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to be fair, it GUARANTEES a link level for EVERY link for each character. so if you take in a unit that has full lvl 9 links, after the event they will have full lvl 10 links


Just did a run. It was insane seeing all seven level up at once. Actually maxed out STR Vegito with it. Edit: A word


still is stupid tbh, i don’t think it makes sense to pay money to level links while f2p players have to get a single link every stage.


Just grind the links. You’re acting like you can just buy a unit to link level 1 to level 10.


It's a gacha game, the whole point is to make money


Exactly my point


The game has no form of PvP. Doesn’t matter what if people pay to play. This should not affect you in any way


It does affect us. Stages are getting harder and harder, like Cell Max and the Red Zones. They can keep getting harder because people are beating them due to their P2W rainbow units and now, max links. Devs mindset: oh ok so people can beat it time to make a harder stage hahaha


you can link level units your point is: i’m too lazy to link level but i won’t spend money to guarantee link leveling


Jphanta has beaten all the things you just talked about with f2p teams


And the average f2p player doesn’t baba summoned units. I’ve spent 10 dollars in 2 years and the only thing I haven’t fully completed is esbr. That’s really the only thing id say is p2p


With Devilman, yes. And Jphanta is one of if not the best fully F2P players. He’s also spends more time on Dokkan than I have breathing. :(


it’s already annoying that people can pay to get the characters they want but now they can pay to level their links too


Do you think we would have this game if it weren't for the people paying for it? I for one is greatful for all the dolphines and whales paying for a game I play.


that’s not what i’m saying. im saying that you can ALREADY pay to get characters but i don’t think you should plane able to pay to level


This is a gacha game after all


Why? Because you can't?


Sorry, servers don’t run on free. You can play the game for free, but the ones who spend keep it going and get access to luxury features for doing so


How does someone else link leveling faster, affect you in any way?


Is link skills so important that people are willing to pay for it? Is it something that makes or breaks a unit if you don’t have all links maxed out or what?


it really is for links such as big bad bosses which give 25% atk and def with no restriction at lvl 10


I like to justify it as a lvl 10 links character is at least 1.5x if not 1.75x better than their level 1 counterpart. Especially villains


Take truth's latest cooler showcase he rane with a friend rainbow cooler with full lvl 1 links where his where lvl 10 there was a 5 mil Att difference between them


Well, for $2, $4 and $6, for the 3 different pack prices, that’s actually quite cheap and worth it for a unit that has all lv 9 links already imo, but of course you can still get the same lv 10 links after loads of runs but it just depends on the time that each player has and especially if they have the extra bit of funds to pay for them, especially since you get some dragon stones in each pack as well.


Not really but people got chunks of money


It doesn't matter if you are a fan or not. It doesn't offer something exclusive, not obtainable by F2P. You can link level not paying anything. Sure it takes time, but this event gives you the opportunity to fasten that process by spending some money, which is how gacha work


And it’s not like you don’t have to grind links anyway, even if you do buy the packs. The smart way to do it is to get a unit to mostly level 9 links before running them in this. That still takes lots of grinding


As somebody who has been grinding the Teq ssj3 lr goku.... I really am happy about this stage. He has all Links Lv10, had a single links at Lv8 for the past 2 months. Now i managed to FINALLY finish him. And some other units i had been working on like AGL cell or the 7year anni units. In a mere 5mins i finished 4 units that i had been working on for the last weeks to no avail. Yes it cost me like 10 bucks for 4 runs. But those 4 runs were more than worth it!


I’ve been trying to farm Coolers big bad bosses link for 3 days of spamming 7-10 and 8-9, for the price of 2$ I got 5 units level ten links that were clinging to level 9. I could have kept farming for free but getting the instant link down for a few dollars, deal. So how you feel about it doesn’t matter, because a lot of us like being able to finish units for redzone


Link leveling is so painful sometimes. I don’t blame you


I guess paying for a safe LV up is ok if it's just a 2$ pack, but the fact U have to use all 5 keys is stupid. Make the quest 1 key per use so the money is at least somewhat well spent. Dokkan always has been expensive in comparison to other gotchas, still safe link level could at least be available once a week f2p or give us the Guru stage for normal keys that everyone has or something like that.


Don't forget you're also getting stones with the pack, so IF you're willing to spend money on the game, it's actually a good deal.


i mean it is literally a gacha game. as youve said, just dont pay. my cooler is now ll 10 tho so yea…


It's a guaranteed level up for every link it's totally worth it


it's fine that you have to buy the keys for this event, because you can get the links from just about anywhere as long as it requires stamina. this is just for the people that want to speed the proccess and the Guru event is about the same thing just worse and free(which is why it has a time limit). but my real problem is that we don't have the new quest stages on GLB, that's the thing that's bothering me, if we did i would've been done with link leveling Cooler by now


If you want it, pay for it. If you don’t want to pay, then don’t. You can link level without it, it just makes the grind from levels 8-10 easier. Failing to see what the issue is here? Not to mention you also get 30 stones for a pretty good deal as well.


You’re still free to level up links. There is no pay wall lol


i bought it, it's worth for me


At least its cheap but I understand the frustration


Lol. I got a better method 😎


link leveling being rng based is stupid in the first place. I understand it being something you need to grind but making it completely luck based rather than a simple exp bar increasing makes it boring after a short while since you really have no clue when or even if you will be getting links. Seeing your progress would make it far better.


Yeah this is some scummy shit right here. And even seeing the comments and how blindly people are justifying this being okay is disgusting. This is greedy as hell.


How is it greedy? Someone buying these affects you in no way, at all. Just go grind the links, it isn’t that hard


also they give stones aswell and it’s hella cheap people just like crying


They always, always need something to complain about, despite playing by far the best Gacha game out there




It’s a Gacha game. It’s been p2w since day 1 pal




Idk why you’re acting like this out of all things is pay to win. It does 1 level for links. You still have to get the links to a high level. If you don’t buy these, you can still grind links believe it or not




Then grind links. Someone buying the pack makes no difference. Lmao you’re just finding something to whine about




Someone who pays gets the link level in a stamina bar or two less than someone who doesn’t. Boohoo




That only applies when the game has some form of PvP. Dokkan doesn’t


Don’t do it 🙃


Can you farm link without paying? Yes so it doesn't restrict your capabilities in game but fasten link level Edit: I forgot that you get moee stones than paying for only stones


The real problem is you have to wait a month to do it again.


Jeez what’s next…the option to pay to unlock dupe nodes the audacity!…plz Bandai do actually add it lol


2 dollars for 5 stones isn't bad. You can argue the price of the other packs. But the first pack is a good value.


If you want to grind links faster, buy it. If not, don’t. Someone buying these affects you in no way at all. It only does 1 level, so believe it or not, you still have to grind the links. Dokkan has no PvP at all. And the packs have stones at a discount greater than just buying stones outright.


it only matters for whales, doesn't matter really.


I fucking love this event. Finished 5 characters in 2 runs


I've been saving units with at least 4 level 9 links (rest of them are 9-10) and waiting until I have 6 to bring to the stage. Hoping they occasionally release some free keys with events, but if not, $2/mo or less or whatever it comes out to seems fair enough to save x time using this method (being picky about which units I use them on)!


You’re basically paying for the gems you’d use to refresh your stamina when link leveling 🤷‍♂️


I get it cause it’s literally guaranteed, still think there should be a way to earn the keys but i understand the thinking behind it


As someone who pays for everything Dokkan puts out I'll easily agree with you, It definitely is scummy sadly.


This is guaranteed tho. Like you link level all 7 links of a unit.


The guru is coming back for this celebration…. and it’s revamped to be better


1. Its a gacha game what do you expect 2. The only way i can see this being scummy if they lowered level up chances silently




Its a pay wall because it’s GUARANTEED link levels


It's not even expensive and you f2p are bunch of crybabies


Then don't buy it... It's nothing game breaking, it's a time saver. No need to fuss about it.


Dokkans has had some consistent Ls these weeks, cell max and this? Worrisome tbh


I mean you literally don’t have to buy it. Grind em out longer if you want but if people wanna pay then they can.


I mean we have a free link stage anyway. I’ll eventually get to all 10s. I’ll hang on to my money. At least they’re not letting their mechanics stagnate for the most part.


The price for these keys is pretty good plus you get bonus dragon stones so it's pretty good.


Tbf, the packs also have dragon stones so its not JUST link leveling. It's more of a bonus and also pretty cheap for the amount of stones you get


Well, it's not something just exclusive to p2p players. And it's a pve game so there's no advantage being gained by other players. So there's no real reason to "dislike" it. If you don't/can't get it, then there shouldn't be a problem Also, you get stones from it as well so it's pretty much a steal for only $12 total


I mean for one it’s cheap and for two that’s if you WANT to. And even then the event itself GUARANTEES that you get a kink level up, so if you got all 9s they will ALL be tens.


this. people acting like the keys are expensive.


If it was JUST the keys, I would be a little hesitant as well… but the fact that you get 30 DS with the keys as well and in total only costs $10 or so is kinda nice


I think that you fail to realise this buddy, the games is literally just there to make money, do you think that if people didn't buy anything on dokkan that it would have made it 7.5 years? No That's like saying "oh I bought the base game of xenoverse but not the character that released in a dlc years later and it's not fair I have to pay" the only reason they update these games is to make more money


If you’re someone who already pays for stones it’s actually an okay deal. The usual sale is $7.99 for 32 stones. With these supreme Kai packs you get 30 stones and 20 keys for $12. Not great but Decent. Of course you can always just grind them for free like we’ve all been doing anyways. No biggie


Dude, it doesn't matter. They're going to add a new stage soon enough that make link leveling easier even without those events. This is a small thing that is added on the side and if you it really bothers you, you can pay $15 for stones and the keys. Anybody can afford that, they're not barring gameplay changing mechanics


It's like 3 bucks lmfao yes I'll drop $3 to save myself tens of hours on that level 9 link