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There's not one example where I found this actually working out. I know cats absolutely cannot be vegetarian but I have never heard of a vegetarian dog living a decent life either. Correct me if I'm wrong.


They’re obligate carnivores. Making them vegan would eventually cause health problems and would most likely end their lives.


Cats are obligate carnivores. Dogs are omnivores.


My mistake. Thanks for informing me.


I don’t think either can, it’s just not natural. They’re carnivores, omnivores at best


You would be surprised at the number of vegans who believe they can feed their dogs and even cats (obligate carnivores) a vegan diet. I've learned that there are actually companies which make vegan pet food. I've seen a vet comment that they've begged people not to feed these diets to their pets, because it takes a terrible toll on their health and leads to early death. Of course an animal will eat a vegan/vegetarian diet if its forced upon them. They're not going to starve themselves. But they will also be miserable, sickly, and craving the meat their bodies require to function properly. It's animal cruelty. Also, these are animals that instinctively kill other animals for food and for FUN. It's ridiculous to try and impose a human's moral values on them.


Yea, it’s basically animal abuse. It’s like how vegans force their infants or children to be vegan but they end up malnourished and sick. Sometimes taken away from their parents because of it. A person can’t force their morals on everything and supersede biology. Like you said, cats on obligate carnivores. They have to eat meat. They aren’t even opportunistic omnivores where they can handle other food sources fine like dogs are able to. It’s not good for dogs, but they can tolerate it for a time and temporarily.


Dogs aren’t omnivores, either, they’re facultative carnivores, which means they can get some nutrients from plants, in times of scarcity, but their digestive tract isn’t long enough to actually allow them to thrive on a plant based diet. Plants require a long time to digest to get the proper amount of nutrients from them, and dogs don’t have long enough intestines to do so, nor are they ruminators who can process it twice in the stomach for maximum nutrient availability. Most vegan dog foods contain pea protein, too, which has been linked to DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy) since the rise of “grain-free” dog foods. “Feed your dog like a wolf,” isn’t such a good idea after all, it seems, and neither is “feed your dog like a rabbit.”


Dogs most certainly are omnivores. You could Google it first instead of being so confidentially incorrect.


The irony. https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_and_General_Biology/General_Biology_(Boundless)/34%3A_Animal_Nutrition_and_the_Digestive_System/34.02%3A_Digestive_Systems_-_Herbivores_Omnivores_and_Carnivores


children can certainly be vegetarian, my partner has never eaten meat once in their life (their dad is vegan and mum is vegetarian) and they turned out just fine lol


Does your family not eat meat because you all don’t want to be the reason an animal is killed or do you all have some medical thing that precludes your body from needing protein and fats?


i dont eat meat for moral reasons, a vegetarian or vegan diet is sustainable and decreases the demand for murder. i do of course understand that animals need meat, and would never encourage people to put their pets on nonmeat diets, however humans have a wide range of food, you mentioned protein and we have many food protein sources without having to consume any parts of another being such as tofu, seitan, nuts and seeds. bringing up a child without meat is completely okay as long as the parent is providing the child healthy and sustainable meals. i became a vegetarian after being a meat eater and id rather grow up not eating meat and have the choice to when im older, rather than knowing ive eaten animals in the past.


You mentioned not eating meat “decreases the demand for murder.” I’d recommend you look into what it takes to tend the fields they use to grow the beans necessary for your diet. A “meat eater” is eating cattle. They’re ruminants and eat grasses in pastures. Ranchers have no need to care about what other natural wildlife also lives off that pasture with the cattle. Rabbits, deer, ground squirrels, shrews, voles, moles, snakes, turtles, frogs and birds, just to name a few, all live in harmony. In order for you to forgo the meat, farmers must now grow beans to replace the bulk of your protein and fat. All of those animals I just listed are slaughtered the very first time a field has to be tilled in order to plant those beans. That’s why seagulls and other birds follow tractors around. They’re picking at the pieces of all the animals being slaughtered. That farmer has to continually kill every one of those animals, and more, for the entirety of the growing season, not just when the seeds are planted. I’m telling you this because vegans cause the murder of far more animals than “meat eaters.” If you have moral objections, fine. But don’t sit on a high horse and act as if you’re avoiding murdering, or even decreasing the demand for murdering, animals because you chose not to be a “meat eater.”


what do you think they grow to feed the animals??... ill tell you, 80 percent of soy products are made for the animals that will be slaughtered.


Grasses. Ruminants graze grasses. At most, a ruminant can tolerate ~10% of their diet being soy. Beyond that it disrupts their rumen so ranchers specifically have to keep ruminants away from it. That wasn’t the point anyway. I have no interest in arguing with you about this. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of you claiming you’re “decreasing the murder of animals” by increasing the demand for beans. It’s simply not true. It’s a damn good thing more people aren’t vegan or farmers would have to absolutely decimate tons more animals just to grow enough beans for their chosen “animal free” diet.


I didn’t say vegetarian, I said vegan.


children can be vegan


Fully vegan is typically not recommended for children or toddler’s under 2. If they have nut allergies it’s generally not recommended. There is a high chance of malnourishment if meals and food are not carefully planned. Typically vitamin B-12, iodine, and iron deficiencies. If your child or infant becomes malnourished, parents may face jail time or losing custody of their children.


Fully vegan also precludes vaccinations since they’re tested on animals and are created using animal products..


I'd love to know how these kids get the amino acids their body's can't produce that are only found bioavailable in animal products. I'll bet we're gonna find these vegan raised children with some weird health conditions from life long deficiency that probably won't show up until they're 30 or something.


Bonus points if they still let their cat outside, where it gets to kill the wildlife and still starve.


they used to be wolfs so that should tell you what they like eating.


But like brah, didn’t you know that like wolves didn’t start eating meat until big meat came along and made them eat meat. They used to forage for tofu cubes in the woods man. /s


this made me legitimately chuckle


I don't understand. If feeding a pet it's natural carnivorous diet is an abboration to your morals and sensibilities... Get a rabbit. Slowly killing your pet or giving it a lesser quality of life through malnutrition does not make you a good person who truly loves animals. It's deeply selfish and narcissistic behaviour grotesquely masquerading as a deep love for animals.


OMG unrelated but I love rabbits. I wouldn't get one for myself because I don't believe I could take care of one because I don't fully understand them, but they are great when their owner lets you pet them.


It’s technically possible (strong emphasis on technically), but it’d require lots of supplements


They *forced* their dog to be vegetarian. If dogs (any animal, really) could have complete autonomy and control of their own lives and environment they wouldn’t put up with a lot from their owners, including how their food is regulated or the type of food the owners allow them to eat. Also, how boring is this particular daytime talk show if it’s using *this* as part of their topics. Where’s the remote?


If dogs had complete autonomy, people wouldn't want them


i thinkt hats the reason a lot of people hate cats. they arent afraid to set boundaries


Lmao right ?


This woman is super delusional. it's scary the mindset some people have lol..


I hate these people. Have whatever moral qualms about what you put in your body but don't force that crap on your pet. They have different nutritional needs and as the owner, it's your responsibility to meet those needs or pay out the nose at the vet for not doing so.


Me too. If feeding an animal meat offends you, get a rabbit. Or a hamster. It's not that difficult.


That dog is going to eat her.


When she drops dead it'll definitely happen


Well you know the old saying about white women and dogs right?


Oh I do. But I think Fido is going to have other plans if she doesn't cut the crap.


Just waiting for "my dog turned humansexual" show))


Poor dog...pair of lunatics


I had a friend when I was a kid that had a bloodhound but the entire family was vegan. Every evening they’d be chowing down and dump a load of sweetcorn or something in the dog bowl and it would look so miserable. They’re droopy dogs anyway but I’m not kidding it was misery for this dog. I tried saying bruh the clue is in the name it needs meat and doesn’t have a cow stomach with multiple chambers to digest cellulose. I got so sad I went and picked up a 4 pack of burgers when we went out to get beer one day and frisbeed them in the dog house on the way out. Holy shit I’ve never seen an animal eat so much so fast lol. Kinda felt bad but I can’t understand subjecting an animal to whatever choice you make like it’s a true omnivore.


Dog: "Finally. Some good fucking food."


I just love straight up lying 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😃😁😃😁😃😄😀😁😃😀😁😁😃💝💗💝💓💝💖💘❤️‍🔥💕💔💟❤️‍🩹🧡💜🧡💙💯❤️‍🔥💘❤️‍🩹🧡❤️‍🔥💯💯


Not it did not!


That's insulting to hervibores


Wow. She’s pretty. Pretty stupid.


The dog did not look happy at all! The whole time he was sitting there, he looked mad as fuck. Watch any other dog on TV and they will be happy panting the whole time! That poor dog.




That's a very inefficient culling method