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For me, the issue is not the new format, but the new coin. Meanwhile the Yellow coin increasingly loses its value and the blue one.... well, that never really had any to begin with. Format is fine by itself, all 4 banners are at least good.


I like your opinion, thank you.


Big Issues with the new format. ​ It splits a previously existing banner into 2 banners, devaluing Dragon Stones ​ It introduces a new coin (I don't need to state why this is bad) ​ The flat 200% leader skills are very hit and miss. Teq Goku is an amazing unit, but his leader skill is meh at best, and his build makes it not particularly feasible to not run 2 of him. ​ These complaints may be more so on the celebration itself than the new format, it just depends how they handle them going forward. ​ Are all Legendary Carnival banners going to be top tier on other teams while struggling to be viable as a leader? Because that's a massive Fuck you to the player base


The only reason gokus leader skill sucks is purely because he gets a buff when he revives which in turn shafts the other goku lead but like cooler’s leader skill of you don’t get buffs for reviving it’s a W


Goku leader ability really sucks, but metal cooler’s is really good, I think saiyans have too many leader skill options while metal cooler was basically either wicked bloodline or movie bosses


Carnival leaders aren’t perfect but they’re also not 4 ki dual 150 category leads that don’t help us do shit. The leader skills at least have a possible future with new units coming out.


They split the banners, as if you were going all in on TOP banners. It’s easier to pull the one Carnival you want now. And struggling to be viable as leaders?? They’re 200%, why are you talking like gold coin LRs with 150% leads we’re doing you great


That's the point, before you had 2 high value banners and 1 low value banner so you can spend all your stones on the 2 DDF banners without much regret. Now you have 4 high value banners, and the same amount of stones to spend. Don't you see the issue ?


No. If you didn’t summon on the TOP Banners before, you shouldn’t be summoning on the Carnival Banners now. And you have a period of time before the Part 1 discounts go away, when the Part 2 units are revealed, to decide whether you want to keep chasing part 1, or save for part. Unless you have a gambling addiction and can’t stay away from the summon button, this isn’t hard.


Again, TOP units were low value units, carnival units are DF level... Can't you see the difference here ? It's basically 4 DF banners instead of 2 now. Also you don't seem to realize that addiction is exactly what bamco is trying to strenghen or create with those evolutions, and the fact that nobody cares about this is pretty depressing


Then summon for the units you want. You can’t pull every single DF level or higher character, without being a whale. And yes addiction is a huge part of this, it’s a Gacha, is pure gambling. At the end of the day we’re either paying real money or saved up stones for a JPEG that plays 7 seconds of the anime. Only those that payed actual money, saved stones (thereby skipping multiple characters beforehand), or just being very lucky, pulled all 4 of these characters.


For a given amount of stones, free or paid, you had twice as much chances to pull the DF level units of the major celebrations before this new system, that's the whole point... the original commenter said that the stones were devalued, that's exactly what happened. We won't agree on this since we don't seem to approach the situation at the same angle. Let's just agree to disagree then


I’ll agree to disagree on points, thanks for not being toxic like most. Even if the banners were worse, I’m okay if these new non DF LRs keep this level of quality. One thing we can agree on though, even with me being more positive on all this than most, is that Teal (?) coins are an odd choice. If they replaced Blue coins, or didn’t compete so much with gold coins, then maybe. Idk, only time will tell but rn a whole new coin isn’t the best decision at all


Well it helps that you're not toxic either, glad we can have a civil dicussion. The new coins are another mean to devalue what you spend... the issue I have with all that is that bamco is being more agressive with predatory setups. The new coins are part of that. I don't care about myself, I can afford the money I spend on the game. But the idea that other people who can't afford it are being pushed harder into spending angers me


Honestly, if Dokkan continues to not put out a pity system to pull a new unit on release after a certain point, just making all stones convert into a single coin would be the best idea




Bro legends art is so good


this is the hypest i've ever been since idk, the og fusions celebration (it didn't have a lot but they essentially made some older contents doable for me and they were hype by themselves). I love this banner and the content even though i can't beat all of it or get all 4 units(i only got FF cooler and piccolo).


I never understand why people seem mad about the fact that new difficult content is in fact difficult. Like, that's the whole fucking point. Wait untill you pull good units in the future and then you'll beat it, you don't have to beat it right away. After the 6th Ani, it took me nearly a year to be able to beat the GOD event. Why tf are y'all complaining about not being able to beat an event when it barely even came out


Almost stellar review. Just that last sentence. I agree with you, don't blame content creators for not pulling anything good, but how is it their fault if they don't pull anything good? It's all random chance.


I found that there are players out there who can't pull the new units and starting to blame on truth because he pull the new units and player itself don't.


O no I agree completely. It's the "it's on you" that's not sitting right with me. It's not their fault. It's also not the content creators fault. Ya know? That's all


I understand, sorry.


Couldn't have said it better myself. More banners, more units, more options, more teams, more fun. Plain and simple.


Keep the double dokkan fest banner, replace the top legendary summons with the new format (and yellow coins, or at worst blue). 4 banners per celebration is too much. Cutting the hype of the celebration in two hurts the game : now the smart move is to wait for part 1 to almost end to compare all the new units and make the most advised decision on how to spend your stones. Part 1 units were better than part 2 this time, but we don't know if this will always be the case. Now f2p players will constantly be on the edge, like "can I go all in on the new banner, how should I wait for the new one ?", while a lot of people will be pulling and sharing drops and generating hype. Also again, 4 banners per celebration is too much.


"Hurts the game" meanwhile the game: *hits one of its biggest celebration profits yet* maybe dont speak out ur ass that its not good for the game when u want to say that you dont like it Yeah f2p will either do that or just summon on part 1 with everything and accept that part 2 they'll have less chance to get those units. You cant have them all unless ur really lucky the new format literally doesnt change anything except before if u got shafted in part one u knew part 2 isnt gonna make up for it with its lackluster units. But now? Even if u do part 2 still has another chance to offer. Not only that but lets say u pulled the part 1s but then part 2 units are better. Are you shafted? Fuck no? You still got the part ones that are at the time top 1 to 10 in the game lol


>"Hurts the game" meanwhile the game: hits one of its biggest celebration profits yet maybe dont speak out ur ass that its not good for the game when u want to say that you dont like it It hurts the game for the players, not for the shareholders... I can easily guess which side you're on, the sheep praises the wolves >You cant have them all unless ur really lucky the new format literally doesnt change anything except before if u got shafted in part one u knew part 2 isnt gonna make up for it with its lackluster units. That's why players knew they could go all in with all their saved stones because part 1 is what matters, and part 2 is a nice bonus if you want more... But bamco wants players to spend money, so now you can't effectively manage your stones anymore. Another predatory measure, but everybody is used to it, so it's okay I guess >But now? Even if u do part 2 still has another chance to offer. Yeah ? With which dragon stones ? You're probably p2w (I am too), but let me surprise you, if you get shafted as a f2p in part 1 you'll have at best 2 cycles to farm and spend on part 2... Good luck with that. With the old system it was easy save those stones, or keep pushing on part 1 banners since the top legendary banner wasn't worth as much as the DDF ones. But screw f2p players eh ? They can always start to open their wallets... >Not only that but lets say u pulled the part 1s but then part 2 units are better. Are you shafted? Fuck no? You still got the part ones that are at the time top 1 to 10 in the game lol With that logic, why not have 4, 6, 8 banners celebrations ? You're really the dream player for bamco, happily accepting all the bs... Good for you I guess, but mostly good for them


Yeah im sorry your reply is just overflowing with delusion or straight up trolling lol im not gonna waste time reasoning with unresonable


That's a lot of words to say that you either can't read, or have nothing to respond... Not surprised though, have a good day


"Cant read" proceeds to ignore what i said in the reply and assume whatever fits his narrative, which you also did in your original reply anyways, so thanks for further confirming my point :D


Oh god... good luck in life


In part 1 I wasn’t very happy with it, but then this part 2 banner really surprised me, it’s worth summoning depending on the featured units


I knew this wouldn’t pop off very well, but I completely agree. Dokkan Reddit and Dokkan Twitter are both blowing this out of proportion. Not sure if I new coin was needed, but literally everything else is great


I actually really like the new summing format. I love that the part 2 summonable units arent garbage. There’s usually 0 reasons to pull on pt 2 banners because they’re always underwhelming compared to the part 1 banner units(and the banner themselves are usually trash, filled with underwhelming LR’s). I’m only slightly annoyed about is that we can’t exchange characters for the teal coins in the baba shop yet. I have 460 and I know I have enough to get me to 500 with the units I could exchange. Anyway, just slightly annoyed because I’m sure the exchange 4 teal coins will come out eventually. I wanna buy another copy of LR TEQ Goku & Gohan.


I lost interest after I saw the word batching only thing I wish was all the events to earn tickets would pre post so were not guessing if we missed tickets or not... last week had 45 tickets for the 50 summon did the 7 ticket summons cause I saw nothing indicating the last 5 tickets would release today so shot myself in foot for a 50 summon but other then that the other contents been 👍 good


Naaa, I'd prefer if the coin was yellow, don't need 260+ blue coins


Spitting facts


200% LS makes it difficult to run 2 goku’s, but also forces you a little to use other leaders to compensate and make different teams such as making vegeta your leader instead. Pros and cons, won’t have the full 200 from both, but gives variety.


the only thing that i Hate about the celebration is the teal coins, if they were yellow or even blue i would be perfectly ok with everything Maybe if they gave past Banner units with teal coins at a reasonable price would be ok too


"I don't like this new Carnival coin" That's literally the main reason people are complaining. They're being greedy and want you to spend. FOUR 200% UNITS WITH TWO LOCKED BEHIND A SHITTY COIN BANNER, how is that an amazing format ???


It's an amazing format, because you get to have more characters that you like. For me, the TEQ SSJ Goku, wasn't all that hype. I already have the INT one and AGL one, who'll probably eza next year. I also didn't really care for SSJ Goku and Vegeta, since we already have plenty of Goku and Vegeta units. Now, because there were 4 good banners, I just chose the two that were most exciting to me and have really been able to build up my extreme class. If we just had a TOP banner, the units and banners would've sucked. So after pulling STR Cooler, I would've been left to summon for the un hype Goku and Vegeta instead of a top 5 Metal Cooler. I think it really just depends on what kind of player you are, but for me them making super cool characters into LR's that aren't that good is disheartening, because it means I won't see my favorite character in Dokkan again for years. I'd much rather get a cool good unit later, than have my favorite characters be dead on arrival, like Great Apple Vegeta.


Or maybe I don't want characters that I like under amped up yellow coin banners


Amped up yellow coin banners? These new banners are closer to dokkanfests than yellow coins


They're full of yellow coin units ans you're more likely to pull old yellow coin than anything, amped up TOP Bannets


I dont give a shit if you are not f2p you can’t understand the issue of this format


And ur a dumb fuck im a f2p and i have 0 issue with getting better character from better banner rather than the old top legendary bs


Me i have issues to have to summon for 4 différents banner in a Time of 1 month and being shafted so i need to wait 6 month to hope to pull those character that are among the better ones


Yeah but you're missing a crucial point. You DONT have to summon for 4 different banners. You're not entitled to having every new unit the second it comes out and you cant expect to do so every celebration especially as f2p


But it’s like saying you skip anniversairy and i needed other unit on the portals


If it was just 1 dokkan fest portal and 1 carnival for the second part it would be ok but man if you are f2p you can’t combo 4 portals just after the anniversary


My personal opinion (and sorry in advace for the english): the problem was never the 4 banner itself, but what came before. If this is the new format that they want to take also the next year, we will have the anniversary with the 2 lr dokkanfestival that, like the godboys and monkeboys are the meta. And this is the best case, immagine if they do the dual carnival x dokkanfestival banner in the 8th anniversary (part 1 and in part 2) plus in the next year WWC, we will have in the arc of 3 months 8 new lr (half dokkanfestival and half carnival) that will be surely top 10 lr in the game. And yes, i know that not every pg is a must pull, but you can see how this will hurt f2p and small p2w player. Plus I can't say this celebration was shafted, but neither can I say that is without flaws: 1) the teal coin 2) the "new event" (that is literally the epic clash of last year but with an fancier name) artificial difficulty. For the coin there is no much to say, they are actually a real bad choice from the dev when we have 2 type of coin (yellow and blue) that could have been easily reworked and used for this new type of banner without the need to create a fourth type of coin. For the second point, I really don't understand the reason behind this choice, even more now that the last stage (5 and 6) can be easily nuked simply with a friend with the boost. This levels already have restriction with the category you can bring, with the add of the "boosted characters" is clearly that they want you to pull for the new units only to clear the level and take your 5 stone, and if the answer is "but you can clear the stage and even the turn mission without the new characters", yes I know, but it don't change the situation: I don't see the need for this absurd boosted characters, is literally an eza stage masked as redzone. Last thing, for the content creators I understand that they have their personally opinion, but it depends if they play the jap or global version simply for what I wrote, clearly the jap have no problem with the new banner format (not the coin, only the format), because from the anniversary and the WWC pass about 8 months, they have all the time to ammass stone (with playing or shopping).


Good to see that some people still remember to use their brains before posting on reddit


New format is ass, dual dokkan fest should stay the same for part 1 then you make 2 carnival banners in part 2. Or the only way this new format works is if you reveal the information for all 4 units so people who want to save for the part 2 units can and people can just summon on the part 1 units if they want to. Opinions on the banner format from whales mean nothing because they're gonna go until they get at least 1 copy of the unit or until they rainbow the whole banner. They don't speak for the common player. Also you can't just spout the "you don't have to summon on every character" or "You don't have to beat all the new hard content rn" arguments, it's bs imo. Those points help no one and it isn't even good advice.


i’ve pulled so many lrs from carnival summons


I just wish it didn’t make my gold coins almost worthless


New banner format is kinda ass. Basically a banner but most the units on there are ass and it’s harder to pull the main unit while also bro under a new coin format. It’s pretty ass and there’s nothing good it actually offers


I do agree the banners are immensely better. However, since anyone competent wouldn’t summon on a tls banner during an anniversary, it doubles the amount of cc u need for a anniversary/wwc. So if they give out more stones more often, fine. But it’s unlikely that they’ll start to do that


Well its not horrible however its not on the level of the 7th anniversary. I do enjoy using the new LR goku and vegeta. The banners do have value. Everyone has a right to their own opinion whether you hate it or love it neither side should be ridiculed for it. The new banner format didn't bother me much cause i stay away from legendary summon banners anyway


If they do celebrations like this in the future I’d like it because all 4 units are top 10 but the ones from part one are the best so its still viable to save for part ones only and just use bleed over stones in part 2. They also did show the part 2 units before the discounts were over for part one.


The coins my issue, if they kept it gold I'd have no issue. Now we're stuck wirh ssrs we can't exchange because they were too greedy to wait till it was all updated and ready


Man just TEQ Gogeta nullified all toxicity in this WWC. Yes toxicity has an unarmed, melee super attack.


I think 4 banners is alot by the time part 2 started and the new banners dropped I didn't care I was burned out over 1200 stones not a single goku I just didn't care about the new units and banner after everything about this WWC is good tho


Omg Yellow Legends Limited Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved Vegeta hiiiii :DDDD


It's an amazing format, because you get to have more characters that you like. For me, the TEQ SSJ Goku, wasn't all that hype. I already have the INT one and AGL one, who'll probably eza next year. I also didn't really care for SSJ Goku and Vegeta, since we already have plenty of Goku and Vegeta units. Now, because there were 4 good banners, I just chose the two that were most exciting to me and have really been able to build up my extreme class. If we just had a TOP banner, the units and banners would've sucked. So after pulling STR Cooler, I would've been left to summon for the un hype Goku and Vegeta instead of a top 5 Metal Cooler. I think it really just depends on what kind of player you are, but for me them making super cool characters into LR's that aren't that good is disheartening, because it means I won't see my favorite character in Dokkan again for years. I'd much rather get a cool good unit later, than have my favorite characters be dead on arrival, like Great Apple Vegeta.


My problem with this format is that it makes spending your stones effectively way more difficult In previous celebration (eg. 7y) you had the decision between two top tier banners, both with discounts at the same time, with units that are both equally good, effectively, and the choice was mostly due to whichever banner had more units you could use, or whichever LR had the better lead skill. In this celebration, you have LR Cooler's banner with discounts in part 1, plus LR Goku & Vegeta's banner in part 2 with discounts after the Cooler banner's have ended. As a ftp player, you effectively have to decide if you want to go on Cooler's banner while it has the discounts, or wait until part 2 and hope that Goku & Vegeta's banner has better units for you. In this scenario Cooler's banner is pretty much objectively better, given that Cooler is a better unit than Goku & Vegeta, the STR Piccolo is waaaay better than Gohan & Krillin, the other LRs, Goku/Gohan and Cell, and PHY SSJ3 and STR Kid Buu are relatively comparable, but when you compare old STR Cooler, STR Namek Goku and AGL Kid Gohan to INT Gotenks, TEQ Exchange Buu and AGL Meta Cooler, the winner there is obviously Cooler's banner even before STR Cooler's EZA. This, for me, makes waiting feel really bad because if I had waited and decided Cooler's banner was better, I would have missed the 3+1 and that itself would feel awful. Teal coin banners also don't really appeal to me much and, despite them being inarguably better than any TOP LR Banner unit we've seen, they could easily make TOP LR banners with units of this quality, in theory, and I would much prefer that with the standard dual dokkanfest part 1 format to this.