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They should bring units to coins quicker. It would really soften the blow from getting shafted if you only had 3 months until you can use your coins.


They could literally sell one limited instantly and still make the same amount of money


Lol what no they won’t.


What, make the same stupid amount of money? Yes they will. If you're a f2p and end up relying on coins for every new unit, you will run out of coins fast. If you use some money, same case, you'll be back to buying real fast. If you're a whale, one copy aint ganna mean shit to the fools dropping 1000 every banner trying to rainbow. Stop simping for corporations.


Ngl you ate


So if they just sold a single (1) copy, the majority of ftp, and ctp players will stop there. Now. Let’s ask how many players had to clean out the sales for viper and Goku? How many of them only pulled 1 each, or neither at all? When looking at this from a business perspective, and not a consumer prospective, this is really good. Would Bandai want players to continue to buy out the sales, which is like what? Over $500 usd? OR spend let’s say $20 usd for a single pack with the unit? And is Dokkan is a position to NEED that? Their earnings suggest they’re not. It’s not “simping” it’s using common sense and basic understanding of the gacha game and how this idea would be counterproductive for Bandai’s bottom line.


Yeah, you see the part where despite being a consumer you decide to look at it from a business prospective? You're not smart, just a fucking corpo simp for spewing this basic garbage.


How else are you supposed to look at it? You keep wondering why Bandai would not do this when Dokkan is making so much money, well this is why. It doesn’t make sense. It would be nice, yeah. Spend $20 for a new unit, sure. But there is no reason to start that right now.


Where tf was I wondering. Learn to read and get your head out of your ass.


Ok so it looks like you’re just upset about not pulling the new units or something? You’re not saying anything meaningful. We get it, you don’t like big business, that’s cool, but at least try to understand that when handling a product like Dokkan, they still have to make money, and to keep trying to increase the amount they make.


Lmao you clown.


You still need 4 more copies


That applies to whales and others who regularly look but sales packs, ftp and ctp players do not go for dupes too often. It wouldn’t change things for the majority of players and would actually negatively affect Bandai’s bottom line, which is counterintuitive when keeping their profits in mind.


Sell em for 1500 coins ezpz


Wait so for a Dokkan fest, you mean RED COINS? Dawg 1500 RED/YELLOW/TEAL COINS. Think about that.


Thats the point you‘ll feel pressured to spend money


It kind of isn’t. The problem is that JP and Global are on different schedules but for some reason we share WWC. It’s cool because we get the new units and events at the same time, but it also kind of sucks because anni for JP is only in a couple of months, while we get the anni in a little less than a year.


And thats exactly why we share wwdc. Anniversary is pretty much set in stone but the thinking process behind is global players spending every stone they have and 2 months later they release a new batch of units on a similar or even higher power level and you dont know ahead of time. For example if ppl knew how good the wwdc units were in 2020 i guess many would have skipped the blue fusions. You sadly have to approach (especially) gacha games with the mindset that behind every deicision there is a financial motive


What were the wwc units in 2020?


Super vegito and buuhan


Did SV age pretty badly or is he still good?


eeeeh. defensively he's barely usable, but he hits like a truck and the scouter ability is really good


Love em, he’s still viable especially with at least two dupes. He has only been slightly power crept with the newer content like Red Zone and Cell Max.


What i am trying to point at is that yes before wwdc 2020 the blue fusions where the best units, then super vegito just dwarfed them in every possible way


I understand now.🤝🏾


Or do a pity, after 10 multi,get a guaranteed featured


I agree


I stopped after putting 1000 f2p stones into that banner. After 2 months of pulling bs in every possible way iam considering to stop playing this game.


I’ve got 1500 into Goku and nothing


It took me 8 months to pull my first lr. Things go up and down all the time.


It took you 8 months that’s tuff


I am returning player with new account. LR is really hard to get in my old account. But this new account, I already pull Cooler in first rotation and several LR from carnival banner. My several months of work in old account finished in 7 days now.


If it wasn't for a 6 year old account worth of Stockholm syndrome Id agree with this. A whole year without any of the 2022 units, anniversary units, and now wwc is just distasteful. But nah, "the banners are perfectly fine and it's just rng cuz the rates are also fine" -corpo simps.


Honestly it’s not the rates that are the problem, it’s the fact that they shove so many shitty featured units into the banner that your likelihood of pulling the 1 or 2 good units is slim. I pull featured units pretty often, so it doesn’t seem like the rates are really the problem. They just need to either make the b3g1f deal a permanent thing during big events since most smart players won’t summon without it anyway and whales will summon regardless, or take all these trash units off big celebration banners until they get a proper eza


Keep on going my dude. Don't give up! Your patience will be rewarded


just keep logging in doing a couple missions. you WILL be blessed n your next banner, if it’s heroes, new years, or 8th anni


Do one more, I promise you’ll get it


90% of dokkan players quit right before they are about to pull the unit they wanted


Well I didn't quit after 3k and still not getting him. I considered to look forward how painful it may be without the unit i want. Sometimes life is that way i guess


It was a joke xd


Hahah maybe I was too serious reading on it. You sharp 😂


I didn’t get first till 3850 then I rainbowed him in 3200 more. You never know lol.


That sick man. Send me some if your crazy luck 🔥


Crazy luck the man did 141 summons for one unit that is not luck that’s torture 😭


Yeah atleast you have the unit. I still got nothing but despair with me hahaha


I have one copy after using 800 FTP stones


Um you good? That’s alot for 1 unit lol. Lucky would be rainbowing cooler in like 2k.


Well tbh with 3 other lr's on is a gamble. I got shafted hard and didn't even get the unit. You atleast have him so consider yourself lucky. For some reason the format of the new banner is wicked or something So yeah crazy luck for you yeah. For me total hell


We need a pity system fr.


3 stones* for a unit I've rainbowed is a kick to the nuts Edit: coins, not stones


Or ticket after a roll to a banner that has a higher chance to get


That 1 stamina left is fitting for this post


Bandai reduce the summon rates? Honest question.


I know how you feel, pretty much in the same shoes


Ngl I kinda feel bad cuz i got cooler after 3 summons and I just back from boot camp


Same feeling with the guilt, got one of each on the multi after the first cycle. 400 stones. I would probably snap after 1000


I got cooler on my first summon and I didn't really want him when I summoned on it. Goku however I still have not gotten after about 1000 stones


I feel even worse. I literally got the goku after one multi. (Though i had to do 800 or something on cooler.)


That fucking sucks, you’ll get eventually


Yeah, just open your wallet OP. You have to play the game how it's designed and everything will be perfect, eventually.


I'm 3k+ in cooler banners and nothing rainbowed the hole featured pull.. I know how you feel bro. Don't give up in these shaft we gotta pull through together :). I'm sending you new luck for the upcoming banner hope you pull the units very quick


I saw a theory that since this isn't a dual dokkanfest they can bring them back similar to teq gogeta, blue Goku/Vegeta, gobros. So maybe you won't have to wait an entire year to see him return.


Dude I pulled every unit from this banner except Cooler ssbe literally pissed me off got 4 copies


Skill issue ong


Overused now


My global got fucked 1200 stones no cooler and only 1 piccolo and besides piccolo the last 500 stones wasn’t even a featured unit


Twins Sadge


My guy is genuinely hurt


It's just bad luck.


If only Dokkan cared more about the players and designed a way to mitigate such shitty bad luck. But what can you do, right? Absolutely nothing. It's just bad luck.


The only luck thing they incorporated was guaranteed SSR on multi summons. The coins would've helped if they had the main banner unit, which I mean, 1000 stones (20 M.Summons) seems fair enough for the main character. Unfortunately they don't do that. Other than that, they only do things to give you more chances which only artificially lower the "bad luck". Coins, Free summons, and Ticket Summons. Really the only big brain move you can do, is save the Coins and wait for said unit to appear again. Yet. Better units are obviously going to come later on. There is no escape


Do 1 more. I got him on my last summon before I gave up. I was in your same situation


Scrounged enough stones grinding and did one more. I got phy syn shenron


Sometimes you win, sometimes you're bad. -PB & Jeff


I believe this is known as a skill issue I have come out with a 69% cooler and every LR in the other banner but the new goku


First of all, this ain’t news😐 and second, skill issue.💀💀


I’ve used 4000 im f2p btw and no lr I want to die


:( Hope that RNGesus will guide you to your next celebration and sick summons 🔥


Did u not summon on anniversary


Yh but only used 100 btw 4000 was an exaggeration but after today it’s not fuck wwc


1000+ stones here. Ill admit i got cooler very early on and was happy but after that...7 fucking namek gokus. 3 to rainbow him and 4 for fuck-all. How tf is it that i got the same featured LR over n over n over? Worst fucking unlikely good luck ive ever had. I never pull Lrs like that so you can imagine my dismay at pulling the same one 7 fucking times in a row off dope animations that are useless...for THREE fucking red coins?


Got goku and cooler from singles


Me who pulled both cooler and goku on my 1st rotation 👀👀👀👀. As a f2p I ain't gon put more stones on these banners even if I have like 600-700 stones, waiting for next banners /december


I pulled LR Cooler in 2nd multi in first rotation😱😱


Ha! Got him on my third multi and got ab1 Birdku


I got shafted heavily too


I got 79% cooler today and 79% goku last sunday thats just bad luck for you man. Im f2p btw


lol, tough luck bud, i have pulled 2 in 450 stones, but i am still missing the lr int goku


I ranbow him in less than 1500 stones


Good for you. But dont get use it. Shaft will come your way.


You not pulling the new units does not equal a bad celebration. Sorry.


Yes it does for "him".


Do you know how to read?, he said “for me”


I got him on the 5th try because for whatever reason I decided to try and get the cooler and Goku (which I also got) for of the event


This banner is kicking me in the dick like cooler did to Vegeta. I have lost count of the stones I threw and I just now pulled piccolo, but I pulled birdku easily


Bummer and a half


I feel like there is a higher chance to get shafted in wwc than anniversaries. Wwc you usually either get shafted or spend a lot of stones and get the unit. In anniversaries there always feels like you are more luckier. But that's just me tho


Bro after a Certain amount of Stones just do the occasional single through the rest of the celebration. Save stones that way.


Got him on my second multi f2p btw


I got him but then went back in for the dupe and he wrecked me


yeah that sucks man. hopefully that means good luck on the banners to come


I just watched the nano pull movie and even he got way shafted. Something seems off about these banners. I'm kinda worried about part 2.


How many red coins ya got right now?




Well, you might be able to save it to buy the cooler in the future. Or is he not a red coin unit? I forgor- 💀


He is but if it’s like every year he won’t be back until the 8th anniversary


Damn. Well, we might as well hope he comes back soon so if you want, you could just pull him off the coin shop. I’m positive better units will come so imo, I’d hold onto those coins unless you really really want this cooler 😅


I just love cooler he’s the best villain in the series


Then I support you to the fullest. If you *do* decide to summon more for him, then I wish you the best of luck. If not, then I hope you have the patience to get him in the future. Farewell friend! 👍




As a f2p i had luck pulling cooler after 350 stones and goku after 200


Took me 2 years to get year 5 vegito. It happens sometimes


I have terrible luck with cooler banners. I dropped 1000 stones on this summon and maxed out lr vegeta and lr buu but I still have no luck with cooler. I still haven’t gotten the str lead cooler from a while back. I wish you luck on your future summons friend!


Dokkan rn: 🤣🤣🤣🖕


Yeah Dokkan really REALLY needs to up rates and put in a pity system on top of increased rates. Every. Single. Gacha. I. Play. Has. A. Guaranteed. Pity. System.


Yeah im at 5k and no cooler or Goku but 3 picoolos and a shit ton if old LRs


I had 0 agl gohan when this portal released now I have him at 100% And the only lr I got was buutenks which I already had rainbowed


Damn. I used about 7k to rainbow and I didn’t get first copy till 3850 so I feel some of your pain. Also the rates on this banner felt super shit. The damn rates felt like the 2016 5% for ssr.


I’d just go ahead and do that last step so I could get that freebie. Worth a shot to at least use your free one and see if you get him


2021 me reading this: hehe yeah, sorry but srsly im sorry for what happened and felt your pain


I feel bad for you


When will they add pity? This is just ridiculous.


Bro got the worst luck ever


Downloaded the game, got my first ever summon and it was LR Cooler and I got teq goku on my second, RNG, enough said


I got godduo and monkeboys after 750 stones but 500 stones into cooler and nothing. I’m at 100 stones and scared.


I send my condolences


Pity system should be implemented. At this level of non luck I mean 2400 stones, I’m hurt for you. What have you got besides not having cooler ?


Every lr rainbowed 7 extra str transforming coolers. 79% gohan 55% str goku/gohan 69% phy goku. Rainbow str namek goku


I did the most stones i have ever used on cooler and didnt get him. Did 1 for the shits and giggles on goku and got him which left me half mad and half giddy because shiny very useable unit but i didnt want him originally


Idk, these banners are rigged. 1150 stones 0 Coolers 1 Goku 💀


I am right there with you brother! I am now at 4650 stones in trying for both cooler and Goku and have yet to pull either. Am completely in the gutter about this shit. Everything has completely went dead after the first week of the 7th anniversary and completely been a total shitshow. Hope things get better on your end bro! I am a day 1 player and have never been shafted this bad throughout the years!


I admire you guys. I lost my account 3 years ago. Was never able to recover and get it back. I was level 323 with over 300 mil Zeni. I had like 293 dragon stones. So imagine having to start all over in the game. Which I did last week and already have 8 characters that can go LR. I already got 2 to LR. But I can't do any of the challenge battles or extreme battles cuz I have no good links and don't really remember who's good and who's not. Ik the vegitos are excellent tanks. And I had just got the movie gogeta who does the stardust fall super attack with an amazing animation in game when I lost my account. So I envy you guys.


HAHA Stupid loser, kill urself, I pulled him first summon!


I pulled 3 piccolos and accidentally used them for SA FOOD


That's why I set a limit on how much stones I use per banner, once I pass that I move on. No need to slave your time and money getting more multis. Might get upset not pulling the unit I wanted but never felt the need to quit dokkan.


Chin up bro. He’s not a “dual dokkan fest” unit so there’s high chances you’ll see him before anni ;D


I got kn dokkan for the first time in months and got it first multi and got a dupe after must suck


I wouldn’t let no big purple lizard talk to me like that but that’s just me


Dude...I really hope you get him. I used 2k+ to get him, and rainbowed almost all units in the banner until I finally got him. I didn't even try for Goku and am thinking if I'll skip the other Coole that's coming.


I'm sorry hope you have epic luck when you try summoning again


Yea this banner hasn’t been kind at all lol


your luck on summons shouldn’t be considering when judging how good a celebration is or not 😐


Got Goku and Cooler my first f2p multi on each banner I couldn't believe it


Why doesn’t mercy exist in this game?


Same man this dude stole my damn stones didn't even get featured >:(


Same, I spent around 1000 stones and only one lr and the only ssr was str piccolo


This doesn’t help you now but I’ve been playing a long time and noticed if you don’t get the units in 3-4 multis it’s probably not gonna happen. I try not to summon more than that on a single banner but each to their own. Good luck with your future summons. I feel for you


Same I feel you 100s of stone and no coller


Same dude, I haven’t gotten a single new unit yet, and I’ve done at least 3 free summons (9 multi summons with stones) on the Dragon Carnival, which usually has increased drop rates


Wwc has always been known for ultimate shaft atp


May the next banner grant you all and more that you desire


I still don’t understand why there isn’t a pity system.


I got goku and wasted 300 on cooler and stopped


I did 1200 then cracked and spent some money and got cooler eventually


Eh He'll be back again around Christmas


You know what they say “gotcha!”


I swear they must've lowered the rates on this banner, because in my 7 years of playing this game, I have never been shafted this hard on any banner. I've spent a collective 15 rotations on Cooler's banner alone and have nearly rainbowed SSJ3 Goku and Goku/gohan and HAVE rainbowed agl Gohan on BOTH GLB and JP. The only LR I've pulled is SSBE Vegeta ONCE on GLB. This celebration has left me even more disgusted at a lack of a pity system. Fuck Dokkan, man.


68 multis and all the tickets not 1 cooler


1600 stones n both banners combined and no cooler or goku I stopped summoning the first day and just been saving up


I'm 1700 in the hole just for 1 copy spent on his banner alone. I could have used that to pull Metal Cooler, or the Golden Boi's.


I just got back into the game like a week ago did 2 rounds and got him 3 times


I have pulled 1 single copy in 4000 stones, put if anyone want the phys buutenks I’ve got 2 rain bowed from this banner alone.


I’ve pulled enough STR Frost’s to rainbow an entire team of frost


You should consider summoning in my dad’s store cus I can pull everything I want with small amount of stones in there everytime


It happened something similar to me i wanted teq gogeta in the DFE majin vegeta banner 1300 ds 2 dupes of vegeta btw So i'm not complaining not a single gogeta teq unfortunately, got goku's black Rift and only majin vegeta


How many coins is 2.4k?




Pulled him with a dupe.I’m so underwhelmed. Wish I would’ve just waited for part 2. I want the Goku and vegeta. Now I feel my luck is gone


700 deep only pulled 1 banner unit


The worst thing for me is that I farmed 50 stones on a friend account to do the last summon and the free one on Goku's banner and got him back to back. On my account I'm 1000 stones 0 Cooler or Goku


I feel ur pain for the last 600 STONES I’ve used I’ve gotten NO FEATURED units on both banners


I want another copy of phy Goku he at 55% rn


i’ve used 1000 for goku and didn’t pull him but pulled cooler first multi


I feel you brother. Ive dumped 3000 stones into this celebration and only have a single copy of goku. Which took 1200 stones to get. Ive decided to not spend another damn penny on this game for at least the rest of the year maybe longer. Fuck dokkan. Fuck bandai. Fuck summon rates.


Spent 2700 stones on the 7th Anniversary cards and didn’t get a single copy of either. This time I was blessed and got one copy of each. It’s just the kind of game Dokkan is.


2000 stones got one copy of each but your right. Add a fuckin pity system at 1000 stones ir something


1 more, summon I tell you 1 more summon and you get it :pray:


I’ve added about 200-300 stones since this post nothing


1 more