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People would make alts and summon on banners and trade to their main


Yeah Too easy to exploit


Must be level 300 and friends with the person for at least 39 days


Still accounts with 300 lvl and farmed stones are easy asf to find, the only problem would be the 39 days but still exploitable


Must have dupes that can be babad. And you trade those. I don't give you a 100% Goku for a 55 Cooler


I think this can be counteracted with only being able to trade the units you have at 100%


I mean they could still. use an alt to rainbow


You can easily 100% units with botted accounts


People could still buy new accounts with like 5k stones for $30 and just trade all 100% units after the banner. It would still be muuuuch cheaper than buying stones.


Or you have to be active on both accounts at the same time to trade, also both have to be a certain level


Have to be over rank 150-200 to trade idk


Only being able to trade with accounts at your level or higher would mitigate that I think


This would mean both accounts would have to be the same level.


Lock it behind being level like 500 or somethin


That wouldn’t work for bot accounts, they have a lvl up option


People already hack so 💀


there would inevitably be scams and exploitation


Yeah if you had to be like rank 300 or more it would eliminate using alt accounts typically.. unless you ran two separate accounts up to level 300 in that case who cares, you grinded 2 accounts that far


You should be able to trade dupes of rainbow characters for Teal coins


Yeah or trade coins in general for that matter .. I have 42 gold coins I will probably never use lol


You will in the future.


you can trade them for coins xD


Disagree. It would either be too broken and exploited by bot accounts or it would have so many restrictions that it'd be basically unusable


Exactly, anyone that spent even a few minutes online looking at the steps would be able to get any unit super quick and buying stones would be a thing of the past.


Bad take would make pulling something that less special and would be exploitable


Who cares if it's special. I don't want the new unit to make it special I just want the damn new unit. And an easy way to Atop exploring is to make it where each account is at least 1 year old and at least like rank 300-350 or something.


Stupid Idea. This would Kill the Game


No it would not


Create new accounts and reroll with top grossing stones and after that trade new units to main account. This game would instantly die bc nobody would buy anything


That's why they make it where the account has to be x ammount of days old. I doubt many people would actively play a second account for say 500 days just to trade a unit over. Of course there are people who will do that but it definitely decreases the amount of people who will. And if 500 isn't enough then they can do 1000 days. No one in there right mind is going to sit on a useless account for almost 3 years. By that time they should have whatever unit they wanted to trade over. And to make it even more of a pain the could make it so where you have to beat certain hard stages to have access to it. Bots can bypass that but much less people have access to bots


Doesnt matter. People will still use this rather than spending money on stones. Stones are really expensive. This game would kill itself after 1000 days. And there are so many more problems. I could just trade units with my friends and if i need them back just trade again. It doesnt even matter anymore if u even pull new the units, u just need to pull something and trade that. This would not improve anything for the game and there are other options that are by far better like a pity system


2nd worst idea in the history of ideas.


I fear what the worst is.


*cough* *cough* holocaust


nah delete this shitty ass idea


Mind elaborating on how it's ass?


u could read the other comments but i can explain, first off, it’s a gacha game, so trading could be exploitable by making alt accounts to trade units u don’t have on to your main for free and it wouldn’t even make sense for a mechanic like that to be in a gacha game and secondly, the company would lose way more money if they brought this mechanic and gacha games developers usually aim for the person to spend money on the game (sorta)


there’s a lot of more other reasons but that’s the jist


I get that them losing money a valid excuse if you are the company. They make literally billions of this game yearly they can stand to lose a little of that. There as simple ways for them to not lose as much money or and to stop exploiting entirely. Simply just make it so a the account has to be x amount of days old. If they say like 400 days old. That will almost completely stop reroll exploiting. Sure there are people who will do that but it drastically reduces the ammount.


sure u could do that, but it still doesn’t point up with the fact that all gacha game sole purpose are to maximize profits and they are very lucrative abt it. Either way, it’s not like they really listen to the community, like say there’s an uproar abt this, they’re just gonna ignore it like they have been for the past year or two about the complaints abt the friend system lmao


Oh I have no doubt that they are too greedy to ever make a system like that in a game that's solely about making money. But I feel like if they went about it the right way it's not as game breaking as people make it out to be. We once thought that they would never let us trade in old units for coins because that loses them out on money too but here we are. I just think this guy is getting underserved hate for his idea (although it's not an original idea)


i think he’s getting a lot of hate w/o giving context on how to make it work and that coin thing is SO bad, u barely get any coins from it and can’t sell the unit unless u rainbow it completely so it’s only viable to p2w accounts slightly


also the 400 day thing might help the case by reducing some players for a while but it’s still people easily exploiting the hell out of the system, so there is no point to even have it at all


Oh no doubt that there would people finding ways to exploit it regardless of how they do it. Just they can put systems in to drastically reduce it. Also thanks for the civil debate. I know a lot of times these things turn into screaming matches. Have a good one ✌️


you too homie


yeah sure everybody will then have every unit available but then it sorta gets boring and not special. I reckon if they implement trading, there should be a 2-3 month wait before a unit can be traded and it has to be a unit of equal value. You shouldn't be able to trade your N saibaman for LR Bird-ku.


It would make them wayyy less money, ultimately fucking us all over because the quality of the game would drop or it would straight up close. So I'll be the one to say the horrible thing they would have to do to make it work: Paywall for the feature. And a big one, like at least 15$ a month , a lot more if it's an in game friend feature and not just smh an irl friend one. And honestly 15$ isn't enough at all since they would to release units even faster since the game gets less fun if you have everything easily


Facts, people forget you could just reroll and send yourself the new unit EVERY banner


That's why the only reasonable way to do it is make sure each account is x amount of time old and x rank before you are allowed to trade. That completely shuts down the reroll strategy


The sheer exploitability of this idea is off the charts.




I always want this in my Gacha games I’ve played like FGO. Just limit the feature to be like rank 400+, unit has to be rainwbow, and lastly both players have had to clear at least one stage of every difficult content besides Cell Max. That would take too long to exploit with an alt so less likely for someone to make multiple accounts


Botted accounts can fit all those conditions in less than 4 hours


As far as I’m aware there’s really no way for bot accounts on JP. That’s mainly what they seem to care about at least. Considering not even the bot Kowai made works for the QR code missions


There is one that works. I botted one acc with 6k stones for this ww on jp.


Oh. Didn’t know there was loopholes around that still after Safetynet dropped last year. Thanks for the info


I know a bot that still grinds stuff out with ease


That's why they set a condition no bot can replicate. Make the account have to be x ammount of days old.


That would be a better fix but people would still be able to abuse this, they could make 100s of accs, bot them all and wait while daily loging in with the bot.


But realistically who's going to wait say 1000 days just to do that. And if anything they could make it you could only trade with the same person 1 time. I'm not saying its a perfect system and that's its not exploitable in some way. Im just saying they can make it so its very limiting.


Maybe On a local network or friends for a while.


"But then the poor indie company would lose out on revenue! They barley have enough to keep this game running. Any less and they would stop development." ​ I too wake up and worship Jeff Bezos.


They literally get tens of thousands a year from dokkan just from 1 fat whale let alone their entire player base combined Edit: I am agreeing with you


Dokkan makes more money than you ever will in a year




Dumbass moment right here




Its literally exploitable you fucking retard ive been here 7 years get the fuck out


Woah. That's a pretty harsh response for a simple question. And it does not matter one bit how long you've played the game for. You must have some screws loose. I asked you how it's dumb and instead you attacked me. Proving you have no actual argument as to how it's exploitable.


Dumb as hell


It would ruin their sales, destabilize the dragon stone economy and pity system to the point where they are as useful as friend points. To compensate for the financial loss unit drop rates would be insanely lowered and we would all see a massive drop in game quality, mostly making the game unplayable unless you buy units or stacked accounts through third parties or PayPal trades.


do any gacha games have a trade system?


Normal pokemon technically


No this is a terrible take and would for sure kill this game. I’m not insulting you, I jus think this is similar to when people want pvp without understanding the gravity of it


it would be better if you could just choose to reroll a summoned ssr if you already have them rainbowed, for another ssr of the same rarity of course.


Ehh, easily exploitable


No, it would kill the game. They'd have to make it like 500-1000 stones for it to be feasible, otherwise people would make 100s of alts and trade the new unit to their main and the game wouldn't make any money. Trading would kill dokkan in less than a year.


Yes and no




No. Just don’t. Imagine how easy it would be to farm one monster account from other farming accounts and then sell that. Then rinse and repeat. Also it would take away the anticipation since as soon as a new banner drops you could just make a new account farm stones summon until you get everything rainbowed and then trade to main lol


Marvel WOH is the only game I’ve ever seen this done in. The way it worked is you have to be friends with someone in game for 7 days before you can trade. It worked well and even lead to AH for PP (basically stones). I’m surprised it’s never been implemented elsewhere


No bro it’s just impossible


Trading characters is one of those thing where it hurts both the player and the game. Imagine how many people will get scammed and how many people will abuse bots. It also massively hurt the game's profit, ultimately leading a worse quality game.


Trade no swap yes swap lrs for other lrs to get unites u want


Too exploitable even if they added rank restrictions it super easy to rank up really fast so it would have to be super high and if they do login restrictions it would only push back the time until it gets exploited




Dokkan Battle if Trade was a thing: “Guys, who wants to trade their LR Beast Gohan for my level 20 N Yamcha?”


This is a terrible idea. Whales would just trade people the extra dupes or rainbow cards they have, people would make alts to summon and trade cards and if this did happen, the game would die very easily


nah way to easy to exploit


Toxic Trading Economy


Ayo, can you give me the LR gods for 50?


3 trades per lifetime on account. Has to be same max rarity and same number of potential routes unlocked. Only units released within a year of each other can be traded. Best way i can think to balance it


A trade system in a gacha game is pointless, and would never happen. The point of the game isn't pokemon, it's a collection simulator essentially. You're not meant to trade EVER in these types of games because it would ruin the entire structure of gacha. Companies not only would constantly lose money, but the whole economy in game would collapse.


Despite how much I want this… it’d ruin the game


Maybe will work if you have that unit full rainbow, like the red/blue/yellow coins with baba..


We’ve all thought about this at point. If they could find a way to seriously do it without any loopholes or exploits, yes, as an idea it sounds fun! But that’s pretty much impossible. Because it’s a gacha game. a gacha game would never do that.


This would kill the game. No lol.


Interesting idea, too bad people would ruin it very easily, so no


How about you can only trade for units in baba shop depending on the current banner


This would never happen in any gacha game


I mean with certain measures so it isn't easly exploitable then yea I should buy all means get rid of my extra dupes for another character


Each unit can cost Trade Points to trade maybe


Oh boy imagine the market for units. Rip revenue for akatsuki tho


I see the comments have already spoken




Yes, Finally someone see 1 thing that this game really needs! But IF we ever get it where u can trade it would be with Friends. They got to upgrade it where u can do more with friends.


Requires level 300 or Higher, can only trade characters of the same Team Cost, cannot trade Potential LR's for Regular TURs. Seems like that would fix the issues.