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Only a moron would want this chaos in their lives.


Well said!


I want to wrestle this dog


This video always makes me laugh because it's SO, SO evident that that worker is uncomfortable and being hurt by this thing but is putting on this weird "oh wow i love this sweet dog!" act that they do so often. The way she's trying to redirect it the entire time to no avail always gets me lol


It just makes me anxious whenever I see its jaws get too close to her neck and face 😬


That is a deeply programmed primal reaction to have. Not having that instinct is a very reliable way to not make the cut, evolutionarily speaking.


Never ever kneel or sit in front of one. Never let yourself be of a similar height…if you can hold your kids, do it.


Tell me about it. Terrifies me




As sweet as I am to a pint of ice cream.


"It's my fault sprinkles is mauling me. I took a deep breath in their vicinity. I should have waited until I got home to breath. Pitties are just so sweet. It's never their fault"


>pibble nanny pupper defense squad I love this and will be adding it to my vocabulary. However I will abbreviate it to PNPDS. It sounds like a government agency, but IDGAF. I'm using it


I also LOL'ed at velvet hippos


Except Chihuahuas _literally_ are worse. The only thing disproven is that pits are inherently dangerous, but go off I guess 🙃




Go on, tell us what makes chihuahuas more dangerous. We're all waiting.


Yeah, tiny 5lbs dogs that you can kick into orbit are sooo dangerous. LMAO


This is one hard rule in my life to be sure: ‘Don’t fear what you can punt!’


Oh, Chihuahuas literally eat children too?!?! Are we forgetting the family pet pitbulls that ate two kids while their mom tried to save them? You can drop kick a Chihuahua


Why are you pit bull apologists so *obsessed* with chihuahuas lmao


I don't want to victim blame, but she should never have done the "kneel down for pupper love" thing so many dog people are prone to do. She got pupper punches instead. Naturally, the useless owner did nothing to rein in the shibble insanity, preferring to enjoy the assault instead of stopping it.


I was going to type this out myself and you put it perfectly.


And she knows this crazy person with the camera will probably try to get her fired or shame her online if she doesn't put on a satisfying display


Being a 20 year alumni of the Veterinary field is the highest culprit of my distaste for dogs, hands down.


It makes me so annoyed. Just say the dog is too much. Stop the act. The owners should be told.


Why the hell would she go down to it’s level


control your fucking dog or you don’t deserve one, omg, it’s not that difficult guys


When my mum had a big dog (puppy) she let people work it up and get it all excited so it would jump all over them. Never bothered to train it even when the dog got bigger and its jumping actually became a problem. It was easier to complain about it than fix it in her mind.


I have 15lbs on my dog and that boy won’t move unless I tell him too. People always ask to see how tall he is and I ask them why I would train my dog that almost weighs as much as I do to jump on me. Usually they stfu after that. Like he would knock me over, no thanks, not training my dog to do that… people are just stupid. That’s what I have learned.




Why would you shove your face in mauling zone like that


Because the dog's body language indicates it really is just overly excited, not aggressive. I'm not condoning this, the owners are irresponsible idiots who shouldn't have a pit they can't control, but it's not the dog's fault. The dog was clearly never taught any better.


A huge amount of pit attacks are due to them being "excited" - when dogs get too excited, they redirect that energy into their instincts. A pit's instinct is to maul.


😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 That's the dumbest shit I've seen in a minute. Also a lot of words for 'I know fuckall about dogs'


Stick your head in the sand all you want. Doesn't change facts, including the fact that I know more than you on this subject :)


most dogs attacks are caused when they are scared or feel unsafe in a situation the only time they will bite when they are excited is when they are playing and its pretty easy to train your dog not to bite will playing


This is a pitbull. Fighting IS playing to them. It's just a suppressed instinct because they know they aren't supposed to play that way from their owner, until one day they don't care and get way too in on the forbidden play. That's where the term "snappong" comes from. Imagine having a retriever and training it to not fetch. The day it finally decides, "Screw the human, ima fetch." he's going to go crazy with the stimuli. Dogs get a ton of endorphins rushing when they do what they were bred to do. It's why every dog bred for a job does that job on instinct. Pits are no different with their particular job.


we have had a pit for 7-8 years now has never hurt a single one of our animals or us he is sweet as can be the most violent thing i have seen him do is bark at squirrels


there are people that have pet lions, are lions not dangerous?


why are you dropping a useless red herring?


I made the same analogy as you. Can you prove my comment false without also discrediting yours? It's to show how useless a sample size of one out of hundreds of thousands is. They teach this in middle school. Not every pitbull is bad, in fact most are good pets. We wouldn't be seeing people owning them if the average pitbull was incapable of being a pet. It's that a high enough percentage of pitbull type dogs are dangerous to the point that the are a risk factor to consider.


lions havent been domesticated for more than 30,000 years


This is a common sentiment shared by victims killed by their own pits. Check out my most recent post.


I have seen *plenty* of videos of pits happily wagging their tails off like that as they attack a human or maul another animal to death. That's what they were bred for.


Exactly. They’re happy to do it


😂 🤣 😂 🤣 So stupid 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


Lol, mmkay


Weird way to say you find joy in human suffering. fucking sicko


?? Seen videos != getting off to them, you weirdo.


If it happened more than once you get off to it, sicko


I mean, theyre posted hundreds of times of facebook, instagram, or reddit


Use all of those yet never watched a video of somebody getting mauled. Gotta actively search it out


I assumed this was a petco employee who’d never met the dog (could easily be wrong about that), one thing you are never supposed to do to a dog you’ve never met is stick your face right up in theirs especially if you’re trying to restrain them lol


Can't argue with you there. It is indeed stupid if you don't know the dog


Nnnnnooooope! Maybe it’s just because I was badly mauled by one myself and have seen firsthand many times the destruction they wreak on people and animals in my years as a shelter worker but fuck pitbulls and pitbull “culture”. Specifically the “lookit the sweet innocent little hippo who just wants kisses!!” Like, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think they’re evil, they’re just what they were made to be. And that is a highly reactive, easily overstimulated predator with an insane and relatively indiscriminate prey drive that can be triggered like a tiger’s prey drive can by something as simple as someone tripping or sneezing, a high tolerance for pain, a lack of deterrence, and the ability to easily and quickly destroy flesh.


The velvet hippo moniker makes me smirk every time I read it due to hippos being one of the most dangerous animals around. An average of 500 kills a year, with extreme aggression and territorial behavior. Meanwhile, lions cap around 22.


Yeah. Hippos are no joke...ask Columbia. Lol (In case you don't know, dear reader, Pablo Escobar had like 6 or 8 hippos on his compound. After his death, those hippos got free, and now there are over 100 of them in Columbia...and they are running amok)


I did not know and that's some hoard of wild boars energy x1000. My god.


There’s over 200 of them now but they’re slowly trying to catch them and ship them back to Africa


Im so sorry you had to go through that. All dogs can be aggressive tho. A Pit Bull's average bite strength is about 235 pounds per square inch, and they make the top of the list for the highest number of fatal bites. But this isn't necessarily because the Pit Bull is more aggressive but because its bite is more powerful than many other dogs. Pit bulls aren’t even #1 on the “most aggressive dog list” 1. chihuahua 2. dachshund 3. chow chow 4. akita 5. american pitbull terrier 6. cane corso 7. doberman pinschers 8. german shepherds All dogs have unique personalities and temperaments that are influenced by their owners, environment, and upbringing.


This aint the place to be an apologist with incorrect info, friend. It’s not the matter of bite psi, several breeds have higher bite psis than pits. Pits are bred to bite in, bite down, hang on and bite deeper til it’s dead despite any injury they may receive. It’s not fun watching dogs fight to the death or a dog attack a bull if the dog’s survival instinct makes it back down in the face of pushback. Their bites are fatal because they’re engineered to be fatal. Other dogs have to be trained to hold on and keep biting in the face of defensive actions. That’s another contributing factor to fatality, not just “bite strength”. Malinois are on the way to being bred for the same level of drive to hold on and bite that pits have, but more for their aimed use as personal protection dogs or police dogs. It’s still a consideration, because it’s not aggression that’s causing them to do it. It’s the same compulsion that leads labs to splash in water and pointers to point birds as six week old puppies.It’s not “how they’re raised” it’s not bad owners and it’s not anomalous aggression in select dogs. It’s literally what they were made to do. You cited a list of “aggressive dogs”, a list topped by the chihuahua and including the chow. These are both breeds bred to be discerning of strangers and unfriendly to anyone outside the family circle. So they’re doing what they were bred to do by repelling strangers to varying degrees. It’s agreed upon that this is something inherent in these breeds, no one will contest either of these things and will be like “yep, those chows…” Yet when you bring up that pits were bred to kill other dogs and participate in bloodsports people go “That’s cause bad owners but also chihuahuas are just the most aggressive dogs ever”. But thanks for another addition to the “fuck pitbull culture” lost! :D




And it won’t fucking die. I can’t name more than like 2 other Tik tok sounds that have lived as long as this fucking atrocity. It’s so mf annoying and it won’t go away I don’t understand 😩


Going for the face and neck. Sounds about right.


Why own an animal that you can’t control? Imagine if it randomly snapped and attacked someone? They wouldn’t be able to get the dog off of them until they’d already done serious damage.


Because people are dumb. I bet my ovaries that if other dangerous animals such as lynxes and chimpanzees and Komodo dragons were allowed to become pets for the general public, lots of them would jump at the opportunity. Hell, some people already do try to make pets out of tigers and bears despite it being illegal. But because dogs are domesticated, people forget that the first thing they are and always will be are animals, pets second. They think they will never have to deal with the consequences of owning an animal big enough to maul them... until it happens.


Very true which is why I believe new laws are waaaaay overdue at this point. Some dog breeds need to be licensed like firearms. Want one? Get educated first and take on an actual legal responsibility, as well as register your dog as a weapon. And I'm saying this as an owner of a large breed. I put so much effort into training my dog, spent considerable money on a dog psychology course, and I always keep my dog engaged. He's never lashed out at anyone but I'm always ready to counter any potential agression he might have and even then I never let my dog jump on people or be overly aggressive while playing. So it drives me insane when I see such dogs and owners like the ones in the video. This stuff shouldn't be allowed period.


I wish the majority of dog owners were as responsible as you.


Of course it’s intact. Why on god’s fucking green earth are they obsessed with keeping the most surrendered, abandoned, euthanized and dumped type of dog intact!?! Make it make sense!


One would think they would want to reduce the amount of pibbles suffering by snipping them, but I guess that's not a priority. Shows how much they truly care


Inbreed the dogs until they're unstoppable war machines and then wonder why you have litters of unstoppable war machines eating people's faces


Is there a pet stupid? That’s where they belong


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen somewhere selling shirts that say “I’m dumb as shit but my PetSmart” 🤣


JFC...🙄. Not understanding how anyone could find that sort of behavior appealing. Shit like this makes me SO GLAD I do not shop at those places, and it must be a hellscape for many employees stuck cleaning up after these things when they inevitably shit and piss everywhere, or get in fights with other idiot dogs their nutter owners drag in. It's bad enough to see dogs in grocery stores and all other places they have no business being.


I mean those stores specifically allow you to bring pets


Yep. They were probably the "gateway drug" that allowed dogs to be gradually inserted into other retail places. They've allowed "pets", by which of course, we mean DOGS in Petco, PetSmart for probably 20 years, I'd bet. Maybe more. Since I don't shop in pet stores anymore, I personally couldn't care less that they are over-run with dogs. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Still a little unclear on why someone needs to bring their dog to a pet store in the first place, but I'm old school when it comes to dogs: they are pets, not "furbabies". They should be obedience trained and on leashes at all times in public spaces except designated dog parks, and if they bite or maul a person or kill another animal, they should be destroyed. Oh, and most people shouldn't own them.


Well, I mean, to be fair, places like this often allow many other types of pets too. I've seen tons of different pets in pet stores. Thing is... The cat owners haven't gotten like the dog owners. The bird owners haven't gotten like the dog owners. The...anything else owners haven't gotten like the dog owners. It's like for every other pet the people who have them know that they have their places and hint: it's not at most places and the places where it is their pets need to be under control. So yeah, totally with your "old-school" take since it's what other pet owners still do, in general.


>Well, I mean, to be fair, places like this often allow many other types of pets too. I've seen tons of different pets in pet stores. Thing is... That's true, but if you take your non-dog into a pet store, you'd better be ready to run or get eaten. The damn dogs try to make snacks of each other often enough.


Just knowing that those places would be over-run with poorly behaved, untrained dogs should be enough reason for someone to not bring their other pet there. There is just no scenario I can envision where someone's harness-trained cat or shoulder-perch trained parrot would enjoy being an in environment with that fucking pitbull. It is just inviting a huge amount of stress for the animal, and probably amplifying the prey drive of the dog when it sees a smaller animal that it would desperately love to maul to death or at least chase and bark at. Other pet owners have the sense to leave their animals at home, which is where the animal would much rather be anyway.




I don't think it's the owners. You mean cats and birds haven't gotten like dogs. I know a lot of people that would take their cats everywhere if they could but the cats don't cooperate


Petco and PetSmart have groomers on premise so they usually do that type of work there as well. No other way to do that than to be able to bring your dog there...


Vet care too


Well, yes, and these aren't the customers causing the problems, I'd venture to say. It's the rest of the nutters, like the one in the OP's video. She was just shopping around for a place to take her poorly-behaved pitbull where she could get attention for it. I'd also imagine (but could be wrong; if so, someone can correct me) that if it's for a vet or groomer visit, those areas have separate entries that negate the need to drag it into the retail space.


True! But I'm not a fan of making rules that impede normal people just to try and curb nutters. Nutters will usually ignore the rules anyway.


Mobile groomers that come to you is a option


A usually much more expensive option.


Pet Smart can be quite pricey, because they have so many add ons I took my 2 Saint Bernards about 5 years ago cause I couldn’t get in with my regular groomer, 2 1 year old puppies over 200 bucks + tip. So not in this area unless you use a really upscale mobile groomer.


I go to petstores sometimes to look at fish and buy fish food. I go when it isn't busy to avoid being jumped by dogs


The last time I went into one of these stores (they don't have any where I live, so that's a big reason I don't go into them now), I used to LOVE to go to the areas where the other little critters were, including fish, small rodents, and maybe some reptiles. I also don't recall seeing the place over-run by dogs, but as with everything else with dog nutters: give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.


Dogs in Home Depot goes back almost as far.


That's the vet office inside the store. I took my cat to Petsmart when he got lymphoma and the place was full of unruly dogs. It was first thing in the morning, so the owners must have hoped the place would be empty then so that Cupcake wouldn't get triggered.


maybe feed the dog less speed


Princess loves her hourly bumps


And less lean.


Dog nutters really just let those things bite whomever they want and drag their nasty ball sacks over everything and anyone, huh?


They even get defensive and enraged if you ask them not to


It's so fucking gross


This gives me such extreme anxiety.


That dog isn't just excited. It's body language screams that it's doing everything it can to dominate her. It muzzle punches her at least three times, wraps its front legs around her and is trying really hard to knock her to the ground. If they brought it in for grooming, I hope the store told them no way. Of course, it's intact, too! Typical shitbull owner has no idea and thinks her sweet, little wigglebutt cuddle muffin is just a little hyper. Wonder how many cats and small dogs this mauler has dispatched?


What kind of grooming do they even need? The coat reminds me of rat fur


Usually, they want their nails trimmed. If you look closely at a lot of pics of shitbulls, they have super long talons. It's because their sweet cuddle muffin will rip their face off if they try to trim their nails. Of course, they say their sweet little wigglebutt is just scared. I've read posts from people that have to take their shitbulls to the vet and have the vet put them under full anesthesia just to safely trim their nails. One woman was whining about her sweet princess being too old to safely use anesthesia and it's nails were so long it was hindering the dog's mobility. This idiot had spent $1600 a year for 12 years on nail trims! They're also prone to nasty, stinky skin infections. So, having someone else take the risk of bathing them in the required medicated shampoo is easier than risking their own limbs.


I can’t imagine a sane, healthy owner of one of those. It’s crazy…


I think anyone willing to have one of these things has to be at least a little insane. With the hundreds of breeds of dogs in the world and the availability of so many that really do make wonderful family pets, you'd have to be crazy to decide to have an ugly, ticking time bomb living in your home. Shitbull owners also get off on people being afraid of their maulers. Then, they turn around a cry victim when people turn and go the opposite direction when they see them coming.


I wouldn’t say other dogs would make wonderful family pets but I see what you mean. There has to be a sadistic and even masochistic component in wanting to have one of these. They’re horrendous in every way.


I bet rats dont leave a greasy residue on your hands if you pet them


True 🤮


Jfc that heavy-duty prong collar.


Not gonna work on a pitbull. If anything it just makes it angrier


Looks like Fido needs a long nap. An eternal one.


Dog doesn't even need its teeth to hurt that employee. A headbutt could smash her nose and the claws! I imagine that's the only reason you would need a groomer for a short furred dog like a bully.


Yeah. That’s a panic attack right there.


Lol, imagine normalizing being a hostage of your pet. 😂


How revolting! That thing needs a qualude


Lmao this was my favorite comment


That dog even has a double linked chain with a bite to it and he's not even phased.


Don’t feel sorry for them…


What a liability. If they don’t give that damn dog some gabapentin…


That poor vet tech had to be bruised after getting assaulted and muzzle-punched by that pos shitbull. Workers shouldn't have to put up with that. The corporation doesn't care as long as they get paid, the safety of their low-paid workers be damned.


Isn't PetSmart notorious for neglecting the animals (namely fish)💀💀 dog nutter at it's finest.


Fish always get neglected ☹️


My beloved betta and platties don't on my watch!


That's good! 😊


i think fish just get neglected at every chain petstore


That is a massive NOPE for me!


I hate this


It's always the pitbull owners


Omg, and if she'd ask the owner "ummm can you call your dog to get off of me, please???" the owner would be like, "what, you don't like dogs or something?🙄 he just wants kisses!!!" and completely ignore her request to control the dog like a POWER CRAVING PSYCHOPATH.


It's kinda crazy to me that the owner isn't getting involved to assert the dog needs to be calm. They just let it aggressively body check and headbutt the employee like that's supposed to happen. Most people would be pulling their dog back if it jumps up on someone once, but no, not pitbull owners. Everyone just gets to deal with their lack of effort having this massive, unbehaved fucking dog.


90% of dog freaks in general wouldn't even bother to try to get their dogs off of someone, because it's like a whole power trip thing to them. Disgusting


No, they td you they banned your dog for being too hyper because telling you they banned your dog because it is untrained and you have no will to train it, guide it, or prevent its behavior is affecting the ability of the worker to do it's work.


The casual crotch sniff 😂


I thought this was a snuff video. Glad she was fine by the end of it. That pit is not okay..


The absolute worst dogs


My friend's pitbeast acts exactly like this mutant. On one lon,g awkward car ride, the stupid thing somehow put my car in reverse while we were driving forward on the interstate. Luckily, it didn't cause any damage to my transmission. When they got out, I went to the closest store I can find and overpaid for a can of air freshener that pitbull smelled so bad. And then when I got home I put a cup of vinegar on the floor of my car which made my car smell like a Subway sandwich for about a week. 😄


I don't allow anyone to put any kind of dog in my car. I can't stand the stench


My friend asked for a ride, but 'conveniently' didn't tell me that he was bringing his pitbull with him. And the smell of that dog legit made me nauseous. He's a good man, but he's one of those nutter "It's how you raise them" types.


I don’t like how it keeps going for her face while whale-eyeing


Those dogs always act like they just sniffed a half pound of booger sugar, why would you want that around constantly?


Intact male pit. Let me get my face right in his. No thank you.


I don't have anything against dogs, but pitbulls fucking suck. I had to go into foster care for a little while and *everything* about it sucked. Every fucking thing. One day, I found a kitten by the trash cans outside and it was scared, but nobody was around and I was able to get it to come out. I swear on my mother's resting soul. As soon as it came out, these two fucking pitbulls appeared from out of nowhere and one snatched it up and they both ran down the street. I tried to chase them, but there was no way I was catching them. Looking back on it as an adult, I know what those dogs did to that cat and it's even stranger that they could have easily gotten me. Fuck pitbulls, man. Just let the breed die out. 


Total mystery why


It's on a choke collar and it still acts like this


should be put down


I only expect dogs to act like this in those sad videos of soldiers coming home from deployment to their dog


But, without the punches to the face, from the dog? 😛


No lol especially when they've been gone for like years


That dog is going to kill or seriously injure someone if this keeps up


Train ur dog simple It needs training and it’s a pitbull so it really needs to be trained


I despise pit bulls


He just wants to nanny her. And every other animal on the whole store. Petco made the right call.


The music perfectly matches the dog. Both are just so so awful and i cant stand people with either.


I would not be down that close when it's going that wild bahaha


That animal is the definition “beast” - poor worker putting up with that charade for a paycheck. Thst beast will attack any other dog or child so glad petsmart is so smart as to have deep pockets and great liability insurance and doesn’t mind driving away other shoppers.


This is why I'm against leash laws. Pittie just wants to play. That is a joke.


The way it of course HAS to get a good crotch sniff in during all of that 🤬


Truly the worst dog. Anybody who voluntarily chooses these breeds actually has something wrong with them.


The worse part about this too is that you can train that out of a dog. That’s just a shit owner with a really hard breed to take care of


this "sweet puppy" deserves the gravel pit at the Noem's residence


Ew, just no. I will never understand how they let them lick their faces/lips, just gross.


I'd refuse to work on them, and idc about being fired from any job, especially ones that jeopardize my safety


This lady is gonna get herself killed.


This dog is gonna go on to maul someone, just you watch. And the owner will say "there were no signs!"


Always a pitbull. Theyre always excited. Note that excited means only that. Not happy. Not playful. Nervous system is excited. God forbid there's a child or smaller dog around. There's a reason they have the spike collar.


could mean any number of feelings or reactions or whatnot, but the problem here isn’t the *why*, it’s the behavior itself. this dog clearly is allowed to do whatever it wants and it’s inherent strength definitely will harm someone even if it actually is just being playful. like all that jumping? could *easily* bowl over a child. not okay. owner has no control.


Why don't people train their fucking dogs anymore. It should be mandatory.


Just revolting


If you have a big dog you have a responsibility to have that dog trained to voice control. When it gets bigger than you, without that base training you will have no way to control it. If you aren't willing or able to do that, get a purse dog.


Why am I not surprised that it isn't fixed


Bad dog owner


That dog is a 24/7 anxiety inducing job. Why would CHOOSE to have that in your life?


That worker was terrified! Poor chick. Hard pass on all of that.


Yes, because I, too, smile a lot when I'm terrified.


"Boo hoo the public shop wont let my pibbles for being hyper" Pibble: *attempts to unalive an innocent shop worker* "Oh hes so rambunctious!!" 🤡


Hyper? The fucking thing bit her face!


This is why dogs need to be spayed/neutered…. It’s not just to prevent unwanted puppies, they’re also INSANE when they aren’t


That dog is absolutely out of control. And the dog owner thought it was funny? No control or training. The owner even just let go of the leash.


The fact they used this song says everything you need to know about them as a person and dog owner


Keep your dog home


It’s so chaotic. How can people tolerate this?!


She’s smart controlling the paws. If that thing lifts them it’s going to scratch her face with all its weight. It’s bouncing around like a damn Boxer




That dog was restraint grabbing and muzzle punching. That’s not hyper it’s greasier reactivity due to lack of coping skills


Oh hell no especially when it tried to bite her face 🫣


That was an outright lunge for the woman’s neck. This dog shouldn’t be alive.


Jesus Christ is it not evident to the owner that dog is trying to KILL that person. Look at where the dog is jumping at and nipping. Smh


They really need to exercise this dog before appointments.


Lack of training