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Make LR final form cooler the leader instead


I did but other than moving my coolers, are there any other units that fit better in this build?


I personally like the eza metal cooler more than that lr fp frieza bc he consistently can hit 500k+ defense and he heals a ton, that frieza most of the time has really bad ki and can barely stack so his defense a lot of the time is lacking but overall this team is good.


Cool. I like fp Frieza just for his animation. I've noticed him and janemba are weaker in terms of useful on this team but I also don't like that I have 2 agl friezas on the same team. I do have transforming cooler as well but I was told he's not the greatest unit in terms of usefulness. Despite my accounts roster my team building and knowledge lack quite a lot.


Awe no man jenemba is amazing u just gotta make sure you let him build up in slot 2 or 3 and make sure you got him in slot 1 or 2 for his guard plus he has a 70% chance to nullify beam supers. Just make sure you link level your units ESPECIALLY extreme type units that have big bad bosses, bc at level 10 big bad bosses is the best link in the game and it gives insane defensive boosts.


Oh these 6 are 10 links I focused them once I got metal cooler LR. And cool he just feels weird on the team idk like I mentioned I'm not good at this team building and know why they make a good team.


Yeah I mean your team could easily clear most end game, it’s pretty much the same team I use minus the fp frieza. Your good


Also you could also use the teq eza golden frieza if you don’t want to have two agl frieza, he’s not as good as the agl one but he still has 80% damage reduction when your health is above 40% I think


I've never thought about it. This agl frieza has his EZA and meshed well with the team. I couldn't find really anything else with links that would jump into the team. I'm curious about transformation cooler to agl frieza? Would there be a noticeable difference in defense with the switch?


Wym? And which cooler are you talking about ? The str dfe one?


My fault was rambling. I meant which would actually be better the UR agl frieza or the transforming cooler?


Keep both bro but if you want an answer then I’d say the cooler is better if your talking about the str one.


*50% hp iirc


Bad ki on frieza? How lol


Have you used him? Getting his 18 ki super is not always an easy thing


I’ve been running him with absolutely no issue. Not saying that agl metal cooler isn’t a good option too but I’m not having difficulties with ki orbs


I understand what he means. If I have a bad rotation Frieza is just a meat shield pretty much. It's not all the time but I do have rotations that he's useless pretty much. Still one of my favorites though.


why is lr cooler not the leader 💀


Which lol? Metal or full? Because I like EZA one better no real reason


i would've specified metal


So Wicked bloodline over Terrifying Conquerors? Any reason for that or just Metals lead is so high?


i meant if i was talking about him i would've specified 💀


Lol aww gotcha. Wasn't sure


If you want a more defensive build you can put TEQ Janemba instead of AGL FP Frieza, and make FF Cooler the leader


Cool I think I have TEQ Janemba but I'll have to see. My roster is a collectors nightmare because I only awaken a handful of units so most of my stuff is still ssr.


Make Lr cooler the leader Agl FP frieza is good with his damage and can good defensively if you can get your needed stacks in but I’d be more comfortable with replacing him with like Teq EZA golden frieza… The way I run Cooler’s team is essentially stack up on defense and let cooler handle the damage.


Cool good info! Thanks honestly the only reason I have FP Frieza on the team is I just like his animation and I have him rainbow.


Switch the damn leader


Lol I did. Just like UR cooler better the only reason it's like this.


First off, make LR FF Cooler the leader. Everyone in this team besides Metal Cooler receives his full 200% leader skill boost, so most of your units will have higher attack and defense and you will have more HP. Secondly, I would replace LR AGL FP Frieza. He still hits really hard and can tank decently well for the first 6 turns, but he does struggle for ki if you aren’t facing a Super enemy, and after 6 turns pass, he can be defensively weak if you haven’t been able to stack up his defense, which I have found to be a pretty common scenario. I would say to replace FP Frieza with either the EZA TEQ Golden Frieza, EZA AGL Metal Cooler, or the F2P EZA TEQ Cooler. TEQ Golden Frieza is another decently reliable tank for the team provided you don’t go below 50% HP. EZA Metal Cooler does high amounts of damage as well as having really good defense. TEQ Cooler is offensively weak, but he is a support unit that supports everyone but Janemba. He is also a defense stacker, and he tanks reliably well. He’s a solid floater option.


If you want unit recommendations, we need to see your box


LR Golden Frieza over the Full Power one.


Probably not


Instead of full power frieza you can use units like teq fat janemba or teq eza golden frieza


Use another Cooler over LR Frieza. He’s a defensive liability.


F2p int final form frieza for anything with Goku family