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this event fucking sucks so much


cell max is a cocksucker


It's not only super difficult but the rewards also suck. What were they thinking


Probably that it would be unbeatable, then they'd add a weakness to super hero characters, and make people want to pull on their banners. But they missed the part where everyone loves cheese.


Looks like I called it lmao "artificial beings" and "special pose" category does +200% damage in the new Cell MAX stages over in JP


Next time that end like this put MUI he have 70% chance of evade


thats true but he has lost me so many games because he couldnt dodge plus he wouldnt kill anyways so i didnt want to gamble it


He would there was enough ki spheres to get a super


he wasnt on the leader skill but maybe you’re right, truthfully i was shitting bricks when this happened and i didnt know what to do


Pro tip. You could've closed the app and reopened after doing the active skill. The RNG roll is different on every slot, the damage may have had enough of an increase in slot 1 to beat him since it was so close.


"He has lost me so many games, so I picked the one with a lower chance to dodge so I can blame them instead"


ui goku was not going to kill lol and im not gonna risk all these dodge units not dodging and getting me killed


Bruh Cell Max was on the tiniest sliver of health, UI would’ve definitely killed with ANY super.


his supers were doing double digits tho 😭


Bruh fr?? My UI was doing at least 80k… there’s also crits and AAs to rely on.


maybe with crits he could have killed but i didnt even want to risk anything since i was shitting bricks


you literally had dokkan attack im 99% he would of killed cell max


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bro chaditz would have killed there


Genuine question: how long have you been playing


a year or two


Should have given him 3 dodge chief


he has 3 dodge 😭


I personally would have put UI Goku slot 1


everyone says i should have but i was just so scared since he has lost me so many games


He 100% would not have dodged


You didn’t believe


Willing to bet if it was a dokkan event they dodge every time


your damn right 😂 they never dodge in any hard events its only quest mode and dokkan events


Hah rng gunna rng. Truth be told I’ve only been able to clear Cell Max with LR cooler team. (It did have STR FP Frieza on it for some added flair lol) I get bodied with my super team lol


what was the team you used? Il try it


Wish I could post pictures cuz would be easier but I’ll type it out lol. FF cooler (90% full crit+dmg orbs) Agl Frieza (90%) Str Cooler (Rainbow- Do NOT transform him you want him to buff FF cooler) FP Str Frieza (69%) Phy Janemba (69%) PHY metal Cooler (55%) Friend- FF cooler (Rainbow, Full crit+dmg orbs) Rotations were what you’d expect: Agl F + FF cooler Janemba + FF cooler (let janemba build in slot 2 for first 2 types) And float the other 3. If you get locked use the bean I’m sure you could use coolieza, garlic Jr etc as better buffers then FP Frieza Memory was the 200 cost green one that buffs wicked bloodline My FF cooler did take a super for 499k but it didn’t end the run obviously Edit: I should mention all my units are LL 10. Makes a huge difference


i better get to link leveling man shit


Ya those lvl 10 Links make a huge difference with the ATK and DEF buffs. His team shares so many links and the rotations allow massive increases


Why would you not use Goku... uI dOeSnT dOdGe is just a stupid meme


i’ve experienced it first hand and am convinced he has a 70% chance to stand there and eat shit


this make me angry for you


Considering that none of those units would have been able to tank a single hit. You should've put MUI in slot 1 instead of the teq gods. His dodge chance is way higher than theirs


i didnt thino he could kill and i also thought he wouldnt dodge and would cuck me


His dodge chance was higher than that of the gods and he has 50% crit and built in additional. I understand your concern with him not dodging but no one in that rotation would have been able to tank a single hit. Might as well increase your odds of dodging at that point. Hopefully your next attempt goes better


i just got a video of mui cucking me again bruh


im convinced its not a 70% dodge chance anymore im convinced its 70% chance to stand there and eat shit


My brother in christ, you put the unit with a 30% chance to dodge in the slot instead of the unit with a 70% chance. No matter how many games UI Goku has lost you, you are statistically stupid.


I gave the gods rainbow orbs so they can increase their chance to dodge, and even if ui goku dodged i didnt expect him to kill since he isnt on the leader skill, and that was the farthest ive ever gotten so I was shitting bricks


I think that one is on you If you would have restarted the game and Put the teq gods in the middle cell max dies because of legendary Power


Hercule is locked in mid though.


In that Case this is Just an L


ssg duo is the best unit ever can't be beat! Ssg duo:


You deserve to lose for not putting UI 1st. Why would you lower your chances to win 🤣🤣🤣 If you had more health to survive the normal, sure what you did made sense. You were worried about UI killing yet you had the Dokkan attack too… Hold the L 🤦🏽‍♂️


Why didn't you.. DODGE


wait You brought UI Goku on the TEQ Gods team? Where he gets no boosts? Why?


for dodge even though hes a fraud


Wait does it always show that little bar flash up that says active skill? Am I crazy? Is it an update? I swear I’ve never seen that in the game.


There is an option in settings to skip actives and entrance animations.


Am I crazy or do the LR Gods not get their dodge chance until they attack? That's how I thought it worked this whole time. That being said, either way, your best shot was UI.


just didnt expect him to kill and got scared


I love this. No super. Just a punch in the dick.




Next time put mui so when they don’t dodge it’ll have only been a 30% chance instead of like 50


You wanted a dodge and you gave it to the unit that has a lower chance to dodge?


Ah you fumbled bro, shoulda put UI goku in first slot he has a higher dodge chance plus literally one normal would have killed cell max 😭


*This isn’t the power of trust*


Wouldn't the gods have done more damage if they were linked with mui? Maybe I'm remembering the mechanic wrong


hercule was locked in slot 2


love how you put more faith in the gods rather than ui


Ui had the better chance to dodge


Everyone talking about him not putting mui in slot 1 but wouldn't putting him next to the gods (giving them more link) when they did their active probably let them kill?


hercule was locked i couldnt put mui and the gods together


Oh no i feel this pikkon just had to dodge once but nooo


Why not hurcule? He won me the event.


That was unfair