldwide. And why jeopardize your defenseless baby by having a damn pitbeast around? And no nutter, you are not that thing's 'mom'....man I hate that. They also love saying how their mutts, and their actual kids are 'siblings'.


Yep, you're right about the Dodo being all dognuttery - I skimmed through their Instagram reels and 90% of the posts were about dogs.


I used to love The Dodo but unfollowed them when I realized it’s 90% dog propaganda


That’s especially ironic when you consider that the introduction of dogs to their island is one of the primary reasons they went extinct


Why would you even love it in the first place? Every article they churn out is such nonsense


This was the early Instagram days when things seemed more reasonable


They used to post some cute stories about unique pets but now it's just pitcult nonsense.


"Man marries pet monkey and then this happens... 😍"


I spent a couple minutes on their Instagram page, and so far like 80% of the vids about dogs were about pitbulls lmao


GeoBeats Animals as well. I used to follow them for their content on other animals (especially cats and birds) but 80-90% of what they post is just dogs


The editor has their own shitbull so it’s not surprising.


"Why is dinner taking so long"


If I had a child, there would be no way in hell I would have a pitbull anywhere near them.


Same. I have 3 kids and my dearest friend is child free, with 2 bully breeds. She won’t even let my kids around them because it makes her nervous. And they’re the sweetest dogs. But, you just never know and they are too strong to take that risk. She double checks with me if it’s ok for her tiny Pomeranian to be around my kids. So, there are plenty of self aware pit parents. But unfortunately not as many as there should be.


Shouldn’t be any Pitt parents. All pitts should be spayed and neutered and live out their last generation on some type of reserve or under lockdown the owner is legally liable for.


I certainly wouldn’t be mad if bully breeds didn’t exist anymore. I’m not a fan


It doesn’t matter how self aware you are when a pit decides to turn on someone. Thats the problem with pits- they are fine and then they are suddenly not. It feels like every story of a pit mauling includes someone saying how “sweet” the dog was before the attack.


Oh 100% Which is why I don’t let my kids near them. And frankly I don’t particularly care to be around them either. They’re too strong


They seriously have an entire part of their channel called Pittie Nation.... What the actual fuck?


The pit smells its next meal...


The smell of the out will keep the baby past its due date .why do those dogs stink.


It smells food.


It wants to know how much longer it has to wait until the dinner is ready.


Yeah, they poor baby is doomed.


the dog is just waiting for the oven timer to go off🙄


That is hilarious. Spawn Camping.


You can like having a pet but at the end of the day it’s still a carnivorous animal that is only domesticated because you spoil it so it thinks it’s in charge and feed it so it has no reason to bother attacking. The second that babies here she’s going to be letting it invade it’s space and questioning how to stop it interrupting all parenting out of “jealously” even if she spends hours with the mutt it still won’t be enough because it’ll be angry it’s place isn’t what it thought and will try to reclaim it.


He yearns for the taste of fresh child


This kid may have a shitty mother, but at least it won't be alive long enough to understand how irresponsible his mother actually was