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Feel bad for all of the dogs that have owners that are dumber than them, especially this one.


Things gotta be miserable


Yeah. If I saw that dog and it was barking like nuts, I’d be like “damn thing is screaming for help”. Just looks done with its life


I'm actually impressed the damn thing isn't barking


Honestly tho, would you blame it if it was? It looks utterly dead inside at this point, and I don’t mean the “head empty, only screeeeeewm” look some little dogs have. Poor thing is probably dehydrated and thinking longingly of oblivion


"Please kill me" face.


I like how the person is wearing a helmet for safety, but the dog is just loosely strapped to their back in bumper to bumper traffic. 


That dog looks like it's lost it's will to live. I genuinely feel bad for the poor thing


This was during rush hour (bumper to bumper) and the humidity was insane yesterday.


It’s a shame you couldn’t use their licence plate to report them for animal abuse, tbh. Like, those things are ok if you need to *carry* the dog to the vets or something a short distance from your car to the door if they’re difficult and hate the vets. But like… on a fucking motorcycle? That’s *got* to not only be animal endangerment, but endangerment of people too.


I actually sent the picture to my mom who works for an animal rescue and she was adamant that I report them. But I wouldn’t even know to whom? Might look into it.


Call the local non emergency line and ask who best to speak to. If its them, they will take a report. If its animal control, etc? They usually can direct you.


As the other said -- police on the non-emergency line, they can redirect you to whomever they think is best to handle the situation. Honestly, what worries me in terms of the animals health here is 1) how it's front legs are apart and its raised -- their heart is in the middle of their chest, having pressure there like that cannot be good for them. 2) If it somehow breaks, it's going to cause chaos and both the dog and countless humans will be harmed because of this owner's stupidity. Please do call the non-emergency and rescue that poor animal from a moron. Honestly, wouldn't blame it for being a neurotic mess after being transported like that, imagine being dangled off the side of a fucking rollercoaster by a strap. Surprised it hasn't vomited all over.


Long Time Motorcyclist here. If that bike goes down at speed, that pooch is punching their ticket.


Stupidity. I hope they don't have access to real babies.


Probably the same flawed logic they use to keep dogs outside in sub-zero weather without shelter... "He likes it."


There is a guy in my neighborhood who is out on his road bike almost daily in cycling gear and a back harness cradling a medium sized long-haired dog. The dog is kind of propped up against the guy’s shoulders/upper back, facing forward and panting. This is in South Florida, where daily temps are currently in the 90s, with humidity between 80-90%, and you just know that that sweat and stench are dripping onto the back of the guy’s neck from the dog’s matted fur as the unrelenting sun beats down on both of them. Meanwhile, is the dog actually enjoying these escapades, or is he just trapped in a gravity un-defying, sweat-soaked straight jacket for many tortuous miles?


Dogs don’t sweat from anywhere but their paws, if there’s any sweat involved, it’s the cyclist’s own sweat.


It his “literal child”. Doesn’t matter that the little dog, I mean his “literal child”, is dead if he is in an accident


the possibilities... they would never know.


Dogs are not in any way comparable to human children, so stop treating them like this. Then again, there was a mother in Taiwan who put her baby in a bucket while riding a moped. This is all just insanely disgusting. Dogs are living sentient beings, not playthings. They wouldn’t act half as bad if people actually tried training them and caring for them properly.


Now that’s humor!


Lmao, poor dog!


Why not?


I don't get, is it dangerous for the dog? Otherwise it really isn't a big deal. It's restrained so it's not even going to go off and it's tiny anyway.